seaofstarlitdreams · 2 days
Beleth, standing outside a bar somewhere and smoking:
When I was a grown ass man, you were thirteen. Isn't that a bit weird?
WHB! Mc, who is VERY drunk: Can you put that out on me?
(Based off a Tumblr post I saw lol)
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seaofstarlitdreams · 3 days
Just posted this to Ao3 lol
Twisted wonderland Angst
are you ready to read some angst i made at 2:am bc i was high on caffeine? I HOPESO SO LETS GET INTO IT.
TW- major character death (Yuu dies) heavy angst no comfort, bad grammar, basic angst trigger warnings FYI-Yuu is using he/they pronouns(like mine.), but i’ll try to use they more.
this is going to suck but who cares? please do read the TW, I don’t wanna trigger anything
Keep reading
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seaofstarlitdreams · 2 months
If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
Hmmmm.... probably my early genshin days lol
I started pretty early on, so it was really fun going through the storylines
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seaofstarlitdreams · 2 months
~A moment where time stops~
Neuvillete x G/n reader drabble Reader is implied to be immortal and in a relationship w/ Neuvi Wrote this as a warmup, so it's not that long.
Faint moonlight shone down upon the soft sands of Fontaine's beaches. Time seemed to stand still.
You looked up at the night sky, before casting your eyes down to the gentle waves that lulled like the calm crib of a sleeping child.
Neuvillette stood behind you, an unreadable expression on his face. His hands came to his side as he walked to stand next to you.
"Is something wrong, my dear?"
Neuvillette asks, looking at how the waves refect in your eyes.
"I will forget the flowers of yesteryear, the daylight, the rain." You sigh, slowly glancing over to him. A small, somber smile paints your face like a rainbow rose shaded by a grand tree. "I ask that you remember in my stead, in this nascent world, and hold to that lost dream."
Nuevilette remains silent for a moment, before replying.
"If that is what you wish. Though,"- He pauses. The judex puts his hand in yours, gently holding you close,-"I wish to see the end of my days with you by my side."
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seaofstarlitdreams · 2 months
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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seaofstarlitdreams · 2 months
The Devil's Price!
Platonic WHB kings +Sibling reader: How it came to be This is going to end up being my base for reader in platonic WHB fics, but I will specify if otherwise Short, Also the reader pretty much gets kidnapped and doesn’t care at all in most of them- No Beelzebub here, forgot him-
Long before you had met Satan, you lived in a small hut deep in the forests of Gehenna (Think like Gamigin when he first met Lucifer). Despite your young age and lazy behavior, you survived on foraging alone with no one else around to help you. Satan found himself wandering the outskirts of Gehenna when he first laid eyes on you in a little hammock outside the small abode you had made for yourself, snoozing away without a care to be found. He felt something in his mind telling him that he MUST take you home. Satan wasn’t sure how to do that, so he waited for you to wake up. Once you did wake up, Satan looked at you, and said one thing; “I’m your brother now, no questions.” You didn’t get a chance to properly process what he said before Satan picked you up and walk back to his residence. You never questioned it, and neither did anyone else. It just worked out.
MAMMON: KING OF GREED Mammon has always been a busy man, more often than not consumed by the work of ruling over Tartaros. Despite this, he found himself craving something new: something that he couldn’t put in his treasure warehouse but was just as valuable as all the items inside. Mammon went to Eligos for advice, as Bimet wasn’t much help. Eligos, after listening to what Mammon had to say, suggested what may have been the best thing he ever said. “Maybe,”- Eligos starts- ”You should make a sibling for yourself, your Highness.” Mammon had a good idea of what to do after some thought and he went straight to work carving a small statue made of gold in the shape of a child. With a tiny bit of magic, you came to be. Though Mammon could technically be your father, He’s your brother, no questions.
You were a spirit husk (Think like a Seelie from Genshin), floating around the world aimlessly, no ideas in your head to give you any sort of direction. Time was nonexistent to you, and so too was thinking foreign to you. Sometime within your thoughtless roaming, there was a blond man with white eyes and black Sclera, as well as a blue-haired man beside him. The blond man held his hand out to you, and within a blink of an eye, you had a form. Small red horns sat on your head, and a very confused look on your face. The blue haired man laughed slightly, and put a jacket on you, as you may or may not have had any clothes on (That's up to you).
The blond spoke quietly, almost unable to be heard. “Good. Come now, we’re going home.” He grabbed your arm, and within time, you became ‘Lucifer’s little sibling’. Unbeknownst to you on that day, Lucifer had been watching you for quite a while, and had been keeping an eye on you. Unlike the relationships he had with his brothers in heaven, Lucifer wanted a more… Simple relationship. A sort of relationship formed by trust. Lucifer had never been one for words, but you always knew what he wanted to say when Lucifer made subtle gestures to show that he cared.
You were lost. You were a demon, but that’s all you knew. Wandering the woods of Hades for even an idea for your identity, but you never found it. You watched the water levels rise and fall, until they didn’t stop rising. The land where you had once lived was flooded, turned into what could be considered a lake. You sat on the ground. Starting out at what had been your home. You felt watched; as if there was someone there. And there was. A gorgeous demon with black horns stood behind you, and put a hand on your back. “Tears are futile. I am now your home.” Leviathan yanked your arm, and shoved you into what seemed to be a coffin. You pounded on the door, desperate to get out. Seconds felt like hours as you became exhausted from trying to escape. You were scared; petrified even.
At last, the door opened and you tumbled out, falling flat on your face. Looking up, you see the beautiful face of Leviathan staring down at you. You frantically look around at the lavish bedroom, before you feel a yank at your neck. Within the time you spent confused and panicking, Leviathan put a red-rope noose around your neck, and pulled you up by it.
"Look at me." Leviathan stated grabbing your chin in order to force you to look at him. When you do, he looks at you as with an oddly calm face. "This is your room now. I am your brother, and you WILL stay here when I am not with you. Do you understand?" You nod, confused but you don't really care because he's pretty.
This makes no sense but take it anyways.
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seaofstarlitdreams · 3 months
Aventurine's banner is going to be out in 15 hours, 8 minutes and 54 seconds as I type this (Yes I have a timer)
I apologize for the person I will become when he comes home (Or do I >:3)
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seaofstarlitdreams · 3 months
aventurine: diamond knew i’d be just the one for this job ;)
diamond, 20 minutes ago: bring me our most suicidal employee
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seaofstarlitdreams · 3 months
Even Funnier is if Yuu looks like a stereotypical NPC and acts like a tired college student. I'm talking slightly darker than normal eyebags, coffee addiction, and lots of missing assignments. The best Yuu Frfr.
My favorite brand of “Yuu/everyone” style of fanart and fanfics is when Yuu is literally just some person™ who showed up on accident and can’t go back.
They’ve got no dramatic backstory, no notable accomplishments, they may not even have a notable design, but they’ve got nearly two dozen of this world’s most interesting people wrapped around their finger without even realizing it; maybe more if you include some of the RSA students and the events exclusives like Rollo and Fellow Honest.
Even better if Yuu, despite all this, is still somehow out of their league. Like and subscribe if you agree.
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seaofstarlitdreams · 3 months
Writing a WHB Satan cuddling with sibling reader fic, quickest route, no MC mentions. Enter text here.
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seaofstarlitdreams · 3 months
Hi before we send requests can we see your drawings first? :)
Sure!! I'll picture a few of my Dan Heng IL drawings below! Do keep in mind I am a beginner artist, so they aren't very good-
I did have to take these on my crappy laptop camera as my Phone isn't working right now, so the image quality is ass-
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seaofstarlitdreams · 3 months
Little ramble
I'm going to start posting some of my art here, but I am a beginner traditional artist, so I don't know how it will go. I will do art requests and inspirations (Not commissions, I won't be doing those I can't draw very well, and nobody would pay me anyways.)
Also, sorry for no fics recently, my ELA teacher got arrested so I can't turn in any work for him, and the sub in his place has been giving us non-stop homework every day that takes several hours to do because "We're honors ELA students, we should be able to handle it" or whatever. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SEND REQUESTS I BEG I NEED INSPIRATION!!
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seaofstarlitdreams · 4 months
FRRR tho
Like, it was so well done, plus the toxic-loving dynamic is great.
I see Lily Orchard is up to her usual bullshit 🙄
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seaofstarlitdreams · 5 months
Are your requests open?
Yep! feel free to send in pretty much anything!
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seaofstarlitdreams · 5 months
I took inspo from OM Belphie for the reader, but made them not an asshole and cuddly. you/you're pronouns for reader, though reader has a dick in Leviathans. Reader is younger than the kings, a child/young teen( I have no clue how age works in Hell) probably shit grammar. Mammon's was short as balls, I'm sorry my fellow ass enjoyer.
-Average older sibling experience.
-Satan nicknamed you whiskers to piss you off. That is only for your ears though. In public, he either calls you by your name, or calls you 'sleepy'. Thats it, that's the headcannon/j
-Satan loves messing with you while you sleep. stealing your pillows, taking your blankets, throwing you off of whatever surface your onn...
-Poured ice water on you once trying to piss you off. It failed. You got up, and went back to sleep on the warm part of the floor :(
-He let Sitiri give you black tea ONE TIME. Never again. You were bouncing off the walls for two hours, and then passed out for the rest of the day. Hence, you are banned from drinking black tea (He never said anything about coffee. DON'T LET HIM KNOW)
-One time, you two got into a big ass fight about something,(You were too sleepy to care or remember what it was) and so, you decide to go sleep with Sitiri. While the cuddles were very nice, Satan was much more than pissed when he found out. If looks could kill, the Milky Way wouldn't have bothered exploding, it would have just evaporated.
-You got banned from cuddling with Sitiri after that.
-After the angels started invading Gehenna, Satan wouldn't let you sleep outside. Only in your room, or his, preferably. that way he can make sure you're safe from harm And other demons trying to cuddle with you
-He's a big tease, but he doesn't let anyone else do that. Ppyong got thrown a few times because they kept waking you up, and Satan got mad because how dare someone else tease his little sibling Ppyong was being annoying.
-He loves you a shit ton, and actually hates it when you get really mad at him. Because then you ignore him and find someone else to cuddle with, and Satan HATES that. So, only teasing and friendly banter.
-I'll leave this here, but I feel like he's a big cuddler. He likes you close at night, so he knows your safe, within his arms, of course.
-He's also a fucking oven. With that much rage in that small body? That shit emanates warmth like the fucking sun, and his bath card says he can even heat bathwater with his rage. Good for cuddles, of course.
"Eh? You woke up. shocker. Go back to sleep, I'll be right here still..." `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(I don't know much about him, as I just got his Bloodshed card recently. I apologize if this makes no sense!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Beelzebub doesn't mind the fact you sleep pretty much all day, though he can get a bit worrying as he spends most of his time traveling -the one bad thing about it is that you fall asleep anywhere.
-One time, he found you asleep in a tree. A TREE. he was astonished, was that even comfortable???? You wanted to look at the stars, but you had fallen asleep while watching then sun go down. Once Beelzebub found that out, he just patted your head and told you to tell him next time.
-He likes to pick out your earrings. (It says in the downloading screen that The demons from the part Beelzubub rules over all have piercings, so I'm going off of that) He thinks mix-matching black and dark green studs look nice on you
-Having nearly died multiple times, Beelzebub finds himself keeping a close eye on you, just to make sure that you're safe.
-He finds comfort in being with you while you sleep. Whenever he wakes up, you always have your arms wrapped around him, and occasionally mumble out a sleepy complain about not wanting him to leave. It makes him smile, you wanting him to stay. So, of course he lies back down. A couple more minutes can't hurt.
-Similar to Satan, he's really warm. Not like an oven, though. He's more like that warm, comfortable feeling you get when you get in bed.
-Beelzebub's noticed that whenever he gets hurt, you always sleep with him for the next few days, or even weeks. It's like your way of showing worry, and he likes the cuddles.
-He dreams about sleeping in a bed next to a sunny window, while someone takes care of him. He knows it's never going to happen, but with you? He's more than willing to cuddle with you during the day, or anytime for that matter.
"Ah, Did I wake you up? No, I'm not going anywhere, so why don't we go back to sleep..."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEVIATHAN
-Solomon have mercy on you, you poor sleepy cat :(
-Leviathan can't find you? You must be off cuddling with someone other than him. How dare you choose some lowly, unimportant demon instead of your Overbearing and clingy Perfect Brother Leviathan >:0
-You have to be in sight pretty much all the time. You do get some self-sleepy time, but only when Leviathans really busy. And I mean REALLY busy. Hades needs to be falling apart and/or being invaded by angels for you to get that sweet, sweet self-sleepy time.
-You got mad at him, and went to sleep with someone else? Say bye-bye to your ability to leave his palace/house-thing, because that's GONE the millisecond Leviathan find out.
-The person you were sleeping with? Hung. You? With him, In his coffin, tied up so he can cuddle you to his hearts content. He doesn't care that he's being unreasonable. He loves you too much, and doesn't want another demon to take you away from him >:((
-Leviathan loves you, a bit too much. No other soul is allowed to cuddle with you, let alone breathe sleep near you, unless they wish to be hung.
-He likes it when your pillows and blankets are in his signature colors. That's all he lets you have. Black, silver, and purple. Maybe a few others, but those are the majority.
-Leviathan adores it when you take baths with him. He likes seeing you vulnerable because he knows he's the only person able to see you like that.
-He'd also make you wear a Chasity cage. He's the King of Envy, he can't just let you run amok Hades, alone unsafe! What if someone takes advantage of you being unsafe? The unsafe factor being your dick touching your underwear
. -When He gets a bit envious, for any reason regarding you, he makes you to cuddle with him, in his coffin. You're too sleepy to care, but Leviathan does. Too much
. -Watches you sleep. I'm not even joking. He'd stare at you, asleep in his bed, for about 5 minutes before going to cuddle you.
"The audacity for someone to even try to take you away from me... And now, you're here with me, cuddling with your amazing older brother. Isn't this so much better?"
MAMMON (I gave up here, soory fellow Mammon Enjoyers) ~~~~
-You might just be luckiest demon in the world -Mammon loves you, and lets it be known. -Also a big cuddler, AND he gets you a shit ton of blankets and pillows. -After a long day of doing whatever he does, Mammon likes to lay down and cuddle with you. -When he says everything belongs to him, he means EVERYTHING. He's more than happy to get you anything you want, which is usually pillows, blankets, and quality time. -That sleepy little look you give him when he accidently woke you up while laying down with you? Melts his heart, really. -If you like stuffed animals, especially themed ones, He'll make sure you have an army of stuffed toys, just for you. -Mammon likes to hear you talk about anything, really. Your toys' names? He'll listen. That band you like? He's down for it. The entirety of the FNAF lore? Mammon's patting your head as you ramble. -He wants you to be as comfy as possible. -Mammon finds himself buying small things that remind him of you. A necklace that in your favorite color, a stuffie that fits the theme of your collection… Etc.
"Good morning. How was your rest? I'm sure it was nice, with me by your side."
This took TOO long to write-
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seaofstarlitdreams · 5 months
Hoyo getting REAL close to losing it's mind.
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What is that middle option?
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seaofstarlitdreams · 5 months
My love, Mine all Mine.
Dan Heng x reader drabble. Solely Fluff
The Archive's lights were dim, the mattress on the floor covered in blankets, despite normally only holding a single quilt. On that small mattress on the floor lay a very cuddly dragon, and you. Dan Heng's tail wrapped around your waist and upper body, his arms holding you close to him. His face lay next to your chest, as if he was listening to your heartbeat. "Heng'er…" The Dragon made a soft hum, too comfortable to bother moving. "I need to get up. Can you let g-" "No." "No? What do you mean 'no'??" Heng'er, darling, I need to get up…." "No." "Please? I'll come back." "No." "Dan Heng-" You got cut off by Dan Heng's tail lightly hitting you in the mouth. He does not soften his grip and pulls you even closer. The dragon was not about to let go of you anytime soon, no matter how much you protest. After a few minutes of failing to get out, you sigh and wrap your arms around him. "You sure are stubborn, aren't you, Heng'er?" "Not in the slightest." He replies, snuggling closer to you. He laid his head next to your chest, almost purring like a cat. You look at him, his tail curled around your waist as if you were a life-size Teddybear. "Sure, sure. keep telling yourself that, Dan Heng." You smile, laying your head down on the soft pillo-… or not so soft pillow "…This is hard as a rock. How have you not broken your neck, Dan Heng??"
The dragon didn't respond, burring his face into your chest instead.
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