sdaujaney · 6 years
Happy New Year
Quinn: had first thought about just grabbed Nadia and tossing her back on the couch, ravaging her body until neither of them could stand it. But then as she watched Nadia dancing, she became slowly entranced. Every sway of her hip drew her in, and as her fingers went through her hair, how Quinn wanted to be those fingers. She drew her fingers up Nadia's hips, settling on them as she held her breath. She was lost in the moment, in Nadia, and she knew nothing could pull her out. "Come here," she said softly, beckoning the other with a wag of her finger. She wanted to kiss Nadia more than she wanted to breathe.
Nadia: was standing there in nothing but panties, her ink covered skin exposed for Quinn's eyes. She let the blonde guide her closer, leaning down when Quinn urged her until their lips met. The kiss was heated, all lust and champagne. Instead of joining Quinn on the couch, Nadia knelt down in front of her without breaking the kiss, her own hands finding their way up Quinn's thighs, pulling the skirt of her dress up along with them. Her fingertips found the fabric of the blonde's panties, tugging them down her legs, her lips pulling away from Quinn's to press soft kisses along the soft skin of her neck. "Have I told you how much I like that dress? You look so hot." Nadia pulled back to look up at Quinn for a moment when her hands hooked in the back of Quinn's knees, tugging her forward until she sat at the edge of the couch, legs parted to fit Nadia between them. Nadia leaned down, pressing a trail of kisses along Quinn's left thigh and down the other. She wasn't nearly sober enough to play tease, but she wanted to feel Quinn's skin against her lips, the softness that felt so right against her touch.
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sdaujaney · 7 years
Happy New Year
Quinn: spilled her champagne as she fell back onto the couch but the sight of Nadia's swaying body left very little of her to care about it. She bit down on her bottom lip, watching the other's hips as she moved. Who needed Times Square to celebrate the new year when she had this very incredible living room with this very incredible Nadia. She finished what was left of her drink and set the glass down, sitting forward slightly so she could cup her hand against Nadia's thigh and move it slowly, if not possessively, up to her hip and then back down again. It was the hottest dance Quinn had ever seen and she was pretty sure she'd seen a lot. Her nails grazed down Nadia's leg, toying with her as her insides swirled with excitement.
Nadia: swayed her hips, eyes glued to Quinn's as she danced. When Quinn's hands touched her leg, her smile only widened and she stepped closer. Nadia was standing between Quinn's legs, staring down at hazel eyes. The years of dancing from Nadia's past taught her how to move, how to provoke a reaction in the person in front of her. And Quinn made her feel extremely sexy, even drunk out of their minds and dancing sloppily. Nadia tugged down the sleeves of her dress as slowly as she could muster, taking her time to reveal her body to the blonde girl.
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sdaujaney · 7 years
Happy New Year
Quinn: didn't like to show more than she had to. It was part of her ability to survive whatever life threw her way. If she didn't care, it didn't hurt when she lost it. A big part of her tried to pretend she didn't care about Nadia but the more drinks she had in her, the less she wanted to hide it, and as soon as those words came from kissable lips, Quinn was a goner. "I think that's an excellent resolution," she giggled, drawing her lips over Nadia's in a brief kiss that tasted of alcohol. "That should be your resolution every year," she suggested playfully, spreading a few kisses along Nadia's jaw and then nipping her earlobe before pulling back to down half the glass.
Nadia: would know when to pull back if she was sober. But being as drunk as they both were, whatever inhibitions they might have were long gone. She was a lot more touchy feely than she normally would be. The little giggle that came out of the blonde was probably the cutest thing she had ever heard. Her arm tightened around Quinn, face leaning down to meet the girl's kiss. "I can do that." Nadia laughed, letting out a quiet sigh when Quinn's lips moved to her jaw. She pulled back enough to tug Quinn along with her, guiding the both of them toward the couch. With a small kiss, Nadia pushed Quinn down on the couch, glancing down at her as she downed her own glass of champagne. Once it was empty, Nadia set it down on the side, a devilish little grin on her lips as she started swaying to the beat coming from the stereo, arms raised over her head.
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sdaujaney · 7 years
Happy New Year
Quinn: had lost count of how much champagne she drank but she knew that since the night had began, she and Nadia had put away quite a few bottles. They all lay empty in the sink. Quinn added to the pile, filling up two glasses with the last of another bottle, before walking back into the living room. The television was muted but the New Year's Eve celebrations lit up the screen. Music pounded headily from the stereo, loud and insistent. Handing the glass to Nadia, Quinn curled her fingers into the girl's dress and pulled her close enough so her mouth was against the other's ear. "Any resolutions this year?" She asked, delighting in the warmth of the other's body.
Nadia: wasn't sure what time it was by then, but it didn't matter. Bottle after bottle, she and Quinn had spent the night dancing, lost in the feeling. In all honesty, Nadia couldn't remember the last time she had felt so well. She wasn't planning on making a big deal out of it. But Quinn insisted, and she wasn't able to say no. And now she was damn glad she didn't. A grin crossed her lips when another champagne glass landed in her hand, stumbling forward when Quinn tugged on her dress. Nadia's arm immediately circled the other girl's waist, swaying with her. "How about..." Nadia pretended to think for a moment, forehead resting against the other girl's with a teasing grin. "Making you scream a lot more than I did last year?"
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sdaujaney · 7 years
Nadia and Quinn's New Year's Eve @sdaulissa
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sdaujaney · 7 years
Her sister was alive. There was a part of his brain that told him it meant he should be happy for her. But the other part was drowning and it was easier to ignore it then to keep afloat. With a half smile, Theo reached into his pocket and pulled out a container. Popping it open, he asked, “pill or powder, I have it in both. I’d say pill if you don’t want the taste but powder hits faster.”
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Marley’s eyes nearly sparkled when she saw the container in Theo’s hand. She only needed a second to decide which to opt for. “Powder. I can wash down the taste with whiskey.” Her head tilted slightly to the side as she watched him. They were sitting on the floor, Marley’s back resting against the coffee table. “Is everything alright? You seem...down.”
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sdaujaney · 7 years
“Oh yeah,” Theo said in a slightly bleary voice. “It’s Christmas.” He’d known it but it had slipped his mind after hours of drugs and alcohol. “Merry Christmas to me,” he said as he reached for the bottle. “Good timing too. I just ran out.” Theo opened the bottle and took a swig. “You want something a little harder?”
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“So I see. Looks like you’re trying to run New York dry.” Marley laughed as she sat next to him. She couldn’t quite judge him. She had been his drinking companion just hours earlier. So instead of being weary around him, she felt...some sort of comfort. At the very least, she wasn’t acting like her typical bitchy self. “That’s what I came here for, isn’t it? I sure as hell didn’t come here for your pretty face.” Her tone was mocking, but her expression was soft; cheerful even.
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sdaujaney · 7 years
"Thanks for letting come over. I brought you a Christmas gift." Marley smiled as she held up the bottle of vintage whiskey she snuck out of Daddy's liquor cabinet on her way out. @sdaulissa
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sdaujaney · 7 years
THEO: yeah I’m down
THEO: I have a place in the city. I’ll text you the address. I’ll be there all day. Stop by whenever.
MARLEY: Sounds good. I'll see you later.
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sdaujaney · 7 years
THEO: Whenever you need it. I have plenty. New shit too. gGot this morning. Trying it out.
THEO: It's cool.
MARLEY: Maybe later today we could meet up. See how good it is.
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sdaujaney · 7 years
THEO: That's cool.
THEO: Celia's isn't. But why would I tell you that? Why would I tell anyone? No one knew we were whatever we were. And now she's dead. [DELETED]
THEO: I have more stuff if you need it.
MARLEY: I think I'm good for now. I'm not freaking out anymore.
MARLEY: At least for now.
MARLEY: Thanks for...you know.
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sdaujaney · 7 years
A Million Dreams
Ruby: had a calendar that she kept hidden under her pillow. Ever since she'd decided that she'd stop treatments and go home, she started it. The night of Christmas Eve, when she went to sleep, there was only one week left. The days were marked off with X's as each night came. Every morning was the same. Wake up, visit with mom, check up with Dr. Anderson, tests, wash, rinse, repeat. But she was woken up Christmas morning in whirlwind. She was sure it was a dream when the doctor told her that they'd found a heart, and it was time. When she was taken back into the operating room and a mask placed on her face, her last thought was that this could be the last day of her life and she suddenly wanted more time. It was dark and her body was heavy, eyes blurry as she started to open them. A person was in the chair next to her bed... her sister... "Marley?" she said but the dryness of her voice made the sound no more than a scratchy whisper.
MARLEY: was in a state of shock when Mom told her they'd found a heart for Ruby. She should have been happy. She should have jumped up and down with joy. Instead she ran. This was it; the moment they'd been waiting for. Ruby was going to live... Or she was going to die and Marley would lose her sister for good. Her twin sister. And Marley just couldn't handle that. She'd spent most of the day and good part of the night with Theo, drinking, taking drugs, having sex. Everything she could do to make her numb and forget about the real world. She couldn't handle getting that dreaded call; the one where the doctors would say Ruby was just too weak to survive the surgery. When she finally made it home, hungover and looking like a hot mess, the help told her Ruby was out of surgery already and things were looking up. And while she should have changed clothes, showered and gotten some sleep, Marley did the exact opposite. She turned on her heels and headed to the hospital. She sat by Ruby's bedside for what felt like hours going in and out of consciousness. And then she heard it; Ruby's voice. It was barely above a whisper, but it might as well have been a shout through a speaker. Marley jumped out of the uncomfortable chair, nearly stumbling on her heels and she approached her sister's bed, hands reaching out but not quite touching, too scared to hurt her somehow. "Hey..." Just a single word and Marley's voice was already breaking, throat clogging up with unshed tears.
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sdaujaney · 7 years
THEO: Sorry I didn't check in.
THEO: How's your sister?
MARLEY: It's fine. I didn't have my phone on me until now anyway.
MARLEY: She's...alive. They think she'll be okay.
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sdaujaney · 7 years
Christmas Timeline
Because we’ve both been so busy lately and won’t be able to write everything, Janey and I wanted to post a timeline of a few things that happened Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. @sdaujaney @sdaumanda
Christmas Eve
7 pm: Celia calls Theo to meet her
9 pm: They fight after Celia tells him she thinks she’s pregnant
9:15 pm: Upset from the fight, Celia takes off.
9:30 pm: Theo blows off family to get high.
11 pm: Celia gets hit by a drunk driver, is DOA.
12:15 am: The Clarington parents arrive at the hospital
12:50 am: Theo calls Celia, no answer. 
1:17 am: The Rose’s discover there’s a compatible heart
1:30 am: Scared about surgery, Marley calls Theo for drugs.
1:43 am: Ruby goes into surgery
2:02 am: Marley and Theo meet up, get high, party.
3:00 am: Clarington parents call their other children to tell them
6:58 am: Ruby is out of surgery and put in recovery
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sdaujaney · 7 years
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RIP Celia Jeanine Clarington (DOB: 10/04/1995 - DOD: 12/25/2017)
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sdaujaney · 7 years
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sdaujaney · 7 years
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