The Anatomy of ScreenWriterJeanelle
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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Forgive... β€” Forgiving does not mean you have to put yourself back into the situation that caused you pain... β€” Forgiveness means Recognizing the pain Dealing with the pain Healing from the pain and ultimately being Free from the pain... β€” Be Free... β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #quotestoliveby
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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Got my workout in and whew it had my heart racing but I completed it... β€” Summer time seems to be when this MS flares up the most. Not sure why but it seems this way so I have to push myself... β€” I will say that the @niketraining app is a life saver as it helps someone like me, who hates working out, get into a routine with my own personal trainer... β€” When you don’t have to come up with your own workout plans you can focus more on form and quality... β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #workout #niketraining #nike #selfie
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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Let that sheite go... β€” When we hold on to all of these things we are weighed down, making it impossible to see the good in our lives... β€” I know from personal experience that holding onto the past can keep you stuck... β€” But today let’s make a decision together; let’s either unpack that mess and Deal with it OR let’s drop the luggage at the baggage claim never to pick them up again... β€” You chose... β€” ✌🏽❀️ β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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Morning workout via @niketraining ... β€” It was a nice way to get back to it... β€” Can’t lie, it was a lot because I would rather run πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈ only BUT I read that to be a strong runner I need to be a strong athlete so here’s to building my strength up... β€” Having MS makes it a little harder to exercise but I refuse to let MS tell me what to do with MY body... β€” Stay motivated and do something that betters you... β€” βœŒπŸ½β€οΈπŸ€“ β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #workout #ntc #nike #staymotivated
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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#writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #selfie #inspire #selfiesunday #summertime
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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The one thing in life that is consistent is change... β€” Nothing stays the same... β€” This can be a hard pill to swallow but if we learn to adapt/adjust we can experience new things... β€” As hard as it is let’s learn to embrace change... β€” βœŒπŸ½β€οΈπŸ€“ ... β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #quotestoliveby
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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R E F L E C T I O N... β€” β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #selfie #reflection #curves
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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Not very happy with my first day back in over a month😩πŸ˜₯😞... β€” I could barely and I mean Bare-Lee do 1.55 miles/2.5k. I felt like such a loser. I forgot to stretch and my calves were on fireπŸ”₯... β€” I know I have to think positive and take note that I did something... β€” MS, allergies and asthma have me so tired sick and in pain but I can’t let that stuff win... β€” Be kind to yourself... β€” β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #run #workout #dontgiveup #nikerun #applewatch
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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What a beautiful day to take a strollπŸšΆπŸ½β€β™€οΈthrough Berlin... β€” Today was the first day of getting my life back on track (so to speak)... β€” It’s crazy how we set out on a mission and allow situations, circumstances and the influence of others to slowly take us a few centimeters off course... β€” Suddenly our dreams/goals become blurred... β€” With the help of My momma, boys & ❀️, I cut off unnecessary activities in my life to introduce activities that will get me closer to my inner peace... β€” I got up, got out, walked 3.1 miles/5k even helped someone with directions😜while encouraging her; today was cool!!! β€” I encourage you to adjust things in your life if you’re unhappy and stressed... β€” Nothing is worth your peace... β€” β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #berlin #tvtowerberlin #walking #springtime
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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This is what my life looks like... β€” I lost sight of my dreams (my reason for traveling to Europe) for a little while, however I’m back on track... β€” I allowed β€œgood” things to take me away from the β€œgreat” things and I started getting stressed which eventually caused depression and my MS to flare big time... β€” But I change that today... β€” I am grateful for the blessed life God has given me and I will pay more attention to nipping distraction(s) in the bud... β€” Know when it’s time to make a change in your life to live your best life... β€” βœŒπŸ½β€οΈπŸ€“ β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #lake #berlin #europe #naturelover #ducks
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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It’s an amazing day... β€” Decide to do what’s best for you even when those around do not understand... β€” Your life is your life and only you and God know what it will take for you to have (and keep) peace... β€” Nothing and I mean NOTHING is worth your peace... β€” When you are unsure of something take note of your peace and then you’ll know what you should do... β€” βœŒπŸ½β€οΈπŸ€“ β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #selfie #peace #dowhatyoulove
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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The calm after the storm... β€” Life will try to rain on your parade however I want to remind you that storms don’t last always... β€” Search for the rainbow God promised us as a pledge that things will be ok... β€” βœŒπŸ½β€οΈπŸ€“ β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #sky #clouds #peace
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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No matter the mistakes we’ve made we have to learn to forgive ourselves... β€” Perfection does not exist on this earth yet it is something we all reach for... β€” Today I challenge us all to reach for the perfection that IS obtainable and that is Being the Perfect US... β€” My perfect won’t be your perfect and vise versa and once we accept that and stop comparing ourselves to others life will be more enjoyable... β€” Accept and Love yourself; it’s the best medicine you’ll ever take... β€” βœŒπŸ½β€οΈπŸ€“ β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #quote #quotes #quotestoliveby #quoteoftheday
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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Let the fire inside of you forever burn... β€” Don’t let what you’re going through put out your fire... β€” But instead let it add fuel to the fire... β€” Each obstacle trains us for the next race... β€” Keep going. Don’t give up, cave in or quit... β€” Everything has an expiration date; so whatever is ailing you today, know that it’s almost over... β€” βœŒπŸ½β€οΈπŸ€“ β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #zara #fashion #berlin
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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My β€œI miss #Zaddy β€œ look 😜... β€” He betta watch out when I see himπŸ™Š... β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #selfie #lovemesomehim #kisses #life #love #enjoy
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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We all have purpose... β€” But to get to these dreams we must keep at it and leave the rest to God... β€” We can’t give up when things don’t work out like we planned... β€” Each try is a step towards the goal, teaching us something needed to succeed... β€” So...just because it didn’t work out this time does not mean it’s not meant to be... β€” Keep Trying... β€” β€οΈβœŒπŸ½πŸ€“ β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #motivationalquotes #inspirationalquotes
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screenwriterjeanelle Β· 7 years ago
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Even on my worse days I try to remember my better days... β€” β€” β€” #writer #author #winner #runner #depressionfighter #nerd #depression #wordplanter #blogger #traveler #fighter #believer #seedsower #believeinyourself #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #live #selflove #enjoylife #survivor #travel #bekind #bekindtoyourself #selfie #adidas #selfies #me
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