Farrah Olsen is a first grade sergeant in the US Army. She participated on ground missions like in Afghanistan, Irak in which she almost lost her life. Besides being an excellent soldier and a brillant killer when asked to, Farrah knows what she wants.
But despite her brillant career, and her fast assumption to the best ranks, Farrah's insecurities cause her to feel useless!
On one side, being shamed by her own father Major Patrick Olsen who never feels proud of her daughter's efforts, this one constantly seeking her dad's appreciation!
On the other hand, that guy Samuel Wyatt, the partner she had during an intensive training, who’s attention got caught by Farrah’s traits and toughness, got drown these two in something of more explicit!!
He was a married man and had other engagement!!
Sent in Jordan for a mission of the highest importance, which is to track a dangerous terrorist, she found herself confronted to the Section 20, a secret military organization tracking down the same target Farrah been ordered to! After an agreement between, the two organisations are asked to team together with the only aim of capturing the Ukranian terrorist alive to the authorities!! But as Farrah finds out that Wyatt is in the section 20, things turn up side down for her and for him as well!
- I do not own any characters or scenarios from strike back nor making money on them!! Beside the characters present in my fic based on the TV Series, every event or situations are purely fictitious-
PS let me know what you think of it 💛
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“I always felt like something of an outsider. But I identified with people up on the screen. That made me feel like I wanted to be up on the screen too. I felt like eventually I would get there.” 
Rest in peace, Luke Perry (October 11th, 1966 — March 4th, 2019)
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52, life is unfair!!
RIP Luke 😰
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May 16, 2015
"WTF, WTF happened to me, WTF... Okay Eva, keep cool and try to get your shit together girl, try to remember what happened."  Eva spoke to herself as she sat on the border of the white marbled bath tube.  Some flashbacks from last night appeared to her eted, the inside of her mind was so foggy, unable to recollect anything.  She took a deep breath trying to put some relaxation as she was way too stressed.   "Maybe a black coffee will help me though." She spoke to herself as she stood up and made her way to the dining room table to find croissant, orange juice, black coffee and a variety of fruits.  A handly written note was placed there as well that Eva instantly knew who was the author.  
"I went out to buy you your favorite croissant and ordered you drinks, drink coffee first, orange juice and lot of water... you might have no memories about last night, we'll talk about that later.  Colin came to see you early in the morning but you were still sleeping soundly, and Tom sent you a bouquet of beautiful black and red roses, lucky bitch.  I got you Gabriel's number via his agent, send him a text saying you okay!! I'm at Jake's yatch and he's expecting your presence by this evening, see you baby xoxo dakota!"
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Eva read every words written down on the paper later without no knowledge of what was being mentioned. She starred at the paper with some weird grimace. "What the fuck is that" she murmured to herself as she read once more the note. "Colin came while I was sleeping okay I got this one, coffee, orange juice and croissant, got it too, Tom's bouquet the hell is that and having to thank Gabriel the hell more was that." She spoke to her own mind.
Eva seized the card attached to the bouquet of red roses and read the few words. "Sadly we couldn't chat at last night's party, I hope we can meet up some day, I'll call you later, have a nice day Eva - TH"
As she read the note, fragmented flashbacks came back to her mind, she clearly remembered she was on a yatch for a party which included VIPs and Rihanna was there. Eva sat on a chair with closed eyes trying to make her brain digging deeper to find other significant details that would brung up helpful details.
"And who the heck is that guy Gabriel... Gabriel ... Angel Gabriel..." She shrugged her shoulders as she took hold of her iPhone.  The thing that mattered the most to her was to get in touch with Colin, she felt t he urge to have a conversation with him.  Her phone into her hands she composed his number that she knew by heart.
"Eva, good to hear of you, feeling any better?" Colin asked with a concerned voice, he always was concerning about Eva.  Despite of the fact they weren't in a relation anymore, they had kept a strong bond.
"Yes, thankfully I'm getting back to myself, ehm Colin listen, I'm really sorry over last night, I couldn't kept my promise." Eva shyly said.
"I came to see you this morning and you were sleeping so peacefully sleeping and your famous snoring...." Colin laughed at loud.
"What, no, that's an enormous lie, I don't snore... but you, yes you do snore ..." Eva joked back.
"Hahahaha if you want we can keep talking about it all day long but you'll never admit it!"
"Yeah whatever...did you receive the message  I sent you last night?" Eva asked biting her nails.
"Yesss, I read it this morning, my phone battery died as I totally forgot to put it on charge, really sorry about that."
"Kay, just thought you were angry at me."
"How can I be mad at someone who got sick, baby come on, I'm not that horrible though."
"Hmmm yes... As I couldn't shown up with you, let me invite you for lunch at this nice French Restaurant we used to go.. what you think?"
"Yeah, why not, sure, when, today?"
"No, not today, I think I'll stay in bed and have some sleep, you know how this Festival can be exhausting, late movies premiere, parties, after parties and so on, is it okay for you on tomorrow?"
"Yes, I know right, parties, parties and parties everywhere, and yes, tomorrow is my last day here, I'm heading back to LA to see the boys I miss them."
"Oh really, what time is your flight?" Eva asked with a tint of disappointment deep inside her bones.
"I won't travel on commercial flight, it's too disturbing and tiring, I want to go back home as soon as possible, I must check in airport at around nine."
"Aww, I understand, they are so lucky to have you as their dad, you know that, and yeah it's totally fine, as long as we having a lunch it'll suits me fine."
"Great then, I'll see you by tomorrow then, rest and drink lots of water, bye sweetie."
"Yeah, have a great day you too Colin, see you."  She said as she pressed the end call red button.
As she was about to put herself into bed her phone rang again, Dakota calling her.  Eva couldn't avoid her, she knew that.
"Yeah..." Eva said
"How are you my sweetheart?" Dakota asked.
"I was about to get to bed, to get a bit more of sleep."
"Yeah, you better cause tonight is gonna  be LIT as fuck hun... get your butt prepared up."
"I don't know if I'll come, I'm not really into the Party mood.. I think I'll take this day off from any Cannes duty."
"What, are you fucking kidding me, tonight's hottest party is organized by fuckng Diddy and Cassie you can't miss it!!!"
"No, whoever is organizing the best party I won't show up, I really need rest, please."  Eva begged..
"But your name has already been added to the list."
"Dakota, just tell them we'll catch up at another party then, I'm sure we'll get to see each other at any similar party, please please..."
"Shit, you're going to miss a lot, I swear.."
"I'll pass my turn, I'm sure there will be others superb VIP parties..."
"Yeah, it better...so I'm going to have no fun because you are not going to be next to me, that sucks...anyway, your sleep better be worthy or you'll get into troubles.. hey did you sent Gabriel a message to thank him?"
"Gabriel, yes... you've mentioned his name so many times as if he was a kind of superhero, what is the deal with that.?"
"Eva, on last night, you got drugged, don't you remember?"
"It's all blurry in my brain, I have no recalling, not joking.."
"Gabriel Macht hun, still forgot?"
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A Big Announcement
"Dakota, I don't think it's a good idea, maybe I should turn back and get ready for Colin's movie."  Eva kinda of protested stopping her walking steps and stood there with a total confusion look readable on her face.  The fact that she would be missing on purpose Colin's movie premiere was striking in her mind.  She has made him a promise and failing at such was clearly not her habit.  
"Drling liste, we had this conversation quiet earlier, we are in Cannes, fucking Cannes baby and Cannes was also created to have fun and not only to behave with cinematographic duties, you sent him a text message telling Colin you were sick and he believed you, so for now forget about this and look we are a few steps ahead of the biggest night in Cannes, relax and have fun my love." Dakota seized her friend's arm and pulled her towards way forcing Eva to follow her steps.  This one couldn't really protest and just answered with a deep sigh.  
"Ok but if he ever comes to find out that I lied him, you'll have to bear the entire responsibility for that, are we clear on that?" This one said with a little tint of agressiveness in her voice tone.  Eva herself got lost into her concern she felt for Colin.
"Ok... ok if it has to be so it'll be and I will take the full responsibility, I promise, but now let's rock into that party and get us some hot males on board." Dakota said with the rejoice of an excited teenager as they reached the Armani's yacht, the biggest and longest one of Cannes' pier.
"OMG Paris Hilton is there.., how the fuck sjr got invited, as I know she's not friend with Leo!" Eva mumbled in annoyed face.
"It's Paris and she can get invited anywhere without being invited." Dakota replied with sarcasm as both of the girls stepped on board of the luxurious yatch.
As they appeared to the others guests, almost every of the men present on the deck couldn't get their eyes off Eva.  Even the men that were accompanied of their wives or girlfriend.  Eva was one of those type of beauty that men couldn't resist to.  This one tried to keep her coolness even though this wasn't an easy mission.  She seized DakotA's arm as if it was her safe boat forcing her to step to the first floor deck. The boat was beautifully decorated to a theme party with silver and white balloons everywhere, silver twinkle lights, silver coated patisseries and much more of petits-fours displayed on every tables, not to forget customized swaroski crystals bottles of Moët et Chandron champagne.  Eva observed each of the details the organizers put in the decorations, it should have been a meticulous job.  "What is that?" She asked to herself.
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"Any idea of what is going on here?" Eva asked her friend.
"Holy fuck yeah...look to your left, look who's here?"
"Who?" Eva said looking to her left with a stupefied look on her face.  "OMG shit, Amber Heard with Gabriel Macht!" She burst out.  The kind of burst out which caught a little of attention from her pals, briefly as they turned back to their conversations.
"Do you think as I?" Dakota asked
"Ehhhm I don't know what to say maybe they just friends." Eva shrugged her shoulders.   Interfering into other's business never been her cup of tea.  She respected privacy and expected the same favor towards her private life.
"Oh come Eva, don't pretend to be that foolish, did you already see Amber bitch Heard hanging with a guy if it's anything else apart being banged up?"
"Isn't Gabriel in a relation with that model Petra Nemcova?" Eva frowned her eyebrows as her gaze stayed focussed on the pair sitting closely to touch on the sofa.
"As far as I know yeah, they've been dating for almost a year, gosh I'm pretty sure that slut did something to get him into her web.... and I can't blame her, Macht is a piece of fine ass." Dakota answered sarcastically.
"Hmmm..." Eva said as she sipped on the flute of champage she grabbed from the waiter.
"What hmmmm, won't you admit that Gabriel Macht is fine as vine?"
"I never said he wasn't, for sure he's hot as hell..and that smile"
"And...??" Dakota shot back with a weird gaze at her friend.
"And nothing..."
"Maybe I should use my savage side and investigater further more on that case." Dakota winked an eye.
"No, you not doing anything Dakota, it's their business, not our's alright!"
"I'm pretty sure she is the reason between Gabriel and Petra break up!"
"We don't even know is they broke up!!"
"Gabriel is very private concerning his life, don't you think he would have come here with the bitch and get photographed by hundreth of paparazzis and to put at risk his relation just like that!!"
"I don't know and I don't wanna know!!"
"But I want to know nada!!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, you are requested at the main living room, all of you, come down to the main living room please!" The voice of dj Martin Garrix echoed through the speakers.
"Let's go, because this time I really want to know what this party is for!" Eva exclaimed as both followed the rest of the celebrities downstairs.
"Hey, Eva..." A guy spoke enough loudly so Eva could notice him, this one stopped and looked behind.
"Scott, hey you, how did you get in?" Eva sarcastically asked as she knew that Leo and this guys Scott Elrod weren't that close friends.
"I sneaked in behind Toby Maguire when this one got in the boat, he didn't even notice it stupid spider-man."  Scott's attempt to compose a joke seemed a failure to Eva as this one gave him a look of somebody fully taken aback by a nasty comment.
"Oh I see.." She simply replied as a parade.
"Hey what about to get a drink after this eagerly awaiting announcement is done?"
"Yeah, sure..." Eva vaguely answered as she walked at fastened steps to reach Dakota that had secured seats for them.  But what Eva missed was the nasty look Scott gave her when she turned back, it didn't seem to be someone with good intentions.
Excitement could be seen and heard between the guests discussions, what was the so important celebration for, it was about to get reveled as Leonardo appeared to them, with a radiant smiling face, you could tell he was happy.
"Ladies, gentlemen, friends, relatives, mom [He smiled to his mom who was sitting opposite to Eva and Dakota] if you are gathered tonight, it is for a very special reason, because I love each one of you, and I wanted to make this announcement big... as you know my personal life has been over and over again exposed to the public.  Sometimes I made the wrong choice, sometimes I wasn't lucky, sometimes I was too picky, sometimes I was fucked up which ended in dramatic conditions, but today, this part of my life came up tp a drastic change, and I never thought I'd be this happy again... and it's all because of one person, she's here tonight with us, I want you guys to know that she made me a better man, she's my everything, I love her passionately, and we decided to keep going that way, for good, she is my friend, my woman and my wife to be, please give my girl Rih the warmest of the welcome she deserves!"
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Everyone present was nicely surprised by his revelation as they stood an ovation for the one and only Rihanna.  No one saw it coming, not a hint, nothing.  There Rihanna walked to reach Leonardo, even her manner of walking was alluring, she walked like a goddess, dressed in a red bordeaux velvet dress, a pure queen.  It was all said, Leonardo DiCaprio and Rihanna was the couple of this century. Leonardo starred at her  in a way like that every girl wanted to be looked at.  His eyes were sparkling with love and so hers.  
Eva was still stumped at that news.  She starred at the couple hugging cutely and then looked again at her friend Dakota.  
"OMG..." was only that came out of her mouth.
"Eva, if you're gonna tell me you were in the unknown of this, I'll push you into the swimming pool!"
"No need to because I was unaware of that detail!"
"Stop lying or you'll go to hell girl!!"
"I'm not I told you"
"You're among his best friends, how don't you know that?" Dakota kept questionning her friend.
"We all have a private life I guess, and I think it was too cute to have kept this just for them!"
"Anyway, I guess we'll get the honor to attend the biggest wedding of the century."
"Who said you going to get invited?" Eva goofed.
"Oh shut up  you... ok all that emotions opened my thirst, I need a drink, come with me to the bar?"
"Yes sure, just give me a second please."
"Ok love."
Eva sat for a few more seconds, her mind constantly tormenting her about Colin and the fact that she missed his premiere.  He had trusted in her because she made him the promise she wouldn't miss that moment, because it was Cannes, and when you were having your movie played at night it was such a sort of royal privilege.  Her hand reached her iPhone in her blue clutch, hastily unlocked the screen and pressed instantly the message icon on the screen.  
As the message was sent she stood up from the white leather sofa still with that guilt stuck on her chest.
She made her way to the bar where three hot barmen was on duty, of course she noticed them.   Maybe she was single but was allowed to please her eyes and brain.  She looked out for her friend Dakota, but no sight of her.  "Where the fuck is she?" She mumbled between her teeth as she kept at looking  for her friend at every direction.
"Hey beautiful Eva, I was looking for you, I hope you didn't forget our drink.?" Scott's voice could be heard.  "Oh shit please no!!" Her heart spoke for hersef.  
"No I didn't..." She said with a forced smile and forced to be pleasant.
"So this is for you, a martini Blanco, your favorite if my mind is good." He smiled.
"Woooow, seems you learned your lesson about me." She shot back with a tint of sarcasms.
"Not really, but I know it is a ladies drink, I just guess it was."  He replied as they both cheered.    Eva drank a sip of the delicious drink as she starred at her opposite direction still trying to sport her friend.
"Hahah, you are a true ladies man I guess then."  She winked.
"Hmmm nah, not with every ladies, with the best and prettiest only."  He sipped on his glass with an eye wink.  
"Is he flirting.."  Eva spoke to herself while drinking another sip of her drink.
"Oh woooow, I'm flattered."  She said in a courteous manner.  Eva was trying to do everything she could to be the  less responsive to his flirting attempts.
"Don't be, I'm sure you're used to this, men fall easily for gorgeous women like you Eva."
"Oh shit, yes he is flirting, WTF, find an excuse to escape girl, NOW!" Her mind kept telling her. She sipped again on her glass until she felt something wrong, she felt dizzy with palpitations.  
"Aren't you feeling hot?" She asked.
"No, the air conditioners must be at their lowest of the temperatures, what, are you okay?" He asked with concern.
"I don't know, I feel weird, I feel dizzy, and ... I don't know.." She said as she lose her balance.  Scott grabbed her quickly enough otherwise she would have fell down.
"Ok, you definitely not, maybe we should go outside for some fresh air, you'll feel better."  He said as he passed his arm around her waist to give her some support.
"No, No... I need to go to the restroom..."  She barely could spoke.  Eva felt the ground swallowing her, her feet were weak as if she was suffering a hay fever, she knew something was wrong.  
"Ok, I'm going to bring you to the restroom, you can put some fresh water on your face will help."  Scott said as he guided Eva on tiny pace steps, she could barely walk.
"What is happening, what did you put in my drink, asshole..."
"Eva, I think your mind is playing you tricks sweetheart..."  He smiled with a satisfied grin.
"Ok... "  She said but was unnoticeable to him.
"There you are, you want me to go in with you, I don't want you to hurt yourself."
"N....No, I just want to put water on my face..." She said and used the last string of energy to get inside the restroom.  Inside, she leaned her body against the cold refreshing marbled wall and tried to compose herself, but she felt worse, feeling she would puke anytime.  She let her body to lay down, feeling her heart pounding hastily against her chest.  As a reflect, she tried to reach her clutch to grab her phone but couldn't.
"OMG, are you okay?" She heard a voice, a voice that sounded familiar to her but couldn't think out properly of who it was.
"Tell me what's wrong..."
"I don't know."
"You clearly looked like you have been drugged, who did that to you..." Amber asked as she helped Eva to sit against the wall.
"There... the.. a guy outside..." Eva barely spoke as Amber used a toilet towel to put some fresh water on Eva's face.
"Ok, he's there outside... wait, I'm calling a friend he will help us." Amber said as she composed a number on her phone screen.
"Call Dakota please.." Eva begged.
"Ok, first we'll need help...Yes Gabriel, please can you come inside ladies restroom, there is a problem here."
"Don't worry Eva you're safe." Amber spoke with a reassured voice tone.
"Please call her, Dakota..."
"Ehmm yes... ok..." Amber said as she seized Eva's phone from her clutch and looked up for Dakota's number.  "Dakota, I'm calling you on Eva's request, we are at the ladies restroom and she is not doing so well, hurry and come please!"
"Thank you..."
"You don't have to Eva.." Amber said as she kept cleaning Eva's face,  
"Amber... what is wrong here..." A strong voice was heard, as Gabriel made his way inside.
"I think she got drugged, look at her, poor girl, if I wasn't there, I can not even imagine what could have happened to her, she's totally wasted."
"Yeah I can see that... did you call her friends or something.." Gabriel said as he sat down too.
"Yeah, Dakota will be there soon."
"There is that tall guy waiting outside... is that him who did that to her?"
"Scott..." Eva murmured.
"OH MY GOD, Eva, baby, sweetheart..." Dakota said horrified as she erupted in the restroom.
"She was drugged by a guy named Scott and he's waiting outside..." Gabriel said
"What, which guy  there is no guy here." Dakota answered as she held Eva's face in her hands.
"He must have gone then, he knew he has been busted, what an asshole." Gabriel replied.
"Okay, thank you guys for having take care of her, but I'm here now and I'm bringinh her back to the hotel... Oh Amber thank you so much, if you hadn't been here, I don't know what would have happened."
"You're welcome Dakota, but how are you gonna bring her back to to the hotel... maybe we can help though."
"Hmmm yes, maybe Gabriel can help me to bring her out of here, and I have a friend who's awaiting for me outside."
"Yes, sure..."  Both him and Dakota grabbed Eva and placed both of her arms on their shoulders. Eva her, was almost unconscious of what was going on around her.  
"Thank you guys, thank you so much." Dakota sincerely spoke out.
"Just let us know if she;s okay right." Gabriel said as they walked out of the restroom.
"Eva will,." Dakota replied.
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La Magie De Cannes
May 15 2015 Cannes, France
"Eva, par içi..." She heard. "Eva, s'il vous plait approchez vous..." She heard again. "Regardez moi Eva, faites moi un de vos plus beau sourir." Another photographer shouted out loud.   The hundredths of camera flashes sparkling were perfectly synchronised, making them looked like the stars shinning in the sky at night.  Eva was so used to this repeating protocole, smiling at every direction, trying to please the press for having the best of hers, she knew what she had to do to please them and she loved that.   Eva was there, appreciating every step on the infamous red carpet, the one that the most famous talented actors walked on.  She loved to play the best role of her life which was of being herself.   Cannes, it's famous festival, one of the most prestigious in the world.  It was known as the rendez-vous of the ultimate glamour, the meeting of the celebrities, the parties on the yatches, private concerts and every of it's accommodation.
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Eva reached the final steps of the famous Cannes' steps and received a warm welcome from one of the key person and director of the festival Mr Thierry Frémaux, all smiling at her.
"Hello Eva, ça va? Trés content de vous avoir comme chaques années pour ce festival." He said and kissed Eva on the cheeks in the French way, three kisses.
"Ah merci beaucoup Thierry, c'est toujours un grand honneur d'être à Cannes tous les ans, merci pour tout, c'est magnifique." Eva spoke with such of an ease, remember she was fluent in French language.
"Tous le plaisir est pour moi, vous êtes toujours aussi ravissante, je vous souhaite un trés bon festival Eva, enjoy."
"Merci beaucoup à vous aussi.." She said as she stepped inside the cinema building.  Everything was so amazingly decorated, from the lights effect to the posters of Ingrid Bergman on the walls.   She grabbed the movie invitation card from her red clutch and shown it to the young man.  The movie selected to be played on that night was Irrational Man directed by Woody Allen.
"Just follow everyone to the same direction Miss Menaker" He politely replied with a smile.
"Thank you" She nodded as she placed herself in the queue, there she recognized many of her colleagues other actors.  She wasn't really friendly with them but always said a hello as a sign of respect.  Sean Penn who was a bit ahead with Charlize Theron next to him saluted her as these two have been called up to work together on a documentary film to raise awareness about the extreme poverty prevailing in Haiti and to bring help for the children to receive education at school.  Eva was known to be an activist in the UNESCO and would never refuse to take part in missions in the poorest regions of Africa to give a hand for the poor families and raise awarness to abolish  girls circumcisions which she considered as a barbaric act.
As everybody was moving into the theater, she felt an arm wrapping her's and got pulled vigorously into a dark corner.  Her heart began to pound heavily against her chest as a physiological reaction of the scare she felt.  Eva kinda fell relieved when she soon realized she wasn't about to be kidnapped by some kind of pshyco fan.
"What the hell..." She murmured with a certain tint of astonishement in her voice.  "Leo that the fuck funny at all!" She said giving the blue eyed man a light punch on his shoulder.
"Your face, I can't stop laughing" Leonardo exploded in a laughter.
"Yes yes keep on laughing... was that even necessary, what the hell are you hiding?"
"Ok ok, let's be serious now" he still had that silly laugh in his mouth." Eva gave her friend a devil look.
"There will be a party on Armani's boat tonight at the pier and I need you to be there."
"Need to be there, that doesn't like an invitation but more like an obligation!" Eva frowned her eyes.  "And by tonight I already have plans!!"
"What can be more important than a lavish party on Armani's yatch!!" Leonardo replied with some weird face expression.  He perfectly knew Eva loved to take part in lavish vip parties, she never ever would missed that.
"I promised Colin I will attend his movie premiere tonight, this is very important for him."
"For him or for you?"
"Leo, really I won't be in your party."
"Eva, this is not just a usual party... There... a big celebration is gonna happen tonight, and I'm gathering all the people that are very important in my life, mom will be present as well!!"
"Your mom, wooow, must really be really important then." She said.
"Eva, I swear this is important, I promise."Leo leveled up his talent of persuasion.  
"I CAN'T, you cannot come in like a wrecking ball to ask me to come at your party."
"Ok, I understand you made a promise, but just come even it's for five minutes, please." He said in a sort of childish pleading voice.  
"I don't know, I really don't know Leo."
"Just come, around ten at night, it's important, you'll see." He said as he began to walk away in a hurry."
"What hey where are you going to?" Making sure everything is perfectly arramged for tonight.
"Shit..." Eva murmured as she went back into the theater room where she was awaited with her other friends.  
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Hey guys, do you want me to post my fic here??
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Behind every fanfic update, there is a writer being turned into THIS as they await your reactions
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Reblog if you’re proud of your writing
You’re allowed to be happy and proud of your work, please let yourself be happy and proud of your work
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Writing a new version of “the magic smoke”
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The Magic Smoke - Chapter 2
June 13, 2015 Cabo San Lucas
"Hell yeah, finally I landed feet in paradise" Amber sighed more like to decompress after the stress she endured a couple hours ago while boarding in L.A. A sort of big error occurred the moment she showed her flight ticket to the air hostess.  Amber had a place booked in the VIP first class, confirmed three days earlier by the flight company, however in the meantime she boarded in, an unknown person seated already at her dearest throne.  But, it must have been her golden luck that made the difference, making her won her seat back.  A few exchange of words with the team management along some apologies to the blonde girl.  As a compensation for their ugly mistake, Amber would be gifted a whole bottle of champagne for herself during the flight and for sure not to be forgotten delicious caviar.
Cabo San Lucas
"Yes, Finally I'm here, thanks god" Amber sighed as she made her way to the hotel reception. A light breeze touched her face and made her colorful short yellow dress to move in this fresh flow of air. The beginning of June was the best time of the year to spend some great holidays on the little paradise of Cabo.  Despite the large hat on her head and the large black Chanel sunglasses covering her eyes, some people spotted miss Heard already.  This was a serious opportunity to seize for some of the fans to get a selfie with the gorgeous blonde, but stunningly nobody walked to her.  What Amber was seeking for was peace and rest, away from the noisy LA and it's addictive vicious circle something Amber experienced maybe a bit too deeply.  Behind her, the porter carrying the two big Luis Vuitton baggage and two red sporty bags on the luggage carrier couldn't get his eyes off Amber's long slim legs. 
Under her big sunglasses Amber could see everything around her despite of the fact people might had thought that with the dark glasses that was impossible.
At the reception desk, a short girl with brown hair smiled courteously at Amber.  This hotel was said to be the best in Cabo, with the best services offered to the clients.
"Good afternoon Madam, how can I help you?" She asked with her best smile.  She wasn't above twenty five of age and was American.  Many hotels in Cabo had American staff.
"Hi, I made a reservation under the name of Heard Amber.” Amber spoke with the receptionist.  A few typing on the keyboard and a few click with the mouse over here, the receptionist looked at the computer screen with a weird glare, as if something wasn’t alright.
“Is something wrong?” Amber asked as she took off her sunglasses.
“Please give me a few more seconds Miss Heard.” The receptionist politely answered as her eyes kept focused on the screen.  
In the waiting for an answer Amber gave a look at the surroundings, the walls were beautiful decorated with some Mexican antiques designs on an orange paint as a background.  Amber has always been fascinated with the Mexican culture since a very young age.  At the age of six, her dad brought her to Mexico for a trip to the Mayans pyramids. Even though of her young age, she had this beautiful souvenir locked in her mind, maybe the best of many.  Lost in her own souvenir, she got back to the present time when this guy standing at her right side caught her attention in a very surprising  way. Tall, dark blonde, a deep voice which was familiar to her, she was certain of having heard that voice several times already.  Yes it was him, Gabriel fucking Macht, standing right to her.  A small smile appeared at the corner of her mouth as the view was very satisfying.  Every women drooled over him, women wanted to be his wife or girlfriend, women wanted to be impregnated by him.  It was no secret that Gabriel Macht was the object of desire for the female gender.
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"Miss Heard, I'm Patrick, I'm chief supervisor on the reservation side and a undesirable mistake occurred during the process of your reservation, our computer system was under maintenance and the computers being down we had no choices to write down every reservation on notebooks.  What happened is that your bungalow number has been booked twice for you and Mr. Macht here.  We are very sorry for the conveniences and we assure that the problem is being solved at the moment". A tall blonde guy with mesmerizing blue eyes explained to Amber.  He seemed very embarrassed as such incidents barely happened.  This hotel was a five star and the management wouldn't allow to put it's reputation at risk.
Gabriel took off his rayban sunglasses as he smiled at the supervisor then has his gaze on Amber.
"Amber Heard, nice to meet you here." He smiled.
"Hey Gabriel or should I say  Mr. Harvey Specter" Amber replied sarcastically.
"It's up to you... so will you take the room?"
"Oh... euhm I don't know, I booked it two weeks ago."
"Ok then go ahead with it, I booked it just a week ago, ladies first."
"Oh you sure?"
"Yes madam very sure"
"Mr Macht, you don't have to worry, we got you another bungalow house with an fantastic view on the sea, please give us a few more minutes so we can proceed to the changes in your file."  Another receptionist joined the staff at the reception.
"Yes sure, no problem, just do your job, but don't forget the bungalow is reserved for two persons my girlfriend and I.”
"Yes sir, her name is already recorded on our system, don't worry."
"Oh Gabriel has his girl, how come, I never heard him talking of a girlfriend."  Amber said to herself. Gabriel was the kind of actor who tried to keep his private life the most away from the press and paparazzi.  She gave Gabriel a shy smile, this one returning her one too.  He got those smiles of a Greek god that could make you lose your attention.  “GOSH, damn his smile is so damn perfect.”  Amber thought to her own mind.  
“So Miss Heard, you still want the room?”  The receptionist kindy asked to the bonde. Amber starred briefly at Gabriel as if she was feeling an embarrassment.  This one answered by the blink of his right eye.
“Yes, if Mr. Macht is good with it, then yes I’ll take the room.”
“Great then, if you please would like to put a signature on this page, and the porter will bring up your stuffs to the bungalow room.”
“Alright, my holidays officially started.”  Amber sighed as to release the light tension and finally could smile.  “Thank you god for making this happens.”  She murmured, and felt the joy invading Cabo was the perfect destination to release the pressure, to replenish your soul and mostly, the paparazzis were strictly forbidden of access.  A celebrity couldn’t ask for a better place.
Amber put her bordeaux Yves Saint Laurent on her shoulder and made a few steps following the porter until she stopped to look back. “Thanks Harvey, I hope you’ll have a great time here.”
“You too Amber.”  He barely said as he had his iPhone on his cheek.  
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Amber’s Outfit
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Person: “How’s your writing going?”
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Queen 👑
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The Magic Smoke - Chapter 1
2015, May
It was a slightly cold rainy day.  Amber decided to stay home as the blonde girl hated to point her nose out on such a weather! A day before, she and her best friend Dakota had decided to plan for an entire day of shopping, one of the 'celebs' favorite activity.  Both were rich, famous and beautiful, all of the shops would have thrown big sum of money just to have them in for a few minutes in. But Amber and Dakota never thought a second to adopt the "pamper" celebrity behavior, they were too smart for that.  Not like some certain Kardashian's type. Amber had always tried to keep herself low off.
But on that specific day every element of nature showed off just like some certain signs that Amber couldn't denied! The first one was to cancel the shopping plan with Dakota. The second and mostly the worst was to tell 'him' that she couldn't keep that special thing going on between them. Over the last weeks, their relation has been on the rock and did worsen lately.  She couldn't keep going like that and was so convinced that her choice was the best. All Amber wanted was freedom.
Of course she did like Ansel a lot. They have been together a few more than a year.  Both shared a lot on their personal details, their mistakes from the past that cost them great opportunities.  Amber wasn't the type of letting men to enter in her life with a finger clap, so yes Ansel had to be a real nice man that she would trust easily.  The girl had recurrent trust issues when it came to men, even though of her crazy outgoing personality.  She had enjoyed every second of his company; Ansel made her laugh and had brought a certain level of stability into her life.  They enjoyed mutual pleasure in every side, mentally, physically, not to mention an explicit sexual life.  The problem wasn't the age gap neither the respect, it only mattered about that little sparkle that wasn't beaming like it used to be.  All she wanted was to free them off from that hazardous collision waiting ahead. 
Amber sat on the window couch with a cup of green tea and chamomile infusion, her eyes focused on the pouring rainfall outside.  It was in her habit of sitting there to watch the beautiful lightened skyscrapers at night.  She simply adored that view and could sat there for continuous hours starring at the buildings, the planes flying over and would take some great photos with her Canon camera.  Beside acting Amber was a pro photographer, one of her many talent.
But she did fell something was fending her off of appreciating that rain.  It has been haunting her for weeks, giving her sleepless nights, and some anxiety attacks.  It was getting heavier on her  mind, her chest, she had to get if off, she couldn't bear it anymore.
As the door handle moved, she knew Ansel arrived, her heart pounded against her chest.  She couldn't step back, it was now or never.
"Shitty day..." Ansel rumbled as he put his yellow umbrella on the dining room glass table and walked to the kitchen straight.  "I need some black hot coffee damn" he said turning on the electric kettle already filled with water.  Anyway the electric kettle was always filled with water.  Amber only could watch his movements and smile.
"Oh baby, I' sorry... hello." Ansel spoke with a huge smile on his face heading straight at Amber stealing her a kiss which made her smile.
"Hello.." she answered only with a soft voice tone.  Her voice might sounded the sweetest but the tension was felt.
"I just hate rain so fucking much, it makes me feel dull..." he said trying to bring some humor to the heavy atmosphere prevailing here.  Of course he felt something wasn't right. How couldn't he.
"Ansel we need to talk...". Amber said standing up from the couch and stepped a little toward the kitchen.
"Okay, seeing your face it must be serious..."
Ansel stood up from the couch as well walking toward Amber as he hugged her from behind starting to put little kisses on her neck.  Amber's first reaction was revulsion of just having him touching her.  She put her mug on the white granite furniture and with a repulse gesture got rid of his arms surrounding her.
“What’s wrong, can’t I touch you anymore.” An astound Ansel said.
“We can’t keep going on like this.” Amber abruptly said as she starred through the window again.
“What is that?” with the confusion reading his face.
“What I mean is that you and I should stop everything right now, it can’t keep going on that way.”
“Can you repeat that please.”
“Ansel, listen to me right, are you aware that it was already fucked up among us a long time ago, but we tried to fix it over and over again and it didn’t work, so I think the best solution is to live apart.” She spoke with a trembling voice.
“Are you fucking serious?” His eyes turned like into a black color.
“Very serious… I’m sorry, you’re just too great guy and you deserve a better life with a better person other than me.”
“Okay…okay… then talk to me, what has happened lately, did I miss something, what did I do wrong.?” He asked with a trembling voice as he walked towards Amber that looked at him withth some teary eyes.
“You absolutely did nothing wrong, it’s all about me, I just want to be free, please don’t make it more complicated that it is already.”
“Free, you wanna be free, free of what, me?”  His voice tone instantly changed into furiousness.  
“Yes, free from you, free from everything…”
“Free from everything… what the hell is that… Amber we like each other a lot, and you wanna destroy our relation over a sort of teenage greed.”
“Teenage greed, you’re in no position to talk about teenage matters as you still one.” She shot him back
“So now you’re turning the matter upon my age… hey you know what the real matter comes from, you, you’re a fucking hypocrite.”
“Me, hypocrite, I always put your needs and impulses firt!” She shouted hysterically.
“My needs… Are you kidding, I always put you first in every of my decision, you were my priority!”
“Yeah, when you sniffed coke on my butthole while having sex did make part of your priority too?”
“You never complained!”
“Yes, because it made you feel as if you were a sort of god or king, see I’m the one who always put you first!”
“You lying.. you did enjoy it..”  
Amber walked at small pace until she appeared in front of him, her nose almost to hid throat. She looked into his eyes, with the deepest of the glare she ever gave him, almost as if she had the ability to read his mind.
“I standing right here, look at me because it’s the last time you’ll see that close… You are an immature little moron… Is that clear.” She gave him the ugly look. He didn’t even try to place a word, his face expression said it all.  He was aware of how in a bad posture he was into and that trying to calm the situation was a big no
“I want you to clear my loft off your belongings by tomorrow evening.”
“No, okay I got you but can we talk, just talk please.”  His puppy eyes and smoothed voice tone didn’t make her melt like before, it was like Amber had changed into another person.
“I’m going out… you got twenty four hours left as from now, make the best of it to have all of your stuffs out of here, or I’ll call the police.”  She said as she grabbed her black Givenchy bag and made her way to the door.
“You really need to grow up if you\ll have to fix such issues with your next girl to be.”
“And I think you have other serious problems, you need to make a big work on yourself because if you keep ongoing with this behavior, you’ll stay alone for the rest of your life.”
“I rather be alone than being surrounded with pre-natal men like you Ansel!”  Those were her last words as she closed the door behind her with a loud bang.
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