seanmichbenven · 7 years
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Nother day, Nother live newscast on 90.1 FM on KBPK #NewsMan #KBPK (at Fullerton College)
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seanmichbenven · 7 years
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Going live on KBPK! Reading news #SuperNervous #KBPK #NewsMan
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seanmichbenven · 7 years
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It fall now. #FallisHere #MondayBlues #Iwannago2sleep #ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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seanmichbenven · 7 years
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I like this Joker smile I made. #NotHavingABadDay #Joker
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
Or when he got a rare trading card and basically tortured Spongebob with it for a fucking week.
Patrick was a fake ass friend to spongebob. He was a bitch
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
This is a fucking sleeper hit waiting to happen.
I did meet a fake geek girl once.
We were at school and she started to casually drop in that she liked comics/games/”geek stuff”, at the time I was wearing an iroman shirt. Deeper into the conversation i found that she didn’t know what I meant when I was referring to anything about the characters. When I questioned her about it a few days later she admitted that she had really just said it to get to know me better.
We ended up dating and while we were dating she got really into comics, DC especially, and found out that she really did enjoy the things she first said she did. I took her to her first convention. She met another guy there and ended up breaking up with me for him.
I went on to discover I was gay and fucked her brother.
Moral of the story. Comics lead to sex in the most unexpected ways.
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
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“In that way, you’ve acknowledged that you’re unsure, that you don’t know what to do or say. You’ve acknowledged that you see them. They feel seen. They feel heard and acknowledged, which is huge for someone who’s in crisis.” Wentworth Miller | Q&A at Oxford Union | 2016 | x
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
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I love these memes.
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
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daily reminder that bo burnham is a good person
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
On legendry.
Lately, I’ve run across complaints that modern depictions of the Knights of the Round Table are too “anime” - giving them all sorts of goofy powers, and sending them on weird, over-the-top adventures.
Allow me to point out that the following are all actual things that appear in the older tales about the Knights:
Sir Kay is said to have had the power to grow to giant size, hold his breath for nine days, and radiate supernatural heat from his hands.
Sir Bedivere openly practiced sorcery, and suffered from an accordingly sinister reputation; on more than one occasion, he was saved from being hanged as a witch only by King Arthur’s testimonly to his good character.
Sir Galahad possessed supernatural strength and speed by virtue of his moral and sexual purity - making him a rare example of a male character with virginity-fueled super powers.
Sir Balin once wielded the Lance of Longinus, and blew up an entire kingdom with a single blow. He also fought an evil knight with the power of invisibility.
Sir Marrock was a freaking werewolf.
Conclusion: modern depctions of the Knights of the Round Table aren’t anime enough.
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
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This is the PediSedate.
Out of all of the weird Gameboy attachments out there, this one has to be the strangest. The PediSedate was made for dentist and other doctors to use to administer nitrous oxide to kids before an operation.
The PediSedate fits over the patients head and plugs into a Gameboy and acts as a pair of headphones. In the back of the headset there is a fitting for the gas tank hose. When the doctor is ready, he can turn on the gas while the child is distracted playing the Gameboy.
While the PediSedate was advertised for use with the Gameboy, it isn’t licensed by Nintendo and in reality, can be used with anything that has a headphone jack.
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
Ok lawl
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
I love this.
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tommy wiseau is a confirmed space criminal in the marvel universe
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
Archer Christmas
Archer: Seriously, though, who throws a Christmas party in a church?
Lana: I don’t know, people who are celebrating the holiday for what it’s actually about?
Archer: What, Roman Saturnalia? A harvest festival that marked the Winter Soltice– the return of the sun– and honored Saturn the god of Sowing?! Yeah, I’m sure the nativity scene out front has the sun right and center, Lana.
Malory: Speaking of, if you make an ass out of yourself again this year, I swear to God–
Lana: Uh–
Malory: –Shut up– I will nail YOU to a cross and have Cyril stab you in the rib with a spear.
Archer: First of all, it’s the Lance of Longinus. Second, what do you mean again?
Lana: Because last year you got smashed on stolen communion wine and fell into the Nativity Scene screaming–
-Flash Back-
Archer: *Wearing only a Rosary and his underwear.* MANGER ZONE!
 That blood of christ will really do it to you.
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
So, I’ve been pulled over a few times in my life. Not many, but a few. And I’ve also been in a couple of cars that got pulled over. And let me tell you, if you were actually doing something wrong, the officer doesn’t make any small talk, just straight into “I clocked you doing 70 in a 55.” The only time I’ve ever gotten the “do you know why I pulled you over?” was the time when I wasn’t doing anything wrong, and I got let go even though he insisted to the end that I was doing 87 in a 70 (white privilege at work).
“Do you know why I pulled you over?” is a trap. It means there’s a good chance the officer doesn’t actually have a good reason to ticket you, and is trying to get you to waive your 5th Amendment rights and incriminate yourself. If you make a guess, that’s a confession of guilt.
But there’s another trap, that I’ve heard of but haven’t yet experienced. It’s “do you know how fast you were going?” With that one, they’re hoping you’ll say no, because then they can name whatever speed they want – you just said you didn’t know how fast you were going, if you deny the speed they name then you’re lying to them.
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seanmichbenven · 8 years
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He's very relaxed right now. #BobtheDog
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