scarymoviedotcom · 10 months
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Striker redesign/reimagine!
Might tweak a few things in the future, but here he is!
I'll talk about him under the cut, because I have some things to say
Okay! So: Striker
Let me start by saying that I don't really hate his design as is. I think he looks fine. But! As somebody from the southwest, I wanted to add a little extra southwestern style influence on him. And I also wanted him to look more like a rattler.
Now if some of you might be a little confused by the blue, I do have an explanation for it. Admittedly this is more personal than logical, but here's a cool little factoid about my nick of the woods.
As I've mentioned multiple times, I'm from the southwest, and we have a local very old Superstition around here, the Superstition goes that West is the direction of evil. It's where the sun is swallowed and darkness rises. What time were evil spirits would rise and torment the living. But it was said if you painted your window sills or doorways blue, you would be safe. Blue was the color of safety and protection.
So I kind of gave Striker little blue accents, as a reference to that color of safety. I like the idea that it's a comfort color for him.
Anyway! Aside from my barely filtered Self Indulgence, here are my thoughts;
I don't like his fingerless gloves, 90% of the characters seem to have fingerless gloves, literally everybody in the main cast has fingerless gloves or something similar. I like fingerless gloves, but I'm sick of it being everywhere in this show
As mentioned before I wanted to make him look more snake-like, so I gave him a rattler Style tell, larger things, more orange toned, a different horn Style just a match a little bit better. And eyeball imagery on his clothing. Since rattlesnakes sometimes look like they have eyeball patterns
Gave him scars, I was just like with millie, I feel like he's got into a lot of fights, and since they're both from wrath they should both have some Battle Scars.
Speaking of Millie, I had this idea for a rewrite, let me know what you think. What if Millie was actually considered the weakest in her family growing up? Which has caused her to be very self-conscious about her strength and constantly want to get stronger. All of this leading to her currently being extremely competitive to the point where it can be detrimental. And what if, when she wasn't able to actually help around the farm, the family had Striker come over and help?
Striker could be a long time family friend she grows up with, but also goes on to resent because she feels he is, in a sense, replacing her.
So the Harvest Moon episode would be more about her feeling an internal rivalry with him rather than a cliched masculinity episode with Moxxie
Maybe he goes easy on her because he cares about her, and she notices, leading her to feel like he sees her as weaker, which is very insulting to her Pride.
This could be why she eventually joins IMP, maybe assassinating humans makes her feel strong.
Those are my thoughts with Millie and Striker. Now, to explore another Dynamic that I'm sure you guys have been eager to hear my thoughts about...
Striker's dynamic with Blitzo
It probably doesn't surprise any of you, but I thoroughly believe that they had far more chemistry in this one episode, then Blitzo and Stolas do throughout the rest of the show
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Clearly Blitzo likes him, and at the very least, Striker does have some respect for him upon their first meeting
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The way he talks to Blitzo, it plays into what Blitzo actually *wants*. He offers a ticket out. A way to success without being shackled to Stolas
Striker calls Blitzo: impressive, sir, above sucking on a pompous Goetia.
Stolas, on the other hand: my impish little plaything, adorable, itty bitty imp, constantly baby talks him, "Blitzy" which was established Blitzo hates.
I will get to stole this eventually, I have some thoughts I'll Explore More with him. In due time.
Would I make Blitzo and Striker a couple in my Reimagined Helluva? I don't know, because I don't really think it's necessary. I do think however that Striker eventually could become one of Blitzo's friends.
I have a very specific scene in my head:
Blitzo's uncertain about Striker's offer, he doesn't know if he should actually trust him, if he should uproot his whole business for the stranger just because he's saying the right things, or if he should just do what he's doing now and see if he can get success.
They fight, for a bit, Striker keeps talking throughout their tussle, tempting Blitzo to join him on killing Stolas.
They are equally matched, both holding the blessing tipped rifle, in a tense game of tug o' war.
Their rumble goes on for just long enough that now, Striker looks out the window, to see his opportunity to kill Stolas while he was on stage has passed.
Striker sighs, dissapointed as Stolas is once again surrounded by guards blocking his clear shot.
He releases his rifle, causing Blitzo to stumble back a bit.
He composes himself, straightening his clothes and dusting himself off.
"Tell you what Blitz, I'll give you some time to think on it."
Striker takes Blitzo's hand in his own for a moment, his tone of voice more welcoming than before.
He pulls away, revealing je placed a Buisness card with his phone number in Blitzo's palm.
"And when you decide what you want, you give me a call."
So! Those are my thoughts!
If I were in charge of the show, I would let Striker's business card sit on Blitzo's desk, or in his wallet, showing the audience that Striker is still in the back of his mind, even if Striker doesn't make a direct appearance in a few episodes.
I had a lot of fun with Striker, as you all can probably tell, he was one of my favorites before season 2 happened.
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scarymoviedotcom · 11 months
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edit -> original
why does she look like that...
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scarymoviedotcom · 11 months
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Striker concept- hear me out! Striker with bull horns.
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scarymoviedotcom · 11 months
ermm. what the heck...
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