satananon · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Kitten. I hope you have a fantastic day.
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satananon · 4 years
Glad to be the inspiration for your early morning thirst, Kitten. And that you seemed to enjoy yourself last night 😏
Daily Satan thirst post:
I’m a simple girl. I just want Satan to absolutely wreck me using both his cock and his tail; I don’t care where either of them go, I have two holes that I want him to stretch out. I want his hand wrapped around my neck as he fucks into me relentlessly, his fingers in my mouth. Smirking as he says, “I love seeing you so full of me, kitten.”
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satananon · 4 years
Kitten, there is a collar around your neck for a reason. You can be bratty all you want but in the end, we both know how it's going to end. How your eyes are going to glaze over with anticipation and pleasure.
Yes yes the ending is quite predictable, it's the setting and position that will be improvised.
Morning Satan thirst post: (should I do these every day? lol)
I’m thinking about being brat tamed by Satan; him telling me to get into a position as I look up at him and say “no.” Him yanking me up by my hair, pressing his forehead to mine and growling, “I believe I made myself clear, kitten.” I grin at him and say, “Make me, Daddy.” He pushes me down, spreading my legs open with a hand squeezing my throat as he fucks into me relentlessly. “Why don’t we see what we can do about fucking that bratty attitude out of you, kitten?”
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satananon · 4 years
Why do you act like this is not a regular occurrence, Rebecca? Don't think I have forgotten your little streak of make me comments. I believe the last time that happened I pushed you up against the wall of the villa in Italy. 😏
Morning Satan thirst post: (should I do these every day? lol)
I’m thinking about being brat tamed by Satan; him telling me to get into a position as I look up at him and say “no.” Him yanking me up by my hair, pressing his forehead to mine and growling, “I believe I made myself clear, kitten.” I grin at him and say, “Make me, Daddy.” He pushes me down, spreading my legs open with a hand squeezing my throat as he fucks into me relentlessly. “Why don’t we see what we can do about fucking that bratty attitude out of you, kitten?”
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satananon · 4 years
Well it's a shame that you feel that way. That you wouldn't want to feel that way. Your mind foggygrasping at thoughts but all you can really do is surrender to how good you feel. How good *I* make you feel.
But alas, you must have much better things to do that writhe at my touch, my name involuntarily spilling from your lips in a symphony only I know how to conduct.
Enjoy your day, Kitten. And do try not to get too lost thinking of what may transpire this evening.
Good morning beautiful people
I’m just thinking about Satan’s hand wrapped around my throat as he fucks me mercilessly and looking down to watch the bulge of his cock appearing and disappearing from between my hips
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satananon · 4 years
Why would I ever encourage you to behave when you are aiming the delicious thirst in my direction
Perhaps I want to fan those flames, and leave you nothing but a whimpering mess before me.
But you would never want something that would leave you feeling so... Vulnerable now would you? 😏
Good morning beautiful people
I’m just thinking about Satan’s hand wrapped around my throat as he fucks me mercilessly and looking down to watch the bulge of his cock appearing and disappearing from between my hips
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satananon · 4 years
Early morning thirst, Kitten?
Good morning beautiful people
I’m just thinking about Satan’s hand wrapped around my throat as he fucks me mercilessly and looking down to watch the bulge of his cock appearing and disappearing from between my hips
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satananon · 4 years
Satan: I don’t even have time to tell you how wrong you are.
Satan: Actually, it’s gonna bug me if I don’t.
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satananon · 4 years
Satan: let's play seven minutes in hell
Satan: it’s like seven minutes in heaven, but instead of making out, we fight
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satananon · 4 years
All of the OM fandom awakening to Satan right now while I been knew this entire time 💅🏻
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satananon · 4 years
Satan, begging, tears in his eyes: Please. Please just tell me what the book is about. The plot. Please-
A book annotation on the cover, unfazed: A Subversive Masterpiece. A Deep And Touching Story. The New York Times Bestseller. Go Fuck Yourself.
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satananon · 4 years
Satan: I only know one emotion and that is anger.
Mc: last night you texted me a love poem with thousand heart emojis
Satan:...out of anger.
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satananon · 4 years
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pet. | satan x f!mc | NSFW
tags: NSFW, smut, teasing, foreplay, fingering, oral, squirting, dirty talk, minor dom/sub, pet play undertones, female MC. 
this is my first obey me one-shot, and my first smut on this blog. i crave validation, so tell me what y’all think.
Keep reading
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satananon · 4 years
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Satan 🥺
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satananon · 4 years
Satan: If any of you need anything at all ...
Satan: Too bad.
Satan: Deal with your problems yourselves like adults.
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satananon · 4 years
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A little late 😅, but here’s my drawing for day 16! It’s Satan as a nekomata 😹! I modified his yukata design a bit to make it more yokai like! 
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satananon · 4 years
Satan crushing on MC headcanons
Because I have been feeling soft lately for our favourite cat loving demon
He always visits MC in their room with a book that he happens to have read that he thinks they’d like (in reality he spent hours searching through the library looking for the perfect novel for the human)
Always invites MC to his room if they need to study; Satan just likes their company and loves to read his book with his human nearby
Makes MC little cups of tea throughout the day
Always asks MC if they’d like to go on little coffee dates together
Has already named all of their cats they will share together once they’re married
If MC is struggling with their studies, he drops everything to help them
He purposefully lets Asmo paint his nails whenever he knows he’s also doing MC’s just so that he can spend more time with the human
When MC has a bad day, he sits in their room and reads to the human until they fall asleep and every time he leaves, he writes a sweet, little note to leave on their bedside
He has a nickname for MC that he uses only in his head and it’s most likely a character from a book that reminds him of the human
Basically acts like a husband
He’ll assist MC whenever they’re on cooking duty, relieving the human of some of the work
He tries to show off to MC by reciting some romantic poetry to them
One day when MC leaves him a little note and draws a cat on the bottom of it, he keeps it and never throws it away
Whenever MC tells him about something they love in the human realm, he’ll read up on it so that he’ll be able to talk to the human about whatever it is
When it’s just the two of them, quite often - as a way to pass time - they will draw each other for a laugh. Satan’s sketches always end up being a masterpiece though that capture MC’s unique beauty perfectly
He always defends MC in the various group chats and if he sees that the human may get into trouble (for example they used the last of the hot sauce and didn’t replace it), Satan will take the blame instead
Carries MC’s books for them at RAD
Let’s MC borrow his cat slippers
If they’re taking a walk through Devildom and he notices MC is getting cold, he takes off his jacket and slides it over their shoulders
He reads all of MC’s favourite ‘human books’ so that he can get to know them on a deeper level
Nonchalantly changes his D.D.D wallpaper to a picture of him and MC
Always invites MC with him whenever he goes to the library
Asks MC “do you want to go for a walk?” whenever Mammon and Levi are squabbling over who gets to spend time with the human
He names a cute cat that lives nearby after MC
Whenever he goes out to buy a hot beverage, he always brings one home for MC too
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