Guide to loving your body: 1. Get naked and take a good long look at your body. Trace your stretch marks, feel your hip bones poking out, place your hand over your tummy and take a fistful of yourself in. Appreciate your scars and pimples, your uneven,large,or nonexistent breasts. Take pride in your un/shaven, un/cut, fantastically odd private bits. Hold up a mirror to yourself and study your body. Love it. 2. Be Ugly, reclaim words that are used to put you down and shut you up and scream right back at these fascist beauty standard reinforcing scumbags. Give them the finger and tell them to kiss your fat/skinny/somewhere in between ass ‘cause you ain’t got time to waste with their body hating bullshit. and remember, you don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Validate yourself by accepting yourself. 3. Wear clothes that don’t fit, that are too big or too small and show all your “problem areas” that cosmo insists you hide and walk down the street like the fucking fabulous queen you are. Sashay the hate away. 4. Do what YOU want with YOUR body. Shave or don’t, wear makeup or don’t, whatever choice you make is yours to make, and anyone who shames you for your decision can keep it moving. This also means respecting the choices of others, even if they differ from your own. 5. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people. Rid of the toxic bullshit in your life if possible, and immerse yourself in a community that embraces body positivity and diversity.
Unknown  (via masturbationdestination)
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"But honestly, Kim's pregnancy is just part — probably not even half — of what this weight controversy is about. The truth is that America loves knocking a woman down off of her pedestal. Kim Kardashian is not the first celebrity to be battered by tasteless body criticism. Some of the most powerful women on the planet — from Hillary Clinton to Oprah to Lady Gaga to BeyoncĂ© and Michelle Obama — have been called fat (and it was meant as an insult) and had their bodies picked apart and scrutinized. It's just another example of how inherently misogynistic our society is: Truly important qualities like talent, intellect, compassion and work ethic become inconsequential where women are concerned; the only thing that really matters is how she looks. We are all guilty of the sick objectification of women. How can we help it? We live in a world where a woman is not person with emotions but a collection of body parts for the public to judge, like a horse for sale. Look at those teeth. Check out those legs. Her eyes. Her nose. Her hair. Products are are marketed using boobvertising — no face, just parts.
I'm not a huge Kim Kardashian fan, I don't watch her shows, and I don't relish the idea of defending her. I don't give a shit if you hate her clothes, or if you think her vampire facial is gross. But it's sickening to see the magazines hurling the word "fat" — at a pregnant woman, no less — as an insult, treating her as though she's committed some kind of treasonous betrayal, making money from primarily female readers participating in a psychologically destructive Ouroboros of a gossip cycle, where everything is black and white, you're loved or loathed, thin or fat, good or bad, and thin is always good and fat is always bad and the worst thing you can possibly do is gain weight. Kim Kardashian could discover a new species of snail and the coverage would include her "snug-fitting lab coat." It all comes back to fatphobia, intolerance, and a sad desire to feel superior by belittling others. It's tragic, tiresome, and wrong, and Kim Kardashian is not the first to endure this garbage, but I can't help wish she would be the last. Policing her size and breathlessly guessing her weight is a waste of energy that solves nothing. And so, in conclusion: SHUT. THE FUCK. UP."
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When a fatsplainer says to you “oh no, you’re not fat” as if “fat” was some unthinkable horror. Stop stigmatizing fatness. Yes, I’m fat, and that’s perfectly ok.
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“There is no wrong way to have a body.” - Glenn Marla
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Karen Lewis: “Rahm Emanuel said I was a bad role model for my students because I was fat, so I led the most important strike in decades to victory and gave my students a lesson in how to take a stand for their rights.”
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Hi everyone. I hope you'll excuse the long post that is not entirely related to self-love, but I'm begging for the Tumblr community's help. I'll note that I am the friend that Hiba is talking about... PLEASE PLEASE report both of these pages!! We feel extremely violated and helpless. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again... 
So I don’t know how many of you guys know the facebook group “Well Owl Be Damned”, but I need your help with something. Here’s the story: A couple of days ago they posted this picture:
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My friend stated that she did not understand what’s funny, and got 3 different answers from all 3 admins dissing her for not understanding the humor, to which she said that she won’t voice her opinion on the page again if she was going to be attacked. The reply that she got?  
“We’re not attacking you, this isn’t Beirut :P” (a comment he deleted off the bat)
For some reason this guy thought it was appropriate to use a stereotype of Beirut to shut a girl FROM Beirut up.  She called him out on the racism, to which he got defensive, and I joined in and explained to him why the image he initially posted wasn’t funny, and why what he said was racist.
Needless to say, he deleted our comments. My friend reported him for being racist. Today, he logs in on a different account (Tara T. Tuffshitski) and attacks her via inbox messaging, telling her that he’s a “nice guy” who is an “activist” that fights racism everyday, threatening her because she reported him and saying that he thinks her calling him out on his white privilege is racist and HE reported HER. NOT TO MENTION this outright COMPLETE invasion of our privacy that he posted on “Well Owl Be Damned”
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Using our full names, defaming us? In a group that has so many members? and using threats like “I hope they get what’s coming to them”? I personally DON’T want random strangers to have full view of my profile, or to get messaged be people I don’t know telling me I’m full of myself for calling out someone who deserved it.  So here’s where I need your help, my friend and I are both banned, we can’t flag the image or report them, YOU however can. 
Here’s the link to their page : Well Owl Be Damned ,and thank you in advance if you decide to help, tbh we’re both feeling very helpless about all of this.   
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This is my little sister, she’s going through a hard time right now. She’s being bullied and she told me today that she hates herself and that she might as well end it all. She’s so consumed in it and I can’t see her like this anymore. I told her I’d put these pictures up here and show her that she really is beautiful no matter what these horrible kids say. She’s fucking 12. It tears me apart. Will you please show her that those kids are wrong and that she is beautiful and she’s worth something. I can’t lose her. She’s my best friend.
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Spread in Idoll Magazine ; w/ Agency Galatea. MUA: Kate Johnson Artistry. Hair: SJT CREATIONS. /// © Brit Woollard Photography, all rights reserved (do not remove the credit).
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Denise Bidot
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One of the BEST ad campaigns about representation I have seen.
Everyone has a backbone. Use yours.
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This is Seventeen Magazine’s BMI Chart. Take a moment to read it. 
I am almost 18 years old. According to this BMI chart, I would be healthy between the BMI of 14.8 - 21.7. 
Excuse me? Since when is a BMI of 14.8 considered healthy? Not even the smallest-boned of people should be at a BMI of 14.8 when they are 18 years old. To put that into perspective for you - I am 5 foot, 3 inches tall. To even be considered “underweight” on this BMI chart, I would need to weigh under 83 pounds. And if I weighed more than 122 pounds, I would be considered overweight. 
Does that sound fucked up to anyone else, or is it just me? 
With this sick and screwed-up BMI calculator, Seventeen Magazine is essentially encouraging their readers, mostly teenage girls (the population most at risk for developing an eating disorder) to maintain extremely low weights. How would you feel if you were 123 pounds and 5’3, calculated your BMI, and saw that you were overweight at a perfectly medically healthy BMI of 21.8?
I will be writing a strongly worded email to the editor of Seventeen Magazine to express my anger towards this issue as someone who has struggled with poor body image and anorexia nervosa. 
Please, if you feel the way I do - indignant, furious, sick to your stomach - reblog this. Seventeen Magazine will not get away with encouraging body hatred and unhealthy weight goals. 
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About the Self-Love Campaign here:
Send submissions here: http://selflovecampaign.tumblr.com/submit
Send anonymous submissions here: [email protected]
Ask questions here: http://selflovecampaign.tumblr.com/ask
Rules about submissions here: http://selflovecampaign.tumblr.com/post/504463744/rules-for-submissions
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Past asks here: http://selflovecampaign.tumblr.com/tagged/ask
Self-Love Campaign Facebook Page here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/selflovecampaign/
Self-Confidence Day Facebook Event here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=127919007224370 
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