schizotypal-culture-is ¡ 12 hours
schizotypal culture is the song bad apple!! feat. nomico
Sent in: Sept. 17, 2024
In order to view the translated English lyrics, you have to turn the English captions ON and the Romaji captions OFF.
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schizotypal-culture-is ¡ 14 hours
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@deeptrospection replied to the post on Schizotypy
I’ve seen this misconception pop up online, and I’d like to address it.
According to the DSM-V, there are 10 personality disorders. These 10 personality disorders are broken down into 3 clusters: Cluster A, Cluster B, and Cluster C.
The personality disorder clusters are not separate from personality disorders, nor do they exist on their own. There are no “Cluster A Disorders”. There’s “Cluster A personality disorders”, because Cluster A is a… I don’t want to say it’s a sub classification of personality disorders, but it’s more for organization.
The Clusters organize the personality disorders based on shared traits, however it’s important to note that these shared traits are completely arbitrary. Personality disorders have such high comorbidities between each other, that the ICD-11 got rid of individual personality disorder diagnoses altogether, and instead created a single personality disorder diagnosis which is then classified as… mild, moderate or severe? I think it is? They’re basically functioning labels that denote how “severe” the impact or dysfunction of the personality disorder is. The point is, there’s a million different ways the personality disorders can be grouped.
With that being said, the Cluster A personality disorders are grouped together as the “odd, eccentric, and peculiar personality disorders” that are marked by distrust, detachment, and social withdrawal.
The Cluster A personality disorders are: paranoid personality disorder (PPD), schizotypal personality disorder (StPD) and schizoid personality disorder (SzPD).
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I’ve edited the original chart I posted to the post about schizotypy to both highlight the Cluster A personality disorders, as well as marked out the conceptualized personality disorders that aren’t recognized by the APA, and therefore aren’t diagnosable by the DSM-V. I did this in the hopes of making the chart easier to read for those who don’t have much understanding of PDs, and wouldn’t recognize that some of these PDs/structures are merely conceptual.
For PPD, the normal, non-disordered end of the personality continuum is “vigilant” with “paranoia” being disordered vigilance. It’s good for people to be aware of their surroundings and the people they interact with. It’s bad when this awareness becomes all-consuming, and someone automagically assumes the worst of every situation and person, which causes severe avoidance and attempts to gain safety.
For SzPD, the normal, non-disordered end of the personality continuum is “solitary” with “schizoid” being the disordered need be alone. It’s good for people to need alone time, to do the things they want to do, recharge, etc. It’s bad when this need to be solitary becomes all-consuming, and someone becomes completely indifferent to human interaction altogether, and even develops an aversion to it (due to the schizoid fear of engulfment). Human beings are a communal and social species, to be devoid of it is dangerous. (Many consider solitary confinement to be inhumane because it triggers psychotic episodes due to the isolation. Human beings literally go crazy in the absence of contact. When you consider that SzPD is schizotaxic and more prone to brief psychosis than the rest of the population, the schizoid desire to be alone is detrimental to the schizoid).
For StPD, the normal, non-disordered end of the personality continuum is “idiosyncratic”, which means “of peculiar temper or disposition; belonging to one's peculiar and individual character” with “schizotypal” being the disordered form of idiosyncraticy. It’s good for people to have individualism and characteristics that are unique to them. This is provided by a healthy ipseity or “minimal self”. You know who you are and are defined by the things that make you unique as an individual. In StPD, this uniqueness is taken too far, and then we become ostracized for being too unique and individualized ie odd, eccentric, bizarre, weird. We no longer stand out as an individual, but “stand out from the crowd”, so-to-speak.
And finally, only the schizotypal personality structure continuum/spectrum has a name, and that’s “schizotypy”. None of the other PDs have a name for their continuums/structure, which makes researching them difficult, because you’ll just get results for PDs 🥲.
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schizotypal-culture-is ¡ 20 hours
Schizotypal culture is I have nothing to prove to anyone!!
Until I hear two people talking in a hushed tone in the same room as me and now I have to disappear off the face of the earth because people are talking behind my back ten feet away from me. Just hunt me for sport next time, that’d be less cruel 😭
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Schizotypal culture is there are two types of monsters:
monsters I identify with as a pwStPD
so so scawy 😰
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Schizotypal culture is I have normal thoughts and feelings about gemstones and astrology.
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Schizotypal culture is if human beings are social creatures, then why is socializing so scary and exhausting?
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Schizotypal culture is not being sure how to navigate conversations about religion.
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Schizotypal culture is being called alien/robotic/nonhuman/weird/strange/off your whole life, and once you decide to label yourself as nonhuman you get degraded and called delusional, crazy, etc.
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Schizotypal culture is wondering how on earth you’re so bad at conversation. Why does talking to people involve more than just talking to people. Why is sharing information and listening not enough. Why is personality or charm or whatever it is that I lack a factor in this.
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Schizotypal culture is no matter how much you practice a response in your head, you flub your spoken words up anyways.
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Schizotypal culture is trying not to look too long at the shadowy figure so no one catches you looking at something that they can’t see.
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Unironically schizotypal culture is: reality is a suggestion that I’m ignoring.
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Schizotypal culture is to you it’s psychosis, to me it’s called Being Correct.
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Schizotypal culture is constantly misreading things.
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Schizotypal culture is I got shocked by a cart multiple times while shopping today. Clearly I have super powers.
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Stpd culture is: huh, well magical thinking and odd beliefs don't apply to me
Remembers I'm a theran and soulbonder
Sent in: Sept. 16, 2024
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Stpd culture is getting kind of irritated whenever pieces of fiction try to anthropomorphize shadow people (I mean I guess people might perceive them differently, but the shadow people I see are scary but very obviously not real and it annoys me when a book or other media portrays them as a genuine evil force--like no, they're perceptual illusions! they're fake, give me a break lol)
Sent in: Sept. 16, 2024
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