secritivebadhabits · 4 years
131lbs babey!
these past few days have sucked so i’m rewarding myself with a 190cal vegan chckn slider :)
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
so i ate a sandwich that was ~300 calories, i think im gonna allow myself to have either 700 or 800 for the day because i feel like shit 🙃
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
my best friend basically just broke up with me so time to starve until i fuckin die ig
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
so you’re telling me i fasted a half hour shy of 30 hours and only lost 1.2lbs?? bullshit
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
not me waiting for my roommate to go to class so i can weigh myself naked to get it as ~accurate~ as possible
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
so like, it’ll be 30 hours fasted in 50 minutes but i think that’s gonna be it for me cause i’m starting to get heartburn and i think i need to eat something so the stomach acid will stay while i’m lying down ://
edit: broke it at 29:20 and had a handful of raspberries (15cal) and drank some water. hopefully i’ll be good enoug to sleep now 🙃
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
28 hours down so far, still haven’t eaten. time to go to sleep and make it to almost 40 hours :)
i will eat in the morning cause i have a lot of work to do tomorrow and am gonna need to get rid of the brain fog
can’t wait to weigh in and hopefully see myself at my lowest weight since some time in middle school, i’m manifesting 132.0 🥰
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
My Personal SkinnyBitch List
* no more armpit fat
* not a double chin in sight
* thigh gap miles apart, that never touches
* bony knees
* spine and shoulder blades sticking out
* bikini bridge
* hip bones visible from the back when i bend over
* arms i can wrap my fingers around
* the smallest wrists you’ve ever seen, and fingers dainty as a feather
* to be honest about my weight
* to be picked up, and held by my boyfriend. to cuddle without feeling self conscious.
* eyes look bigger, cheek bones higher, and jaw like to cut your fingers on
* never having to suck in, or push my knees apart, or hide my body.
* to be loved without prejudice, or conditions
* to be stared at with jealousy, instead of disgust
* boys will fall all over me (and god knows there’s nothing more entertaining than toying with boys)
* people will be my friend, instead of laugh at me.
* people will comment “damn eat a sandwich” on my social media, or on the street, and it will taste like victory. fuck ur sandwich lol
* sexy halloween costumes and christmas dresses.
* chest bones at the front, and rib bones down my back
* smaller, but better shaped booty
* i can be cute, or sexy, or charming, or silly, and no one will have to look past my flaws, and size
* NO MORE MESSAGES FROM WEIRD GUYS THAT ONE LIKE BBW CHICKAS (body posi but also fuck u weird men)
* if when i lose the weight and i’m still not how i wanna look, at least i’ll be skinny and ugly instead of fat and ugly
* do i really wanna be 250 lbs like my sister? nooooo (i love her sm but fuk)
* i can wear low sweat pants and tiny tank tops and still look hot
* i can wear a hoodie and trackies with no makeup and hair up and literally still be ballin
* shop in the petit section of stores, or even the children’s section
* be a damn stripper cause no one wants to see a fatty get naked and giggle
* have a real modeling career instead of always have to keep losing more weight for them
* smoking will be sexy lol
* b cute and messy when i’m drunk instead of gross and messy drunk
* tiny clothes = more space for clothes = packing is easier
* literally not having to contour ever
* no boobs no problem! i can buy properly fitting clothes, not have to wear bras, and they’ll be perkier too!!!!
* smaller casket for when i inevitably get lung cancer and die
* literally dying lmfao
* no stomach rolls, even when sitting down
*every store will have my size, and if they don’t it will be because they don’t sell a small enough size.
*0,00,000 size jeans
* i can still wear my hoe clothes but b hotter
* literally be bonespo
* always the smallest person in the room
* if you eat a lot people will laugh in surprise instead of disgust
* not even feeling the hunger any more. ever.
this is is my own personal shit lol stay safe ily all
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
all i have consumed in the past 25 hours was coffee, water, and green tea
im proud because i usually cave and eat something around the 20 hour mark
im gonna keep going as long as possible :)
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
the only calories i am 100% okay with comsuming is the 200cals in a venti vanilla sweet cream coldbrew with an extra shot of espresso that i get from starbucks entirely too often
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
if anyone posts mostly androgynous thinspo please like this!
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
i wanted to share a bit of my progress because i feel fatter than ever and i need to see the numbers that say otherwise.
august 11th
weight: 144lbs
waist: 29.8in
hips: 40.2in
chest: 35in
arms (avg): 11.7in
legs (avg): 24.65in
november 1st
weight: 133.8lbs-------down 10.2lbs
waist: 26.9in----------down 2.9in
hips: 38.1in-----------down 2.1in
chest: 32in------------down 3in
arms (avg): 10.9in-----down 0.8in
legs (avg): 23.35in----down 1.3in
i am getting there. i will reach my next gw of 129lbs. i will reach the gw after that of 119lbs. i will reach my ugw ov 110lbs. i will be skinny. i am making progress.
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
🌸Eating disorder accounts over 18 please reblog 🌸
Following minors makes me uncomfortable and I want friends
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
🌸 some quiet exercises you can do in bed 🌸
leg raisesss
leg raises while laying on your side
sit ups sit ups sit ups!!
push ups
hip raises
pillow squeezes (gotta get that thigh gap sis)
stay safe, ily 💕
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
i hate being a person who has a period. not just because of the crippling dysphoria it causes but also because it causes me to gain weight and be bloated? like not fucking cool bitch
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
why do i have to have asthma?
i decided to do a 10 minute hiit workout from youtube and i couldn’t get through it, not because i’m out of shape, but because my asthma is also exercise induced and my throat started dying from me trying to breathe at a higher rate.
i hate it so much. i enjoy running, i enjoy exercising, but my asthma fucking kills me every time. i used to do a really intensive sport in high school and i’d be using my inhaler upwards of eight times per practice depending on how long it was that day.
if i could just not have asthma i’d be so fucking fit, it would be so much easier to reach my ugw :/
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secritivebadhabits · 4 years
craving junk food?
Take up two bite sized portions of the food you are craving.
Fill up a glass of cold water.
Eat your first bite. Chug the water, then wait 1 or 2 minutes. Then take the second bite. 
This satisfies your craving and tricks your body into thinking it just got full of junk food when it actually got full of water
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