selection4-admins · 6 years
Mallory: Ficlet 6
lol I hate myself for being so lazy. This is a short little end to a (hopefully) lovely story. ❤️ #marlie5ever Sorry for typos, but thank you for letting me share these crazy kids with you all :)
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selection4-admins · 6 years
Hello, wonderful selectioners! We had a blast running this last Selection and consider ourself extremely lucky to have been a part of it with all of you. You were all amazing and terribly patient. Thank you so much :) We'd like to request some feedback- good or bad, both welcome. This is so we can understand how we were and how to further better ourselves. This is also something your new admins (Bri and Ester) can see and learn from. When you send an ask, please explain who it is aimed at. Pleaseeeeee do this! I'm so curious lol (ALSO, I won't be offended and you are more than allowed to be anon.) -Grace ❤️
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selection4-admins · 6 years
Welcome Prince Benjamin Luke Schreave
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Played by Brianna and Ester
Selected applications will be up soon.
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selection4-admins · 6 years
Welcome Prince Benjamin Luke Schreave
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Played by Brianna and Ester
Selected applications will be up soon.
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selection4-admins · 7 years
Nate: Ficlet 4
ITS THE FIC YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE WINNER! I would personally like to thank all of you who joined this selection and making it what it was. And of course, I want to thank, Grace, who I don’t know how many times I yelled at you to write. It was all out of love. But thank you, I really couldn’t have done it without you. 
It’s crazy to think that its now coming to an end. Hopefully, we will finish off each character for you so you aren’t left hanging (we still have a couple things planned). I’m so sad to be having to leave my characters, Nate, is literally my dream boy. I love this bean with everything, also because Shawn Mendes. Jace, who started of being the classic f-boi then it turned into JUINN. Queen Aubrey, who was just sweet and caring and just full of that Motherly advice that was needed during the selection. And I can’t even call him my character because I made Grace do the rps (thanks boo), but to King Spencer, who was just the lovable dad, in the fics he seemed rude, he just never had a good moment. 
This selection has for sure had its ups and down, and quite a few tears (hehe) but it was overall pretty amazing. I hope you guys had fun this selection, we tried to come up with different ideas and challenges to make it a bit different from the past ones. I’m going to say it once again, THANK YOU, LOVE YOU ALL! YEET! -Claire
Oh, wow… I can’t believe we’re at this moment. I still kick myself for thinking I should do all these fics, but in all honesty, I loved the responses I got and y'all have just been so amazing. Thank you for letting me share my characters with you and thank you for sharing yours with me. This has really been a journey for us and I’d like to let you all know how grateful I am that you all were a part of it as well. Claire, I love you. Thank you for asking me to do this with you. Thank you for forcing me to write. I owe this experience to you. Please enjoy this fic 💖 I promise it won’t be my last one. I’ll see you all next time. -Grace
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selection4-admins · 7 years
Quinn: Ficlet 4
Alright, this fic was difficult to write and not completely necessary to read as it does tackle a heavy topic. Though not graphic, it does contain something’s that might make some uncomfortable. Claire and I decided this was something that needed to happen within the Juinn storyline. I’ve put a lot of time and research into this topic and decided to have kept it relatively general as to not say the wrong things. Thanks ❤️ Sorry for typos. Also, I’ll be doing my best to do a lot of writing this week.
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selection4-admins · 7 years
Challenge Eight - The Families
We’re sad to say that this is the last challenge of the Selection. We’ve had so much fun doing this and we hope you have as well <3 There are two girls left, and Nate must make his final decision. We understand there’s a certain challenge you must’ve been waiting for… The families are coming to the palace!
In this challenge, the royals have invited the families of the Selected to come to the palace. There, they will meet the possible inlaws *wink wink*.
You must include:
Family interaction
Inner monologue
Rps with royals
Thoughts as the selection is coming to a close
An rp with each other (selected girls)
For any questions, feel free to contact us. Best of luck! -C&G
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selection4-admins · 7 years
Challenge Seven Eliminations
The girls that are eliminated this round are…
Victoria Seaberg
Clove Teasdale
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selection4-admins · 7 years
Nate: Ficlet 3
I’m sorry this is late :( I got tired and didn’t want to write. Remember, y'all will be using this fic for your next challenge. Have fun with it! Feedback is always welcome :) Sorry for typos. Enjoy ❤️ (3.1k)
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selection4-admins · 7 years
Challenge Seven - The Caning
Ah! First, so sorry that this is going up so late, we were busy today. Second, four girls left! Third, it’s the challenge Grace and I have been waiting for so long to make.
In this challenge you will have to write about your point of view of the caning. The fics below shows different perspectives of what happened. Take into account all of the actions during the caning, as they will help with dialogue, action, and other things missing from one fic that might be in the other. The girls aren’t right next to the royals, but by the crowd. They aren’t able to hear what the royals are saying to one another. The selected are unaware of everything before and after the caning.
Things to include in this fic
Your maids rushing to get you changed (black dresses)
Inner monologue
Dialogue from the royal fics
Feelings about the caning and everything overall
Side rps (optional) (excluding Malloy and Charlie)
Message us for any questions!
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selection4-admins · 7 years
Mallory: Ficlet 5
This is quite a special fic as you all will be using it to aid you very soon. This will answer most, if not all, of your questions. The fic changes POVs and from third person to first at some points. This was because I didn’t want to get myself into Wyckham’s head lol. I hope y'all enjoy this because I genuinely think it’s some of my worst work smh. Sorry for typos :)
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selection4-admins · 7 years
Fish sticks are good, I agree with max
They're gross -Grace
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selection4-admins · 7 years
Charlie: Ficlet 1
Are y'all shook by this pov? You better be! Be prepared for for twists like never before ;) Sorry for typos and a few other things💖 (btw, I lost inspiration at some points and went on Pinterest to find a few quotes. They're in bold and italisized.)
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selection4-admins · 7 years
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appreciation post edition numero two
((ooc post)) 
HEY YALL IM BACK. unless u live under a rock (or fine, maybe this is your first selection), u would know i was @jynsongxvii during the dreaded obscurantism of ocnet selections, aka dom’s selection. back then, i posted a little thing to boost morale up when some anon stuff seemed to be getting hairy, so i’m doing it again. i should actually be writing my next crooks fic but,,, i mean,,, yeah, whatever. yall will live with the wait if you’re keeping up with that. let’s get started. 
Keep reading
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selection4-admins · 7 years
They're Claire, they're grace, they don't punch you in the face because they're too nice for that unless you are not nice then they punch like badass bosses wooohoo
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selection4-admins · 7 years
I loved the mallory fic, the descriptives were great and overall it was just written very well!
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selection4-admins · 7 years
Mallory: Ficlet 4
(1.7k) This fic isn’t too long, as it’s a cute transitional fic for a special treat you all will be receiving. Lmk your thoughts :) Sorry for typos. Enjoy!
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