#[ muse;; marley ]
geonn · 7 months
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And then, they met thanks to Jacob Marley...
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yumi-michiyo · 2 months
Weird fan ask here I know you don’t write anymore but I was wondering what your descriptions of Quinn, Marley and their pairing would be? Nothing long or anything I just, I wanted to describe them to a friend to recommend but they asked like in your writing what are they like and I wasn’t sure how to tell them so beautifully the way you do so I figured instead of trying I’d ask, no worries if you don’t have the time I know it seems silly haha hope you’re having a lovely time!
Aight uh
Quinn is very much a work in progress; there's a lot of pressure on her to be the Perfect All-American Girl (whatever that means) but made a mistake and gets punished for it. She's smart, jaded, and still learning that it's okay to be herself.
I refuse to use Rachel to describe Marley lol, despite what Glee canon says. Marley is comfortable in her own skin in a way Quinn envies. Marley is also achingly kind and very in touch with her emotions.
Quinn has plenty of intelligence, but Marley is the one with emotional intelligence. Quinn wishes she could be open and honest like Marley; Marley wants Quinn's charm and confidence. In all of my universes, they're drawn to each other through common ground like books or food or music, and then gradually become interested in the other person lol. Any relationship between this two would be built on a solid friendship first as they learn to trust each other, and to learn from each other.
I hope this kinda explains what I see in this lil crackship, and how I imagine their dynamic to be!
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leadersguilt · 9 months
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" trust me, it's not as bad as it sounds. " fox in the doghouse / fish in the birdcage; her kindness is a virtue yet still does he feel himself falling short, half-suspended over a backyard pyre, heat-embraced between one shuddering breath and the next. her concern is best entrusted into the hands of those who have earned it, those with shadows who no longer flee from the truth like an act of breathing. she's helpful, in perpetuum ---- but he's gotten far too used to covering up his own mistakes, loading this dam until it breaks. " just forgot to eat as much as i usually do today, should have expected it to catch up to me by now. " ----- @gkunde ♡'d!
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gvngsigns · 1 year
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“you look nervous.” then, when it dawned on her that her lifestyle is far from common for most people, marley’s eyes widened. “holy shit, you’ve never done coke before??” it’s interesting. “am i about to corrupt you??”   /   @orbicularia​​
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chronicxwanderlust · 1 year
open to: anyone (mutuals or non-mutuals)!
character info: marley callahan, lily james fc, thirty, chief stewardess aboard calypso
plot: based on below deck sailing yacht--marley and your muse have had a will they won't they thing going on after working with each other for the last few charter seasons, but nothing has come of it (or has it 👀) until she's recently started seeing another crew member and your muse reacts!
additional info: made with beta. my rules aren’t anything crazy, but if you wanna check them out, feel free to do so here.
"You've had every opportunity to be with me." An exhaled truth, blown from the corner of Marley's mouth in a rush of cigarette smoke.
It's not funny, not really, but she can't help but laugh as she flicks its ash towards the tray before them. They're so close that their knees are practically knocking, sat back against the boat's railing, and yet she's never felt farther from them.
(A difficult feat on a 42 meter super yacht and the forced proximity it required when floating out at sea for weeks at a time, and yet).
"And it's the fact that even now, you can't admit that you even have feelings for me." Her head shook. "It's just a game to you, and now that I've stopped playin'," and she had been playing, hadn't she, "you're gonna try and make me feel bad for--what, exactly? Now tryin' to be with someone who actually wants to be with me?"
Another shake of her head, another slow drag. "It's bullshit."
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locallibrarylover · 1 year
shout out to my mom for having the funniest collection of music on her old mp3 player...
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texecutioner · 1 year
@fevrals, max: ❝ you can’t carry me through this. ❞
stunted youth, cursed childhoods, bruised knees and hearts > this was nothing new for the mayfield girls. grief had lived in their bones since the day they moved to indiana. [the abandonment of a father, the absence of a mother, the torture from a stepfamily.] only now, a death resided in their midst and darkness enveloped hawkins once again. darkness it couldn't escape no matter how hard it tried. palm trees replaced with oak trees, sunny skies replaced with grey clouds, and smiles replaced with screams. hawkins would be their grave.
eldest daughter syndrome — the weight of sisterhood and motherhood resting on her shoulders, the world threatening to crumble down upon them. ❝ look, i get it. shit has been really messed up lately, and i don't know how to make it better. if i could, you know i would in a heartbeat. ❞ it's the closest thing to a plead she can muster, nausea rising her stomach as marley swallows her pride. [they'd had always been emotionally unavailable at the worst of times— the joys of sisterhood.]
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❝ please talk to me. please don't shut me out... that's the worst fucking punishment you can give me. ❞
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madderot · 3 months
trying real hard not to let thoughts of writing smut take over its a nightmare
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meanderers · 4 months
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TAG DUMP: Various Character Tags (SIs)
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fadinglights · 6 months
continued from here, @twistedthings
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yuna  had  anticipated  witnessing  heartache  and  rage  in  her  lover's  eyes,  yet  the  sight  of  it  still  squeezes  her  heart.  "but  i  didn't."  she  murmurs,  acknowledging  that  explaining  the  situation  would  require  plenty of  time  if  marley  cared  to  listen.  how  would  she  react  if  the  roles  were  reversed?  yuna  imagines  an  equal  amount  of  disbelief  and  even  greater  wrath.  it's  not  an  easy  pill  to  swallow,  and  she  understands  that  she  cannot  expect  to  be  welcomed  with  open  arms  immediately,  as  if  nothing  had  ever  happened,  as  if  the  betrayal  had  never  occurred.  "i  know."  yuna's  voice  trembles  as  tears  well  up  in  her  own  eyes,  mirroring  marley's  shaken  state.  despite  knowing  she  has  no  right  to  do  so,  her  hand  instinctively  reaches  out  to  cup  marley's  face,  gently  wiping  away  a  stray  tear  only  for  more  to  cascade  down  marley's  cheeks.  "i'm  really  sorry.  i  can  explain."  she's  right  —  she  should  have  stayed  away  and  spared  marley  the  heartbreak  of  seeing  her  back  in  her  life.  it  might  hurt  for  a  while,  but  eventually,  marley  will  gather  enough  courage  to  move  on  and  find  someone  new  who  can  offer  a  simpler  life,  someone  who  can  bring  happiness  without  the  burden  of  lies  that  yuna  carries.  "i  never  wanted  to  hurt  you,  i  swear."  if  there  was  a  way  to  escape  without  causing  pain,  she  would  have  taken  it.
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neverrcryarch · 7 months
tag drop pt 2 !!
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cocained · 2 years
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crowdofvoices · 2 years
Open rp
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Placing the toothpick between her teeth, the other grinned. “How’s it going?” Marley asked, glancing around the park. “It’s lovely today isn’t it?” She suggested, taking the toothpick out of her mouth and placing it between her fingers. “I was thinking we could go for a walk, if you’re up for it?”
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gvngsigns · 5 months
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"why're you sitting all the way over there? i don't bite." / @tcrnished
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chronicxwanderlust · 2 years
“What’s the matter, handsome, friends can’t come out to play today?” A pout pulled at Marley’s bottom lip, cheek propped up by her palm propped up by her elbow on the countertop that separated the two of them. She’d noticed him the moment he’d first walked through those doors; it helped that he stuck out like a sore thumb amongst his peers, at least ten years most of their juniors, but that hadn’t been the only thing about him that’d caught her eye. Tonight was just the first time she’d caught him alone, his usual entourage missing from his side, and Marley planned on using that to her full advantage. “Hope you don’t mind my askin’, but you always hang ‘round men old enough to be your dad?” Her eyebrows raised curiously, pout turned to a slow grin. “Don’t you got any friends your own age?” She’d like to be his friend, she thought. He was a quiet one, but he had soulful eyes; there was a lot more happening behind them than he let on, that was for sure, even if the most they’d spoken was her asking him how he liked his eggs.
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locallibrarylover · 1 year
THE song of all time. btw
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