scaredglow · 5 years
✉️ unknown number.
Rafael: ???
Rafael: Wrong number? Because I'm not most people's go-to guy in an emergency.
Rafael: Anyway, congrats, you got me. What's the situation.
Natalia: oh, sorry!!! i must've got the number wrong
Natalia: i just uh..... could really use someone right now? which i mean, considering we just met and all
Natalia: are you at the manor?
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scaredglow · 5 years
can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh held
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scaredglow · 5 years
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when she didn’t even clock the other’s name, he finds himself feeling more defeated. brows knitting together in slight frustration, but it wasn’t meant to be aimed at her. rather, himself, for not being able to get this strange exchange out of his main stream of thought. “he, yeah, I believe so.” remy nodded, “he’s just weird, strange? I don’t know, gives me a fucked up vibe.” his attention falls from her to the pen in her hand. “what’s that you got?” his question seemingly abrupt as he nodded his head to her. being subtle was out of the question. “sorry, I-” a pause, “gotta get this kid out of my head you know?”
      THE   GIRL   HUMMED   --   UNSURE   of  what  -- or  who, rather  ---  the      other  was  talking  about.  natalia  nodded  her  head  slowly.  “ well ..  maybe       just stay away from wes for a little bit ?  he can’t be good news if you’re getting       fucked up vibes from him. ”  suggested  nat.  her  face  softened  ;  she  understood       more  than  anyone  how  badly  one  can  want  to  forget  something.  the  only       thing  that  could  her  off  guard  was  that  wes  was  a  kid.  getting  fucked  up       vibes  from  a  child ?  that  can’t  be  good.
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     " it’s kind of  ...  silly.  but i thought documenting my experiences here at  the       manor would be a good idea ? ”  natalia  hoped  he  wouldn’t  ask  what  she      had  written  thus  far  but  began  preparing  herself  for  if  he  did. “ i don’t       know  ----  my memory is pretty bad and i don’t want to forget anything, y’know? ”
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scaredglow · 5 years
      NATALIA   DIDN’T   WANT   TO   BE   alone  during  this  moment.       she  was  still  very  much  trying  to  get  over  her  experience  with       the  basement.  the  brunette  walked  up  to joakim ,  trying  her  best       to  keep  a  genuine  smile. “ hey, j. ”  she  gently  bumped  her  shoulder       against  his.  the  happiness  in  her  chest  slowly  fizzled  as  her  eyes       laid  on  the  board.  a  knot  grew  in  her  stomach.
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     " have you -----  have you used it ? ”  truthfully,  natalia  had  always     wanted  to  try  using  a  ouija  board  . . .  before  the  manor.  now;      just  seeing  the  board  made  her  feel  nauseous  --  especially  after      what  had  happened.
[ starter ] for natalia @scaredglow​;
━━━━ Joakim found himself standing in front of the Ouija, arms crossed to the front. He woke up this morning with the strings of his guitar cut. It wasn’t him, surely not Gabe, Ribs or Rory. They wouldn’t go that far. Another thing was, he was pretty sure there’s dried blood on the strings—the whole thing threw him off his morning routine, but he got over it. He had to. “Oh, hey, Natalia,” he greeted, seeing her and offering a small smile. “What do you make of this?” He asked, pointing at the spirit board.  
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scaredglow · 5 years
       NATALIA   HAD   BEEN   CAUGHT   UP   IN   writing   notes        &  took  a  few  seconds  to  process  that  she  was  being        talked to.  her  head  shakes  a  little  &  she  makes  eye         contact  with  the  other. “ huh ---- wes ? ”  was  that  another        guest  at  the  manor  ,  she  wondered.  brows  furrow  &  her        lower  lip  puckers  out  slightly.
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       " er . . .  can’t say i’ve met him yet. ”  natalia’s  head  tilts  to        the  side. “ is he a guest at the manor . . . or  ------ ? ”  she        wondered  why  he  was  asking.  should  she  know  of  him ?
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Remy was sat in the living room looking down at the ouija board. Where it came from he had no idea but he knew he didn’t like it. And he was for sure never going to touch that. He was in enough episodes of supernatural to know better. Rather he just leaned back into the comfortable cushions and thought about the stranger seemingly falling off the side of the mountain, only to come back up and ask if remy was alive. After what he witnessed, it should have been the other way around. “Hey,” he said to the closest person, “did you meet Wes?” 
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scaredglow · 5 years
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scaredglow · 5 years
        HEAD   SPINNING.  HEART   POUNDING.   natalia  wasn’t  sure         how  to  completely  process  what  she  had  gone  through  only         second  prior.  her  back  is  against  the  door   ---  hands  shaking         as  they  cover  her  mouth  in  disbelief.  she’s  so  afraid  that  tears         begin  to  well  in  her  eyes.  her  breath  is  shaky  ;  eyes  blank.  the         events  are  flashing  through  her  mind  all  at  once.  the  basement.         it  looked  similar  to  ---------  her  body  is  frozen  with  anxiety.  she  can         hear  her  pounding  heart  in  her  ears.  breaths  shorten. &  suddenly,         natalia  is  sobbing.  hard,  hiccuping, loud sobs.  she  nearly  forgets  how         to  breathe.
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       she  hadn’t  had  a  panic  attack  this  bad  since  . . . . .  nat  slides  her         body  to  the  floor  --  back  still  against  the  basement  door.  she  brings         her  knees  in  towards  her  chest  and  rests  her  forehead  on  them  :  now         feeling  safe  to  get  through  this  alone.  she  wishes  her  parents  were  here.        or  wishes  she  had  good  enough  cell  service  to  at  least  CALL  them. there          were  a  billion  questions  racing  through  her  brain  ---  what  was  that  figure?          what happened to michael? why didn’t that thing try to attack or kill them?
         nothing  made  sense.  not  at  all.  why  the  hell  would  anyone  give  this          horrid  place  a  5-star  rating ?  why  would  anyone  as  much  as  SUGGEST          going  to  this  manor ?  her  breathing  is  slowing  down.  eyes  burning.  all          natalia  does  is  imagine  her  parents  are  there  ----  arms  wrapped  tightly          around  her.  but  her  mind  is  still  heavy  with  regret  ...
                                                             WHY DID YOU EXPLORE THE BASEMENT?
[  see  what  caused  this  para  to  happen  ]
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scaredglow · 5 years
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“You know, I saw some pretty cool things back here if you wanna come check it out.” He tries, one hand extending out to you.
                   [  𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓴  ]   /   [  stay put  ].
You’re reluctant, but it’s better than sitting on the steps alone. Walking into the basement you can feel the temperature drop. He’s walking much faster than you, and soon you release his hand. But as you both go further, the light from his flashlight grows dim. And soon, you can’t find him. You call for him, but it falls on deaf ears. That’s when you pull out your own phone. And you flick on the flashlight. just as you do that. You find a body on the ground. With a closer look, You see it’s not just any body. It’s michael.
                                 [  𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓭 𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶  ]   
Suddenly, it’s eerily quiet as you stand at the basement steps. The lights of the basement now bright, as if someone flicked the switch. And in full view is michael. His body mangled and face down. As if something chewed him up then spit him out there on the ground. suddenly, you get a text from michael. It’s a video. Clicking play, you watch. He leaves natalia, and even begins heading off before everyone else. recording the entire experience. “Alright lets check this out. We’ve got some old shit, some more old shit, some- whoa what is that?” The camera turns from facing him to facing a glass case. Within it dozens of carousel horses. and in the mirror behind michael you’re able to see a figure. But he doesn’t seem to see it. Rather, he’s cracking jokes about the little horses on display. But suddenly, the figure grips him. And the phone drops. You can hear his screams through the recording, before it finally stops. You then can hear a body slowly dragging across the floor then someone grabs the phone. And carries it over his body. You can hear Natalia’s voice. Before the camera slowly turns to face her. alone, speaking to herself. It then pans over to Julia, who is walking down her aisle, someone standing at the end dressed in a clown costume. And lastly, kaden, who seems to be opening a door. It then pans between the three of them, documenting their various moments through the basement before showing them all standing there above the body. Now looking down at their phones, watching the recording, and a dark figure creeps up behind you then rushes up the stairs. slamming the basement door.
                                [   𝓻𝓾𝓷  𝓾𝓹𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓼  ]
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scaredglow · 5 years
“a curse?” madison repeated. she hadn’t really thought of a curse but that could be interesting. she rose a finger to rest on her chin as she thought about what could really happen if there was some kind of curse on the basement. “well, curse breakers exist for a reason don’t they?” the blonde teased, her only knowledge of codebreakers coming from harry potter, convincing her that they’d have to go to egypt for them. 
at the others worry that no one will know they’re there, madison grinned. “trust me, people will know we’re there. i’m probably going to be doing a live ig story or something. at least a thousand people will know exactly where we are.” a thought came to her, eyes widening a little in worry. “do you think if people are watching and we get cursed, that they’d get cursed? like, cursed-adjacent?”
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    BROWS   UPTURN   AT   THE   SOUND   OF   curse  breakers ----     were  those  a  real  thing  ?  did  people  actually  just  sit  around  all     day  waiting  for  cursed  individuals  to  go  to  them  to  get  un-cursed ?    huh ...  her  bottom  lip  pushed  outwards  slightly  at  the  thought.  but     she  was  quickly  drawn  back  to  reality  when  the  blonde  continued     talking  about  curses  ....  but  this  time  --  sounding  more  excited  to     natalia. 
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     her  body  loosened  up  ,  causing  her  to  slump  over  a  bit.  “ i  don’t      know ---  probably  not. ”  once  again   feeling  as  though  she  was  the      bubble - popper. “  i’m sure we’ve all seen supposedly cursed movies or       videos & we’re not cursed. ”  though  . . .  as  she  could  recall , the  dream      natalia  had  the  night  prior  seemed  pretty  cursed. “  are you one hundred      percent serious about going down there ? ”
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scaredglow · 5 years
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           HE  HASN’T  DONE  MUCH  EXPLORING  YET,  figures  he’ll  do  the  lion’s  share  with  phi  when  she  arrives  at  the  manor.   he  has  made  it  to  his  room  though  and  excuse  him  for  thinking  he  wouldn’t  be  walked  in  on  by  rando’s  at  any  given  moment.   thankfully  he’s  in  a  decent  ish  mood,  all  things  considered,  so  he  keeps  his  comments  to  himself.    mostly.         “  there’s  always  someone. ”    his  lips  twist;  a  hint  of  a  smirk  on  his  lips.    he  eyes  her  hand  for  a  moment,  shrugs  before  shaking  it.     (  he’s  not  a  germaphobe,  but  —  stranger  danger.   hesitation  is  par  for  the  course.  )    “  nova. ”    he  introduces  himself.    “  professional  clutz  or  walking  disaster  —  whichever  you  prefer. ”
      NATALIA’S   BROWS   FURROW   AS   THE   snarky  remark  comes       from  the  other  ;  despite  the  fact  that  she  probably  wasn’t  supposed       to  hear  it.  she  forces  her  lips  into  a  smile  as  their  hands  touch.  nat       leans  against  the  door frame  before  crossing  one  foot  over  the  other.       “  how about . . .  professional walking disaster ? ”  chuckle.
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     natalia  figures  trying  to  make  the  air  light  will  help  her  case  ----      seeing  as  she  felt  rather  unwanted  in  the  room  at  the  moment ;      with  the  whole  side  comment  thing. “ have you seen much of the manor      yet ? or did you just, just arrive ? ”
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scaredglow · 5 years
“the rooms are gorgeous, i unpacked and spent about an hour or so in there,” blair explained, “the bed was seriously calling my name for a nap, especially after the night i had but i forced myself to get up and explore.” the nightmare she had the previous night didn’t really allow her much time to collect a restful sleep, but she’d power through with caffeine and conversation from other people. 
“tell me you’re not one of those people who hates the rules we were texted?”
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       NATALIA   HUMMED  AS   SHE  LISTENED    to  the  blonde        speak.  she  nodded  ----  fully  understanding  the  longing  for        a  nap.  truth-be-told,  the  brunette  was  dying  for  a  quick,        half  hour  snooze  at  the  moment.  dark  eyes  wander  around        the  main  entrance  mid - conversation  but  they  dart  back  at        the  woman  as  she  hears  something  about  the  RULES.
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      " fuck no, i’m not. ”  natalia  shakes  her  head  slowly. “ if anything,       i’m of the few who thinks having rules is a good idea. ”  she  pulls  her       luggage  closer  to  her  before  snapping  down  the  handle.  though . .       that  didn’t  stop  her  curious  mind  from  wondering  what  on  earth was       in  that  damn  basement  .....  “  what about you ? are you for or against       the rules ? ”
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scaredglow · 5 years
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she fell for him like a petal falls from a flower…
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scaredglow · 5 years
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scaredglow · 5 years
        IT   HAD   BEEN   A   STRANGE   FIRST    couple  of  hours,         natalia  thought.  what  with  the  rules  being  texted  out  with         no  signs  of  the  host/ess  &  a  numerous  amount  of  guests         piling  in  at  all  different  hours  of  the  day  (  though,  that  wasn’t         too  unusual  or  anything.  still  a  bit  unnerving  to  the  girl  ).  nat         sat  quietly  on  the  patio   -----  natalia  lets  her  mind  wander  ;         thinking  about  what  the  history  of  the  manor  is.  she  thinks  it         probably  would’ve  been  smart  to  look  it  up  beforehand. . .  nat         rests  her  head  back,  closes  her  eyes  &, thinking  she’s  along,         begins  to  hum  a  song.
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       brown  hues  slowly  come  into  view  as  she  opens  her  eyes  as  to        take  a  sip  of  her  hot  chocolate.  but  instead,  she  sees  someone  &        jumps   ----  almost  spilling  the  drink.  “ oh ! god . . . sorry. ”  she  takes       a  very  brief  moment  to  catch  her  breath  &  slow  her  heartbeat.  “ how       long have you been here ? ”  natalia  asks,  chuckling  a  bit  at  how  caught       up  she  was  in  her  thoughts   ;  she  wondered  if  they’d  been  there  the       whole  time  &  she  was  just  too  distracted  to  see  or  sense  another       person.
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scaredglow · 5 years
     BY   NOW,   NAT   HAD   SPENT  A   few  hours  checking  out  the  manor.      it  really  was  a  magical  place ;  she’d  never  seen  or  been  to  any  place      that  looked  &  felt  quite  like  the  manor  ---  &  she  quickly  felt  gratitude      towards  her  partner  for  dragging  bringing  her  along   . . .   one  of  the      last  things  natalia  wanted  to  get  a  look  at  were  the  rooms.  she  wondered      if  they  all  looked  the  same  or  if  some  looked  the  same  &  others  different      or  if  they  were  all  different.  and  then  she  stumbled  upon  an  occupied  room;      she  honestly  hadn’t  been  expecting  to  see  anyone  so  she  took  the  oppor-      tunity  to  introduce  herself  &  maybe  make  a  new  friend  along  the  way.
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   she  takes  a  few  steps  into  his  room  --  eyes  widen  a  bit  when  he  had    dropped  the  phone  &  she  can’t  help  but  let  out  a  small  giggle. “ sorry !    i  didn’t  mean  to  scare  you. ”  natalia  figured  hearing  footsteps  was  enough    of  a  warning  that  someone  was  approaching. “ i was just, uh ...  taking a look    around  &  saw you and ---- figured i would introduce myself. ”  she  offers  her  hand    in  the  empty  space  between  them.  “ i’m natalia ... scare-r of unsuspecting people. ”    the  girl  jokes.
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         their  bags  hit  the  ground  with  a  thud,  his  eyes  cast  up  at  the  manor.  weirdly  enough,  the  pictures  do  match  the  reality.  huh.  part  of  him  had  been  expecting  to  waltz  up  to  a  shitbox,  or  an  undeveloped  property  like  some  kind  of  a  scam.   he’s  weirdly  disappointed;   the  scam  would  have  been  a  great  story.      he  brings  a  hand  up  to  shield  his  eyes  from  the  sun,  squints  as  he  gazes  towards  the  front  door.   the  text  had  said  it  would  be  unlocked,  that  they  could  have  any  room,  but  his  spidey  senses  are  tingling  and  suggesting  that  something’s  going  to  go  wrong.     when  he  hears  footsteps  behind  him,  he  drops  his  phone.   curses,  bends  down  to  grab  it.   “  jesus.  ever  considered  wearing  bells  ?    way  to  sneak  up  on  a  guy.  ”
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scaredglow · 5 years
“four seems like a lot.” madison joked back with a laugh. she really shouldn’t have been so caught up with the drug one but it was really the only thing she zeroed in on. “i’m kidding.” madison quickly interjected when she sensed the other’s hesitation. “i’m sure there isn’t a monster in the basement. maybe it’s just a bunch of important documents or fragile family heirlooms.” that seemed like a bit of a stretch but probably more realistic, and less fun, than a demon or a monster. “there’s no pressure to join, i just figure since the staff isn’t around yet, who’s really enforcing these rules? there’s no time like the present.”
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     SHE’S   STILL   FEELING   A   BIT   HESITANT   while  listening  to  the      blonde  speak.  whether  it’s  a  monster  or  fragile  heirlooms  . . .  the      fact  that  there  was  a  rule  not  to  go  into  the  basement  was  very un-      nerving  to  her.  what  reason  could  there  be  to  have  a  RULE  for      guests  not  to  visit.  natalia  had  a  gut  feeling  she  would  have  a  dream      of  it  when  she  went  to  sleep.  the  corner  of  her  lip  pulls  slight.  it  was      true  ...  no  real  authority  was  there  yet  ...
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       "  what if we get cursed or something ? ”  teeth  cringe  as  she  asks.  the        chances  of  it  were  pretty  unlikely  but  she  couldn’t  help  but  wonder. “ i        know there’s no pressure but ----- ”  her  lips  press  together  &  she  exhales        deeply  out  of  her  nose.  “ i don’t know --- just -- what if something happens to        us while we’re doing there ?  i mean, no one will know we’re there. ”  nat  wasn’t        trying  to  put  a  damper  on  things  ...  she  was  weighing  out  the  possibilities.
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scaredglow · 5 years
me : *finds a new style of writing replies* okay, cool cool cool also, me : *doesn’t check how it looks on the theme i’m using beforehand*  : )
moral of the story ..........  please don’t look on my blog for replies DFSJKGH
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