imoonstarstuff · 3 months
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imoonstarstuff · 3 months
oh my god?? this is how i find out hes enlisting??
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240414 TAEYONG IG Update
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imoonstarstuff · 6 months
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Sleggveien, Norway by Øystein Engan
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imoonstarstuff · 8 months
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renjun x moevir
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imoonstarstuff · 10 months
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230914 icn ✈️ japan
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imoonstarstuff · 10 months
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nct nation osaka // renjun
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imoonstarstuff · 10 months
i think it really says alot about you as a person which winnie pooh character you stanned as a child
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imoonstarstuff · 10 months
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imoonstarstuff · 10 months
what the puck!
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pairing: hockey player!donghyuck x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst, a crackfic turned way too serious lmao
word count: 11.6k
synopsis: you hit the university’s star hockey player with your car. shenanigans (and maybe even a little romance) ensue. 
author’s note: sorry i came back after almost an entire year and dropped this instead of anything people actually asked for teehee 😋 also i know nothing about hockey so none of the sports stuff makes sense pls kindly ignore <3 big shoutout to miss cat and moon for coming up with the only good parts of this fic 
warning(s): brief descriptions of injuries 
playlist: and july (feat. dean and dj friz) by heize ― mixtape 2003 by the academic ― chit chat by beach weather ― 1983 by neon trees ― fearless by taylor swift
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part i. lee taemin once said his ideal meet-cute is a girl running him over with her car <3
First off, to set the record straight—
You are not a bad driver.
There just so happened to be a bad thunderstorm, and your windshield wipers happened to malfunction, and you happened to lightly tap someone with the front of your beat-up Toyota Prius. Honestly, the person probably did more damage to your car that’s one airbag deployment away from spontaneous combustion than the car could ever do to him. 
However, for some reason, the blurry figure that you can barely make out through the onslaught of rainfall doesn’t seem to be getting up off the ground. 
Hurriedly putting your car in park, you clamber out in a panic as water pelts you in the face like one of those super strong hoses set on sprinkler mode. Without even asking if the person is okay, you lift him up by the shoulders and shake him violently. 
“Oh my God, please don’t die! I literally can’t afford to pay for someone’s funeral right now,” you wail. 
Keep reading
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imoonstarstuff · 1 year
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imoonstarstuff · 1 year
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#BoostYourEnergy Teaser Image 01 #JENO
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imoonstarstuff · 1 year
my friend asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend because her parents are homophobic af but they ended up hating me so much that they were glad when she said she was gay task failed successfully
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imoonstarstuff · 1 year
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imoonstarstuff · 1 year
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imoonstarstuff · 1 year
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imoonstarstuff · 1 year
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good god...
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imoonstarstuff · 1 year
I just saw the news and honestly I’m in a lot of shock. I don’t follow kpop that closely anymore but Astro was one of the first groups that I loved and have a special place in my heart. I remember watching all their videos and getting to know the members and this really hits hard.
Rest in peace Moonbin, thank you for everything. Thoughts go out to his family and friends as I can’t even begin to comprehend how they must be feeling right now.
I’m not familiar with the group but I just wanna say I’m so sorry for the fans and even more so his family, friends and members. I also wanna say, do not feel silly if you are upset. You are allowed to grieve people that you don’t know personally. Whenever stuff like this happens, there are shitty people who go out of their way to try and make people feel stupid for reacting. Ignore them. Again, you are allowed to grieve for people you don’t know personally, there’s nothing silly about that.
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