scp-3177 · 1 year
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kind of wanna reinforce this here. because i’ve seen ai writing become so popular on tik tok.
ai writing is not okay.
it’s literally theft. just like how ai art steals, ai writing steals. it’s using authors’ very real work to generate whatever you type in. and this also needs to be said as well.
writing is a form of art. fanfiction is a form of literature.
seeing this all over my fyp is REALLY discouraging. fanfic itself is already a labor of love and we love it when you interact. but please do not use ai writing for your fanfic needs when this writing literally steals from fanfic authors.
genuinely don’t know if this post will go around because my interactions outside of hcs are shit, but i hope it does.
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scp-3177 · 3 years
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Help I forgot how many legs deers are supposed to have
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scp-3177 · 4 years
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Where to go? All signs point to the same place.
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scp-3177 · 4 years
fucking idiot gets PRANKED
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scp-3177 · 5 years
no logical decisions we die like horror movie protagonists
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scp-3177 · 5 years
Wait the demon out and hope for a distraction or make a break for it and hope that she is faster than the best... Wait or run.
As Jane frets over her options, both of them equally bad, the choice is taken from her. Heavy footsteps make the floor of the cave shake and the pillow is ripped up off her so quickly that the displacement of air send her curly hair flying into a wild mess.
Jane let's out an undignified swak as her hiding place is revieled, jumping up onto her feet. The demon's shout of surprise is so deep and loud, the young woman can feel it rumbling in her chest.
She clasps her hands over her ears for moment, flinching and cringing, before daring to look up at the beast above her.
Jane's mouth goes dry as she stares up at the massive grey belly looming over her, stray water droplets gleaming in the dim light as they roll down the curve. It takes up most of her view of the demon, huge and imposing and undoubtedly full of the poor unfortunate souls that were devoured by the monster.
Craning her neck back further, Jane gets a glimpse of the demon's face, eyes wide with shock and whiskers bristling.
She feels her blood drain from her face and her stomach fill with ice, knowing she's in for it now. No way is she getting out of here unscathed... Maybe not at all.
A drop of water clings to the demon's belly button for a second, before growing fat and falling, slapshing over Jane's exposed feet and wetting the ankles of her blue jumper.
It is just what she need to shock some sense back into her panicking mind.
"Oh, un, hi?" Stutters Jane, nervously smiling up at the demon. "So sorry for interrupting at such a, uh, a bad time! I was just in the area and could resist checking out this cool cave. Thought it was just a normal cave but, ah, guess I am wrong. It's lovely though! You have done wonders with the place."
She babbling. She knows she's babbling, but Jane just can't help herself. She's never been a good liar or quick witted.
"Um, I'll just go now. Yeah? Leave you to your stories... I hope everything goes well for your favorite characters," says Jane, forcing a laugh as she starts to back away.
Biting her bottom lip as she works up her nerves, Jane stares into the dank, dark cave sitting on the edge of a lake. A cave, of course it has to be a creepy cave!
Whenever the demon hunters demand her to help, it is always in the worst places. Swamps, bogs, foggy woods. Never a big fancy mansions or quaint little towns.
They better come through on their promise this time and teach her the ways of demon hunting, especially since she left her clean, modern city to come all the way out in the ass end of nowhere to find something that might not even be here.
The demon is one of legends, whispered about in dark corners with frightened tones. They say that it stands as tall as a church steeple, can control the weather, devours souls and leaves only withered husks behind once it is full... That it has eaten the soul of every hunter that thought they were up to the task of killing the beast.
No wonder the latest batch have come to her for a bit of help. Not that they would admit it once they kil the demon.
Sighing deeply, Jane makes her way into the cave. Her flip flops slip on damp stones and the windbreaker she has over her jumpsuit does little to keep out the chill. Her halo of blonde curls are probably turning to pure frizz.
But she isn't going to let a gross cave keep her from finding the monster. Jane is sick and tired of playing coal mine canary for jackasses in metal cans.
The light begins to fade, darkness enveloping the young woman, yet she continues on. If she doesn't get those lessons, again, at least she'll get to see a badass demon.
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scp-3177 · 5 years
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“After a week of broken porch lights and a yard strewn with rotten garbage, I was determined to catch the vandals in the act. It always sounded like lots of people yelling and muttering. Finally got a photo. Just one thing, but with many voices pouring from the face in its’ chest.”
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scp-3177 · 5 years
A tube tv... The demon has a FREAKING tube tv playing soap opera in his living room! How the hell is it working? Where is the power coming from? Why soap operas?
They are so cheesy and cliche, ungh.
If the beast didn't show himself, belittling the busty blonde on the screen for believing dark and handsome's lies, Jane would he hard pressed to believe a demon actually lives here... But there he is, in all his gargantuan glory.
Jane clutches the edge of the pillow as the beast enters the room, ground shaking with every heavy step, making Jane's teeth feel like they are rattling in their sockets. At best, she stands around mid thigh, but even though the demon doesn't stand as tall as a church steeple, his massive hands and feet could easily crush or rip her to bits.
Still slack jawed, Jane can't help but size up the muscles in the demons arms, the water droplets rolling down his large belly and the whiskers that bristle along his strong jaw... Those fangs look sharp enough to cut into her as easily as a hot knife though butter.
With the grey streaking his hair and that deep, raspy voice, Jane would say the beast is rather distinguished. Well, she would if he wasn't wearing a towel and yelling at the tv like a senile old man.
Giving herself a shake, Jane looks around for a way to escape. She has done what she was hired to do, scope out the cave to make sure the beast is actually here, and now it is time to report back to the hunter. Time for the canary to fly back to its cage... But the entrance to the cave is so far away.
Jane bites her lip as she squirms on the spot, her cheap flip flops squeaking under the pressure of her toes digging into them, debating if she should make a run for it or try to wait the demon out.
Biting her bottom lip as she works up her nerves, Jane stares into the dank, dark cave sitting on the edge of a lake. A cave, of course it has to be a creepy cave!
Whenever the demon hunters demand her to help, it is always in the worst places. Swamps, bogs, foggy woods. Never a big fancy mansions or quaint little towns.
They better come through on their promise this time and teach her the ways of demon hunting, especially since she left her clean, modern city to come all the way out in the ass end of nowhere to find something that might not even be here.
The demon is one of legends, whispered about in dark corners with frightened tones. They say that it stands as tall as a church steeple, can control the weather, devours souls and leaves only withered husks behind once it is full... That it has eaten the soul of every hunter that thought they were up to the task of killing the beast.
No wonder the latest batch have come to her for a bit of help. Not that they would admit it once they kil the demon.
Sighing deeply, Jane makes her way into the cave. Her flip flops slip on damp stones and the windbreaker she has over her jumpsuit does little to keep out the chill. Her halo of blonde curls are probably turning to pure frizz.
But she isn't going to let a gross cave keep her from finding the monster. Jane is sick and tired of playing coal mine canary for jackasses in metal cans.
The light begins to fade, darkness enveloping the young woman, yet she continues on. If she doesn't get those lessons, again, at least she'll get to see a badass demon.
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scp-3177 · 5 years
Jane Doe lookin super cute!
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rose bertram via instagram
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scp-3177 · 5 years
As Jane works her way deeper into the chilly cave, she notes the surprising lack of bones that should be littering the floor. No withered husks, no half eaten corpses of either the animal or human variety.
There isn't even the smell of death that usually clings to the lairs of fearsome monsters. Did she get the wrong cave?
But Jane continues on, determined to find whatever is killing all those demon hunters and knights. Hopefully it isn't a bottomless pit hidden by the darkness, ready and waiting to swallow her up.
After several stumbles, tumbles and slips over rough, jagged stones, the cave begins to change. A constant flow of warm air warms her frozen toes and a ring squeals in her ears. No matter how hard she shakes her head, she can't get the buzzing to stop. Jane thinks she hit her head at least once when she fell, but it hadn't been that hard...
Light floods the tunnel after a sharp turn and Jane gasps in surprise, closing her eyes until she adjusts. She gasps again when she opens them, shocked by the sight before her.
No way can this be the lair of a man eating beast! The furniture and decorations are worn but still luxurious enough to make the city folk jealous. A bed, cushions, chairs and tables, everything that a human would own... But significantly larger. Okay, so maybe this is the lair of a giant or demon. Or a giant demon, just like the hunter said.
The voices draw Jane from her awed gawking and she rushes to find something to hide behind. Whoever lives here, their argument does not sound like a friendly one.
Peeking around the corner of a cushion that had been tossed and forgotten on the floor, Jane looks for the source of the voices, body freezing up and jaw dropping when she does.
Biting her bottom lip as she works up her nerves, Jane stares into the dank, dark cave sitting on the edge of a lake. A cave, of course it has to be a creepy cave!
Whenever the demon hunters demand her to help, it is always in the worst places. Swamps, bogs, foggy woods. Never a big fancy mansions or quaint little towns.
They better come through on their promise this time and teach her the ways of demon hunting, especially since she left her clean, modern city to come all the way out in the ass end of nowhere to find something that might not even be here.
The demon is one of legends, whispered about in dark corners with frightened tones. They say that it stands as tall as a church steeple, can control the weather, devours souls and leaves only withered husks behind once it is full... That it has eaten the soul of every hunter that thought they were up to the task of killing the beast.
No wonder the latest batch have come to her for a bit of help. Not that they would admit it once they kil the demon.
Sighing deeply, Jane makes her way into the cave. Her flip flops slip on damp stones and the windbreaker she has over her jumpsuit does little to keep out the chill. Her halo of blonde curls are probably turning to pure frizz.
But she isn't going to let a gross cave keep her from finding the monster. Jane is sick and tired of playing coal mine canary for jackasses in metal cans.
The light begins to fade, darkness enveloping the young woman, yet she continues on. If she doesn't get those lessons, again, at least she'll get to see a badass demon.
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scp-3177 · 5 years
Biting her bottom lip as she works up her nerves, Jane stares into the dank, dark cave sitting on the edge of a lake. A cave, of course it has to be a creepy cave!
Whenever the demon hunters demand her to help, it is always in the worst places. Swamps, bogs, foggy woods. Never a big fancy mansions or quaint little towns.
They better come through on their promise this time and teach her the ways of demon hunting, especially since she left her clean, modern city to come all the way out in the ass end of nowhere to find something that might not even be here.
The demon is one of legends, whispered about in dark corners with frightened tones. They say that it stands as tall as a church steeple, can control the weather, devours souls and leaves only withered husks behind once it is full... That it has eaten the soul of every hunter that thought they were up to the task of killing the beast.
No wonder the latest batch have come to her for a bit of help. Not that they would admit it once they kil the demon.
Sighing deeply, Jane makes her way into the cave. Her flip flops slip on damp stones and the windbreaker she has over her jumpsuit does little to keep out the chill. Her halo of blonde curls are probably turning to pure frizz.
But she isn't going to let a gross cave keep her from finding the monster. Jane is sick and tired of playing coal mine canary for jackasses in metal cans.
The light begins to fade, darkness enveloping the young woman, yet she continues on. If she doesn't get those lessons, again, at least she'll get to see a badass demon.
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scp-3177 · 5 years
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scp-3177 · 5 years
This site defies all logic.
A network or service that fails to make enough money for its shareholders generally gets closed down within 2-3 years.
Tumblr lost Yahoo a billion dollars and it's still around.
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scp-3177 · 5 years
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Design graphics Geya Shvecova (Space processes) Archive_041219
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scp-3177 · 5 years
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Visit from William Rothberg, commissioner of the tomb expedition in Cairo, 1922.
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The site of the tomb is extraordinary and unlike anything we have seen before. Preparations are being made to explore the only known entrance.
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The bottom entrance of the tomb is a sight to behold. We think that it may date around 2688-2180 BC. Although, we cannot say for sure at the moment.
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The faces of each statue have been destroyed. A curious sight, though not uncommon. This was usually done to the tombs of Pharaohs with bad reputations. To remove the face is to remove their memory and place in the afterlife.
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A tight squeeze through one of the chambers. I managed to make it out just fine.
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The chambers are massive and surprisingly well preserved. We have yet to find the Pharaoh’s chamber, but we are hopeful in finding it soon.
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It was common for Pharaohs to be mummified alongside their cats. But this tomb is filled with chambers of mummified cats. Hundreds of them.
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That’s not the strangest part, though. The mummified cats keep getting bigger the further into the chambers we go. Surely, there cannot actually be cats in these large sarcophagi… But I wonder. We will be taking some of them back for study.
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Most unusual. It would appear that the large sarcophagi held the mummified remains of large felines, but… with heads more closely resembling that of humans.
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We checked to make sure if there were any seams to show that they had been sewn together or fabricated. But there are none. My comrades and I are absolutely baffled.
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scp-3177 · 5 years
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Plumehead & Comet by Annis Naeem
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scp-3177 · 5 years
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you’ve seen something in the woods…
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