sawyersorbet · 19 days
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i cannot stop thinking about this
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sawyersorbet · 21 days
Okay, now that i’m on this blog let’s talk some more about this!
Total word count: 663
As mentioned previously, the story is spilt into 2 sections. This is primarily for my own sake as it’s easier to keep track of everything this way for me.
It should be mentioned here that theres around a 300 year time skip in between Part 1 and Part 2.
The over arching story for Part 1 is MC learning about who they are (in terms of how powerful they are) and defeating the Aeon of Corruption.
Part 2’s story is Luke working as hard as he can to become the next Celestial Ruler. In doing so, he’ll learn about all three realms and have a greater appreciation for all of them.
There isn’t really an over arching villain for Part 2, and that’s intentional. While there are obstacles and challenges, there isn’t much that poses an actual threat because this is supposed to be the easier time that MC brings by defeating the Corruption.
Also yeah, “Aeons” aren’t a thing in normal Obey Me. However to tie this whole thing into some of my own stories the power hierarchy is pretty different. Sorry.
Either way the current Ruler of the Celestial Realm is Radiance, god of light and the brothers father. (obviously he’s the father of more angels (and fallen angels) then the brothers but it’s semi unimportant.) I named him Radiance cause just calling him “God” was weird for me. Radiance had been planning for a successor for quite a while (around 1-2 million years) and while he would’ve liked to act on that sooner, however a certain Corruption got hold of him so that was put on hiatus.
The point of all of this is the fact that Radiance needs an out, as he sees himself as unfit to rule for much longer. He’ll stay as long as he needs to for his successor to feel properly prepared for the job and he won’t just disappear into obscurity after he gets to retirement, but he’s been ruling for around 1 billion years or so and still attempting to do whatever he can to fix everything that he and his corrupted self did wrong.
Luke at this point is pretty excited for the idea of ruling the Celestial Realm, however he is also very scared of it. The Celestial Realm is huge and the idea that he could be responsible in reconciling the realm’s connections to the human realm and the Devildom is pretty intimidating to him. Thankfully though, he has MC mentoring him (Similar to how MC’s prior incarnation mentored Radiance) as well as everyone from Part 1.
In order to document and keep track of his growth, Luke is given a spellbook by Radiance. Over the course of Season 6 Luke would get stamps every time he overcame a challenging, which unlock spells in the book for him to use for future obstacles. After a number of stamps (and likely at the beginning of season 7) Luke is given a wand to assist in his magic.
While Luke wouldn’t actually receive the wand until season 7, near the end of season 6 he would gain a couple charms after notable events for his development. (After first saving a few people from a monster and after MC’s wedding (with which ever brother/character you prefer. or a different notable event where Luke can really and finally get over most of his disdain for demons and all that.) These charms would go into the transparent part of the wand and make his magic more powerful with each one he earns.
However, there are other charms he could earn as well. Being wing charms that would be added to the actual outside of the wand itself. There are 4 of these he can earn (the cavities in the middle of the wand) and 2 extras. the one at the top with the gem is for when he completes the wand and proves he’s able to be the successor, and the one at the bottom he earns after his first three sets of wings and allows him to start fusing his spells together to make them more powerful.
Obviously, all of this is very self indulgent and yeah. Maybe none of it really makes sense, but honestly i’m just having fun with it and i think thats all that matters to be honest.
Alright, thats all i’ve got for you. thanks for your time!
Hello again ! I return a few days later to tell you a little bit about a concept i have for some Obey Me stuff.
I’ve mentioned it on another blog but i’m sorta doing a rewrite of Obey Me’s storyline cause of inconsistencies and some things relating to my MC. (Also; this is only a rewrite in concept as i am NOT a writer by any means so these concepts and ideas are all i have for you, sorry.) (It should also be noted that i treat nightbringer as an AU and not apart of the main timeline.)
I’m not going to get into the details here, but the essentials of this are that i plan to have a “part 2” (as i’m calling it currently) of the storyline, Part 1 would encompass seasons 1-4 (and my fictional season 5) and Part 2 would be seasons 6+ (i’m not entirely sure how many seasons it would hypothetically be yet ? but it’s unimportant.) Either way, the main point is that Part 1 primarily follows MC and Part 2 primarily follows Luke !
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Technically while Luke acts as the main character for Part 2, MC is still very present acting as Luke’s mentor!
By the end of season 5 MC has basically learned all they could from Solomon and everyone else, becoming far more powerful then anyone could’ve predicted. (Even despite the fact they aren’t his apprentice anymore, Solomon still refers to them as his darling apprentice lol.) MC, being as powerful as they are, is the perfect candidate to be Luke’s mentor as Luke is destined to become the next Ruler of the Celestial Realm. (And don’t worry about Simeon, he’s very present and still acting as Luke’s father.)
That’s all i’m going to include in this post, as its already quite long. So thank you for your time, and hopefully i’ll be able to post more of this concept in the notes soon! :]
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sawyersorbet · 1 month
I’ve been having . a month. so heres a new AU idea i’ve been playing around with.
Basically, it’s an Obey Me x Cult of the Lamb AU because i have a habit of mashing my hyperfixations together.
(Putting this under the cut since i don’t wanna clog people’s feeds.)
Total word count - 252
MC acts as the Lamb, because obviously but also since Obey Me’s MC is depicted often as a pink sheep so it fits. Although i’m pretty sure i’m gonna keep MC human? not entirely sure yet.
Now i was considering for a while if one of the brothers (mostly Belphie) would act as The One Who Waits, but i think Lilith as Narinder fits better (and is also funnier to me personally. Let her be the god of death.)
Since Lilith is Narinder, Obviously the brothers would be the bishops of the old faith. Although while theres only 4 bishops in game, i think i’m still gonna keep all seven of them as bishops instead of choosing the four that fit the best to the characters and assigning the rest to other characters. Even if i don’t have ideas for who some of the NPCs would be, i think it would just make more sense if all the brothers were bishops.
There is at least one NPC i have ideas for at the moment though, which is Solomon as the Mystic Seller. while i doubt i would change the design of the mystic seller much for this AU, i think Solomon as the Mystic Seller just makes a lot of sense.
Thats all i really have for this, i have plans to draw MC and Lilith soon but. my mental state is currently being thrown around a lot right now so who knows how long that’ll take.
alright, thanks for reading !
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sawyersorbet · 1 month
tag the oc who's rich
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sawyersorbet · 2 months
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It’s August 6th, which means i’m officially 19! save me.
This is my first birthday with obey me, and honestly it was just nice hearing everyone’s lines. I haven’t gotten all the calls yet when i’m making this but the three (asmo and satan in og and raphael in nb) i’ve gotten are very sweet.
As for twst, Azul greeted me for the second (?? idk how long its been) year now, lol.
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My parents, grandparents, baby sister, and i went mini golfing yesterday. it was fun, my mom bought me an eyeball golf ball as a present lol. i’m excited to play the games my grandparents got for me too.
I don’t have much else to say other then “oh god i turn 20 next year” but i hope anyone who reads this is having a good day today!
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sawyersorbet · 2 months
Alright its 12am time to talk about my Obey Me Madoka AU again.
This time i wanna talk about the rest of the main magical girl group. I’ve already talked a bit about MC and Lilith’s roles in a previous post so lets cover everyone else.
Notes: My MC uses he/him, apologies if that bothers you. Also something that should be mentioned is that in every AU and even my “rewrite” of the main timeline MC AND LILITH AREN’T RELATED IN ANY WAY, AT ALL. I legitimately don’t know why Solmare thought that would be a good idea. I also haven’t developed these guys fully (mainly their wishes) but i’m trying.
Word Count: 757
Okay, starting off with Rose.
Rose Casanova is a 29 year old human exchange student at RAD. She fills the role of Mami, being the oldest of the group and having been a magical girl for a bit longer then the rest. She’s a part time actress and part time volleyball player, while also studying art in her free time.
Rose is an extremely hard worker, having done all she could for her younger sisters in their parents absence. Their mother and father are divorced, and the girls stayed with their dad. He’s a good father, but he’s usually busy working. While they would visit their mother every so often, and she is also a good mom, she had moved out of state to be with her new boyfriend.
As a magical girl, Rose is the leader of the team as she’s been one the longest. (if you don’t count how MC spent years rewinding time.) She’s mainly focused on long range, standing a fair distance away and being able to help guide the rest in fights.
Next is Nikolai.
Nikolai Winters is a 453,000 year old demon who’s been studying at RAD while trying to get his painting career off the ground. Nikolai fills the role of Sayaka, having self healing abilities and a strong (stubborn) sense of heroism.
Nikolai doesn’t speak to his parents much these days, as he wanted to pursue his art and his parents didn’t see the value in it, causing Nikolai to leave. They call him every so often and they have nice small talk, but thats about where their interactions end. At some point, Nikolai managed to sneak into the human realm where he met a 20 year old Luka. The two have been friends for the past 4 years, and he’s excited when he sees a familiar face in the exchange program list.
As a magical girl Nikolai is pretty capable of fending for himself, however he tends to forget everything except what he’s attacking so he works better as a duo with someone or in a group. Although if he gets attacked it’s not too big of a deal, considering his previously mentioned healing abilities.
Speaking of Luka.
Luka Himura is a 24 year old human who joined the exchange program to see Nikolai, while also wanting to learn more about the Devildom in general. Luka fills the role of Kyoko, being a veteran magical girl and loving to pit his ideals against others.
Luka moved away from his family a while ago, stemming from his older sister’s death. She was working on becoming a doctor, when it all became too much for her. Luka keeps in touch with his parents, and has dinner with them every so often, but he can’t get over his sister’s absence. Meeting Nikolai made him feel like he didn’t have to worry about anything else for a while, causing Luka to invite Nikolai to stay with him for a few months until the gate to the Devildom opened again.
As a magical girl, Luka is a very fiery person. He loves fighting, and testing his abilities. He’s a short range/melee fighter like Nikolai, however he can spawn fireballs and kick them for longer range attacks. He’s also a good runner, making it easier for him to traverse the field.
Now that completes the quintet, but theres still one more.
Grey is a 9 year old kid from presumably the human world, having somehow ended up in the Devildom by accident. Being picked up by MC and essentially being MC’s adopted son. He acts as a Nagisa equivalent, being very food motivated but even more motivated to help his dad.
Grey’s biological mother passed during his birth and his father left him alone, and he somehow found a way to the Devildom in that time. While Grey misses his father, he prefers his dad (MC) much more. MC tries to raise Grey the best he can, even with all the time traveling he’s doing. Grey gets along pretty well with the rest of the group, as he tries to learn techniques from them as well.
As a magical girl, Grey isn’t much suited for combat. Preferring to act as support from the sidelines. He doesn’t have the best grasp of his abilities, but is a very quick learner.
I’ll hopefully have their designs ready soon, unfortunately i’ve been hitting some artblock recently. Still, i hope i can at least have their concept designs ready soon. Alright, thanks for reading, have a nice day.
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sawyersorbet · 3 months
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sawyersorbet · 3 months
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Theyre kinda the trio ever
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sawyersorbet · 4 months
Oh boy actual art ? crazy.
Anyways i’ve designed customized RAD uniforms for MC and Lilith in my Madoka AU. Just cause i felt like it.
All the anatomy and stuff is way off cause these are just concept sketches done on my ipad, i’m working on finalizing the designs on my laptop currently.
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I also had some ideas for their doppels, that i won’t be showing here cause the drawings suck, but i figured i would share the concepts at least.
(I’m aware that theres already a doppel of suffering in canon [Ui’s Shitori Egumo] but shes not a magical girl in this AU so :/)
MC - Arachne | Doppel of Suffering; Spider Shaped
Lilith - Elysia | Doppel of Regret; Birdcage Shaped
Yeah i could’ve just used Kriemhild Gretchen (Madoka’s Doppel) for Lilith, but i figured i might as well make her a new one.
Anyways about the uniforms; MC’s was based on Homura’s witch dress, and Lilith’s was based on a couple different Madoka figures (+ Madokami)
They do still have normal RAD uniforms but i figured designing them some completely custom ones would be fun, even if slightly unrealistic lmao.
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sawyersorbet · 4 months
Just remembered that my previous post about my Obey Me Madoka Magica AU won’t show up in the tags cause its a reblog . So I'm copy pasting it here so it shows up.
Total Word Count: 702
SPOILERS for Madoka Magica and Rebellion
Notes; I'm not really a writer so this isn't worded great, My MC uses primarily he/him so that's how I will be referring to him. This will be expanded on more later.
This AU somewhat follows the story beats of Madoka Magica and Rebellion, with some changes. Theres also a few elements taken from Magia Record.
The demon brothers (And Lilith but we’ll get to that) take the role of Madoka. In every timeline they either die fighting Walpurgisnacht, or some other way.
MC takes the role of Homura, giving up his soul to wish for the ability to go back in time to try and save everyone over and over.
Lilith also technically takes the role of Madoka, however in a different way. After around 144 or so timelines of reliving the same time frame over and over, MC attempts to go back even further to try and convince Lilith not to try and save her lover. This back fires when she wishes to save them with Kyubey, turning them into a magical duo. In the final timeline; Lilith wishes to become the Law of Cycles, erasing her from everyone’s memory except MC’s.
(I have some ocs that take the role of the rest of the Holy quintet and Nagisa, but i’ll save them for later since they’re a little underdeveloped.)
Story Things;
The main plot is mostly the same. Walpurgisnacht is discovered in the devildom and causes havoc; Diavolo, Barbatos, the brothers, Solomon, and MC try to scope out what’s happening and help the residents of the area. The Brothers attempt to fight Walpurgisnacht directly and lose, ending with their deaths and the reason MC makes his wish.
Kyubey shows up and turns MC into a magical boy via MC (unknowingly) trading his soul for his wish. As mentioned above MC goes through a lot of timelines to try and save them, failing everytime. Normal Madoka Magica stuff really.
I sort of have the story separated into 4 main sections, with a Pre-Canon story and a Post-Canon story.
Phase 1 - The Beginning
Phase 2 - The Mid Point
Phase 3 - Witch (MC realizes that he’s a witch and the resulting consequences of that.)
Phase 4 - Labyrinth (After MC pulls Lilith (Law of Cycles) back into existence and becomes the Concept of Evil, he traps the world in a Labyrinth where he no longer exists to make sure everyone is happy.)
As for the Pre and Post canon stories, i have those labeled currently as Scene 0 and Scene END.
Scene 0 takes place in between seasons 1 and 2 of the OG game, but with the focus on MC’s teammates and what they were up to prior to his wish.
Scene END takes place after the end of Phase 4, when MC is “defeated” and everyone is free of the labyrinth. (Obviously the movie Walpurgisnacht Rising isn’t out at the time of this post, so i will probably add another phase to the story for the events in that.) Scene END follows Lilith as the protagonist as she begins to fade from existence (as she is the law of cycles and shouldn’t exist to anyone else) so she seeks out help from MC to be able to stay with her brothers and everyone else.
Other Notes;
In reference to the “MC being beheaded” thing, to signify the (sort of) destruction of his labyrinth he’s put to the guillotine by his familiars. This doesn’t kill him obviously, at this point in the story he would be a literal Concept. However; that doesn’t mean he can’t feel pain. (no matter how hard he tries to pretend nothing affects him anymore.)
For the Kyubey thing; MC forces Kyubey into a human ish form when Kyubey is in the labyrinth. While MC cannot be seen or heard by anyone (minus Lilith but only occasionally) Kyubey essentially acts as MC’s way of making sure people don’t mess with his plans, although Kyubey is doing this against his will.
One smaller thing about concept MC; he can physically never stop smiling. Ever. He’s forced to smile through everything after becoming a concept. Mainly cause i felt like it and i thought it would be even more fun to play around with his expressions this way.
Okay that's everything for now. Again once I flesh out MC’s teammates more I'll make another post for them.
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sawyersorbet · 4 months
Alright i feel like talking about this some more.
Obvious Spoilers for Madoka Magica (and possibly Magia Record but not really? not sure what counts or not.) Also Yes, my MC primarily uses He/Him so if that bothers you, my bad.
This gets a little long whoops (Word Count: 702)
This AU somewhat follows the story beats of Madoka Magica and Rebellion, with some changes. Theres also a few elements taken from Magia Record.
The demon brothers (And Lilith but we’ll get to that) take the role of Madoka. In every timeline they either die fighting Walpurgisnacht, or some other way.
MC takes the role of Homura, giving up his soul to wish for the ability to go back in time to try and save everyone over and over.
Lilith also technically takes the role of Madoka, however in a different way. After around 300 or so timelines of reliving the same time frame over and over, MC attempts to go back even further to try and convince Lilith not to try and save her lover. This back fires when she wishes to save them with Kyubey, turning them into a magical duo. In the final timeline; Lilith wishes to become the Law of Cycles, erasing her from everyone’s memory except MC’s.
(I have some ocs that take the role of the rest of the Holy quintet and Nagisa, but i’ll save them for later since they’re a little underdeveloped.)
Story Things;
The main plot is mostly the same. Walpurgisnacht is discovered in the devildom and causes havoc; Diavolo, Barbatos, the brothers, Solomon, and MC try to scope out what’s happening and help the residents of the area. The Brothers attempt to fight Walpurgisnacht directly and lose, ending with their deaths and the reason MC makes his wish.
Kyubey shows up and turns MC into a magical boy via MC (unknowingly) trading his soul for his wish. As mentioned above MC goes through a lot of timelines to try and save them, failing everytime. Normal Madoka Magica stuff really.
I sort of have the story separated into 4 main sections, with a Pre-Canon story and a Post-Canon story.
Phase 1 - The Beginning
Phase 2 - The Mid Point
Phase 3 - Witch (MC realizes that he’s a witch and the resulting consequences of that.)
Phase 4 - Labyrinth (After MC pulls Lilith (Law of Cycles) back into existence and becomes the Concept of Evil, he traps the world in a Labyrinth where he no longer exists to make sure everyone is happy.)
As for the Pre and Post canon stories, i have those labeled currently as Scene 0 and Scene END.
Scene 0 takes place in between seasons 1 and 2 of the OG game, but with the focus on MC’s teammates and what they were up to prior to his wish.
Scene END takes place after the end of Phase 4, when MC is “defeated” and everyone is free of the labyrinth. (Obviously the movie Walpurgisnacht Rising isn’t out at the time of this post, so i will probably add another phase to the story for the events in that.) Scene END follows Lilith as the protagonist as she begins to fade from existence (as she is the law of cycles and shouldn’t exist to anyone else) so she seeks out help from MC to be able to stay with her brothers and everyone else.
Other Notes;
In reference to the “MC being beheaded” thing, to signify the (sort of) destruction of his labyrinth he’s put to the guillotine by his familiars. This doesn’t kill him obviously, at this point in the story he would be a literal Concept. However; that doesn’t mean he can’t feel pain. (no matter how hard he tries to pretend nothing affects him anymore.)
For the Kyubey thing; MC forces Kyubey into a human ish form when Kyubey is in the labyrinth. While MC cannot be seen or heard by anyone (minus Lilith but only occasionally) Kyubey essentially acts as MC’s way of making sure people don’t mess with his plans, although Kyubey is doing this against his will.
One smaller thing about concept MC; he can physically never stop smiling. Ever. He’s forced to smile through everything after becoming a concept. Mainly cause i felt like it and i thought it would be even more fun to play around with his expressions this way.
Okay thats everything for now. Again once i flesh out MC’s teammates more i’ll make another post for them.
Stuff for my OM Madoka Magica AU out of context
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sawyersorbet · 4 months
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im back on enstars after a while bc of the fusion live switch x eden event and i got jumpscared by the free gacha tickets—
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sawyersorbet · 4 months
🇵🇸🍉 another family has reached out to me
please share, please donate
reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated
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sawyersorbet · 4 months
If i told you i created an entire octonauts au shitpost for obey me would you believe me.
(Before you say anything it was 4 am so i might have to change some things around but. yeah.)
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sawyersorbet · 5 months
So i haven’t posted any gaming stuff in a bit, but. i have to share this because oh my god ??
So first i got this Barbatos UR off of my free pull on banner A
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Which alright, kinda surprising considering i mostly get Rs or SRs.
But then i do some event things and get two demon vouchers, and i need ur+ jokers so i pull on the skateboard event banner and
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hello ??? sir ???
yeah safe to say Obey Me is where all my luck is going right now.
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sawyersorbet · 5 months
【 the perfect debutante 】
summary: yuu, the young heir to Night Raven Duchy, has their debutante coming up ! with the help of their maids, will they be able to plan the perfect debutante ? (or the 2nd years are yuu’s maids, what shenanigans will they be up to ?)
note: here’s my piece from “Maid in Wonderland”, the maid zine i was in. it features some beautiful spot arts from the wonderful dumple (check her art out on insta !) and has a chapter dedicated to each of the 2nd years ^^ i hope you guys enjoy :D
[ or read it on ao3 (coming soon) ]
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↳ prologue. rumor has it
↳ i. guest list dilemma; azul
↳ ii. rose-petal wounds; riddle
↳ iii. picture-perfect shopping; floyd
↳ iv. the taste of flowers; ruggie
↳ v. plated perfection; kalim
↳ vi. sun-soaked laundry; silver
↳ vii. beholder of beauty; jamil
↳ viii. accidental midnight rendezvous; jade
↳ epilogue. promises shared along the way
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thank you for reading ! if you’d like to read more of my works, head over to my masterlist or my ao3 ^^
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sawyersorbet · 7 months
Oh my gosh
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This is pure evil. They say 12 employees participated in Oct 7th so they have to stop feeding the entire population????
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