secured-hell · 6 months
Wow that was 2 years ago! Interesting.
(The dave panpa tag has 0 new posts apparently and I intend on changing that as soon as I find my drawing tablet pen. Be ready bitches I'm reviving the blog 💖)
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secured-hell · 3 years
(Oh yeah just so you guys know I don't have a proper area to draw and am aiming on mostly drawing my characters human or humanoid in the case of ???, which is something I know I'll heavily struggle with(certain scenes will most likely be stick figures and it'll flop between) I can't guarantee the new posts will be 'good' but I'm atleast aiming for 'better')
(The dave panpa tag has 0 new posts apparently and I intend on changing that as soon as I find my drawing tablet pen. Be ready bitches I'm reviving the blog 💖)
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secured-hell · 3 years
(The dave panpa tag has 0 new posts apparently and I intend on changing that as soon as I find my drawing tablet pen. Be ready bitches I'm reviving the blog 💖)
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secured-hell · 3 years
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Other Dave: Hey me! I heard you had a demon with you.. I also have a demon with me, it lives in my spine.. apparently. 
(I drew this picture btw)
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secured-hell · 3 years
So Dave what is your opinion on your spirit friend? And spirit thing, how is being attached to Dave?
"....I'd prefer not to answer"
"Our partnership is great... So much 'fun'~ :)"
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secured-hell · 3 years
So how'd you two funny folks meet?
"Oh you know, he awakened me from my slumber with... Them, a deal happened and I ended up with Dave here"
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secured-hell · 3 years
S-SHIT- FUCK- DAVE MY GUY ARE YOU OKAY?? FUCK- UH- *there is a slight fumbling noise in the background.* M!A Dave gets his wound disinfected and bandaged!! Is that better lil dude? God I'm so sorry what I said made them do that- Hey speaking of "them," What the HELL??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?? He didn't do anything!! If anything you should take it out on me, not the poor man. Not. Fucking. Cool big guy. Not cool. M!A ??? Gets a god dang chill pill down their throat. - 😎
You magic some bandages onto Dave's wounds and he thanks you, but when you attempt to magically chill-pill the demon
Error; M!A blǿĉk๊d redirecting
The noise blares in your ears, almost causing pain and then you notice frost collecting on the demons shadowy form "How cute, you really believe some frost can harm me?" It says mockingly
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secured-hell · 3 years
Oh this AU is very much still happening! I've just been having some issues with certain things... Issues I keep pushing off ...but will eventually solve!
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Idk if it’s still happening since I haven’t heard from this in a while, but here’s more art for The Dave AU @milkoftheflesh has made.
idk if it’s still happening but here im bored so have it. :)
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secured-hell · 3 years
Sure, friend who has not given us a name to call them so we only know them as Dave's tormentor. Show off your cool powers for us!
"Well you'll have to be abit more specific with your request, I can do many things.. Shapeshift, hide my form from others(which I just was), oh, I also have my favorite ability- to take control of Dave over here..." The creature says and looks over at the wounded Dave, who's currently trying to stop his shoulder from bleeding
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secured-hell · 3 years
Ah so it's one of those types of people../neg you seem to uh, really like the word 'suffer', heh- Any particular reason it's Dave?? Any particular reason for you being a- not cool guy?? Why the evilness my guy?? I swear to you being nicer feels a lot better. - 😎
"Evil? That's abit harsh.. Isn't it? I mean if I was evil..." The voice trails off as something forms behind Dave- it looks like a person but made of shadows.. It places its hand on his shoulder, with claws as sharp as knives and then it digs it's claws deep into his shoulder "I'd do that" The creature says, smiling as Dave lets out a small scream from the pain
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secured-hell · 3 years
To….the spirit thing in Dave’s head…….you’ve been with him how long again? You must have a soft spot for Dave, don’t you…..?
"I've been with Dave here since he was a child.. Since he awakened me.. But I do not have what you call a 'soft spot' for him, unless you count my fondness of making him suffer~"
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secured-hell · 3 years
If anyone is wondering why I haven't answered any ask in abit it's because I don't have any so uh
Send ask please /nf
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secured-hell · 3 years
((OH SHOOT SORRY)) ((when I said 'not-voice' I was referring to how '???' is 'not just a voice' and an actual being.)) - 😎
Alrighty! I edited your ask, sorry for the troubles, my dudearo
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secured-hell · 3 years
So, Voice who may or may not be in Dave's head... got any cool powers?
"I'm not just a voice in Dave's head, nor trapped within the confines of his mind, and to answer your question; yes, I do have what you call 'cool powers' I could even demonstrate them if you so wished~" The 'voice' offered
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secured-hell · 3 years
So…um………..what is your job (sorry if i ruined anything earlier i wasn’t paying attention as much lol)
"I'm a security guard, I'm still new but the job isn't too hard for me to handle"
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secured-hell · 3 years
Important question: What is your opinion on pineapple on pizza?
"Never had it so.. I don't really have one"
"I don't eat, though I do like pineapples"
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secured-hell · 3 years
hey- HEY!! BUDDY!! CHILL YOUR PILLS DUDE?!? *Give Dave a lil platonic smooch on the forehead* LIL MANS OBVI UNCOMFORTABLE WITH YOUR VIBE, AND WE- *theres a pause.* DO *NOT* VIBE WITH THAT. *gives not-voice mx. ??? a lil smooch on the forehead as well* Calm the hell down dude!! -😎
The man doesn't react, as he can't exactly see you, but the shadows move away from you "I don't care about if he's uncomfortable or not, he's mine to make suffer and suffer I shall make him"
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