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Take 60 Prayer Series - Day 7
Take 60 Prayer Series – Day 7
DAY 7 | As Christians we have so much to be thankful for! Take 60 seconds today to thank God for all he has done and continues to do for us, for the living hope he provides through Jesus and the blessings he pours upon us each day. We hope that you have enjoyed this week series. Do let us know how you have been encouraged as we would love to do more series like this in the future!
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Take 60 Prayer Series - Day 6
Take 60 Prayer Series – Day 6
DAY 6 | Whatever it may look like, pray for those in your family today.
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Take 60 Prayer Series - Day 5
Take 60 Prayer Series – Day 5
DAY 5 | In these unprecedented times, it is even more important that we lift our national and world leaders to God in prayer. Take 60 seconds today to pray that they may be filled with wisdom and strength.
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Take 60 Prayer Series - Day 4
Take 60 Prayer Series – Day 4
DAY 4 | It has been a challenging year for many people. Why not take 60 seconds today to pray for all the people and families in your community.
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Take 60 Prayer Series - Day 2
Take 60 Prayer Series – Day 2
DAY 2 | Take 60 seconds today to pray for our church: our church services and groups, the people who make up our church family, our dedicated leaders and all those who serve in various ways.
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Take 60 Prayer Series - Day 1
Take 60 Prayer Series – Day 1
Welcome to our Take 60 series! Over the next week we will be encouraging you to take 60 seconds out of each day to pray to our Father. “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you” Jeremiah 29:12 DAY 1 | Today, why not take 60 seconds to pray for someone you know who is unwell.
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From our family to yours ...
From our family to yours …
A playlist of our favourite Christmas songs this year – from our family to yours. Steve: “This is my favourite Christian band at the moment and Christmas is probably my favourite time of year. So putting the two together was always going to be a winner. I used some elements in one of our recent services and we enjoyed sitting down to watch the live Christmas special as a family. Featuring a…

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Creation's Song (24/11/20)
Creation’s Song (24/11/20)
By Jane Field
Some time ago I was reading Job 38:7 which says ‘when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God (angels) shouted for joy’ (AMP).
The other day I found this passage by C.S.Lewis:-

What a beautiful description of the fourth day of creation!
It has been shown that every planet, star, galaxy etc. produce their own sound e.g Earth plays a C sharp and…
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In The Valley (18/11/20)
In The Valley (18/11/20)
Life is full of ups and downs, of peaks and troughs, of mountaintops and valleys. For many of us, we may feel like we are in the valley right now. But as Billy Graham once said “Mountaintops are for views and inspiration, but fruit is grown in the valleys.”
So often people want to live on the mountaintop. Don’t we all love the mountaintop experiences? They are fulfilling, and exciting, and…
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Dear God (16/11/20)
By Steve Salkeld
Have you ever written a letter to God?
You may think that’s an odd question – your response may be ‘what’s his address?’ ‘I don’t have to, I can pray’ ‘God knows everything I have to say anyway’
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A Rock in the Storm (12/11/20) What do we do when we face challenges that make us wonder what's ahead? The answers are not always easy, and the direction is not always clear.
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Philippians 1 (10/11/20)
By Steve Salkeld
Recently I preached on Philippians 1 asking if we are ‘finished’.
About a week later I heard another sermon along a similar vein. That in itself got me thinking; if the Holy Spirit was prompting me to preach on that particular subject then nudging me to listen to another sermon, then the subject matter must be relevant and important. That’s not to say that anything in the…
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Bobby Ball (04/11/20)
By Sue Vander Byl
It was in the news last week that the comedian Bobby Ball had died. He was part of a double act, Cannon and Ball, and latterly was on a sit com with Lee Mack. What may be not so well known is the fact that he was a born again, committed Christian, who came to faith later in his life. After his dramatic conversion his partner Tommy Cannon became a Christian too.
Below is…
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Autumn prayer (02/11/20)
By Cheryl Christian
Rydal Water (2012)
Lord as we look out onto your beautiful world, bathed in glorious Autumn colours we thank you.
When we see the bright golden leaves, we are thankful to you for our wealth; for the fact that we can afford shelter, warmth and an abundance of food. We bring to you those who are without a home, those who cannot afford to heat their home and those who go…
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Christ the Vine (29/10/20)
Christ the Vine (29/10/20)
By Susanna Salkeld
John 15:5 (NLT) 5 "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.
I was reading this verse the other day in my daily reading and since then the song “You are the vine, we are the branches” keeps going round in my head!
God is the ‘gardener’, Jesus is the ‘vine’ and we…
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The story behind the hymn: Blessed Assurance (27/10/20)
The story behind the hymn: Blessed Assurance (27/10/20)
Many people will have sung this hymn over the years gaining encouragement from its words.Some people may have noticed that the words are attributed to Fanny Crosby and the tune to Mrs J.F.Knapp. Even fewer will have paused to…
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Scotby Church poem 15/10/20 A poem written by Marjorie Wood as her contribution to the 125th anniversary of Scotby Church in 1980.
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