sapling-hoshii · 5 days
Fun fact: I got it wrong LMFAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOO
I found Ageha's poll last time super entertaining, so I wanted to do one of my own with the same prospect!
Only one of these is fake, and the rest are all true! See if you can find out which one is the false claim, while avoiding voting for the true ones! I tried to make this a level-up difficulty from the last two, given Ageha's own enjoyment of making it a bit more difficult, so good luck!
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sapling-hoshii · 7 days
Kurumi Erika try not to be silly challenge (impossible) (cops called)
Pro-curetember Day 15: Blue!
Today's prompt is Blue, so I wanted to go ahead and draw one of the silliest, most entertaining blue cures on my whiteboard, in blue marker: Cure Marine from Heartcatch Pretty Cure!
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Pro-curetember by @pro-curetember
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sapling-hoshii · 9 days
tempted to draw her with my fancure >w>
Pro-curetember Day 13: Fan-made Cures!
I invented a Fan-Cure specifically for today! She didn't exist before this event, and now she's poofed into existence without a civilian name, a full team designed, or a full identity, but I'd like you all to meet Cure Toybox! Her team would be called Playtime Party Pretty Cure, and their designs would all focus on different types of toybox toys. Cure Toybox, the leader of this team, is themed on stuffed animals.
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I hope you all like her! She's a fun concept for me, since toybox toys have a lot of variety that you can play around with, and the way her hair ends up in big bear paw shapes! I think that's so cute!
Pro-curetember by @pro-curetember
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sapling-hoshii · 9 days
Pro-Curetember, Day 13: Fan-made Cures!
AT LONG LAST! I've prepared so much for today, and I'm beyond excited to share my first ever (and possibly only) FanCure. For more context: I've been working on this FanCure for about four months after experiencing continuous dreams that had the PreCure in it. These dreams created an interesting storyline that eventually got me and a few friends from Discord to discuss what would eventually become the idea for this character before it ultimately blossomed into what it is now. So sit back, relax, and maybe grab some snacks and drinks while you're at it, 'cause this will be quite the long read! Oh, and one more thing - a surprise awaits at the end of the article, so I hope you read through its entirety!
Hoshimachi Haruki // Knightly Astra
"The Man With Two Lives"
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A 19-year-old boy hailing from the "Waking World", Haruki lives a simple life he deems "boringly mundane", working part-time at his mother's flower shop and going to college, where he not only engages in his collegiate studies but also manages his block's organization as its current president. Unable to both see a future with his current way of life and envision a path to a future he desires, Haruki forces himself to continue down the life he is stuck in. Unbeknownst to him, however, his life would begin to change from a single, desperate wish and a Guiding Star.
Haruki is a college-age man of fair complexion and slender body type. He dons shoulder-length sky-blue hair, with the strands on his face combed in a side fringe. His eyes are of a monolid shape with grey irises. He often wears a plain white collared button-up shirt, with a grey, long-sleeved sweater covering most of it, only leaving the collars exposed. His bottom garments consist of a pair of denim pants and white sneakers.
Personality (Post-Story)
Haruki is a relatively calm and placid man who shows a composed and collected demeanor among peers and acquaintances alike. He is a hard-working person who focuses well on his studies and hobbies, steadfast in completing tasks and learning new things. While sometimes impulsive and reckless, Haruki always tries to do what he can in good faith, further amplified by his positive outlook in life and his belief that "hope is born from the mind of a dreamer."
Asahina Mirai: She and Haruki met by chance as Cure Miracle when the latter was being attacked by a Voidwraith. After she takes Haruki under her, Riko, and Kotoha's jurisdiction due to him being the holder of the Linkle Stone Azurite, the two gradually form an inseparable bond, which eventually blossoms into infatuation and soon enough, into romance. After confessing their feelings for each other, the two act like a lovey-dovey couple.
Izayoi Riko: Haruki respects Riko, not only because she is the headmaster of the Magic Academy (where he studies), but also because he perceives her as a good mentor figure and an even greater friend. After he was taken under her, Mirai, and Kotoha's jurisdiction, Riko offered to help him refine his magical capabilities and his control over the Linkle Stone Azurite, which served as the progenitor of their bond as mentor and student. He finds her pieces of advice inspirational and claims that they have helped him push through the trials and tribulations of his own life.
Hanami Kotoha: Kotoha perceives Haruki as an older brother figure who is always willing to spend time with her despite having to put up with her antics. She appreciates his hard-working nature and grows proud of him when he reasoned out with Nyrr'morha after the final fight, aspiring to be like him in keeping a positive outlook in life while also acknowledging its many lows and sorrowful moments.
Mofurun: Mofurun and Haruki get along fairly well, with the former almost always playing with the mage whenever he is available. Haruki enjoys Mofurun's more simple-minded and childlike nature, which fondly reminds him of how he used to be when he was younger. Haruki grows to fondly appreciate the sapient teddy bear when he is exposed to her more caring and responsible side later on in the story, remarking that her kindness is nothing short of heart-warming.
Nyrr'morha: Nyrr'morha is the polar opposite of Haruki/Knightly Astra, being a personification of his own despair and negative emotions. He wants the Linkle Stone Azurite to "rewrite and reshape reality" and to twist the future to his desires.
Before the Dimensional Link
Born into a simple family, Haruki once lived a life reflective of its nature. While successful academically and earning a stable amount from his part-time job in his mother's flower shop, he feels a lack of fulfillment in life, unable to envision a future in running the flower shop while simultaneously experiencing difficulty picturing a future he desires.
However, on one fateful night, everything would change.
Wishing upon a shooting star, Haruki desired change - to hopefully find his calling one day and pave the way to the future he wanted. The mere strength of the man's will would eventually reach a different world - one where an alternate incarnation of Haruki lived: the World of Magic.
As an azure glimmer fell from the sky, this version of Haruki quickly grew curious about the mystery object. Following its shining trail to the source, he would come across a peculiar pendant, which - unbeknownst to him - is a powerful totem called the Linkle Stone Azurite, which can conjure wishes into reality. Picking up and wearing the pendant, the mage-in-training unknowingly linked himself with his alternate incarnation, roping the latter into what would soon be the adventure that would change his life forever.
The Dimensional Link
Shortly after wishing upon a star on that fateful night, Haruki grew heavily sleepy, which he would eventually succumb to.
That night, he would dream an impossible dream.
While his consciousness registered the unfolding scenario as a dream, the reality was that Haruki was in control of his alternate incarnation in the World of Magic. Living as an academically outstanding student studying at the Magic Academy, his consciousness found itself exposed to concepts only seen in fairy tales - that being magic and the legendary warriors of light of this world: the Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure. Remnants of Haruki's alternate incarnation would also find themselves bleeding into his earthly presence; due to the influence of both incarnations' consciousnesses, there would be times when he would get into awkward situations, like trying to cast spells or recalling lessons from the Magic Academy, to even going outside at evening to fly atop his broomstick - in a world where such fantastical concepts were not present. His connection with his alternate self brought in a sense of confusion where either consciousness feels that they both do and do not have control over themselves, manifested by their different trains of thought.
Meeting the Pretty Cure
On one fateful school day, Haruki's Magic World incarnation would be separated from the rest of his class by a stray cat. Unbeknownst to him, it was under the control of a Voidwraith - an entity of Dark Magic that possesses inanimate and animated objects and contorts them into ravenous monsters. Only when he was alone and defenseless did the "cat" reveal what it was, and it took no delay to attack the mage-in-training.
While Haruki held his own against the rampaging Voidwraith (thanks to the Linkle Stone Azurite's ability to boost magical powers), he wasn't unscathed either, ending up heavily bruised and wounded. But before the beast could lay a hand (or claw) on him further, the legendary Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure came to the rescue, exorcising the cat of its monstrous possession.
In the battle's aftermath, they revealed to him that the pendant he was wearing was a Linkle Stone, which these Voidwraiths want to acquire for reasons they do not know yet, and thus asked the mage-in-training to hand it over so they may protect it from those entities. While Haruki obliged at first, the moment his fingertips met those of Cure Miracle's, the Linkle Stone began to glow, revealing a vision to the young mage-in-training: a split-second flash of the future where the Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure would be overpowered by a particularly powerful Voidwraith, with the Linkle Stone robbed of their possession. Overwhelmed by a sudden influx of magical power and additional mental overstimulation, Haruki passed out. Regaining consciousness in the Waking World, Haruki checked for his wounds - only to find out they were gone. He held his chest to see if he still had his Linkle Stone - it too was gone, because he was back in the Waking World.
Meeting Mirai and Riko - Untransformed
The following night, Haruki once more entered his consciousness in the Magic World, finding himself in another person's house - which turned out to be the house of none other than Izayoi Riko, the current Headmaster of the Magic Academy. Concerned for the well-being of the mage-in-training, she - as Cure Magical - took him back to her place, informing his parents (or rather, their alternate incarnations) - also as Cure Magical - through a crystal ball that she would be taking Haruki in until the Voidwraith issue was resolved, due to him not only holding a powerful magic item but also because of the degree of the threat. Not long after waking up, Haruki also meets two close friends of Riko's - a blonde witch named Asahina Mirai and her sapient teddy bear named Mofurun. The three quickly grew well-acquainted with each other, and, as more days went by, they eventually became close friends. Together with Riko and another friend of theirs named Hanami Kotoha, Haruki would train under their wing every evening, learning more about his Linkle Stone in the process - especially the latent powers that sleep within. It was also through these sessions that Mirai, Riko, Kotoha, and Mofurun learned about Haruki's ability to see quick glimpses of the future, in turn realizing how important protecting him and the Linkle Stone from the Voidwraiths was. After all: the greater the power, the more dangerous foes would want it.
Becoming Knightly Astra
As the days and weeks passed, Haruki's bond with Mirai, Riko, Kotoha, and Mofurun blossomed into a close friendship - but even more so did his friendship with Mirai, which had grown into infatuation. However, due to his uncertainty about how he feels for the blonde witch and the possible consequences that taking their bond a step further may entail, he downplays these feelings to preserve his friendship with her.
But little did this mage know that the strength of these feelings would lead to a pivotal moment in his life.
During this fateful day, an Alpha Voidwraith wreaked havoc on the Magic Shopping Street, endangering the lives of many. But when there are Voidwraiths, there are also the PreCure. Arriving at the scene of conflict, Cure Miracle, Cure Magical, and Cure Felice face the threat head-on. While they initially thought the Alpha Voidwraith was of a similar threat level to the Voidwraiths they fought before (specifically because it looked like a bigger version of these Voidwraiths), they would be proven otherwise through its escalated power and its ability to summon Lesser Voidwraiths to aid it in its mission. Furthermore, it exhibited high intelligence and synergy with its subordinates, capable of launching coordinated attacks that mimic those done by the PreCure. Due to these unforeseen abilities, the PreCure would get easily outnumbered and outmatched to the point of struggling to stand their ground.
From the sidelines, Haruki watched as his friends got battered and beaten up by the Voidwraiths, a heavy heartache befalling him at the sight of a badly wounded and injured Mirai. Time slowed down and his heartbeat rang deafeningly in his ears as he stood there, helpless. As he always was. As he always felt he would be. At that very moment, memories flashed in quick succession within his mind of every encounter - of every battle - of every moment he had alongside his friends. Alongside that woman he so truly loved. And of every moment they got beaten, got hurt, got ever so close to the hereafter. Once more, his heartbeat rang - no, drummed to the reverberating beat of his feelings; feelings that he had attempted to set aside - to disregard.
And in that moment...he understood everything, and he embraced it.
Before his mind could even process things - before he could even regain his grip on reality - his body moved on its own, charging into battle like a mighty soldier. The Voidwraiths that had once frightened him are the enemies he now faced head-on. With every swish of his wand, with every "Cure Up・RaPaPa" he yelled, the spark of light in his heart shone brighter and brighter. As he approached the Alpha Voidwraith, he declared with all the love in his heart that if they were to hurt his friends, they would have to go through him first.
...And then, the spark of light in his heart erupted into a spectacular supernova as two consciousnesses linked into one - and as the powers of the Linkle Stone Azurite unleashed in full force.
Wreathed in the magical item's auroral light, the mage revolved around an after-image of himself, just as that same after-image started to do the same. As the two incarnations joined hands, from the depths of their joint consciousness arose a set of Magic Words attuned to their very essences.
“Cure Up・RaPaPa! Azurite! Radiant・Starlight・Aurorale!”
From the brilliance of the multicolored light in the sky came not a man, nor a mage - but a little bit of both, and something more: a warrior of light. A beacon of hope. A guiding star of change.And his name...was Knightly Astra.
Encountering Nyrr'morha
Another Voidwraith attack unfolds in the Magic Shopping Street, an army of corrupted objects, people, and animals wreaking havoc across the district and endangering the lives of the townsfolk. While there were legions of mages defending their turf on the frontlines, none were as powerful as the rampaging creatures. Well, not until the PreCure and Knightly Astra joined the fray.
While at first, the PreCure - with the help of the mages - were able to outnumber and outsmart the hordes of Voidwraiths (including the Alphas), a mysterious force would soon make itself known. Alongside the distortions within the very fabric of reality came a figure - one who was cloaked in dark matter and wielded a giant staff, which held tremendous amounts of Black Magic. Easily disposing of the brave mages and the surrounding buildings, this malevolent entity mangled the Magic Shopping Street, rifts of dark matter leaking aimlessly across the skies and land. Threatened, but not dissuaded, Astra and the PreCure laid siege on the baleful villain, but to no avail as their ability to distort reality nullified their attacks. Outmatched, outsmarted, and heavily injured, Astra and the PreCure decided that it would be best to retreat. But with the fact that the world around them started to fall apart and contort, they knew that making it out unscathed was dire. And so, Astra resorted to their last known line of defense: the Linkle Stone Azurite's ability to conjure wishes into reality.
And so, channeling the power of the Guiding Star, Astra utters a spell attuned to his very existence.
"I wish upon this Guiding Star, the wish to keep the world at par. Help me cleanse this darkening blight, return the Void, hear our plight!"
Raising the Dawn Star Wand into the sky, a spark of auroral light shot into the distorted void above, erupting to form a forcefield. Cloaking the corrupted world around it, what remained of the Magic Shopping Street slowly pieced themselves together like a puzzle, and the rifts of dark matter were sealed shut. Despite Nyrr'morha's efforts to reverse the wish's effects, the power of the Linkle Stone Azurite forced him back to the singularity from which he came. However, with great peace came greater consequences. While Astra was able to save the Magic World from boundless darkness, the degree of the wish's power used up almost all of his magical energy. Nearly drained of his arcane essences, Astra passed out and de-transformed. After all, repairing reality is no easy feat.
Shining Lights and Beating Hearts
Not long after the fight with Nyrr'morha, Mirai sat on her bedside, where a slumbering Haruki lay. Watching as the mage took soft breaths in his sleep, the world around her seemed to slow down as she lay with herself and her emotions. Memories played like a film inside her mind of the times she spent with Haruki. Of the moments they had together. She monologued, looking back at the moments they shared - from watching him master different spells to the moment he recklessly rushed into battle against their first Alpha Voidwraith and even the battles they fought together afterward, hand in hand. And then came the little things: the way his eyes shone when he finally was able to do a spell properly. His smile, brimming with so much joy. His voice, which blew like soft currents of wind...
Her heartbeat drummed like a marching band in her ears, the rhythm of her emotions reverberating within the depths of her mind and spirit. This was the man she fell in love with - reckless, sometimes impulsive, yet brave and determined. He was imperfect, yes, yet it was these imperfections that made Mirai love him even more.
With a warm smile and wavering infatuation, the witch uttered those three words she had wanted to say for so long:
"I love you, Haruki."
And then came a voice."I love you too, Mirai."
The Final Battle and the Last Goodbye
After a few more confrontations and even more failed attempts at acquiring the Linkle Stone Azurite, Nyrr'morha came to conclude that his Voidwraiths were of no use. He realized that nothing would ever happen lest he do it himself.
And so, stepping out of his lair of anti-matter, Nyrr'morha sought to finish this long battle once and for all. Shrieking Astra's name and raising his arms, he ripped at the seams of reality, corrupting the entirety of the Magic World and shattering it like pieces of glass. Debris and people alike floated amidst the boundless void, and as the PreCure found themselves standing face-to-face with the malevolent entity, they drew out their wands, and the battle ensued.
Wands clashed, and dark matter and wishes collided, simultaneously repairing and breaking the very fabric of time and space. But unlike their past encounters, Astra, Miracle, Magical, and Felice were prepared, their will to fight fueled by the love and hope within their hearts. By the Guiding Star that bound them together.
Nyrr'morha was bewildered - how were the PreCure standing on their own? In a fit of confused anger, he summoned a horde of Voidwraiths, led by multiple Alphas. But somehow - in some way - they were defeating them faster than they ever did before.
Nyrr'morha questioned reality even more - how are the PreCure doing this?! A horde of thousands, reduced to nothing within a matter of a few seconds; heck, it may have only been a fraction of a second! Keep in mind: they barely were able to defeat their first Voidwraith!
And before the villain could even fully process things, four shining lights arose from the boundless darkness. Pointing their wands together, Astra, Miracle, Magical, and Felice unleashed blinding, multicolored bolts of energy, coalescing at the center to form a massive beam of light. Dumbfounded, and even more wrathful, Nyrr'morha intercepted the multicolored ray with his own - which was made of dark matter. Energy erupted where the two energies met like a powerful hypernova, causing ripples across the distorted space itself. Nyrr'morha was thrown aback, the dark matter cloaking his very being beginning to melt. And as he raised his head and subjected them under his glare, like a bolt, realization struck Astra and the PreCure, causing them to collectively gasp.
With locks of sky-blue hair and grey, monolid eyes, he who went by the name Nyrr'morha glared at the PreCure with immense fury - but his eyes were drawn to someone else. Someone who shared these same features. Someone whose despair led him down the path he now walked: Astra.
All this time, his greatest enemy...was himself.
Astra was bewildered. All the Voidwraiths they fought, all the conflict they endured...was caused by himself? At first, he was confused - did the enemy choose to copy his likeness to distract him? But then came a realization: he wanted the Linkle Stone Azurite because it grants wishes - no, conjures them - into reality. Because with it, he could see into the future. Because he wanted change.
Nyrr'morha was none other than a personification of the despair he once felt - the feeling of being so lost in life that he was helpless. As he once thought he always was. As he once thought he would always be.
He could've berated his evil alternate - let his rage consume him, and retaliate for all the times he's hurt Mirai. Hurt Riko. Hurt Kotoha. Hurt himself. Harmed thousands. But no - he smiled warmly, empathy radiating from the fabric of his very being. And as his wand's magical energies formed the shape of a greatsword, he uttered, just as the complex, yet heartfelt emotions leaked from his voice:
"I understand."
As magical blades clashed, Nyrr'morha taunted Astra, belittling him for the puny person he was - that without the PreCure, without the Linkle Stone...he was nothing. Without a purpose. Lost. Useless. But he forgot the reason Astra was here now, the reason why he now fights.
He was clouded by darkness...no more.
The little moments he had with Mirai, Riko, Kotoha, and Mofurun...changed him. From their little conversations to the big fights, Astra started realizing that even in the mundanity and chaos of life...hope still existed. These dreams were an adventure to find himself - to find a reason to keep going - and while it took him long to find these answers, he eventually did...because he worked hard to search for them. He realized that the future - his future - was worth fighting for.
As the argent light of the Guiding Star emerged from the Linkle Stone Azurite and cloaked his very being, Astra raised his sword, and - with a mighty, triumphant roar - he swished his blade, an outburst of blinding radiance erupting from the point of impact.
At first, there was a snap - the sound of a wand breaking. And then...there was a deafening silence as the weight of what had transpired moments prior began to take root in reality.
Nyrr'morha's weapon was no more, cleaved in half by celestial light.
Miracle, Magical, and Felice watched in collective awe, basking in the power that brimmed within Astra. This was a power they were responsible for - and a power that they helped blossom into what it is now.
This was the true power of the Guiding Star.
Awestruck at the powerful feat, Miracle's purple eyes twinkled like starlight, and everything slowed to a crawl. This was the same man whose voice was soft as wind; whose eyes were as grey as the storm that once raged in his heart. This was the same man who was lost in the flow of life. And now...he was reformed by hope.
But it wasn't the end quite yet.
As the wand broke, with it came Nyrr'morha's absolute control over dark matter and the Boundless Void. In the blinding burst of light from Astra's finishing blow, reality warped back into place - back into how it all was before the fight. But with one exception: a floating orb of darkness, high up in the heavens above.
Within this floating orb was Astra and his alter ego, the latter knelt in bewildered defeat.
Nyrr'morha questioned everything - why wouldn't he just finish the job and kill him? Why did the Linkle Stone go to him? The villain writhed in the despair of reality - his wand was broken. He was powerless. Defeated. Lost. Useless.
And so, he tried once more to berate Astra - albeit futile.
The man just smiled.
Kneeling to match Nyrr'morha's view, Astra laid a palm on his shoulder.
"There is still a way. A future...for you. For me. For the both of us. You wanted this Linkle Stone because you wanted things to change. And believe me when I say that I understand. After all, who are we but two halves of the same coin?
"You didn't see a future in that small flower shop - yet you couldn't even find one in the first place. This Linkle Stone...gave us both a purpose. I, as a Pretty Cure, and you, as my pursuer. But now...I don't quite think I need it anymore. I know what I want to be now - a doctor; someone who helps others in their little ways, even just by existing.
"Even if this means I don't get to travel this wondrous world anymore, I will not let this stop me from pursuing my dreams. After all, hope is born from the mind of a dreamer, am I right?
"Now come on - let's carve a future for ourselves...while there still is time."
And so, the two entities merged into one - darkness and light, yin and yang. After so long...there finally was balance.
Just like that, the dark orb in the sky cracked like an egg and Haruki floated down, back to his allies - the heroes he was lucky to call his friends.
For a moment, there was victory and smiles. But as the man with two lives blinked, he saw a golden light, shining down on him in the shape of a window. There wasn't much time left for him. Mirai noticed something with Haruki at that very moment - he was fading away, outlined by an argent light that dissolved into tiny particles, which floated to the heavens above - where that window-shaped starlight was. While saddened by this truth, Haruki smiled, offering that they all take a walk together one last time. Holding back tears and masking their sadness with warm smiles, the three witches happily agreed to join him. And off they went, on one last stroll across the Magic Shopping Street.
Roaming peacefully through the district's walled streets, the four heroes reminisced - looked back at all the big and little moments that ultimately led them here. Those of the greatest joys, of the deepest sadness, of the harshest conflict, and they laughed through all of it.
But time...was not so merciful. Soon enough, the chirping of birds and the sounds of the city rang in Haruki's ears. Reality seemed to be merging in his vision; he'd see images of his room, and then of the Magic Shopping Street. Mirai, Riko, and Kotoha were but translucent figures in his vision at this point. It was almost time to go.
Tears that they had tried to hold back burst into rivers as the reality of the situation started sinking in. Riko was sad to see a good friend go; Kotoha was downcast that the person she called her "big brother" was no longer here to stay; and Mirai was devastatingly heartbroken to be separated from the man she held closest to her heart. They did not want it to be so, but alas, fate had other plans.
One last time, Mirai's lips met those of Haruki's - a final goodbye to an important person in her life, and in her friends' lives. Her arms wrapped themselves longingly around his waist, not letting go of Haruki. For a moment, the sky-haired man kept his eyes open, sharing his gaze with the three witches. And, with a deep breath, he accepted Mirai's kiss, and with it, the end of a long journey. The sound of his alarm clock rang, deafeningly so, prompting the man to awaken with a tired groan. His eyes fluttered open, met by the sunlight radiating from his window. He sat up and looked around - he was back where everything began: his room. For a moment, he was confused, thinking back on the memories he had in a world of magic amidst the company of friends and a lover. He felt as if he had been taken away from the most pleasant dream he ever had in his life. Yet, he knew deep down it wasn't that: the man with two lives had lost a connection.
A year later, Haruki had managed to get back to the rhythm of a regular life, as mundane as it was. He had found his calling in being a doctor, pursuing the field of Medicine at the state university. He was satisfied with the direction of his life. But even if he had found a place in the real world, he never forgot the magical world; never forgot the adventures he had shared with four important people. And truly did he miss them, but what can he do apart from missing them?
But one fateful night, the stars would align themselves once more.
Watching a meteor shower race across the midnight sky, Haruki would be reminded of the night he wished upon a star. The night when his voice would reach another world.
Reminded of the woman he loved, her sapient teddy bear, the school headmaster, and the pink-haired deity, Haruki clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, chanting the very spell attuned to his very essence:
"I wish upon this Guiding Star, the wish to reach a world so far. To see the ones I hold so dear, to once again hold them near...
"To live my days with the woman I love, be with the friend who made me soar above, to chaperone the deity who was heaven-sent, to play with the bear of sweet scents..."
Tears welled up in the corner of his eyes and fell in streams that ran down his cheeks. Nevertheless, he continued the incantation, even as his voice quivered in longing.
"So please, please...hear my heartfelt plea...! Please, please, please...bring me where my heart longs to be!"
And as if the heavens itself answered his call, an azure light traveled across the sky, slowly growing brighter. And in a quick flash, all Haruki could see was white. For a moment, he felt like he was floating...and then gravity set in - he was falling.
descending from the clouds, he found himself in a sunny, afternoon sky. His eyes widened in awe - he recognized this sky. He shifted his figure to look below; he saw a hexagon drawn across the earth. He was back in the World of Magic - he was back home.
But as his mind was processing what had been transpiring, he felt a hand - a familiar warmth. And from it came a voice he knew all too well.
"Easy now - you might've used up a little too much magic!"
A woman with blonde, short curled hair remarked jokingly, chuckling joyously as she did so.
The sky-haired man's mouth widened to form an overjoyed grin, his cheeks turning rosy at the sight of that familiar person.
"Mirai!" And so, the man reclaimed the life he once lost, free to transcend between the two realities. And for the rest of his days, it would remain so.
Hoo-kay! Quite the long read, wasn't it? Don't tell me I didn't warn ya, ahaha! I am so, so proud of how Haruki's/Astra's lore and render turned out. To have shared his story - albeit heavily summarized - with you, the reader, means A LOT to me, and I hope you enjoyed it all throughout! Now, time for the surprise announcements:
Surprise #1: Haruki has a page!
Yep, you heard me right - I made a wiki page containing everything listed here as well as some more tidbits of information, lore, and trivia! If you're interested in learning more about him, click this link here: https://fanmade-precure-series.fandom.com/wiki/Hoshimachi_Haruki
Surprise #2: I'm writing a Maho Pri fanfic!!!!!
MHM! I have decided to not only bring Haruki to life with his own little page, but with a narrative fanfic of his season - Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure! Starlight of Wishes! Episode 1 is currently released for everyone to view - with the second episode currently in production! As such, you may click this link if you wanna give it a read: https://fanmade-precure-series.fandom.com/wiki/Mahou_Tsukai_Pretty_Cure!_Starlight_of_Wishes
Once again, thank you so much for reading!!!! Sincerely, ~ Sap
Procuretember Event by @pro-curetember
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sapling-hoshii · 13 days
Pro-Curetember Day 9: A Crossover with PreCure!
Since day 9 is all about crossovers with PreCure, I saw the opportunity to share some crossover art I made, which is yet another Monster Hunter crossover!
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This first art piece depicts Cure Prism from Hirogaru Sky, but not clad in her usual white, pink, and blue-colored dress; now taking the form of pieces of thick leather clad with a steel breastplate, elbow-pads, knee-pads, and skirt adorned with pink, spiky scales, Cure Prism emerges in the form of a brave Huntress - or should I say: Rider (from the Monster Hunter Stories spin-offs) - with a glowing Kinship Stone held in place by smaller, leather belts on her left hand that mimics the design and shape of her Sky Mirage. Her design was based on the Blossom Wyvern, Pink Rathian (as seen below) - a Subspecies of the verdant colored Rathian, which is a species of female Flying Wyverns dubbed the "Queens of the Land". These mighty creatures are known best for three things: first is their ability to sprint and pursue prey for long distances; due to the weight of the Poison Sac in their body, the Rathian species are not known to fly often. They do, however, make up for this with powerful hindlegs, which allow them to pursue prey on foot with relative ease. Next is their notable flame breath; refined to even greater degrees than their green counterparts, Pink Rathians can unleash sweltering bursts of fire from their mouth in the form of huge fireballs or wide-sweeping flamethrowers. Lastly, Pink Rathians are also known for their barbed tails and shoulders, which contain a potent venom that can weather away at the health of their assailants if they are careless enough to face the brunt of the Blossom Wyvern's deadly tail-whips and spinning somersaults. [ Render by CAPCOM. ]
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Moving on, the second piece depicts Cure Dream from Yes! 5/Yes! 5 GoGo, clad in golden pieces of armor with ornate, magenta-colored patterns and light purple accents, sprouting translucent butterfly wings from behind her - which fade into a light turquoise from a baby-pink color.
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Furthermore - her Crystal Fleuret has changed, now depicting a golden Rapier with brown thorns wrapping around it in an upward spiral, ending right before the forked tip of the weapon. For those unfamiliar with the Monster Hunter franchise, Cure Dream's design is heavily based on the Pavilion Mantis - Ahtal-Ka. [ Render by CAPCOM. ]
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Ahtal-Ka is a species of Neopteron (the classification of all Invertebrate/Insectoid animals in Monster Hunter) that closely resembles a Praying Mantis in physique, with a golden exoskeleton and ornate patterns that resemble classical Egyptian Pharaohs in design and hues. It is known for its incredible intelligence, utilizing the strong, golden silk from its abdomen and weaving it to latch on to large objects, such as: - Destroyed chunks of castle walls - Actual pieces of ruined kingdoms - Ancient weaponry and rusty artillery - A giant, double-crossed wheel, and; - Giant metallic scraps from destroyed fortresses. Now, the question is: how is it so intelligent? Well, here comes the awesome part: Remember the weapons, the giant wheel, and the fortress scraps it takes from the ground? Yeah - what if I told you it uses these to create and pilot its own giant Gundam by weaving the parts together with its silk? Behold: Ahtal-Neset. [ Render by CAPCOM. ]
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So, uh, yeah! That concludes my entry for ProCuretember Day 9! Thanks for sitting through yet another yapping session if you've read this far into the article lol ~ Sap NOTE: Stay tuned for Friday the 13th - I've prepared something extra special. You don't wanna miss it!!!!
Procuretember Event by @pro-curetember
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sapling-hoshii · 15 days
Pro-Curetember Day 7: PreCure Doing Your Favorite Activity!
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Since day 7's prompt is "PreCure doing your favorite activity", I decided to do a quick sketch of Asahina Mirai doing my favorite past-time, other than creating wiki pages in FanonMonsterHunter and drawing: playing Monster Hunter! The image depicts a chibi-fied version of 19-year-old Mirai playing Monster Hunter Generations on the Nintendo 3DS, where her character and Mofurun (wait, how did Moffy get in there?!?) are in the middle of an Egg Delivery Quest. Unfortunately for them, that meant wandering into a Monster's nest to steal the egg. And to make matters worse: the nest they walked into was under the protection of the Primeval Predator: Tigrex - a species of Flying Wyvern known by many a Hunter alike for its brute, physical power and earth-shaking roars. As the artwork depicts, the Primeval Predator didn't like visitors in its domain - and it was very, very angry that Mirai stole one of its eggs. If things weren't as chaotic as they were for the poor Mirai, getting the egg broken in any way, shape, or form (getting attacked by any Monster, jumping from high altitudes, etc.) would force her to restart the quest.
But oh well, I guess. While this is an incredibly out-of-pocket thing to do in the eyes of an outsider, it is but a normal day in the life of a Hunter.
Hope you enjoyed the artwork and my little yap session lol ~ Sap
Procuretember Event by @pro-curetember
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sapling-hoshii · 1 month
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sapling-hoshii · 2 months
if Satoru had a YouTube channel
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original image:
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sapling-hoshii · 2 months
PROFIC PARTY WEEK 2! DAY 14: Free day! Make whatever your heart desires!
Topic: Meme Headcanon! (A non-serious headcanon that you jokingly hold, but do not seriously hold)
A while ago when we used to play Genshin (before no longer havin' enough computer space), we found it easier to play in Co-Op, and joined a friend for one of the Co-Op available quests! Said quest took us to the Sumeru desert pyramids and there was a lot of heading up and down all over the place.
As a Yae Miko main, we had Yae Miko in the first party slot, and she hopped into the elevator along with the friends' first party slot. At which point, that friend needed to be teleported to a cutscene, so said friend disappeared, and the game's solution to the accidental trapping in Co-Op was to have Yae Miko drop to 0HP in the elevator and instantly die, returning to the Statue of the Seven... so we have a Silly Meme Headcanon of that specific Yae Miko having Elevatophobia.
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Thanks to that I made a silly octagonal meme headcanon moodboard of Elevatophobia Yae! Today was allowed to be anything, and my anything was to be SILLY and RIDICULOUS, cuz everyone needs a bit of silly and ridiculous in their life.
Sources: - Central Yae Miko image from Gamerant - Top and Right Elevator images from MyAdapta - "Elevatophobia - Fear of Elevators" image from Fearaz - Lemony Snicket quote from Dailyinkling - Sakura tree from Wonderopolis - Hating elevators quote from Minimalistquotes - Yae Miko in-game elevator screenshots helpfully provided by @luesmainblog
This was the last day on the list, so feel free to look back throughout the past pieces made for this event! It's been real fun!
Profic Party concept by @profiction-edits
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sapling-hoshii · 2 months
THE G.O.A.T.S!!!
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Witchy Pretty Cure! - Character Design Pages
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sapling-hoshii · 2 months
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Pokémon x Precure; Teddiursa Mofurun 🧸💫💜💕
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sapling-hoshii · 2 months
I love this artwork so much 😍
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Cure Up Rapapa! 🪄 Mahou Tsukai Precure, Pokémon Style 💜💕💫
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sapling-hoshii · 2 months
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Sapling's Creator Diary #1: Dive Into Naiadeus!
Hi, this is Sap from FanonMonsterHunter! Kicking things off with my first Creator Diary entry, I want to cover my favorite FanonMH Elder Dragon OC, Naiadeus - the Chorus of Calamity!
Before I give you, the reader, a peek into the creation of Naiadeus, let's learn more about this gigantic Elder Dragon, its abilities, and its role in the story of my Monster Hunter Stories fan project.
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What is Naiadeus?
Naiadeus is the final boss and the main antagonistic force of my fan project's "Expansion DLC" of sorts, which is entitled Chorus of Calamity. It is a gigantic Elder Dragon, around the size of Zorah Magdaros, which lives in temperate, oceanic habitats. Filling a similar niche to our world's baleen whales, these massive Elder Dragons feast on vast quantities of zooplankton via filter-feeding. While usually docile, these marine giants experience drastic behavioral changes every 100 years--their mating season. This is where Naiadeus become massive ecological threats; their ear-splitting roars, howls, and calls are known to destroy and cleave islands and even countries. One such instance of this dangerous behavior can be found deep within the Guild's records, wherein a mating Naiadeus pair's calls split the country of Nievella in half, with the latter chunk breaking into smaller islands and forming into the archipelagic region known in the present day as the Shattered Lands. These roars also emit certain sound frequencies, which only Monsters could hear. Any creature unfortunate enough to hear Naiadeus' terrifying calls is driven into a rabid frenzy, which may threaten local settlements and wildlife. If the threat of landmasses getting destroyed and berserk wildlife wasn't enough: Naiadeus also releases ashen particles containing the Dragon element through these roars to regulate the draconic energies flowing through its body. This substance's incredible solubility combined with its high concentrations of the Dragon element causes the particles to dissolve into vapors and clouds and cause air pollution, which may threaten entire ecosystems within the affected area!
Whew...I went on for a while, haha! But that should be everything you need to know about this titanic Elder Dragon! If you want to learn more, you can click on this hyperlinked text, which should lead you to its wiki page. Now - it's time for the part you've been (probably) waiting for: how I created Naiadeus.
Behind the Scenes: Naiadeus' Creation
Believe it or not - Naiadeus' concept started from an old, at-the-time scrapped idea of an Elder Dragon pair similar to Wind Serpent Ibushi and Thunder Serpent Narwa. The male and female individuals would sing as they soared through the air in search of each other, but it is due to these songs that the many creatures who roam the earth are driven mad. The male Elder Dragon would scorch the land, while the female would freeze it. Early on, it was evident that I wanted to create an Elder Dragon based on Sirens from Greek/Roman Mythology, even down to its songs' ability to drive Monsters berserk. There were two reasons why I scrapped this concept: 1.) I simply didn't vibe with it. The concept felt a little bit too much like Ibushi and Narwa in my opinion, and; 2.) Whatever the heck this concept artwork was.
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Looking back at it - I didn't know what I was thinking. It was an atrocious mess of a design and this really hammered the nail in the coffin for this concept for me.
But then I binge-watched the second How to Train Your Dragon movie one night...and suddenly, everything started clicking. Across the length of that movie, Drago's Bewilderbeast made itself known as a menacing force, manipulating the minds of any Dragon - including Toothless himself, might I add - and forcing them to bend to its will. By the movie's climax, it had a whole army of Dragons...and that, quite frankly, enamored me. Suddenly, ideas flooded my mind of what I wanted this Elder Dragon to be: an ancient whale - a cephalopod, perhaps? No - what if it was some sort of turtle, like Zorah Magdaros? But I eventually settled on one...Dire Miralis. I wanted this to be a relative of Dire Miralis. The Monster Hunter Stories franchise has never had a final boss based on marine creatures, so I thought taking the opportunity to write my own final boss themed around the ocean for Chorus of Calamity sounded like a fun idea. Plus - I had never written a fanmade aquatic Monster prior, so doing this would allow me to learn about making marine creatures. It's a win-win if ya ask me! Before making Naiadeus' first designs, I had a conversation with a few friends over Discord, who were also FanonMonsterHunter Wiki content creators like me. I brought up my idea for Naiadeus - who didn't have a name at the time - and how I wanted it to be a sound-based Dire Miralis relative. One of my friends suggested that the vents on this Miralis-like Elder Dragon's body could act as loudspeakers or amplifiers. When I heard that, I was in love with the idea. This is what eventually led to the conceptualization of Naiadeus' utterly terrifying ability to destroy entire countries with its voice. Meanwhile, my scrapped Elder Dragon duo's ability to drive Monsters berserk with their voice was used. It was pretty much the only thing from that scrapped concept that I used in the end, as I've been wanting to make a fanmade Monster based on Sirens for a while at this point. Early designs (which I, unfortunately, have thrown into the trash) were quite heavy on the Dire Miralis inspiration, taking on more draconic designs while being light on the aquatic animal features. Was not a fan of 'em. They felt like a Dire Miralis with some features from Blue Whales if anything - and I did not want that. I wanted this to be a completely original-looking Elder Dragon. Alas, it was back to the drawing board for me. This time, I decided to completely ditch the Dire Miralis body type and instead opt for something similar to Leviathans like Lagiacrus. Learning from my past mistakes, I decided to ditch the Blue Whale motifs from a design standpoint, and instead leave it as my main basis for its ecology and abilities. Now, what other marine animals do I know that can be used as inspiration...? Saltwater Crocodiles sound cool, but there are people in the FanonMonsterHunter Wiki who tried their hand at that. Also, Lagiacrus exists (despite being a Leviathan and not an Elder Dragon). Ceadeus...definitely. It was fought underwater, and it looks like a genuine "sea monster". I could definitely learn a thing or three from it! But...I wanted something more. I wanted this to be an Elder Dragon. An Elder Dragon... ...Dragons... ...Sea Dragons! Aha! I finally knew what I wanted - and it was to make Naiadeus a BIIIIIIIIIG Leafy Sea Dragon! With motivation and steadfast determination empowering my mind, body, and spirit, I used as many images of Leafy Sea Dragons as I could get my hands on, using their wavy body shape and - more importantly - those leafy spines and colorful hues as my main inspirations. ...And around a quarter of an hour later - I did it. The first completed concept design of Naiadeus.
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It was beautiful. ...Until I started to dislike the design the more I looked at it. I unintentionally made it feel more crocodilian than I wanted it to be. WHOOPS. Drained of energy from all that drawing, I called it a day and hit the bunk, the thought of coming so close to a final design - and soon, its final ecology - lingering at the back of my mind. I cannot stop now. I mustn't. I'm so close to finally creating a full, complete design. And so, the next day, I got up, made myself some breakfast, blasted the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 OST in my ears...and got to work. As I drove the tip of my pencil across the paper, only one thought lingered in my mind: if I wanted this to be a sea monster, I must embrace its aquatic heritage. Going for the squiggly, zig-zaggy bodily shape of Leafy Sea Dragons, combining it with the webbed limbs of crocodilians, and the tail of a shark...I made sure every stroke counted... ...And they sure as hell did.
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And with that, my first Creator Diary concludes! If you've read up to this point, I just want to give you a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE "thank you" for reading this blog! I hope you look forward to more. This has been Sap - signing out.
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sapling-hoshii · 3 months
Introductory Post
Hi, the name's Sap - also referred to as Sproutstar by @theprecuresystem's Hijiri Ageha.
I am the creator of "Monster Hunter Stories 3: Petals of Pandemonium", a fun little project of mine in the FanonMonsterHunter Wiki! Give it a look-see here: https://fanonmonsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/FanGame:Monster_Hunter_Stories_3:_Petals_of_Pandemonium
Aside from being an avid fan of all things Monster Hunter, I recently got into the Pretty Cure franchise! I am currently watching Mahou Tsukai and Wonderful PreCure. Asahina Mirai is a friend-shaped googa boogus and nobody can tell me otherwise.
With all that out the way - this blog serves mainly as an art dump containing different artworks from my fan project in the FanonMonsterHunter Wiki. I may post some "Dev Diary" style content from time to time, wherein I'll share updates regarding my MHST3 project.
Once again, my name's Sap and I hope you look forward to my upcoming blog posts!
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