Sims 4 Storytelling
22 posts
Hello, I sometimes play a game called 'The Sims 4' and use it to tell stories on Tumblr :)
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
"The Commencement" - 1843
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After the plan was all set and done, the following Sunday, the McNeils held a commencement ceremony for Reginald and Nora's beginning of a new life.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here today to commence our dear community members, Mr. Reginald and Mrs. Nora, on their journey to Newcrest, Pennsylvania," Darren says as the congregation follows with applause. "We're here to lift them up in prayer and love so their journey may be successful. We pray that the good Lord watches and keeps them on a narrow way. Let us bow our heads and pray..." Darren says as he leads the congregation into a faith-fueled and passionate prayer.
After the prayer, Darren reads some passages from the Holy Bible and allows for some words to be spoken by Reginald and Nora.
"Any final parting words that you would like to share with the family?" Darren asks them. Nora clears her throat and says, "Well... I just want to say from the bottom of my heart.. thank you. Thank all of you for everything that you've done for my family. I especially thank Mr. Darren McNeil and the McNeil family for taking us in. If it weren't for Mr. McNeil, we wouldn't have been here today... we'd probably be somewhere six feet under by now," Nora says, followed by a nervous chuckle.
"And I also wanna say thank you to all of you..." Reginald steps up and says. "Mr. McNeil and I have bonded very strongly over the time of our stay, and sure enough, he's proven himself a good man. You all are truly lucky to have him as a part of your lives. He reminds me of my own father, whom I've lost as a child... He was kind of like a father figure to me, ya' know... But... I know Mr. McNeil will continue to do great things for this community. And Mrs. McNeil... this is one heck of a woman right here!" Reginald says as the congregation chuckles. "Mrs. McNeil is a lady with spunk, passion, knowledge... and not afraid to speak her mind or do what's right... She helped me and Nora become literate... though my wife Nora is better at it than me, I know that with drive and determination, I can get better, just as Mrs. McNeil taught me. The children of the McNeils show that they were products of some good folks. Especially my late partner in crime, Zachariah... God rest his soul. Your young girls, Joclyn and Elise are beautiful and educated; I just know they'll make it far in life... I hope one day, our family will be just as talented and beautiful as your own, Mr. and Mrs. McNeil. We'll definitely carry out the legacy to help people who are in bondage and seek freedom.. just like you did for us."
The congregation stands and erupts in passionate applause.
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"And this is a gift from all of us. From our hearts to yours." Darren says as he hands Reginald a gift box. As Reginald removes the lid, he's greeted with a box full of money. "Whew-wee, Mr. McNeil! That sure looks like a lot of money!" Reginald says as he's in shock. "800 dollars, to be exact!" Darren replies as he chuckles. "It's the money for your new home. We were able to set up everything with the landlord there, who is a well-respected free colored man. You shouldn't have any problems to worry about!" "Thank you, man... thank you," Reginald says as his eyes start to well up with tears as he hugs Darren. "Thank you.. all of you!... I know with all of this help, I'm able to give my son a better life," Reginald says as he goes into the congregation, hugging everyone.
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"Mrs. McNeil... thank you so much," Nora says to Michelle, her eyes well up with tears, "No honey, thank you!" Michelle replies, "You helped me to further realize my purpose in this world... to help people achieve in their lives! And it looks like I was blessed enough to do that for you, Nora. And I'm forever grateful for you."
"Indeed... you've helped me find my passion, too! To learn... I finally feel like I have something that no master could ever take away from me... Mrs. McNeil, you've shaped me into a brand-new woman! I love you, Mrs McNeil, and I wish you all the best." Nora says to Michelle as she goes in to embrace her.
As the community shared their final goodbyes and gave a benediction over Reginald, Nora, and Reginald Jr., the new family began to set their carriage up for the travel. They stacked the inside of the carriage with their sacks of food, horse feed, and belongings. Reginald went into the outhouse of the church to paint his face with makeup to make him appear as a caucasian man (see previous post). A few of the ladies in the church helped him to relax and dye his hair brunette, styling it.
"My God... I don't even know if I know who you are right now...." Nora says as she's stuck in a state of shock. "Honey... my name is now Eugene... Eugene Howard... Eugene was the name of my father... and Nora... you're Nettie. Nettie Howard. That was the name of my mother..." Reginald states to Nora. "You are my slave... and... we had a child together... and we're off to Pennsylvania to start a new life."
With Reginald's and Nora's new disguises, Reginald hops onto the driver's seat of the carriage with Nora and his child inside of the back, taking off towards their first stop, Rock Hill, South Carolina...
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
"The Plan" - 1843
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A month passes after Zachariah's death, and the community has finally orchestrated a plan to move Reginald, his wife Nora, and their baby boy, Reginald Jr., up north to Newcrest, Pennsylvania.
"Praise God, the plan is finally set and done! We should be able to get them up to Newcrest as swiftly as possible," Darren says, "It's a blessing how the Johnson family even managed to build them a carriage and buy two horses to go along with it!" He adds. "So what exactly is this plan?" Asks the daughter, Elise, "Well, first, we've calculated that it'll take nine days to get to Pennsylvania from South Carolina, and on each of those days, we've marked spots where homes of abolitionists can be found; the houses should have some type of quilts hanging up which is a signal that the homes are a safe stop for runaways. We've instructed them to find refuge with those homes and to only travel to the next stop when the coast is completely clear. The plan also gives them tips such as putting peppers in their shoes to ward off hound dogs; for the baby, we learned that chamomile and lavender can act as a sedative to keep the baby asleep and quiet," Darren explains to Elise.
"How do you know if those silly tricks will truly work? I don't know, Darren, this plan really doesn't seem very reliable to me..." Michelle says worryingly, "Don't worry honey, we will provide them with everything that they would need to be successful on their escape. It is the best we can do right now, considering a bounty put out on Reginald and Nora! Besides.. there's one more trick that we have up our sleeve..." Darren says to Michelle, "And what would that be?" Michelle asks, "Since Reginald's mother was mixed race, resulting in Reginald's rather fair features... I think we are able to use his looks to pass him off as a white man!" "What? Now that's the dumbest thing I've heard come from this "plan." Zach would probably be on the floor laughing right now at that foolishness that's just left your mouth, Darren!" Michelle scoldingly says to Darren as Elise laughs.
"Now, now, don't be so quick to criticize. We've concocted a recipe of facial makeup, completely harmless, that will make his skin identical to a white man's skin! We can also make his hair more relaxed and dye it a brunette color! Now, the makeup is only suggested to be used sparingly and when they know for sure that it is going to be a dry day because any level of water or humidity could melt away the makeup. We were only able to craft so much of the makeup." Darren explains to them.
"Now, as crazy as it sounds, mama, I think that this could work! Reginald does seem to possess fairer features, such as those of a white man. I think it can work out just fine!" Elise says to Michelle.
"Well then, if they can't use the makeup, then who will be there to ride them on the carriage when they need to leave?" asks Michelle, "Well, they will just have to wait until it is safe to apply the makeup. If push may come to shove, they will be armed with a pistol and bullets as well."
"Hmmm, well, I guess if Aspen's done it, Calvin should be able to do it too, huh...." Michelle sarcastically says.
"Honey, we shouldn't overthink this! I believe that the good lord himself helped us with this plan, so it's bound to work out! All we have to do is seek our heavenly father in prayer to ensure a successful voyage for them, and he will hear us; we just need to have faith in this. We've even scrapped up 800 dollars for them to purchase a quaint little townhome in Newcrest. We've already sent a letter and made arrangements with the landlord, who is a well-respected free colored man, a good man he is too! Everything will be fine, Michelle."
"I guess you're right...," Michelle says to Darren
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As the evening approached, Reginald and Nora packed all the belongings the family had given them. Michelle eagerly writes away the map of their escape to Newcrest.
*P.S. to followers of my story: The time period has changed from the 1800s to the 1840s*
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
"Zachariah's Death" - 1843
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On a hot summer evening around 6 o'clock, the McNeil family would change forever and never remain the same...
Zachariah, the dear son of Michelle and Darren McNeil, was murdered in his own backyard.
Zachariah was out in the backyard as he was marveling at how skilled of a gardner Reginald was by examining the quality of Reginald's fruit and flowers that he's grown when a white male in a black cloak maneuvered himself into the backyard and walked up behind Zachariah, stabbing him in the throat. The man was able to swiftly escape without any notice as he held his gloved hands tightly onto Zachariah's throat so his screams wouldn't have been heard during the attack.
It was only at dinner, when Zachariah's favorite meal was prepared, that the family noticed Zachariah's unsettling absence.
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The following Saturday of the week is when the family held Zachariah's funeral. Due to the mental and emotional impact on the family with Reginalds' bounty situation and now with the murder of Zachariah, the whole community made sure to show up and be there for the McNeil family; every week, the community checked in on the family, uplifting them in love and in prayer, black and white community members alike.
Week after week, the community pleaded persistently to the Judge of the Willow Creek Court to make an urgent effort for Zachariah's murderer to be found, but each request ultimately fell on deaf ears.
One question will forever ring in the community, who possibly could have murdered Zachariah and why?
Zachariah's presence will forever be missed.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
"The Bounty" - 1843
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As the summer approached, the South Carolina town of Willow Creek was met with many thunderstorms. Constantly, the streets were chaotic, with people rushing to get home as the storms unexpectedly wreaked havoc upon the town.
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During her refuge in the Mcneil's house, Nora had the freedom to further hone her culinary skills. Mixing, cooking, and baking, Nora produces countless recipes, always being the main one to cook dinner for the house.
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While Reginald and the rest of the house converse and catch up on book reading, they hear a knock on the door. "Well, who is this at our door during this storm?" Michelle asks as she goes towards the door. Michelle looks out of the door window, "Mrs. Johnson?" she exclaims. "Oh, hello, Michelle, it's very good to see you. Is Reginald here? The young fellow you're keeping here?" "Well, yes... why? and how do you know about Reginald?" Michelle replies. "Oh, don't worry, I found out by the Simpsons, your next-door neighbors. We were catching up with each other and enjoying some tea. I'm so very sorry if I made you uneasy; that wasn't my intention at all." Mrs. Johnson (Savannah Johnson) replies.
Savannah Johnson is the wife of Calvin Johnson; the pair work together as slave abolitionists and are great allies to the McNeil family as well as the other two free negro families of the neighborhood. Though not as wealthy as the upper-class society in Willow Creek, the couple only value the "finer" things in life and are both suckers for money, spending it at every chance they have, often hosting wild country dance parties. The two are both true country bumpkins with strong South Carolina accents but detest many of the South's customs, including slavery.
"Oh no, I'm sorry for being so skeptical; I should've known better... well, come on in, I can't have you standin' out here in this rain, Mrs. Johnson!" Michelle says, "Oh, bless you, Mrs. McNeil.." Savannah says worryingly. "Well, why is it that you want to see Reginald, if I may ask?" Michelle asks Savannah, "Well, see.. I'm not gon' beat around the bush here with this one.. it is some bad news" says Savannah. "Oh lord no... I've had enough of that already, Mrs. Johnson-" "I know, Michelle, I know... but this is urgent." Savannah says while interrupting Michelle. "Reginald... is on a bounty list.", "oh God..." Michelle says in despair. "... How much do they have out on 'em," Michelle asks, "3,000 silver dollars..." Savannah distraughtly responds; Michelle almost faints and goes into a panic attack, but Savannah is able to reassure her. "Michelle, it's okay now, it's okay... first things first, we have to sit down with Reginald and the rest of the family and figure out a plan quick. Trust me, Michelle. Myself and Calvin, along with the others, will help with this; we've got your back." Savannah explains to Michelle while reassuring her.
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Savannah warmly greets Reginald and explains everything to him in a calm and collected manner, trying to reassure him in the process. "They finally got me, huh?... Hmph," Reginald says in a defeated tone, "No, no one's got "gotten" yet, and you certainly won't be. Listen, the bounty just came out today, so it's still fresh in the air; no one really knows about anything as of yet, which is the perfect chance for us to think of something fast." "So what's your plan then?" Reginald asks, "well, Mr. Reginald, you've got to move up north," Savannah replies. "Up North?... I know they don't enslave negros up there, but how is Nora and I gon' afford to go up North? Especially with a newborn? We just wouldn't have the resources to survive, Mrs. Johnson... Listen, I'll just turn myself in. If it's what I gotta do to protect my family, then that's that!" Reginald says to Savanah. "No, Reginald... you are not turning yourself in, and you're not goin' back to bein' no slave, ya' hear?" Savannah scoldingly says to Reginald. "We will give you all the resources that you'll need; trust me, I am an abolitionist, Reginald; I've done this before. The McNeils work with the other abolitionist families around this area as well as abolitionists up north; we are no strangers to this. You and your family will be in good hands."
Michelle gathers the rest of the family into the living room to have Savannah explain everything that's happened. Savannah and Darren go out into the neighborhood during the storm to gather the other families of abolitionists. Zachariah, Darren and Michelle's son, who is talented in sketching, sketches a map as Savannah and the others carefully strategize an escape plan for Nora, Reginald, and Reginald Jr. up to a city called Newcrest, Pennsylvania...
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
"The School Is Burned Down" - 1843
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Michelle, being an underground black educator educating other blacks during the 18th and 19th centuries, had to face the harsh reality of her unpaid profession not lasting very far. Michelle, being a freed and secretly educated slave, has been privately teaching other uneducated slaves and freed negro persons in an abandoned two-story house that she had transformed into a makeshift school. She managed to keep the school up ever since she and her husband married and bought their land. However, in South Carolina, it was illegal for blacks, freed or un-freed, to gain literacy. It wasn't until a slave was spotted by a white child as the slave was coming out of the house while reading a book that she would have to end everything. After the slave spotted the boy, the slave began to scare him away in a frantic effort to shoo him off to protect Michelle's school. The slave ran back into the school, informing Michelle about what happened, which led Michelle to quickly dismiss everyone and flee back to her home, never to return to the school again.
Two days later, Michelle read the town's paper, learning that the slave who scared the boy away was hung along with two other enslaved people and one freed negro person who were all suspected to have been along with him. Realizing her potential fate, Michelle breaks down in her kitchen while cooking breakfast and has a panic attack.
"Honey? Honey, what's wrong?? What's wrong, Michelle??" Darren says as he rushes to Michelle while she's hyperventilating. Soon after, Nora and the rest of the household come to Michelle's aid and lay her on the couch, holding her hand and placing a cold rag over her head to help cool her down.
After Michelle cools down, she explains to everyone what happened. "Honey, why have you kept this secret for two days? Why haven't you told us sooner?" Darren asks Michelle. "I don't know, I was just in so much panic I didn't know what to do.. but learning about three of my students being hung really took a toll on me... their names were Johnny Furmand, Rosie Palmer, and Ulysses... Rosie was only twelve years old... twelve... and all they wanted was to be able to read a damn word from out of a book... was that too much to ask Darren? Was it too much to ask??" Michelle says as she breaks down in tears again, and the family goes in to comfort her.
Darren enters his closet and prays for Michelle's comfort and his family's safety. A week later, the family learns from the town's paper that the two-story house building that served as the school has been burned down, signifying the town's further disregard for the topic. The family lets out a breath of relief, knowing that their family is at least safe from being searched by the public for Michelle's role in the matter.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
"We Meet Again!" - 1843
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On a Sunday afternoon in 1843, as Nora was cleaning around the house and caring for her rapidly growing newborn, she heard a knock on the front door. Her lifelong companion, Aspen, is paying her a visit from up North.
"Nora?" Aspen says as Nora opens the door, "Aspen?" Nora replies; the two erupt in excitement, embracing each other joyously. "Well, I'll be! Please! Come on in and make yourself at home!" Nora tells Aspen, "It's so good to see you," Nora says as they both chuckle. "Nora, it's good to see you!! It's good to see that you have your own life now; you're free!" Aspen says, "Well, it sure does feel nice!" Nora says as she chuckles. "Nora, I want to apologize for all the hell that you had to go through. I apologize on behalf of my family because I know they will never take any accountability for what they've done," Aspen says as she pleads to Nora. "Aspen, you don't have to be sorry for anything; you did nothing wrong; you were just a child brought up in the wrong home. You were always different. My special child, as I used to call you because it's true. You are special." Nora replies.
"Besides, I'm free now... everybody thinks I'm dead," Nora says as they laugh. "Oh, Nora," Aspen says with tears in her eyes as she embraces Nora with a second hug. "Oh, but I do worry about my dear Reginald. They don't think he's dead, unfortunately. They probably have a bounty out on him right now as we speak..." Nora says worryingly. "Oh, Nora, you don't have to worry about a thing. I'll protect you; I'm sure you've heard about what I did. Trust me, Nora, I'm not scared of no sh*t-for-brains fool who thinks that a human life can be bought or sold. I'll blow their damned brains out before they ever come here; promise you that!" Aspen says as she becomes heated. "Well, great heavens!" Shocked by Aspen's behavior, Nora says, "I'm sorry to get you all riled up like that; I didn't mean to worry you." Aspen chuckles, realizing her erratic behavior, "No, I'm sorry for losing control like that. I'm just sick of it, sick of it all. The slave trade, babies being torn away from their families, people being whipped and hung... oh, sweet Jesus..." Aspen says as she begins to feel winded, "Alright, enough of that," Nora says as she reaches for Aspen. "Look at us; we're here now with each other! In the meantime, let's just wind down and enjoy each other's company and all the positive things around us, huh?" Nora says as she redirects the subject, "I'm sorry, you're right, Nora; let's just... sit down and have a good time," Aspen says as she takes a breath and smiles.
Nora introduces Aspen to the rest of the household, including Reginald Jr., Nora's baby boy. They all sit down and have tea, sharing each other's life stories, and Aspen shares the story of her brave expedition of running away armed at midnight, taking her family's slaves up north, and freeing them. Though Aspen's family name and reputation in South Carolina are ruined, Aspen has a new value to her life of making a difference and fighting for what's right.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
"An Addition to the Family" - 1842
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Approaching the third year of the century, Reginald and Nora continue to grow their love for one another, making up for the lost time.
Nora's literacy and academic knowledge have greatly improved around this time with Michelle's help, and her faith continues to grow with the help of Darren. She's been helping Reginald with reading and writing, although catching onto things takes him a while. Darren and Reginald's bond grows as they share extensive common knowledge in agriculture and cultivation. Nora is in her. 16th chapter of her book. She plans to stop at 19 chapters to signify the turn of the 19th century in which she gained freedom.
While on her way to the market, Michelle came across a sheet of a gossip newsletter that read that Aspen, the daughter of Parker and Amalia Howell, had run from home at midnight dressed in layers of clothing, with the possession of three horse carriages. The carriages appeared to have had some negro passengers who were seated in the back of each. She was also seen with two shotguns in hand. Incredibly in shock, Michelle rushes back home to relay the message to the rest of the household. "She did what now??" Nora asked, "What a courageous young woman she is!" Darren exclaimed. "Oh and she's got some heat in her hands too, I'd hate to be the sucker that gets in her way!" Michelle says, making the others laugh.
"I wonder who the negro passengers were??... wait a minute, could it have been... slaves? Their slaves??" Zachariah, questions. "I think so, Zach. The Howells owned eight other slaves, including us; one passed away. God rest his soul. Aspen has always made it clear that she was different. I always saw that there was something special about the girl ever since she was a lil' baby. Something pure," Nora says. "Well, may God bless and keep them on their journey... the church will certainly be praying for them," Darren adds. "Do you think she went up North?" Michelle questions, "Wherever they are, I just hope she takes good care of 'em," Reginald says." I wish my ol' buddy William could've held out a little longer. He could've been right along with them in that carriage ride, ya know? He's probably somewhere watching over em'. Makin' sure they have safe travels..." Reginald says as Nora goes to embrace him.
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As nine months spilled into the first couple of months of 1843, Nora gave birth to a baby boy named Reginald McNeil Howell Jr., named after his father and the family who helped Nora and Reginald find their freedom. Nora had a successful home birth, assisted by Joclyn, who is training to become a midwife. Over the course of nine months, Nora wrote every experience down into her book, including the new birth.
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The two new parents immediately began to welcome the new bundle of joy into their love. Reginald especially becomes infatuated with his new son, determined to never have him experience the shackles of slavery but to grow and become his own man.
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Nora and Reginald embrace each other, uniting in love with their new family.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
"Reginald Comes Home" - 1841
It's been months since Reginald was gone. But Nora, having strong faith, believes Reginald will return. She goes to church every Sunday with the family, and they pray every day together for the wellbeing of their household and the community and for Reginald to return to Nora safely. Nora started a whole chapter in her book dedicated to her and Reginald's love for each other. However, Nora would receive the answer to her prayers one Sunday afternoon.
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Walking through the woods, Reginald enters the river that separates Foundry Cove from the plantation and crosses it. Out of breath, he reads, "Foundry Cove... Nora, I'm on my way," Reginald says to himself. Determined, he runs and follows the street into the neighborhood and spots two black women, Darren Mcneil's daughters, sitting out on their patio. " 'Scuse me, kind madams, I was wonderin' if y'all could help a poor runaway such as myself... I was told that you all would be of great help," Reginald explains as he's out of breath, "the name's Reginald... Reginald Howell of the Howell plantation... I'm searching for my wife, Nora. Has anyone seen her?" Reginald asks the daughter as they turn to look at each other in excitement.
"Come on over; we will be glad to help. You don't even have to ask," Joclyn says, inviting him onto the patio. "And yes!... Nora is here." Elise, the youngest daughter, says to Reginald as she grins excitedly. She's been waiting for you for so long! And she is right; you sure are handsome," "Elise..." Joclyn says to Elise with annoyance, "What?? It's a compliment!" Elise responds. "N- Noras here, my wife? So my wife is here, in this very house?" Reginald asks with excitement. "Never mind my unruly sister, sir. And yes, she'll be so happy to see you; I'll go get her right now-" Joclyn says, interrupted as she was about to open the door, with Nora coming outside just in time. "Nora!?.." Reginald says, "Reginald... Baby?.." Nora says as Reginald walks up to her, gripping her waist and dipping her into a passionate kiss.
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"Awwwwwww," the daughters happily squeal in admiration. "It feels so good to have you back in my arms again, baby," Reginald says to Nora, "Reginald, you gotta promise never to leave me again.." Nora says as she cries into Reginald's shoulders", "Nothing will ever separate us again. I promise you that, baby, I promise you...," Reginald says as he tightly embraces Nora. Nora weeps into her husband's arms, never wanting to let go.
"It's so much that I want to know... is everything alright with you? Do you know if anything is broken? How did you know to come here?" Nora rambles to Reginald, "Shh, baby... everything is fine. You don't have nothin' to worry about, I promise." Reginald says to Nora as she closes her eyes and takes a deep sigh of relief. "Well... the night that I escaped wasn't easy", Reginald says as he chuckles. "I ran as far as I could to get away from them. I can't even explain how I could run as far as I did. As the sun rose, I ended up at a ship dock in Charleston... I tried to hide in a ship, but the ship's men had caught me and brought me out. They beat me for accidentally knocking their buckets of fish over into the water, but more so for being on top of their ship cause I'm negro. They asked me what plantation I belonged to, and I said that I was free. They asked me for my papers, and I said I lost them, so they called the law over, and they threw me in jail for the time being, but they left me in there for what felt like months... can't tell you how many. They barely gave me anything to eat or drink. It was my luck that this mornin', Aspen, the Howell's daughter, spotted me sitting in the cell. She was out on a carriage ride, came over to me, and asked me what happened. I told her what happened, and she told the sheriff that I was her slave and she wanted me released, so they released me. I was so happy that I wanted to hug her but knew I couldn't. She allowed me to sit inside her carriage and dropped me off at the woods near the river. She told me to come to this house and that you should've been here too, Nora. Sure enough, here you are, in my arms." Reginald says as he kisses and embraces Nora. "My lord, what a story..." Joclyn says. "We're all just happy that you two are finally together," Elise says, chiming in.
Eager to make Reginald a part of the family, Nora brings him into the house and introduces him to everyone. Michelle and the daughters help organize a feast for everyone to eat and celebrate. Reginald is surprised that people who looked like him owned such lovely homes. "So, Mr McNeil, all these homes are owned by colored folks in this area?" "Yes, sir, that is correct! Three families live here, including us the McNeils, the McCains, and the Simpsons. I'm sure you'll have a chance to meet them one day," Darren replies, "I've founded this community all on my own, with the help of the good Lord, of course-"
"Sir, with all due respect, if you founded this land yourself, all credit belongs to you. You built it from your own hands, so you made it happen... on your own... not from the help of no invisible Jesus, sir," Reginald says to Darren, interrupting him. The whole entire table goes silent. "Honey..." Nora says to Reginald. "Now, be respectful to these kind folks; they're here to help us. What's gotten into you?"
"No, it's alright, Nora. Well, Reginald... while I did achieve all of this from my own hands and from my own work, I believe that the good Lord has personally helped me on my journey, blessing me with the ability to gain this land. Something that no other formally enslaved person in this state or any other state has done." Darren says to Reginald.
"But what about the other slaves who are still on plantations, working their fingers to the bone. What about the other enslaved women who are constantly being raped and forced on by their masters, conceiving children by them, then their masters throw them away like dirt. Why didn't God make my parent's plan to escape successful, huh? They wanted freedom, too, jus' like you, Mr. McNeil. They was good Christians, too; went to service every Sunday... But rather than gaining their freedom and purchasing a big plot of land like this one here, they were hung... Now I have to go my whole life... seeing my ma and pa swinging from a tree... Why didn't God help us then, Mr. McNeil...I don't understand..." Reginald says as he begins to break down. Mr McNeil rushes to Reginald's seat, hugging and comforting him. "I understand, Mr. Howell, I know... we don't have to talk about this now. But I'm here for you, no matter what." Darren says to Reginald as he weeps.
Considering all that he's been through, Darren and the rest of the family respect Reginald's aversion to religion. On Sundays, Reginald prefers to stay home and garden rather than attend church with the family. Somedays, Nora tries to get him to learn to read the Bible, but he refuses every time. However, their love for each other will never cease despite their differences.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
"Aspens’ Great Awakening" - 1841
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Looking back at the Howell Plantation, Aspen, the middle daughter, is still emotionally and mentally broken into shambles. She's been depressed ever since Nora's and Reginald's escape, which has been a year since then. She has been absent from the motherly love and affection Nora would constantly show her, which her biological mother would fail to provide since the day Aspen was born. She misses the charismatic uncle figure that Reginald was to her, along with his clever jokes that would make her laugh all day. Aspen misses the life advice that the both of them gave her, which she desperately needed as a young woman in 19th-century South Carolina who was an ally for negros; advice that was generally needed to make it in the world, again, which she would never receive from her actual parents due to them spending most of their time away from the family all in the name of reputation, money, business, and capitalism..
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While walking through the house and thinking about life, Aspen overhears her parents in the study room, discussing how they should either set out a bounty for the capture of Reginald or if they should simply have Reginald captured and hung from a tree. With Aspens’ blood reaching a boiling point, Aspen bursts into the room's double doors and lets out the anger that she's held in for the longest. "HOW DARE YOU, HOW DARE THE BOTH OF YOU... WHO ARE YOU TO DICTATE HOW ANOTHER HUMAN BEING SHOULD DIE? YOU ARE NOT GOD... DON'T YOU TWO REALIZE THAT PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS SOCIETY!?" Aspen shouts.
Amalia, dropping her glass, looks at her daughter with pure disrespect and disgust. "Now you will stop this.. you will end this foolishness right this instant! Who are you? Because you're certainly not the daughter I've raised... I will not have a daughter moping and crying in my house over some no-good n*ggers!" Amalia angrily replies to Aspen. "I'm not the daughter you raised, huh? You've never raised me... Nora did... Nora told me how you made her care for me when she was only 13 years old... as if she knew ANYTHING about motherhood when the main thing she needed was a mother HERSELF... But I guess that just didn't matter to you people, huh? Because all she was to you was a DAMNED SLAVE!?" Aspen shouts.
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As Aspen's words strike her parents to their core, Aspen's father, Parker, arises from his seat, striking Aspen with all of his strength. Aspen lets out a pained yell and looks back at her father in disbelief as he walks out of the room. "See, look what you've made your father do. You ought to snap back into reality, girl, and you’d better do it quickly, or else you will be out of the house; out of this family!…, do I make myself clear?" Amalia declares to Aspen. Amalia then proceeds to go after Parker to try and console him.
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The only thing that Aspen could do was cry, as she was lost for words. She didn't understand her parent's way of thinking at all and how they could be good and upstanding Christians while keeping other human beings in bondage for their own personal gain, controlling them as if they were God himself. This marks the day when Aspen would change her mindset completely; she wasn't a woman for the white race but a woman for the human race. Aspen would go on to secretly converse with white abolitionists and discreetly help any enslaved persons that she would encounter in any way that she could.
Her heart ached for Nora and Reginald, as well as the remaining slaves the family possesses. Aspen would soon start to build a plan, a plan that would go down in history. A plan that would free her family's slaves and reimburse them for all of their labor.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
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It is now 1841, and within a year of living with the McNeils, Nora has become well acquainted with the family as she finally gains a new sense of self-consciousness, like she's a person instead of property. The family has helped her gain confidence and drive to do more for herself. She especially bonds with Darren McNeil's wife, Michelle; both having a passion for learning. Michelle is a highly educated woman who teaches in secret to newly freed or runaway slaves and poor whites who never obtained an education. Michelle was born a former slave in Charleston, South Carolina, and then was separated from her mother, Millie, when she was 12; the separation was a punishment for her mother because she often had trouble taking care of the 5 white children on the plantation along with Michelle. Michelle was then relocated to a Georgia plantation where she met Darren while he preached to the slaves at her plantation; Darren was only 17 then, and Michelle was 16.
Michelle, who had found comfort in the Christian faith due to being alone and separated from her mother, was captivated by Darren's passionate preaching style and handsome looks. Michelle happened to catch Darren's eye. Darren heard a voice from God saying that Michelle and Darren were ordained for each other. Darren testified that God instructed him to go to a remote area in a field and dig. As Darren dug, he dug up a huge chunk of pure gold. Darren then gave that to Michelle's master in exchange for her to be freed, and the rest was history. Darren traveled with Michelle to South Carolina and founded and built the community of Foundry Cove with her by his side.
Michelle learned how to read and write from Darren, who secretly knew to do so independently with the help of a white traveling teacher from the former northern colonies, now deceased, after Darren was manumitted (freed). As Michelle advanced academically, she discovered her passion for knowledge and education as things came quickly. Michelle began to read extensively and write countless papers. She began learning science, math, and arithmetic, which impressed Darren. Michelle now teaches at an old abandoned 2 story house that she's turned into a school. She goes there every morning, growing countless young and old minds.
Michelle has been instructing Nora and immensely growing her reading and writing abilities, as well as her arithmetic and science. Nora's new skillset has led her to write a lot and value the art of recordkeeping. She would spend countless nights writing about her parents and grandmother, whom she was separated from at an early age, recounting both the good and bad times they shared. Michelle, moved by her life story, suggested that Nora write a book about her experiences as a slave, which she believed could create a gateway for change in the future.
Taking on Michelle's suggestion, Nora thought it was a brilliant idea and decided to work on her book. She also started to write down the milk-bread recipe that her previous master, Parker, stole from her. "So what are you writing about now, Mrs. Nora? Is your book comin' along well?" Michelle asks Nora, "Well, I'm writing my recipe into my book. Which was kind of stolen from me..." Nora says to Michelle. "Stolen? Who stole your recipe, Nora?" Michelle asks, "My master... he tricked me into giving him my recipe one day when he came into the cabin and told me to make it for him. As soon as he pulled out a sheet of paper and a quill, with him being a businessman and all, I knew that what I had was no longer mine... that it was only a matter of business now," Nora says as she breaks down crying into Michelle's arms. "Oh, Nora.. Honey, I'm so sorry," Michelle says as she embraces Nora. "I understand what it feels like... to have something taken away from you... just like I was taken away from my dear mother. I don't even know if she's alive or not. But now, Nora, we have each other. We have freedom!" "Keep writing your recipe down, anything that you can recall, and I'll help if you need any help with words. Maybe someday, you'll be able to open up your own bakery with all types of milk breads and pastry desserts made especially by you!" Michelle says to Nora as they let go of each other. "Oh, Mrs. Michelle, you really think so?" Nora asks, "Nora, I know so, anything is possible! We can achieve all things with self-confidence, determination, and God's help! Don't let that little voice called doubt mess with your head. I know too well about that little fella... listen, anytime he even tries to whisper a single vowel into your ear, you slap the sucker into the next week, you hear me?" Michelle says to Nora, making her laugh. "You can do it, Nora, we can do it," Michele says as she goes in for a second hug. "Nora, trust me, this book will change history for the better. You are going to be a part of something great."
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
"Nora's Freedom" - 1840
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Nora knocks eagerly on the Mcneil's house door and humbly steps off from the porch. Darren McNeil comes to the door and looks out of the window. Nora timidly looks down as Darren opens the door and comes out. "Good evening, sir. I'm a runaway, and I need your help... I trust you can help me knowin' that you're a preacher and you've helped many runaways on their journey. I hear that you are a good man, sir... please, I don't mean any harm." "Wait right here, my sister," Darren says to Nora. Nora waits as instructed while Darren enters his house to retrieve a gift box with a scripture from the bible and money, which he calls a 'blessed box.'
Darren leaves the house and walks down the porch steps, giving Nora a 'blessed box.' "You've come to the right place, Nora. Here, I have something for you," Darren says to Nora. Nora opens the box with 5 pounds of currency in it, along with a scriptural note. "Oh my!- well, praise God! five pounds! Mr. McNeil, I've never seen this much money in my life! God bless you, good sir! You are truly a man of God!" Nora says as she hugs Darren, "But don't ignore the scripture in there, my dear," Darren says to Nora. "I don't want to ignore it, but I'm illiterate, sir... I tried to learn, but.. things didn't go as planned," Nora replies sadly, "You don't have to worry about any of that. We'll teach you all that you need to know", Darren replies. "Let us read together."
Together, they read Galatians 5:1, which reads, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage," while Darren points his finger to every word, teaching Nora how to read the words. Nora was at a loss for words, "Everything alright, Nora?" Darren asks, "Well.. yes... I'm sorry about that... It's just that the only thing from the bible I've ever heard was slaves were to obey their masters and that the white man is God's chosen people, the Israelites. I didn't know it had things about slaves bein' free in there," Nora replies in shock. "Bless you, sister... I see you've got a lot to learn," Darren says as he chuckles. "See, the God I serve, the God of the Bible, sent his only begotten son, Jesus, to die for us here on earth. He didn't specify which race he would die for because we are all his children, Nora, and he wants us all to love one another and to be free. He loves you, Nora; he loves you!" Darren explains to Nora as he goes to embrace her; Nora sheds a tear with the relief that she has a new hope and a new faith to lean on. "I give boxes like these to every enslaved person I can help; I call them blessed boxes. Ive given 20 and counting," Darren says as he smiles at Nora.
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Darren's daughter, Joclyn, noticing the noise, goes outside to see what her father is up to. "Oh! Hey sweetie, I want you to meet Nora. She's a runaway, and the Lord brought her here for us to help her. Nora, meet Joclyn, my oldest daughter," Darren says as he introduces the two to one another, "Hi, Ms. Joclyn, it is wonderful to meet you. Your father is a wonderful man. He speaks so well! I wouldn't be surprised if he was an angel sent down from heaven!" Nora says as Joclyn laughs. "Yeah, he only seems as such now," Joclyn says jokingly. "So, how do ya' do, Ms. Nora? Please, don't hesitate to tell me everything." Nora explains everything she's gone through, including how her master and his family think she's dead. "They think what now?" Joclyn says in concern, "It was a divine act from God himself! My beloved Aspen, one of the children I had cared for at the plantation ever since I was 13, had pleaded to the death angel himself for my soul to be spared, and he heard her cry! Now, I thank God I'm here tonight. If it wasn't for Aspen, I would've been stone-cold dead!" "Well, praise God!" Darren explained, "You are indeed a living testimony! Do you see how faithful the Lord is, Nora?" "Yes, yes I do, sir, I certainly do... I just pray that he delivers my husband back to me safely.." Nora says with worry.
"Well, what happened with your husband?" Joclyn questioned Nora, "Well, my master's eldest son, Damon, he took it upon himself to attack my husband, Reginald, after he saved me from a prison that the mistress had locked me in for catching me havin' a book. He kicked the boy right in the gut and caused him to hit the ground!" "Jesus!" Darren exclaimed, "Hmph, that'll teach 'em right," Joclyn scoffs. Nora chuckles. "Afterwards, he was so scared and didn't know what to do, so he just ran like lightning! I'm glad he got away... but only God knows what's happened to him now... Oh Reginald... please be alive for me, please..."Nora pleads as she looks to the heavens. "Nora, don't worry, we'll put Mr. Reginald in God's hands and pray that he'll lead him to us! The Lord will surely protect him. Besides, I'm sure he'll be alright knowin' he's got a mean kick!" Darren says as they all laugh together. "Now, what are we doing out here this time of night? Come, Nora, I'll prepare a bed for you while you can help yourself to a nice warm bath. We'll give you fresh, clean clothes and ensure you have a good night's rest. God forbid, if catchers come asking questions, we've got a hiding place just for you. And trust, they will never find it. They never do," Darren says to Nora. "Thank you all for everything. I can't seem to thank you all enough." "Just you being here is all the thanks we need," Joclyn replies.
With the rest of the house still asleep, Joclyn helps Nora prepare a nice hot bath with real soap to use and gives Nora new clothes to wear. Nora leans back into her bath, "Mama, I'm finally free. We're all free... Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Nora gently washes her aching body as tears of joy stream down her cheeks into the water.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
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With the rest of her family thinking that Nora is dead, Aspen instructs Nora to hide in the bushes while she gathers things to help her escape. Aspen creeps into the house and goes into her room. She enters her drawers, picks all her spare clothes, and puts them in a laundry sack. As Parker, Aspens' father, thinks about what he's going to do about 2 missing slaves, one dead (or so he thinks), he walks past Aspens' room and sees her packing clothes.
"And what are you up to, huh?" Parker asks Aspen, "Nothin', I'm just uh.. these clothes need a little more washing; they weren't, um.. washed good enough.. for my liking, of course," Aspen responds, "Well, there's no use in wanting to get them washed now cause our damned clothes-washer is dead! She brought it onto herself... Look, I know how much she meant to you; I never thought it would have to end like this, you know?" Parker says to Aspen. "Yes- yes... I understand, father... you know, I've been wondering if this whole slave thing is really worth it? They all just wanna run away anyways, so what's the point of it all, you know?" Aspen says to her father, "Aspen.. where is this coming from? Is slavery worth it? The white race is superior, and every other bastardized, wicked race is underneath; therefore, slavery is definitely necessary. It's the way God planned things. I really hope those northern Yankees and false-prophet Quakers aren't influencing you with their Godless, slaveless society horsesh*t. I refuse to have any n*gger-lover abolitionists within this family! You remember that, hear?"
After Parker walks back upstairs to tend to his wife and injured son, Aspen grabs the clothes and quietly runs out into the kitchen and packs her some food. She sprints into the yard and hands Nora a dark winter cloak to disguise herself as she runs; she gives Nora the bag. "Nora.. I just want to say that I love you... I've always loved you as my own mother. And I'm sorry for everything!" Aspens says to Nora, hugging her and crying, "But we don't have much time here; I want you to have these." Aspen gives Nora her pearl earrings. "I-" "Please, Nora, take them; it's the least I could do for you," Aspen says as she interrupts Nora. "Alright, listen, you're going to go to Foundry Cove, It's a neighborhood of some freed negro families and they should help you. They're across the river; all you gotta do is cross it, okay? and it shouldn't be far from there; you'll see a big white church, front and center; ya' can't miss it." Aspens explains to Nora as she sees her parents walking downstairs. "Nora, there's clothes and food in that sack and a signed permission form with my dad's name in case you have to show it. Now run, Nora! Run as fast as possible wherever you find it safe; I love you!" Nora runs faster than she's ever run before.
Aspen walks back up to the front porch and opens the door to her house, greeted with her parents' faces. "No need tending to Nora. I took her body and... I threw her into the ocean.. saying my last goodbyes.." Aspen says as she tries to catch her breath, wiping away her tears. "It'll be alright, Aspen. I mean, you act as if the negress was your mother; I'm your mother, okay? Never forget that." Aspen's mother says as she places her hand on Aspens' back, leading her inside the house.
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Nora, running as fast as she could, hiding underneath her cloak, runs into the woods, seeking safety. As she tries to navigate the woods, she sees silhouettes of horses and bright lanterns. "Oh God..." Nora realizes that the shadows are shadows of slave catchers. Nora, forgetting about the permission form and not knowing what else to do as they approach faster and faster, spots a rope inside of the dirt. She quickly grasps the rope and ties it around her neck as if she were lynched and plays dead underneath an oak tree with her bag of clothes and food dropped on the ground. As Nora prays silently within her head that her plan works and her life is spared, the slave catchers ride up on Nora.
"Well, looky here, I didn't see a hung n*gger over here the last time we passed. Looks like the b*tch was too heavy for the poor ol' tree." Slave Catcher 1 says as the others laugh. Slave Catcher 2 hops off from his horse and hovers over Nora. Nora, feeling the warmth of the slave catcher over her, holds her breath for as long as she can to make her body look as still as possible. Convinced, Slave Catcher 2 then picks up her bag of clothes and food. "*chuckles* Looks like it tried to escape too. N*gger b*tch couldn't run fast enough, awww," Slave Catcher 2 says as they all erupt with laughter. "Ohh! The n*ggers a thief too," He says as he holds up Aspens' pearl earrings. "N*ggers, I tell ya'. They are as dumb as cow-sh*t," Slave Catcher 3 says. Slave Catcher 1 hops from his horse and spots Noras' permission form Aspen gave her; he picks It up and reads it. " 'Property of Mr. Parker Howell and the Howell Plantation'... well, that's a shame. Didn't he build the n*ggers a cabin on his front lawn? And look what happened. What dumb*ss is that son of a b*tch?" Slave Catcher 1 says as they join in laughter. "These so-called "house negroes" are still no good, thieving n*ggers, as we all can see. You can't trust 'em!" He adds. "And these lil' guys are comin' home with us," Slave Catcher 2 says as he slips the earrings into his pockets and tosses the bag of clothes and food into the river that she's supposed to cross. "Let's ride, fellas," Slave Catcher 2 says as he hops back onto his horse and rides off with the group.
As they ride far from the vicinity, Nora gets up and unties herself, salvaging as much of what was thrown into the river as possible. Upset from all of the derogatory speech and the fact that Aspens' earrings were stolen, she runs quietly through the river with her bag of clothes, later spotting street lights and a big white church. "Oh, thank God.. is this what I think it is! Foundry Cove!" Nora quietly exclaimed to herself, feeling a wave of relief.
Foundry Cove is a small neighborhood of 3 families of Freed Negro Persons. The neighborhood's land was founded and purchased by a manumitted former slave, a well-known pastor and preacher of the McNeil family, Darren McNeil. He is often requested to preach to many of the slaves of surrounding plantations. Darren is supervised by the plantation owner as well as another white preacher so that he doesn't give the slaves "ideas," which he still manages to do by preaching through subliminal messages that slaves could easily catch on to; Darren has never been caught. Ever since Darren was freed, he worked hard as a tenant farmer. Though hard to break out of its corrupted system, Darren, a faithful Christian, accumulated money to build a church and a house on his own land when he was in his late 30s. Over the years, he secretly helped two more families buy their freedom from their owners, the McCains and the Simpsons. All three families are strong abolitionists and are connected with other white abolitionists in the area, including up north. With self-defense techniques and the help of their radical white abolitionist allies, they were protected from a lot.
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Nora stands in front of the porch of the first house she can get to, the McNeil house, knowing she finally has a chance at being free.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
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Amalia, angered and upset by the crazed behavior that Nora has caused Parker, she speedily walks up to Nora into her cabin and attacks her. While Nora screams and pleads for her life, Amalia rips Nora’s head covering away, roughly gripping her by her hair, dragging her towards an underground storage of the plantation. Amalias son Damon, comes to his mothers aid and helps to unlock and open the storage. “You should leave her in to rot, mother” Damon says as he spits on Nora while she cries in agony on the ground. “Let’s see if the wench would straighten up after a few days in here, now won’t you Nora?” Amalia replies as she firmly has Nora in her grasp while she cries and squirms from the pain of her scalp being stretched.
With Amalia gripping Nora’s hair, Damon rushes over to grab Nora’s feet. With both party’s effort, they toss Nora inside like a garbage bag. Nora cries out in pain as she hits the ground at full impact. “This ought to teach you to never want to pick up another book again.” Amalia declares to Nora, slamming the door shut and locking it.
Nora was left imprisoned for almost the entire day, only being fed scraps thrown down the openings of the door and given unclean water from the pond in a bucket to drink. She was thrown a stack of hay to relieve herself with.
While this was taking place, Reginald had been sent out to do a heap of tedious errands around town, oblivious to his wife being brutally assaulted. Reginald finally was finished with his errands later in the evening at around 9 o’clock. He pulls his cart into the yard and walks up towards the door to show Master Parker his proof that he’s done his errands, along with returning his permission form to be off of the plantation. As Reginald knocks on the door and waits for someone to come, he hears faint noises coming from the yard. Noises that he feels strangely compelled to…
Master Parker answers the door and Reginald focuses his attention. “Good evening, sir! I’ve completed your errands for you and here is my papers, sir” Reginald says as he greets his master in an upbeat yet tired tone of voice. “It’s about time, boy” Master Parker says as he inspects his papers. Parker suddenly looks at Reginald and Reginald looks at Parker. “I need to talk to you about something” Parker says to Reginald, “yes sir” Reginald replies. “It seems that I need to remind you that If you or any one of you negroes think that you can have the same privileges as a white man, then you are terribly mistaken. It’s a sin against the almighty God! It is by Gods law that slaves stay in a slaves place. Willow Creek is a white mans land and by Gods law it shall remain that way. Do you understand me?” “Yes sir.. loud and clear, sir” Reginald replies, “Those freed negroes down the road are beginning to get uppity… they ought to be put in their place… and make sure you relay the message to the others… that is all.”
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As Parker retreats back into his house, Reginald goes to inspect the sound that he is hearing. He crouches down and slowly maneuvers around the yard, he notices the sounds growing louder.. it sounds like someone in pain.. it sounds like his wife.. it’s sounds like Nora.
Parker then located the source of the sound with his heart beating faster than it ever has, and runs over to where Nora was imprisoned. “Nora! God, what the hell did they do to you Nora! What did they do! I promise I’ll kill ‘em I’ll kill ‘em all dead!” Reginald whispers to Nora with tears running down his face. “Re- Reggy honey you have to be qu- quiet before they he- hear y-you” Nora whispers to Reginald as she stutters from the cold and pain. “I- i kn- know that you’re upset but I’ll be al-alright” She says as she starts groaning from the pain.
“NO! No.. im gettin’ you out of here if it’s the last thing I ever do.” Reginald whispers. Reginald goes to find a saw in the toolshed to try to saw an opening in the door. Reginald comes back to Nora, vigorously sawing with all of his might. Reginald manages to free Nora and pull her out. Damon then notices the noise and looks out of the window. He storms out of the house and rushes to Reginald, pushing him down. “What do you think you’re doing n*gger!” He shouts. Reginald gets up and runs towards the cabin as Damon chases him, Damon then throws a punch at him but misses. Reginald, out of fear and self defense, fights back, kicking Damon in his abdomen causing him to cough blood. “Reggy, NO! PLEASE DONT DO THIS” Nora screams. Reginald, knowing that he’s in deep trouble, runs as fast as he can.
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Hearing all of the commotion, Parker rushes out of the house in a frenzy followed by Amalia, his wife and his daughter Aspen. Parker runs out into the yard and doesn’t see Reginald but sees Damon with blood coming out of his mouth and sees Nora outside of her prison. Parker storms up to Nora and wraps his hands around her neck, clenching his teeth while digging his hands within her throat.
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“What the HELL did you do, you wicked n*gger b*tch! I’ll KILL You!” Parker shouts as his veins pop out of his neck and his eyes pierce deep into Nora’s’. Nora, being terribly weakened and not being able to last more than a minute within Parker’s skin-tight grasp, dies in his hands. Parker loosens his grip and throws her onto the ground. Parker wipes the sweat from his forehead and casually walks into the house past his wife and daughter. As Amalia watches, Aspen lets out a yell and runs to Nora’s deceased body, desperately mourning for her lifelong companion. Amalia quickly helps her son, Damon, into the house.
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Death himself appeared before Aspen as she was by herself, pleading for Nora’s life. Seeing her genuine tears and love for Nora, the angel spared Nora’s life and brought her back into the land of the living. It was a divine miracle! Aspen would forever testify about what she’s witnessed but no one would believe her.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
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Offended by what he’s witnessed, Parker throws open Nora’s cabin door as Nora ejects from her seat, dropping the book and quill. Parker storms up to Nora, pointing his finger in her face as he harshly scolds her. “Now what in the hell did you think you were doing! I’ve caught you red handed so don’t even try to smart yourself out of this one, negress. I thought you were better than this… I thought you were one of my best… that’s why I built you and that other negro this luxury cabin on MY property… the other slaves have nowhere else to sleep but on hay mats in a barnyard and THIS is how you show your gratitude?… Just my luck for putting my trust into savage, sub-human beasts!..”
“Master Parker, I’m sorry! I’m sorry I know what I did was wrong I’ll never do it again, I promise. I- I don’t know what’s gotten into me I’ll come back to my senses I promise-”
“you are DAMNED right that you’ll be brought back to your senses, I don’t have time to handle you because I’m off to do some business but trust me you WILL NOT hear the last of this!” Parker yells to Nora as he interrupts her pleading. Parker then storms off out of the cabin and into the house.
Nora, with her heart beating 1,000 mph, can only help but to think what will happen to her. She paces back and forth with her hands firmly grasping her head, hyperventilating. “Oh lord, what have I done what have I done… oh God why do I keep letting my feelings get the best of me.. now I’m gonna die lord, God please don’t let me die please… I just got married just please God, please…”
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1840 would be at least 100 years after the Stono Rebellion in the then colony of South Carolina would have occurred, resulting in at least 25 colonists killed by enslaved people. It also marked the passing of the Negro Act of 1740, which made it illegal for slaves to move abroad, assemble in groups, raise food, earn money, and learn to read and write. This hysteria and Nora committing an illegal act by teaching herself how to be literate, along with Parker’s mid-life crisis, throws him over the edge.
As Parker makes his way into his house, he runs up onto the balcony where his wife was practicing chess. “I knew it honey, I knew it all along!” Parker says as he sits in front of Amalia, speaking with erratic behavior. “Honey, what is that you’ve known? What troubles you so?” Amalia asks. “That- that Nora.. the BOTH of them, all of them…they’re plotting against us.. they’re planning to take over everything!” Parker expresses, “Parker, what are you talking about honey?” Amalia asks as she grabs Parker’s hand, “That Nora, I caught her reading… I caught her READING one of our books! You simply cannot trust any of them. None of them!” Parker says. “Reading!?” Amalia exclaims as she chuckles, “not Nora honey, that simply can’t be!.. I mean, she knows better than that doesn’t she?” Amalia asks.
“If I lie, may God strike me down! Honey, I don’t think you understand how serious this is for me… for us, and for our safety! Soon, they’ll all become literate and kill us all! Honey, I’m leaving it up to you to deal with that wench… whatever punishment you see fit, I give you permission. Now.. I’m off to do some business. If any of them start to act funny, you know where the family’s gun is. And do not hesitate to shoot.” Parker says to Amalia. “Yes, honey. I’ll do whatever you need me to.” Amalia replies. “ Ah, I love you, honey. May God keep our family safe,” Parker says to Amalia as he goes into the master bedroom to get dressed to attend his business in the city.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
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One morning, Master Parker decides to have one of Nora’s milk-breads for breakfast. This time, he wants to see her make it to know exactly what she puts in there. Nora, so earnestly wanting to close the door in Master Parker’s face so that she can keep something to herself for once, such as her privacy, nods her head to her Master and let’s him in. Master Parker smugly walks over to her table and takes a seat. “I want you to make me one of those tasty milk-breads you always make, I want to see what you put in those things” Parker says to Nora. “Well, it’s nothing but a little sugar, flour, salt, eggs-” , “go ahead and show me!” Master Parker orders Nora as he interrupts her. “Yes sir…” Nora replies.
As Nora turns to grab the flour , salt, eggs, sugar, buttermilk, and a special flavoring, orange citrus paste made with blanched oranges mashed with cinnamon and sugar, Master Parker suddenly pulls out a quill and a piece of letter paper and begins writing down each and every ingredient that she pulls down from the cabins storage.
Nora notices him at the side of her eye and with hesitation asks “Master, if I may request.. what might that be that you writin’ down sir?” “It’s all of my business and none of yours girl, now carry on” Parker annoyingly replies. “Yes sir…” Nora Replies. “Now what is that orange paste-y lookin’ stuff you got there?” Parker asks, “Well.. it’s a kind of flavoring made from oranges, sir..” Nora replies. “Bring it over here and let me have a taste” Parker orders Nora. Nora grabs the paste and slowly hands it to Parker as he snatched it away and tastes it. “Hm… i taste cinnamon and it’s sweet like sugar.. that pretty damned good, gal.” Parker says as he writes down what he’s tasted. Nora, walks back over to the counter. Knowing that Master Parker is an extreme businessman, she has the deep realization that her recipe is currently in the process of being stolen and bastardized.
Nora’s eyes start to well up as a tear falls, due to the pain of having something else stripped from her identity. Something that makes her feel unique and have a sense of self, while being bound to someone else’s land and family will, is being written down.. and stolen. Nora keeps herself turned towards the counter with her back facing her master, wiping away the tears as she forms together the dough, then kneads and bakes it, later serving it to her master. He then orders Nora to recite each step that is needed to make the bread as well as the hight or temperature of the fire. Master Parker finishes his plate and slowly walks out, still lingering around the cabin…
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Nora, now knows what it feels like to have something stolen away from her by a simple paper and quill, understands the power and value of literacy even more. A fire within Nora has lit up. Nora is determined to gain something else in replacement of what she was robbed from. This time, something that can’t easily be taken away. Knowledge and education. Nora, remembering her book and quill that she’s stolen, retrieved them from underneath her cot mattress and began studying the words. The ones written and the ones that she’s traced. She tries her best to decipher the sound of each letter.
Nora, oblivious to the fact that Parker has not gone into the house after he left her cabin, sits in her wooden chair with her head buried in her book. Parker, aimlessly strolling around the cabin glances into the window, met with the sight of Nora, his slave, reading a book…..
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
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After a eon of flirting and beating around the bush, Reginald finally decides to really make things serious. Nora and Reginald enjoy their first kiss which marks a milestone for the both of them.
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Reginald then leads Nora outside by the outhouse and gets on one knee and proposes, revealing to her a shiny ring. *gasp* “Reginald wh- where did you get this thing!!” Nora whispered as feelings of excitement and happiness flow throughout her body.
“Now don’t worry baby, this is a ring I handcrafted myself, the shiny part is a gem stone I found while digging through the dirt. It’s just as pretty as you baby. You shine both inside and out just like this gem stone. You’re the light of my world. I don’t ever wanna lose you. I need you, Nora” Reginald wholeheartedly replies to Nora.
Nora accepts the ring while crying tears of joy and leaps right into her new husband’s arms. “It’s beautiful baby!! It’s beautiful!”
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Nora and Reginald host their own wedding, exchange vows in front of an arch in the yard and later enjoy their first woohoo together. Though unofficial, Nora feels blessed by God, believing that she has finally found a real true love.
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seanssimsblog · 1 year ago
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After a day of hard work in the house and being ordered to fix a sink, which she had no knowledge of doing but did it perfectly, she went to her cabin to do what she loves to do most. Cook! Nora has no clue where her passionate love and skill for cooking and baking came from.
She does have an idea that it was from her grandmother who made the most delicious meals out of scraps that Nora’s previous childhood master would give to them. After Nora was separated from her mother at age 6, the only recent memory of her grandmother was her trying to hold Nora’s mother back whilst Nora was being whisked away on a horse carriage.
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Nora and Reginald sit down and entertain each other over one of Nora’s famous milk breads. “Mm mm mm… you sure know how to throw down on some bread” Reginald flirtatiously compliments Nora, “ooh I think I know what else you would want me to throw down, huh” Nora jokingly replies, “watch yourself, now..” Reginald replies as they later erupt in laughter.
They later discuss the news of one of Parker’s other slaves, William, Reginald’s lifelong friend, dying from a heat stroke. “Did you know of William passing away, Reginald!?” , “WILLIAM?? No…. No, no, no not William Nora. Please…”, Reginald distraughtly replies. “Ye- yes.. it was William who died two days ago. I overheard one of the overseers in the house that came to inform Master and.. he- he said he died from a heat stroke..” “I’m sorry Reginald..” Nora replies with her head down as she gets up and comforts Reginald. Reginald then mourns into Nora’s chest. “You’re all I got now Nora.. you’re all I got” Reginald says as he cries.
The next Sunday, Master Parker would allow Nora and Reginald to attend Williams home-going (funeral) along with the other slaves.
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