
Saoirse Ronan
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“Some people aren’t built happy, you know.”
Lady Bird (2017) dir. Greta Gerwig
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Candice: Hey gorgeous. I miss your face.
Candice: I just wanted to pop in and see what's new in your life? How are you? Are you drinking enough water?
Saoirse: hi pretty. i miss yours more.
Saoirse: i'm okay. feeling a bit off lately, but it'll pass just like everything else. how are you? how's piper?
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I’ve been pretty good! I was sort of a bit tipsy throughout the rest of the trip but I mean, how else does one celebrate while being on vacation? You know, I was a bit hungover when I first woke up but I made a remedy smoothie my mom taught me and I was all good by the time i landed. I managed to fit in one hike! The morning before we all left I was able to get one in. It was a beautiful sight and I could’ve easily stayed on the trail all day if I could. It was such a cute town, I’ll have to go again. How was the whole trip for you?
Especially when you’re in Greece. All the extra fun and unique cocktails that they had there? It was hard not to have two or three or five. Oh yeah? What’s in this remedy smoothie, if I can know. I’m asking for the good of all people, most importantly myself. I’ve suffered through some pretty rough hangovers, I could use some pointers on how to make them even a fraction easier to deal with. Well hey! I’m glad you got the one in at least. That’s all I really had the energy to do myself as well. I guess I’m not much of a hiking type. It was great! It was my first time there, so I went total tourist. I have no shame and about one-thousand pictures on my phone that I need to eventually sort through and delete.
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timothée & saoirse
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Saoirse: Hi, my love. I know you're working hard, and I miss you like crazy. Very very excited for our anniversary, as well. Can you believe it's been one year already?
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✉️ → vanessa
V: It is! And it's all natural! Aww you're welcome. Yup! That Noteboook. We presented a musical version of it. Man I used to love the Little Women books, so I'm excited for it. I get it. Like this is my down time for a couple of weeks before going back into the craziness.
S: But you just buy it, right? Or are you making it yourself? If so, send some my way next time you have a chance to. A musical version of The Notebook?! Honestly, never something I knew that I needed until this very moment. How exciting!! We’re so excited for it to come out. Hopefully it lives up to the hype. Yeah, you gotta get in as much relaxation as possible while you can. Schedule as many vacations as you can handle while things are a bit slower.
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✉️ → vanessa
V: I would legit be the most miserable person on earth. Oh valerian works wonders! Just a couple of drops and you can feel yourself relax. Well LA is mostly my base. I've been in NYC going to auditions before the trip and doing a reading of the Notebook, so now I guess it's the down time (while doing a million other things) that comes after that. Waiting to hear back and all that. How about you?
S: I'd actually never heard of it, but it sounds like it's pretty helpful. You're like my travel guru, thank you. The Notebook? As in the movie with Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling, or are you reading the actual book? Well, I was busy with some Little Women things, and now I'm just hanging out in my apartment with my pup until press starts up. Doing some work from home and all that in the meantime, there's always some scripts that need to be read. It's best to enjoy the summer while it's here and try not to overwhelm anyone with /too/ much work.
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✉️ → vanessa
V: Oh god. Nooo! I feel so bad for you! I would go crazy if I couldn't sleep! I mean I've been staying in NYC for over a month so I thought I'd gather some sunshine before heading back haha. Weeeell it's not THAT hot, but it's hot. Get yourself some valerian, some comfy pillows and a sleep mask and you're all set
S: Thankfully, at this point I've managed to catch up. Could you imagine if your jet lag actually lasted this long? For the next time though, I'll definitely keep it in mind. With all the traveling we all do, I'll definitely need it. What's up in LA? Are you just out there for some fun or work?
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Ansel: I'm just glad you guys got back in one piece. The city can be terrifying for an Irish girl and a Frenchie at that time of night. Thank you. You believe in me too much.
Saoirse: We got back in one piece, don't you worry. If anyone decided to fuck with us, I would have gone into full attack mode. Not too much. I know how incredible you are and how much talent you have. I'm so excited for you.
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✉️ → vanessa
V: Weirdly enough I only had a little bit of jet lag on Monday but I slept it off and I was good! Maybe it's because instead of going to NYC I went to LA where it's sunny and hot as well and the change wasn't too much on my body or something! You should sleep it off girl!
S: I tried to sleep on the plane but I just couldn't. I might've gotten like five minutes of sleep throughout that entire flight, it was awful. Ooh, yeah. It's super muggy out here in New York. I'd offer to switch with you, but I'm sure it's pretty hot out there too, right? I'm gonna try!! I've got a few days off and I'll be damned if I don't spend at least one of them sleeping.
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Ansel: You went out for a walk this late at night? How's she doing? I miss you guys too. Things are good out here. I've just been trying to focus on this role. I want to get it right.
Saoirse: Well, it was like an hour ago. We had a few minutes of girl time before we actually got into bed. Yeah? Good. I'm glad to hear it. Don't stress too much, babe. You've got this and you're going to be great at it and I can't wait to see my man doing what he does best.
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Saoirse: Baby and I couldn't sleep so we went for a long walk and just got settled into bed. We miss you. How's everything out there?
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Saoirse on Jack’s instagram visiting a lighthouse
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saoirse ronan as christine “lady bird” mcpherson in lady bird
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I can not believe that a year ago today I was in London at the Mamma Mia Here We Go Again premiere. It doesn’t seem that long ago. So much has happened in that time. Good and bad. Anyway…how is everyone?
That movie was the movie of the summer though, let me tell you. We’ve had a lot of really great blockbusters come out this year, but when I tell you I saw Mamma Mia five times in theatres I am absolutely not exaggerating. What’s happening? Your life already seems more interesting than mine. Mine just feels like work and more work in between taking care of a dog.
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✉️ → vanessa
Saoirse: please tell me you're just as jet lagged as i am? i haven't had a good nights sleep since landing back in new york. i loved everything about greece, but this time change has done awful things to me.
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