scathingeyess · 4 years
i found my login information for this account? hm! anyway howdy all, it’s safe for me to say that i no longer rp on tumblr and this blog is inactive (so feel free to unfollow!) but i hope you’ve all been keeping well! i see some of you still bumpin’ on the dashboard and that’s super cool, you’ve all improved with your writing so so so much! my twitter is here, it’s where you can find me these days if you want to keep in touch! happy roleplaying!
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scathingeyess · 7 years
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hey ! do you like slow emotional connections? you like occasional awkward but endearing conversations? wonderful development of someone growing from an awful past? i have the character for you then ! i’m ruri / mochi and i’m here with a new blake belladonna from roosterteeth’s rwby. like or reblog if you’d be cool with interaction ~
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scathingeyess · 7 years
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yang warmup with new brushes!
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scathingeyess · 7 years
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i can’t stop thinking about the idea of a rwby volleyball au
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scathingeyess · 7 years
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——scathing eyes ask that we be symmetrical, one sided and easily processed. yet every misshappen spark’s unseen beauty is greater than it’s would be judgement.
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scathingeyess · 7 years
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we come together, state of the art we’ll never surrender, the kids in the dark,                      the kids in the dark
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scathingeyess · 7 years
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hey guys sorry for the inactivity, i’ve been preoccupied with other games and irl tasks. i’ll be here eventually, but for now please direct your attention to my volume 4 - 5 themed yang playlist. thx.
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scathingeyess · 7 years
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so you’ve got five minutes before you go back to pretending you weren’t just a goddamn punching bag you better start power sleeping
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scathingeyess · 7 years
the fool.
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[ ♛ ] ⚊ Oh, for f–! Roman was shocked to say the least when out of the corner of his eye he saw a flash of gold. Eyes wide and arms pulled up in any sort of defense for his face, he braced himself for impact. For whatever reason, he somehow attracted the girl’s attention. Was it possibly because Little Red accidentally led her to him? Possibly. Maybe. That could have been the reason.
“Don’t hit me!”
            heel digs into the ground ‘neath her feet; a grinding halt, though steel digits remain clenched. brows furrow, eyes narrow--- is it an act ? with a hushed growl, she stands her ground.
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            ❛ yeah ? why not ? you’re a criminal. & you’re supposed to be dead. ❜     tone is nearly poisonous; tainted, foul.
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scathingeyess · 7 years
new moon.
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          ❛   —— I CAN’T SAY that i’ve ever ridden a motorcycle before.   ❜
          it is a reply to give to soft spoken conversation with the library, nestled between two bookshelves. a book with a well worn spine lays by her, forgotten in favor of looking to yang. she had been on a number of things in the past; from ships to the top of a moving train. but she certainly did not indulge in settling on a bike before. 
            ❛ have you ever wanted to try ? ❜  
          brow quirks in response, mien forged in lighthearted manner--- sure, she was quiet, a bit introverted. but she could totally rock a motorcycle.      ❛ nobody ever got hurt giving it a whirl--- well, uh, i mean, maybe somebody did--- ❜      yang cuts herself off with a carefree chuckle, wry simper following. o’ halycon days; don’t fade away.    ( there’s a warmth they’ve found in winter. )      
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              ❛ look, you’ll never know until you try. i could teach you, if you want ! ❜
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scathingeyess · 7 years
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❝       weep for yourself, my man, you’ll never be what is in your heart. weep little lion man, you’re not as brave as you were at the start. rate yourself and rake yourself, take all the courage you have left, wasted on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head. tremble for yourself, my man, you know that you have seen this all before. tremble little lion man, you’ll never settle any of your scores. your grace is wasted in your face, your boldness stands alone among the wreck. now learn from your mother or else spend your days biting your own neck.                                                                                it was not your fault, but mine.       ❞ 
                     private jaune arc of monty oum’s rwby. penned by shi. personals do not reblog.
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scathingeyess · 7 years
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i was here for her. we all were.
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scathingeyess · 7 years
torn / mending.
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    ❛ —-  ah, of course. ❜ he says nonchalantly, a lack of attention almost; gaze fixated on the mechanical arm that rested on the coffee table. but to ensure that he had heard her his eyes shift to lavender ones a brief moment before turning back to the interest at hand. hesitantly, he shuffles closer to the table with his knees and examines the metal, picking it up gently and letting the mechanical limb rest in his hands. he proceeded to turn it to and fro, quick to conclude that it was in fact ATLESIAN work though the paint job was not.
    the texture, if one were to squint and truly look at the details were not in fact painted by the manufacturer from Atlas. but his questions were quickly answered by the logic that the girl must’ve painted it. the thought of such doing brings warmth to his heart, appreciating the creativity. ❛ it’s… nice. the paint job i mean. you did good work. ❜
    ❛ ah ! and i’m sorry i don’t talk much i — i haven’t really talked to a lot of people prior to… well… he’s the only one i’ve really talked to and now that he’s somewhere… ❜ he’s fighting back tears. his expression contorting to one of discomfort, however, not wanting to bring the conversation to a solemn mood he shakes his head with a smile; the threat of sadness fading as he sees her golden mane bringing light among them.
        ❛ —- doesn’t matter. i’m oscar by the way but… you probably already knew that. ❜
              there’s an aura to him that she knows all too well; a light that stands against the darkness, love. kindness--- it’s pure. it’s as if he asked a second time, the way he offered one last glance for reassurance. it draws forth a chuckle---  ❛ ---really, it’s fine--- ❜    she gestures to the empty oak chair sat beside her. patiently, she watches him examine it--- there’s a hint of concern,  ( he won’t drop it, right ? )  but she trusts him. 
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              ❛ was it that easy to tell ? ❜      a pause.      ❛ ... i can’t stand plain old black and white. had to make it my own--- plus, it didn’t really match my clothes. i’m glad you like it though. ❜      she laughs; it’s a small detail, but perhaps it was the smaller things that made her stand out that much more.  ( dazzling, no ? ) 
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            ❛ ozpin ? hey now, hey--- don’t worry, i gotcha. we don’t have to talk about him. hell, even i’m not too sure how i feel about him--- i mean, right now, anyway. ❜      she didn’t believe that he was a liar by any means--- but too many truths had been hidden for so long. she’s not sure if she should trust him, but perhaps he means well.  ( give her a chance to learn to trust again. )    ❛ ... yeah, yeah. ruby mentioned your name. you look a little ... familiar ? can’t really remember where i might’ve seen you, though. ❜
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scathingeyess · 7 years
torn / mending.
    something tells him that they’ll get along just fine; whether it be their mutual anger towards Ozpin or the over all mind boggling TRUTH about Remnant and the forces of light and dark that roams its endless landscapes. perhaps the feeling is just simple paranoia. nothing more, nothing less. yet he’s timid to approach, shoulders hunched in a nervous yet intrigued manner. a soft smile drawing upon thin lips and brows knitting together as his feet takes him to the edge of the table to where she’s tinkering.
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    ❛ uh, hello… i was just —- well, i was… uhm, may i ? ❜ gravity brings him to his knees, velvet gloved fingers reaching to the detached mechanical arm on the table. with a hopeful and friendly smile he awaits the huntress’ permission to let him pick it up.
❛.☆ @scathingeyes / yang xiao long .
           perhaps it’s the new nature she’s adopted; she’s missing a sense of safety & comfort--- even the slightest noises & movements bring forth a twitch--- gaze jolts to the source of disquiet. she’s ready to fire.   ( she had been sharpening her fangs. )    upon seeing his face, she lets out a gentle sigh of relief--- allowing her frame to lean back into the oak chair, her expression softens. 
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          ❛ - ---you’re real quiet, y’know that ? it’s like you’re a ninja, or ... something. ❜    her tone is lacking in colour, deprived of her once familiar tone of passion & spirit--- t’was a spark she had left behind, & would not be found for many days to come.  ( but she’ll survive, for now. )
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          ❛ i mean ... i don’t mind, as long as you’re not gonna mess around with it too much. i kinda need that thing--- - if you can understand. ❜       she’d force a laugh. & it was hollow. a fading star--- a pale garden.   
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scathingeyess · 7 years
‘ just shut up and die slowly, okay? ’ she pouts and tosses the game controller to the side. bitter? absolutely.
it’s 2018 and we still miss vine.  /  acc —- – * @scathingeyes​
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              ❛ haha ,  success ! ❜
                a cocky grin plasters itself onto ruby’s face ,  pride swelling and blooming within her chest as she looks to the pouting blonde.  her controller is set onto the ground ,  more gentle than the angry toss fueled by the loss yang was had.  this was rare feeling for her ,  the pang of defeat normally taking a blow to her confidence and mood when the two would play.    ❛    you’re just jealous !  aaand angry that you have to do my laundry !    ❜
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scathingeyess · 7 years
we’re all running from ourselves .
poetry. / accepting.
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          ❛  what makes you so sure of that ? ❜                it wasn’t ozpin. it was him, the boy— yang sees her in oscar. that same splash of purity— hope, quiet whispers & wishes for a better world. she sees ruby. but what does he see in yang ? he sees fear. a fear of loss, isolation.   ( it’s worse than the nightmares she relives from beacon, time & time again. )    the fear of being alone, the fear of having nobody to love, & nobody to love her back.     terrifying.     what is it like, to be alone ? a void; decaying flowers, a sky with no stars.   it feels wrong.  
       & he sees anger.  rising hellfire, flames engulfing all of who she was.  ( where is blake ? )     he sees everything she lost, & everything she loved. he sees war; a fight to bring back what once was whole.     ( she may not win. )
        ❛ i don’t run. there’s no point in running from anything if it’s always with you. believe me, if … if i could run away from all of this, without having to worry about anything else … i would. ❜
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          ❛  ———i’m not running. i’m surviving. ❜
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scathingeyess · 7 years
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rp sentence starters taken from  r.h. sine’s work , algedonic 
“ wanting you was never enough to make you deserve me ” “ we reach for hands unworthy of holding ours ” “ i apologized when you destroyed me ” “ i held on when i should’ve let go ” “ that’s not love ” “ i know you’re hurting ” “ don’t let them break you ” “ i blame your mother for not building your self - esteem ” “ i blame your father for not loving you enough ” “ i spent most nights surviving you ” “ they’re undeserving of any space in your mind ” “ a man who hides you is a coward ” “ they always leave you ” “ you lie there hurting , wide awake ” “ sadness fills me ” “ love can perish ” “ i can feel us dying ” “ the most dangerous anger is the one that lingers in silence ” “ i made it easy for you to complicate my life ” “ i have bruises no one can see ” “ silence is a language that does not need words ” “ this isn’t what i wanted ” “ i thought i needed you ” “ the hardest part is forgiving people who were never truly sorry. ” “ who were you before the world decided to tear you apart ” “ we were sold dreams that would later become nightmares ” “ you made me cold ” “ sometimes family feels like the enemy ” “ we’ve gotten better at pretending to be happy ” “ you’re not in love , you’re in pain ” “ i’m lost and i just want to meet myself again ” “ you can’t keep loving people who choose to hurt you ” “ we’re all running from ourselves ” “ i ache from the weight of all the sadness in my heart ” “ all the clouds in me are raining ” “ you almost fully forfeit your right to be happy ” “ how far is happiness ” “ sometimes you’re better off alone ” “ there is peace in being away from it all ” “ we are proof that it is never too late to walk away ” “ i leave holes in those i leave behind ” “ you are the tomorrow that i can’t wait to get to ” “ the light lives with you ” “ you are the most interesting thing occurring here on earth ” “ so many souls are undeserving of your trust ” “ be careful ” “ in time we see the truth ” “ on your own you are mighty ” “ you mustn’t let them live ” “ i wish to only to find a heart as lonely as my own ” “ can you hear your own voice over the silence that dwells within you ” “ all of me was never meant to be touched by you ” “ you don’t need to be fixed by anyone ” 
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