the yassification of cater diamond
85 posts
they/hemultifandom- but mostly twisted wonderland
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
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sky is not white, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
also fellow singlets.. can we be fucking respectful here.. its not hard to not post like “hurr hurr when jojo doesn’t respect your headcanon” like thats not the problem the problem is how she phrased it! please stfu and listen to systems when they try to explain to you why what jojo said is hurtful!
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
"Let's not start discourse-" sticking up for systems shouldn't be discourse!! We aren't drama, we aren't sensitive for being affected by ableism- whether it was intentional or not! We aren't a word in quotes!!
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
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same unbearably sad beast
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
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Overblot!Trey because I want it manifested oOooooO u want to overblot so bad
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
getting back into loz was a mistake now i drew gay people.
anyways, silly secret au got me thinking of them they deserve all the happiness. also albw just needs more appreciation i love it so much please.
don't comment on my ability to draw birds. it's great i know /j
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personal fav doodles (expand to see fully)
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
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groose screenshot redrawing :)
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
The Russia and Ukraine Issue is serious and not enough people are talking about it.
For fuck's sake. Do not talk about the Ukrainian military's positions. The Ukrainian Government has requested as follows:
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There are some numbers for Ukrainian and Belarusian refugees. I'll drop a copied text from a discord server I'm in.
"these numbers are for people in belarus and ukraine that are illegal in poland (for example, using a tourist visa and staying there permanently counts as illegal, but this is only one example) however need to stay inside of poland for their own safety. these numbers will grant you a temporary visa so you do not get deported back into ukraine or belarus.
this number is for ukrainians that wish to escape to poland. you will have people tell you more information about which border stop is best to go to and what you would need to bring.
+48 47 721 75 75
you will not need a visa and only need a password. it is best to call first and then reach the border, so you have more information and understanding of what to do.
stay safe."
These are genuine and official numbers, do NOT use or share any other number without being absolutely sure that they're genuine.
If you know any Ukrainian people, give them proper support. If you are a Ukrainian person, we stand beside you. Do not lose hope, these are dark times. They will pass eventually.
In this very moment, no matter your country, your ethnicity, your religion, your political views, your sexuality or whatever. Put it aside. Stand beside Ukraine. Innocent people have died and Chernobyl has been seized by Russian forces. Putin wants Zelenskiy and his family dead. We are experiencing the harsh reality of war again. As someone who's country has only recently recovered from a war. 50 years! My mother experienced it! My grandfather fought it! I know the pain of Ukraine. And I assure you, I Stand With Ukraine.
(as for the tags, I'm using my most popular and used tags to get the message across. If you get mad because of it, seek professional help)
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
A Couple of Friendly Foes That are Trying. (Emphasis on Trying)
Pairing: Legend & Sky
Characters Involved: Legend, Sky, Warriors, Wild, Mentions of Hyrule and Time Rating: T (Due to drinking mentions)
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Legend and Sky are alone while the rest of their small group are busy, they try making the best of it.
Author's Note: aa hello.. this is my first ever linkeduniverse fic despite being into since 2019. i havent really properly written for these characters at all, so it might be a little ooc. this was also super self indulgent since not many people actually write about sky and legend from what i've seen despite them being one of my fav duos, so i hope you consider thinking about them more maybee..? anyways, english isn't my first language either, so i apologise for any spelling mistakes. feedback and reblogs would be greatly appreciated ^^
(you can find this fic under the same name on ao3)
Why were they all in a bar again? Why is almost everyone drunk? Well, some of the group were responsible enough to stay in the shelter and rest, but Legend prompted to stay in to 1. Laugh at everyone once they’re sober over something they did when they were drunk and 2. To be that one guy who can easily drag everyone to shelter safely. But Wild, Warriors, Hyrule and Sky? They celebrated through drinks. A lot of drinks.
Legend seemed like the type to drink and celebrate, but in reality he actually hated the thought of being drunk, considering how emotional he was inwardly, so it’d lead to way too many sob stories and crying himself to sleep, so he prompted to stay out of drinking for tonight and any other night after that. He doubted he was the only one in here who chose that decision, but seeing how even Hyrule started getting drunk, he doubted the possibility of someone else being as smart as him.
“Ugh, Leeeggggg…” Oh goddess, the hard g drop. He didn’t even need three tries to know who that was, “You’re such a partypooperrrr.. Can’t ya have one drink?” Warriors chimed, motioning an empty glass towards the other. Legend shook his head, pushing the empty glass away from him.
“No thanks, I’m fine. You’ll thank me later when you’re sober, Captain.” Legend smirked, to which Warriors only rolled his eyes in response, walking away. He sighed, tempted to just rest outside, but he felt like a parent handling three toddlers. Wait, three? Wasn’t there another with the group?
Legend now felt like a parent handling three ravenous toddlers along with that one kid that gets themselves lost every time. Why did it have to be him? It could’ve been the old man but he was actually wise enough to stay behind and not drink, oddly fitting. But that’s besides the point, he lost one of his teammates and if Legend doesn’t find them in 10 seconds he will flip.
“Have any of you seen Hero?” Legend asked the three drunken companions, not expecting a good response but having at least some hope that they have a brain cell or two. Wild motioned his hand to the backdoor, murmuring something. Legend couldn’t decipher his mumbling, but he assumed that’s where Sky went, so he headed over.
“Don’t do anything dumb while I’m gone!” He yelled at the others as he approached the backdoor. They all let out a noise that was either a groan or a very mumbled ‘okay’.
He opened the backdoor, getting greeted with the night sky along with a lone sitting figure turning his way.
“Oh, hey Legend!” An all too familiar friendly voice spoke. Legend huffed, palming his forehead.
“Oh goddess..You worried me sick, Hero.”
“A-Ah, sorry about that then. Just wanted a breather.” Sky responded, softly smiling. The other grumpily sat next to him. “Seems like you want a breather too, huh?”
“No shit, the rest are so unbearable.” Legend crossed his arms on the table, planting his head over them and sighing. Sky was hesitant at first, but he eventually patted his teammate’s head gently, which the other was not opposed to. He probably needed it if anything, actually.
“I’m sober too, if it helps.” Sky pointed out, still patting Legend’s head. “I figured,” his teammate replied, not looking up. They stayed like that for a few minutes, Sky silently reassuring Legend as he just took it, resting his head.
Eventually, Legend looked up, “If this is how the old man feels with all eight of us, goddess bless his soul for surviving.” he said. The other held back a laugh, but he couldn’t help chuckling a little.
“He may feel like that occasionally, but I’m sure he can handle us just fine. It’s like we’re his kids.. Almost.” Sky commented. “I mean, probably, yeah– He has a wife, so it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to assume that.” Legend responded.
“It’s like we’re the two awkward older siblings bonding as the rest are off playing in the playground.”
“When was this a bonding session?” Legend bit back, furrowing his brows. Sky didn’t react, simply keeping his soft smile from before, “Since you got here.” “I.. Sure.”
Afterwards, it was silent again. But it wasn’t a reassuring silence, it was awkward if anything, but neither of them knew how to start a conversation. It wasn’t like they were going to deal with the rest right now anyways, so they were a bit stuck.
“.. What’s your favourite instrument to play?” Sky asked. Legend raised a brow at him due to how oddly specific that conversation starter was, but shrugged. “I dunno. Probably the flute or harp, I’m not really.. Good with instruments though.” “I can teach you the harp,” Sky chimed in, “We can practise by playing together and all. We can play together with your flute too, I’m sure you’re not as bad as you claim to be.”
Legend rolled his eyes at the complement, but in reality he actually appreciated it. Sky was nice to everyone he talked to, so it wasn’t like he was that special. He seems awfully excited about teaching him music though.
“Thanks, I guess.. Why bring up instruments though?” Legend asked, to which Sky simply shrugged in response. “I remembered the harp I found at your place and was curious. Maybe we could all form a band or something.” He chuckled.
“Can we be a band without a singer? I know for a fact none of us can sing well.” “I heard that the old man’s wife can sing pretty well.” “.. Let's have her sing then.”
“Good call.”
And the conversation faded into silence again. This is the third time today. Why couldn’t they talk to each other like normal people, Legend swore he could talk to Warriors more easily than this. And Warriors was meaner than Sky. Talking to him more was not a flex.
“We should really talk more.” Legend let out, not realising he just said his thoughts out loud.
“Hm?” Sky perked up. “.. What? Did I say something?” “I think you just thought out loud.” The other giggled. Legend soon realised that he did, in fact, think out loud. He groaned, covering his face.
“Hey, it’s okay..” Sky commented, placing his hands over Legend’s, slowly uncovering his face. “If it makes you feel any better, I wanna talk to you more too.” He softly smiled at his teammate.
“Wait, really? You’re not just being overly nice, right?” “.. Is that why you’re always grumpy towards me?” Sky tilted his head.
“I didn’t even– Look, are you being genuine or not?”
“I’m being genuine, promise.” He responded, moving his hands away from his companion’s and holding out his pinky. Legend simply stared at it, confused.
“..What?” “What are you doing?” “Making a pinky promise…?” “What’s that?”
Sky held back even more laughter, but composed himself after a few seconds. “It’s when you make a promise and you hook your pinkies together to.. make sure the promise stays? I’m not entirely sure myself, but I think it’s a nice concept.” Legend simply nodded, hooking his pinky with Sky’s. Something about that felt reassuring, almost as if this small promise was never going to break.
“From here on out we’ll actually talk like proper companions.” “Yay, teamwork..” Legend said sarcastically, but he had a slight smile on his face. Eventually, he and Sky started some not awkward small talk. It felt great, but it will definitely take a while for both of them to get adjusted to this. Sure, they’ve talked and stood next to each other a lot, but they were never really more than just two people trying to survive together with six other people, it was hard to make sure you were friends with everyone in a group that big in one space.
Though as the small talk kept going, a sudden crash came from the inside.
“Are those our idiots?” Legend blurted out.
“They might be. Let’s check before it gets worse–” Sky got up and headed to the door leading to the inside of the bar, Legend following close behind. Whatever they were dealing with behind that door will definitely require a fee.
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
Characters Involved: Ortho Shroud, Mentions of Idia Shroud
Rating: T
Word Count: 1.1k Summary: This wasn't the outcome Ortho expected to get halfway through the year, but maybe it was for the best after what happened to him.
Author's Note: hello again :] this is a bit different from my usual fic style, so please keep in mind a lot of this may be considered a bit subpar. i label this as a canon divergent fic simply bc its probably really obvious that idia might be the one overblotting, though i have a cool (sad) theory that ortho has the possibility to go overblot, and this fic is like the aftermath of that. spoilers for episode 6 ahead! if you enjoyed the fic, please consider reblogging, it really helps ^^
(you can find the fic under the same name on ao3)
“And this will be your new room.” A polite looking Ignihyde student opened the door for the familiar yet foreign face. Their companion, Ortho Shroud, nodded, thanking them as he entered the room, scanning it.
“Woah..” Ortho gasped, this room was made for him.. Instead of a bed, there was an array of capsules storing his other forms, yet there was also a charging port in case he was in need of charge but still wanted to do other activities. There was a bookshelf at the opposite side of the capsules, holding a variety of different board games and video games, as well as some consoles to choose from, both handheld and home consoles.
Next to the shelf was a TV, likely for the video games, but Ortho considered trying to watch a few shows he heard about..
He looked back to where his guide was, noticing they were gone. Ortho shrugged, floating towards the door and gently closing it. He glanced around each different little detail in his room, from some history books lying around that got suggested to him by Trein, a large wall mirror to adjust to the drastic height difference of his current form from all his previous ones, the brighter, bluer hue of his walls compared to the rest of the dorm rooms.. As he admired his new room, he discovered a small item resting neatly on his shelf. He scanned it, his eyes widened and his smile faltered.
“Ah..” Ortho sighed, picking up the small item, “The gift Brother gave me on my birthday..” Despite the circumstances, Idia was still his brother. He was just.. conflicted. The gift was still nice, it was very practical for him, especially with the new form he got as an ‘apology gift’ but.. Thinking about his brother for too long was going to make him stressed, maybe he should just put the air duster back where it was. Yeah.
But even after putting it back, another fact hit him. His brother helped shape this room the way it is right now, since he’d obviously not sleep in a bed or wear different clothes with ease. His brother also helped him become an official student in this school too, despite being able to know all the information they teach here with just a few taps of his fingers..
Ah, but he can meet more people, right? Now that he has his own class and schedule, he can become more independent from Idia, which he.. Really needed if anything. A lot of people were nice to him, the other dorm leaders greeted him with polite smiles despite what they’ve been through, a lot of the others seemed okay with him but.. Why were they so nice to him?
He’s shown that in reality, he was selfish, stubborn and short-tempered. That he’s willing to hurt people if it means they get what they deserve, that he doesn’t like not getting what he wants.. Yet the moment he was no longer in his blot, people hugged him. People he’s hurt wrapped their arms around him, asking if he was okay, saying how sorry they were for him because they never knew how he truly felt..
.. Ortho didn’t deserve that from so many people. But after being cast aside his entire life, maybe he just wasn’t used to all the affection. Was that it? He didn’t know the answer honestly. He does, however, feel like one of the apologies was extremely needed.
Despite the conflicting thoughts surging through his mind, Ortho appreciates the fact that Idia apologised to him. For doubting his humanity and altering him to his favour. For making him go through an entire blot just for the sake of science. Even if he was selfish himself, his brother back then.. He was way more selfish than what he let on, yet Ortho was so oblivious to that due to his artificial mindset. It frustrated him so much.
His brother tried to take the apology even further, making Ortho a student of his own, building a new form to fit in a bit more with the other first years, yet.. He felt like it wasn’t enough. After everything he experienced that day, could he truly forgive Idia for making him go through that?
He glanced at the large mirror, staring at his human-like face. His face was similar to the one he had when he blotted, staring at it for too long is going to make his head hurt, so he turned away. The memories were still fresh in his mind and it was awful.
“Wait– Brother, I don’t-” “Hey, hey..” Idia spoke up in a soft tone, “I’ll make sure you forget about this completely, okay? The test will only be for a couple of minutes. Any damage done to your AI will be fixed in no time…”
Panicked, Ortho kept banging on the glass barrier separating him from Idia, “But I don’t want to do this! Haven’t I stated the dangers of an overblot? Can’t you just test it on something else that won’t react violently?!”
“The other robots would just explode, it’d be anti-climatic… Again, don’t worry, I made sure that new form was durable. You’ll forget this entire interaction in a matter of seconds..” “This isn’t another video game of yours, Brother. I am a real person, this isn’t the way to move on!” “Ugh, you’re getting so scared… Seriously, you don’t need to worry, I’ll make sure you forget. You don’t need to bring your status into this.” “It matters more than anything, can’t you understand?! Y-You’re acting just like our parents again! I hate it!” Ortho was furious, his mannerisms and speech made it obvious. Why couldn’t he be taken seriously? Was he that far off from being a human ever again? He didn’t want to be.. His brother of all people should’ve known that the most.
“.. D-Don’t bring them into this. Ugh, I can’t just let this program sit there, hold on–” “Brother, are you even liste– AGH!!”
Ortho shook his head at the mere prediction of what happened after that moment. He needs a distraction right now– Anything could help, mainly anything outside this room. He rushed outside before he remembered anything else, letting out a small sigh of relief. Maybe he should go with Trein again, or take a walk around campus, or–
“Ortho?” A voice called out, cutting off his thoughts. “Hm?” The android perked, noticing one of his fellow dorm members nearby, “Do you need something?” “Me and some of the others are starting a game night, I was gonna ask if you wanted to come along. On your own preferably, your brother would probably say no again..” Despite the harsh words, Ortho felt a spark in his body. Was it because his dorm members offered just the right distraction? Or was it because they treated him like an independent person? .. Was it both? He didn’t care for the answer, honestly. He felt a bit better at that moment and that’s all that mattered. He gave his companion a soft smile.
“I would love to. Please lead the way!”
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
Boink scadoink
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
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so hypothetical events huh 😏
in this the board game club sets up a casino like place in mostro lounge w the heartslabyul besties being dealers coz they have the card suits already! just a silly goofy time (?)
[ rbs SUPER appreciated mwah ]
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
if you draw any of the poc twst characters (kalim, jamil, leona, etc.) white ur cringe and deserve to go to gay baby jail
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
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the woman of all time actually
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
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Hands you him and runs away at fast speeds
[ inspired by the tweels 2020 bday story where floyd was talking about jade in an eel tee 😭 ]
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
New Year, New Friend
Pairing: Deuce Spade & Jade Leech
Rating: G
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: A young Deuce Spade finds a friend and they talk for a bit.
Author's Note: Happy 2022! My first fic of the year is a self indulgent meet-cute, who would've thought. Though this fic isn't romantic, I do ship JaDeuce, and might post more fics of them in the future.. We'll see. In the meantime, please enjoy the fic. Reblogs and feedback are really appreciated ^^
(you can find the fic under the same name on ao3)
It was already just a few minutes before the new year would arrive. A mom and her child, along with many other faces, stood and chatted in the shores of the Queendom they set foot on awaiting for the firework show. The young child was entrusted on his own as his mother and grandmother went to talk to their friends and colleagues, maybe even getting stuff from the shop venues.
The navy blue haired boy sat down on the sand, admiring the stars in the sky and the calming sound of the waves washing by, just missing his feet by only a few inches. He hugged his knees and stared at the dark sky, unsure of how long he had to wait for the fireworks he’s been looking forward to.
“I think the show’s about to begin!” Called out a stranger as they pointed up at the sky. It was long before a loud whizz could be heard, long after a bright sparkle of a red firework spawned in the sky, flaring. Everyone was cheering and clapping as the boy sat, looking around and smiling at the enthusiastic environment. He stood up and tried to look around for his mother or grandmother, but they didn’t seem to be nearby.
Slightly agitated, the boy kept searching around the loud crowd, calling out for his relatives, yet he got no response. He led himself to a rocky area, which was a bit more sparse, but still as loud as where he was before. He turned his head to see if his guardians could be on the nearby shop venues, but even with the lamp lights and fireworks, it was too dark to tell anyone apart. He probably needed glasses of some kind, the boy thought to himself..
He huffed in defeat, pouting as he sat on a rock near the sea, looking out at the fireworks once more. He wasn’t one to cry for his mother, but he hoped she could find him easily through some kind of motherly instinct, the child would always lose himself easily in open areas, this time being no exception. If she somehow couldn’t find him after a bit, he’ll probably sob on the spot.
His worriedness seemed to wash away suddenly however as two figures caught his eye. They sat near him, on the rock next to him, wearing.. Costumes of some kind? He couldn’t tell much from how dark it was outside, but he could distinguish that the two were huddled together, one excitedly pointing at each of the fireworks as the other watched. He was able to hear their conversation from where he sat.
“Look, Jade! That firework’s blue, like us!” “It’s so pretty..” “I know right?! Ooh, look at that one! The green reminds me of seaweed~”
“Ah, and that one’s purple, like the Sea Witch.” “Hm.. Y’know, they do look like jellyfish the more I look at them..”
“Pfft– Floyd, I thought I already told you that was a misconception.” “I know, but I’m just saying..!”
The boy assumed these two must really like the sea, judging from how much they mention the wildlife from there.. They seemed friendly though, so he scooted closer to them.
“Ugh..” One of the strangers groaned, “People are filling up the shops, I’m gonna head back before they notice us.” “Going already? But the firework show is far from over..” “Well our parents are gonna be all like ‘Why were you two out so late~ That’s it! You’re grounded until school starts again!’, and I don’t wanna be grounded..” “I’ll stay here for a little longer, surroundings like these are rare to encounter..”
“Suit yourself, don’t get lost on the way back home~”
And then a soft splash was heard. The boy looked over, noticing one of the figures was still idly sitting there, watching the firework show. He wanted to approach them, seeing as his mother wasn’t nearby, but his mother told him not to strangers. Yet, looking more closely, the stranger seemed to be about his age, and maybe some company could help the both of them.
He took a deep breath, standing up and hopping over the rock next to him, where the stranger sat. A small squeak was heard as he leaned down to face the stranger.
“U-Uhm..” The boy said, “Is that seat taken?” The slightly startled stranger shook their head. The boy nodded and sat down next to them. Now that he was closer, he could distinguish more of the person’s features. They seemed to be wearing a costume, even getting their makeup done and everything, which slightly confused him but he figured that perhaps it was a family tradition? The stranger also had rather pretty eyes, at least from what he remembered from their second long moment of eye contact. And they seemed about his age too, so maybe he could start up a conversation of some kind..
“Is this your first time seeing fireworks?” asked the young boy.
“No, it’s the second.” “Really?! Did you just move here?”
“Aha, no.. I only visit during the holidays.” the stranger said, “But I never watched the fireworks show until last year. They’re really pretty.”
“Ah, I watch it every year with my mom and grandma, but I lost them so now.. I’m here with you, I guess!” He beamed at the other person, who giggled in response. Eventually, they spoke up.
“What’s your name?” “Deuce, what about yours?” “Jade.” “And how old are you?” “Twelve.” “Oh!” Deuce gasped, “You’re only one year older than me! I’m eleven.” He replied, still smiling. Despite the casual encounter, he felt he forgot to do something when introducing himself to Jade… Luckily, he managed to remember after a moment or two.
“Oh, I forgot– It’s nice to meet you, Jade!” Deuce stuck his hand out to Jade, to which the other took, shaking it. They let go after a few seconds, both smiling. Jade stared up at the sky as Deuce observed Jade’s face, weirdly glad to see how happy Jade was watching the stars and the few fireworks that sparked up the sky.
“You have a nice face,” Deuce blurted out without much thought. Jade turned around to face him, slightly tilting his head, “Do I?” “Yeah! Like, your eyes are sparkly and cool looking, you have really nice freckles, and–” Deuce paused, realising what he was doing and what he was saying, “S-Shoot! Forget I said anything! I-I forgot you were wearing makeup which makes your face all blue and- Well, I still think, you’re nice, but-” Deuce’s rambling was cut off with Jade’s laughter, despite the slight anxiety, Deuce eventually joined along in the laughter. The two boys laughed for a minute or two, before their laughter eventually faded out. Jade still had a smile on his face.
“Thank you, Deuce. I really appreciate the compliment.” He responded, “You’re adorable.”
“Huh? Ah, no one around my age told me that. My grandma tells me that though..” Deuce mumbled.
“Well, she has a good eye then.” The other chuckled. The atmosphere was a lighthearted one, and Deuce felt comfortable around Jade despite only getting to know him a few minutes ago. Before he could ask Jade another question to spark up more small talk, a familiar voice called out.
He turned his head, recognising the face calling out for him.
“Mom! I’m here!” He responded, yelling. His mother seemed to let out a sigh of relief, “I’m getting stuff from the shops, don’t keep me waiting for long!” With that, his mom went to one of the shops. Deuce glanced back at Jade, who was looking back at him with a smile.
“Am I gonna be able to see you again?” He asked, gulping. “Who knows..” Jade shrugged, “I would like to meet you again, though.” “G-Good.. Yeah, that’s good! See you around, Jade!”
Deuce stood up and ran to where his mother was going, waving Jade goodbye. Jade waved back, waiting until Deuce was far away to not see him properly. He slid down the rock, slowly emerging into the water until only his head stuck out. He looked back at the beach.
“See you around..” He mumbled. He submerged himself underwater, hoping to encounter a funny human like Deuce again in the future.
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schoenhe1t · 3 years ago
since i don't think i'll be posting fics for and since these have been sitting in gallery for a bit, i might as well dump these in the tags. enjoy :]
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theres more but that's rarepair stuff that i feel too embarrassed to share, oops..
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