science-biatch · 10 years
The man nodded. "Yes, I am the one here to be interviewed. My name is Jesse Pinkman." Do I stand and bow to this... Kid? No way! Jesse smiled pleasantly at him, trying to keep up his appeal. Maybe he would get fired because of his bad habits, or because he would get annoyed at his new masters ways. He pushed the thoughts away. But his habits would affect his chances. Once the boy found out he was into drugs, such as opium, he would be fired. It was that simple. Jesse made sure that the Trancy Earl would never find out.
Jesse sat awkwardly in the drawing room, mind racing. He needed this job, needed the money, needed a place to stay. Ever since his aunt had died, he hadn’t wanted to live in his house. It was too sad.
"Hello, and welcome to the Trancy manor. My name is Jesse Pinkman," he...
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science-biatch · 10 years
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"This is why I like you, kid. Your cool."
"Yo, kid. I need help. Think you can help me?"
"I sup-suppose," the dark-haired boy replied, looking at the man. "What d-do you need help wi-with?"
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science-biatch · 10 years
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"So your gay! I knew something was going on!"
// The heart won't copy gahhhhh but the heart thing
First person to send me a ’ ❤ ’ owns me for a month!
// I’m going to use bold Reon for this!
Reon looked at Jesse. “Well, well, look who owns me now.”
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science-biatch · 10 years
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"Do you want to go?" he asked. "Because I'm fine if you stay. It's up to you - I'm chill with anything." Jesse smiled slightly. "I just hope you don't mind me."
Ff+ (( I regret nothing ))
Send me “ff+” and a character name and my character will react to finding and reading a graphic and sex-filled fanfiction of themselves and that character.
Whoever had left that pile of paper sheets in Mei-Rin’s room must have been insane, or simply tried to make her disgusted. Hardly ever did she hate someone, but that man… to tell the truth, she really disliked him. That was why reading such things not only made her cheeks red, but also brought a snort out of her.
With a huff, she quickly threw the story to her paper bin. It would be difficult to forget such a thing, and she now really wished she would throw it out of her mind as easily as she got rid of the tale itself.
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science-biatch · 10 years
Send me "Librarian!" + a number and I'll grab the closest book, flip to that page number, and make us a starter using a random line of text from said page!
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science-biatch · 10 years
M!A: I even made these special so you guys would!
Gift: What's this! Muse found something strange on their doorstep and must keep it with them for at least six hours. Anon decides what it is they find.
Soul: Muse has become soul-bound to someone's s muse for a maximum of one week! Muse must send the other person at least 3 asks a day, and cannot deny any request given by that muse for at least three days. Anon decided who they're bound to. (negated if the other muse doesn't agree.)
Devotion: But my dear, I love you! Something has caused my muse to become overcome with an overwhelming need to prove their love to something or someone. Anon decides the duration, and who or what muse is in love with.
Wings:You can fly! Muse sprouts wings for up to a maximum of two weeks. Anon gets to choose how big they are( chicken wings anyone?)
Storm: A tiny storm cloud has decided to torment muse. Anon decides duration and the type of storm! It can be a regular storm, or you can have it rain something random. Rain rain, go away!
Glass: I knew those mime classes would pay off someday! Muse is stuck in an invisible 'glass box' for any duration the anon chooses.
Glamour: Muse thinks they are a famous celebrity or royalty for any duration the anon chooses up to one week. It's simply fabulous darling~
Jealous: Muse becomes extremely jealous of another muse for an extremely ridiculous reason of the anon's choosing. Can last up to five days max.
Power: Fear me mortals, for I am almighty! Mwahaha. Muse goes mad with power for as long as the anon wants.
Chaos: It's a mad house! A mad house I say! Muse's personality gets flipped backwards for three days. The timid turn mighty, the charismatic turn into downers, and straight characters get to kiss a girl/boy and like it.
Sin: Put this and one of the seven sins in muse's ask box, and they'll be consumed by it for five days. Gluttony, lust, pride, envy, greed, sloth, and wrath. Pick your poison~
Mirror: Muse turns into a narcissist for 24 hours. If they see another muse of the same character they have to flirt with them at least once.
Skin: Take it off! Muse's clothes have gone missing for any duration of the anon's choosing up to one week!
Tears: Muse can't stop crying. Anon decides for how long and for what reason they cry. I didn't mean to spill the milk! ;o;
Mercy: Groveling time! Muse thinks they've done something wrong and need to apologize for everything and beg forgiveness.
Child: Do you know where my Mommy is? Muse turns into a toddler for a week.
Pride:Muse feels an inescapable need to boast about everything they do, even normal things. I mad toast this morning, how kickass am I?
Lie: Oh no, Pinocchio! Muse can't lie for however long anon decides.
Master: Muse must be submissive and give into any demands they're given for 5 hours. I'll do anything to please you...Master.
Addiction: WHERE MY DRUGS AT MAN. Muse is addicted to a substance of some kind for 24 hours. Anon decided what they're addicted to.
Blood: You monster. Muse is a blood thirsty sociopath for 24 hours.
Justice: Muse thinks they're a superhero for however long the anon decides, and they must 'save' everything! Jeeze, these tights are tight!
Regret: Muse regrets everything they do for five hours. Oh the shame!
Mask: Costume party? Muse is stuck wearing a costume of the anons choice for a up to a week.
Secret: Muse cannot speak the truth for 24 hours, thinking they'll let slip an important secret! Hide the documents!
Grieve: Muse thinks that someone or something they care for is gone forever, and will ignore any evidence to the contrary. Anon specify how long it lasts.
Moon: One small step for man,a giant leap for muse-kind. Muse must live in zero-gravity for 24 hours.
Silence: What did you say? Muse goes mute and can only communicate in gifs and descriptive text. No dialogue. Anon decides duration.
Pray: Muse is tormented by spirits/is an spirit for 24 hours. if they become an spirit, they cannot be seen, and must haunt someones askbox until they turn back.
Pure: Sex? What's that? Muse suddenly has the mentality of a three year old, and can't understand anything 'adult'. Anon decides the duration.
Hate: Muse suddenly despises someone or something they previously liked, for 24 hours. Anon decides who or what they hate.
Snow: Jack Frost isn't whose nipping at your nose~ Muse is inexplicably turned into a winter spirit for three days. He can't be seen by anyone during this time.
Cold: I'm covered in purple spots! Muse is sick for the next week. Anon decides how severe the illness is and what symptoms.
Beauty: Man, I feel like a ...woman? Muse suddenly switches genders. Anon decides the duration.
Twisted: Muse is turned into an evil version of themselves, or if bad, they turn good. Through the looking glass.
Obsession: Muse is being followed by an obsessive stalker who is slowly going crazier and crazier. Anon decides for how long.
Break: My Leg! Muse has broken their leg and now needs help to take care of themselves and get around. Lasts for a week.
Control: Muse loses control of their actions and are controlled by an outside force. Anon decides for how long and whether the outside force controlling the muse is good or not.
Scar: Muse is now planning to overthrow a kingdom or ruling party in their universe. Lasts for 24 hours.
Fall: Oh no, a cliff hanger! Muse if trapped on the side of a cliff or somewhere high up with no way of escaping. Lasts for 3 days.
Same: Muse is suddenly turned into another character! Anon decides who they now look like and for how long.
Someone: Now you're just somebody that I used to know~ Muse cannot remember anything about a single person for one week. Anon decides who it is they cannot remember.
Love: Muse is suddenly madly in love with another person! Anon decides who it is. If already in love with that person, they fall out of it. All is fair in love and war after all!
Conflict: Muse suddenly feels as if they are in the middle of a massive war! Anon decides for how long. Get your guns!
Morning: Oh shit,is there a tiger in the bathroom?! Muse wakes up the morning after a rough night of drinking, and has no idea what is going on. Lasts for one week or until the muse figures out what happened last night.
Night: A wishing star! Anon gets to make a wish and muse has to accommodate it.
Pale: Muse becomes a vampire (and not the sparkly variety) for 3 days. Anon gets to decide if they are the regular blood sucking variety, or if they crave something different. Well this sucks.
Sorrow: Muse becomes incredibly depressed for 24 hours, and can only respond to things pessimistically. I'm a cup half empty kind of person.
Joy: I have cancer?Hurray! Muse is extremely peppy/hyperactive and reacts to everything in an inappropriately happy way.
Pain: Muse is in an extremely large amount of pain for no apparent or fixable reason. Put me out of my misery.
Fear: Anon gets to name something, and muse will have an extremely debilitating phobia of it for one week. Bonus points if it's something ridiculous.
Rage: Muse becomes consumed in an uncontrolable rage and goes on a rampage in other people's ask boxes for 24 hours. MUSE SMASH!
Terrible: Something bad happens to muse. Anon decides what it is.
Game: Muse is somehow cast into a Hunger Games type scenario, and if they somehow survive they get a fabulous prize. Anon decides what prize they get if they win.
Gun: I'm going to jump it! Anon tells muse a word and a character, and they make an unreasonable assumption based on it.
Mess: Muse is now filthy and needs someone to help them clean off. You dirty boy you!
Hero: Muse is put into a dangerous situation and can only be saved by another person. Anon decides what the situation is. I need a hero!
Memory: Dude where's my....who am I again? Muse loses there memory and can't remember anything at all. Anon decides the duration.
Exile: You've been kicked off the island. Muse is exiled from their home.
Dress: Muse has to wear clothes from the opposite gender for three days. If muse is male, they muse wear a flamboyant dress. If muse is female, they wear a man's tux or suit. This includes underwear as well. Feel the breeze!
Leather: Muse must wear a leash and collar for three days. If an RPer sends this, they must be their slave for those three days. Be gentle with me...
Treasure: Muse finds a treasure map and becomes a pirate! Anon decides the duration. A pirates life for me~
Hidden: Something important of the muse's can be lost. It can be something they own, or something they've given another character. Where did I put that again?
Dirty: Muse becomes a sexual deviant for 5 hours. Spread 'em baby~
Water: SHARKS! Muse becomes lost at sea for one week.
Legend: Muse has to go on a quest to find a legendary treasure. It is dangerous and extremely hard to get to, guarded by a dragon. Anon decides what the treasure is.
Fire: Burn, baby, burn! Muse breathes fire whenever they open their mouths for the next 24 hours.
Paradise: Muse is stuck on a deserted island by themselves for one week. At least I have you Winston.
White: Muse is stuck in the white room of an insane asylum for 24 hours. I'm not crazy! The purple ferrets are!
Breathe: Muse is a mermaid.merman for three days, and can't breathe above water. Under the sea~
Find: No leaving the nest! Muse is found by a curious giant bird and it adopts them for three days.
Dance: Muse must dance with everyone they see for 24 hours. Everybody salsa!
Roses: Muse must propose to everyone they see, regardless of gender or species, for 24 hours. Will you be mine?
Black: Muse does blind for one week. Who turned out the lights?
Heart: You assume I care why? Muse cannot feel or express any emotions for 24 hours.
Red: Muse is easily flustered and skittish. Anon decides for how long. S-senpai noticed m-m-me!
Murder: Don't shoot! Muse is paranoid and thinks a serial killer is stalking them for three days.
Worthless: Muse becomes completely powerless for three days! If muse is normally powerless, they get super strength for thee days! Why am I so pointless?
Relax: Muse wins a vacation to somewhere exotic and gets to take another person with them. Spring break woohoo!
Ocean: Muse is turned into a sea creature. Anon decides what kind, and for how long. Under the sea~
Winter: Ice burn! Muse is now lost in a snow storm and must survive for three days!
Bed: Muse now has narcolepsy and falls asleep at random for three days.
Nighty night!
Call: Muse is suddenly feral and acts like wild animal. Alternatively, they actually become a wild animal.Anon decides for how long. It's the call of the wild!
Return: Someone from Muse's past comes back. I missed you!
Shy: Muse is incredibly shy and clingy for three days. Don't l-look at m-me like that S-senpai-san.
Fast: Muse is suddenly unable to stop moving, and must run constantly. Anon decides on the duration.
Alone: I'm so lonely without you...Muse is stuck alone as the only survivor in a deserted city for three days.
Enjoy: Muse is easily entertained by something stupid for 24 hours. Anon decides what it is.
Wait: Muse is promised their greatest wish if they can wait, but they cannot interact with the person they love while they do. Anon decides how long it lasts.
Mild: Super spicy! Muse feels like their mouth is on fire and only kisses make it stop. Anon decides how long it lasts.
Tired: Muse is suddenly very drowsy and lethargic and feels the need to cuddle with everyone, even their enemies. Muse decides duration. I think I need a hug.
Favorite: A favorite thing of Muse's is destroyed or Muse can no longer get to it. Anon decides what that favorite is and for how long.
Eyes: Muse has lost their depth perception and balance for 24 hours. I can't see straight!
Pet: Me-OW! Muse is turned into an animal of some kind for three days.
Eat: Muse get's the stomach flu, and is unable to eat without being forced to vomit it back up again for three days. I don't feel so hot.
Easy: Muse now has extreme difficulty doing something they are normally good at. But WHY can't I repeat the alphabet?
Book: Quiet in the library! Muse is now stuck inside a storybook, and what happens is decided by the askbox. Lasts until the story finishes.
Different: Something obvious about muse is different from normal, such as their hair being a new color, or their clothes suddenly shifting to something unusual. Change is good.
Home: Muse is deluded into thinking they are now in a family with someone, and insists on 'playing family' with them for three days. The twist-they think they are the opposite role than they should be, as in =male muse is mommy, female muse is daddy, child muse is the parent.Now put the apron on!
Complete: Muse must be in a relationship with someone or they begin to have a panic attack. Lasts for however long the anon wants.
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science-biatch · 10 years
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Jesse laughed, reaching out and taking her hand. "I'm fine. But thanks for caring enough about me that you wanted to help." He smiled a little and got up.
Ff+ (( I regret nothing ))
Send me “ff+” and a character name and my character will react to finding and reading a graphic and sex-filled fanfiction of themselves and that character.
Whoever had left that pile of paper sheets in Mei-Rin’s room must have been insane, or simply tried to make her disgusted. Hardly ever did she hate someone, but that man… to tell the truth, she really disliked him. That was why reading such things not only made her cheeks red, but also brought a snort out of her.
With a huff, she quickly threw the story to her paper bin. It would be difficult to forget such a thing, and she now really wished she would throw it out of her mind as easily as she got rid of the tale itself.
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science-biatch · 10 years
Jesse looked at her, his heart suddenly beating faster. What was the word? What would she want to hear? Why had she disliked him at first?
Jesse wracked his brain for an answer. He knew she was eventually going to leave - either by choice or by death - and he knew that she would never feel the same way about him.
"I can't... I don't know what your talking about," he whispered. He felt like he was going to scream, and held it back. "Please... Please stay."
He looked down at his wrists, gently tracing the tattoo. He knew she would say yes to him - she was that sort of person.
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science-biatch · 10 years
// I just lost a follower Fine. I never liked you anyways
0 notes
science-biatch · 10 years
The New Servant ~Closed rp with thegoldentongue~
Jesse sat awkwardly in the drawing room, mind racing. He needed this job, needed the money, needed a place to stay. Ever since his aunt had died, he hadn’t wanted to live in his house. It was too sad.
"Hello, and welcome to the Trancy manor. My name is Jesse Pinkman," he quipped in a fake British accent. He rolled his eyes at how ridiculous it sounded.
But at least he was the only one applying. He hoped. If someone better came along, he was screwed. But he refused to think about that. Only the positives.
Where the hell was this boy - Alois or something? He had talked to a dark haired man, and he had told Jesse he had to “talk to his highness”.
Who gets their butler to call them 'your highness'?
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science-biatch · 10 years
//alright, muns gonna go off into a corner and cry now...
0 notes
science-biatch · 10 years
// there are so many people I wanna rp with, but I won't for 2 reasons 1 - I'm too fucking shy 2 - They don't follow me and won't see my reply
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science-biatch · 10 years
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Jesse sighed, walking backwards slightly. He tripped, falling over. "Opinions are opinions, aren't they?" he asked, letting his head fall back. Cause that's how you get a girl!
Ff+ (( I regret nothing ))
Send me “ff+” and a character name and my character will react to finding and reading a graphic and sex-filled fanfiction of themselves and that character.
Whoever had left that pile of paper sheets in Mei-Rin’s room must have been insane, or simply tried to make her disgusted. Hardly ever did she hate someone, but that man… to tell the truth, she really disliked him. That was why reading such things not only made her cheeks red, but also brought a snort out of her.
With a huff, she quickly threw the story to her paper bin. It would be difficult to forget such a thing, and she now really wished she would throw it out of her mind as easily as she got rid of the tale itself.
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science-biatch · 10 years
Jesse thought about it for a moment, before shrugging. "I guess it's because when you see the person you love with someone else, someone they love, it hurts. And every time they're together, it hurts a little more. I would rather be rejected than hurt, wouldn't you?" He cast her a glance, before turning his eyes back to his wall. Jesse flopped backwards, hitting the bed. He stared up at the ceiling, thoughts racing. "And when I'm around you, all I can ever see is you, leaving me. Everyone has eventually left me - in one way or another. And I don't want everyone I love to go!" Jesse sat up, clenching his head in his hands. "IT HURTS! WHEN THE PERSON YOU LOVE DIES! I'VE EXPERIENCED SO MANY TIMES!" Tears began to roll down his face, and he but his lip. "And I want you to stay..."
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science-biatch · 10 years
Jesse made his way through the streets, keeping an eye out for the police. If he bumped into them... He shuddered. He wouldn't even think about it.
Out of the corner or his eye, he saw him. Was that...? Yes, it was Vincent Phantomhive! And in the spot were Jesse was supposed to meet his client!
He approached the man cautiously.
"Hello there, sir. Might I ask what your doing out here, sir? I don't think this alley is somewhere you would enjoy being..."
Jesse smiled smugly. He had the feeling Vincent was his client. And when rich people bought, it was better for him.
Jesse sat alone, cradling the package to his chest. He had just received it from his supplier, and he didn’t want people to see. He had dragged himself into the nearest, darkest alleyway to inspect his goods, and no one was going to screw it up. He opened the package up...
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science-biatch · 10 years
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"How do you feel about me?" he blurted out. He looked down, at his hands. Suddenly, all he could think about was his hands. He couldn't look up at her, couldn't see her face. He didn't want to see disappointment.
Ff+ (( I regret nothing ))
Send me “ff+” and a character name and my character will react to finding and reading a graphic and sex-filled fanfiction of themselves and that character.
Whoever had left that pile of paper sheets in Mei-Rin’s room must have been insane, or simply tried to make her disgusted. Hardly ever did she hate someone, but that man… to tell the truth, she really disliked him. That was why reading such things not only made her cheeks red, but also brought a snort out of her.
With a huff, she quickly threw the story to her paper bin. It would be difficult to forget such a thing, and she now really wished she would throw it out of her mind as easily as she got rid of the tale itself.
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science-biatch · 10 years
"Have some meth then."
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—”I tried eating chocolate. Now I just feel sick.”
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