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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Who is Goddess Chinnamasta?
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Chinnamasta is the Hindu Goddess of transformation. She is the sixth of the Dasa Mahavidya, the wisdom Goddesses, and is also known as Chhinnamastika or Prachanda Chandika. 
She is depicted holding her own head, which she has just cut off. She is known as the self-decapitated Goddess and also as Prachanda Chandika. She is a form of Shakti with ferocious power. Chinnamasta actually means, “Severed head”, and in Hindu dharma, she is often correlated with fearsome nature.
Buddhists believe she is closely related to Chinnamunda, the severe-headed form of Vajrayogini, the Tibetan Buddhist goddess.
Her birth anniversary is celebrated as Chhinamastika Jayanti. This falls on the Chaturdashi during the Shukla Paksh in the month of Viashkha. The self-decapitating Goddess is one of the important and worshipped Shaktipat Goddesses. Chinnamasta symbolises both life-giver and life-taker. Chinnamasta is considered both as a symbol of self-control on sexual desire as well as an embodiment of sexual energy, depending upon interpretation.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
What are the three types of temples in India?
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Shilpa Shastras and Vastu Sastras both provide descriptions of the architectural principles used in Indian temples. In order to depict the Hindu way of life, the architects of the temples have occasionally used other ideal geometries and mathematical concepts, which shows how much artistic freedom the culture has permitted its temple builders to employ. In India, temples fall into three different architectural types. These are Dravidian (Southern), Nagara (Northern) and Vesara (mixed). 
The Nagara style was regionally created in Northern India and is connected with the region between the Himalayas and the Vindhya Mountains. The construction is made up of two buildings in this design: the main shrine, which is taller, and a nearby, shorter mandapa.
The shikhara's form is the main distinction between these two structures. A bell-shaped building is erected to the main temple Between the 9th and 12th centuries AD, during the Chola Empire, the Dravida style gained popularity in the South. It is particularly evident in the area between the Krishna and Kaveri rivers. The key feature of the architecture of Dravida temples is that these temples have more than 4 sides in the sanctum. A temple built in the Dravida style always has an ambulatory hall. This architectural style makes extensive use of pillars and pilasters. The early mediaeval period saw the emergence of the Vesara style in the area between the Krishna River and Vindhyas. The Vesara style, with local variations, has been employed in numerous temples in Central India and Deccan. It is a blend of the Dravida and Nagara styles of temple construction. 
To know more, click here.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Mystery of the Stambheshwar Mahadev Temple
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Gujarat's Kavi Kamboi town is home to the Stambheshwar Mahadev Temple. This historic Shiva temple is nestled between the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Cambay. It is a 150-year-old Shiva temple that is well-known for its disappearance mysteries. If you judge the temple by its architecture, there isn't much remarkable about it, but this location is nevertheless a very unique must-visit temple of India. The temple's unique feature is that during high tide, it completely submerges into the sea, and when the tides begin to fall, it begins to surface from the water once more. Devotees can watch as the Shiva lingam which is 4 feet tall is unveiled inch by inch. People from all over the country come here solely to watch this wonderful sight as it submerges and re-emerges every day.
According to legend, Lord Kartikeya, the son of Lord Shiva, himself installed this Shiva lingam. There is a legend behind this that says that Lord Kartikeya felt humiliated and guilty after killing a demon by the name of Tarakasura who, on one hand was wreaking havoc but on the other hand was also a great devotee of his father Shiva. On seeing Kartikeya's condition and realising that he wanted to repent, Lord Vishnu advised him to install a Shiva Linga and pray to it for forgiveness. As the legend goes, this is the Shiva Linga that Lord Kartikeya installed.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Whisky Temple/ Kaal Bhairav Temple
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Present in Ujjain city, in Madhya Pradesh there is a mysterious yet interesting temple dedicated to Kaal Bhairav. In this temple devotees carry liquor in the form of whiskey or rum which is given as the main offering to Kaal Bhairav’s idol. 
Kaal Bhairav is a manifestation of Lord Shiva. He is the chief among the eight Bhairavas and is known to be the most fierce of all the other manifestations. This manifestation of Shiva is known to be worshipped by the Tantric cult. There is a myth that states that Bhairav is capable of accepting food that is not appropriate for a good Hindu. Outside the temple, you may find sellers selling "puja" baskets for Rs 40 each. Coconuts, flowers, and a 140 ml bottle of local whiskey, which is typically provided by the state government, are all included in a basket. In a few minutes, the deity "drinks" a quarter bottle of alcohol.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
What is “cosmic centre” of the house?
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Brahmasthan, The "heart of the house" also acts as the cosmic centre of a house. It is the primary power location in the house where the energy is at its peak. This is also the distribution point from which energy radiates to all the directions in the house and is also known as the Vaastu centre of the house. The centre is where many people meditate in order to connect with the cosmos, making it a calm and peaceful area. From the centre, energy radiates forth in all directions, influencing the energy of each of the eight directions. Every artificial environment is a miniature universe bound to the cosmic universe. The life energy travels from the centre of the building to space and back. Thus, this area needs to be kept clear of any obstacles. Your navel is physically related to the centre of the house. Numerous health-related difficulties (weight gain, constipation, etc.) as well as difficulties related to money are related to the core of the house.  If a pillar, bathroom, or kitchen is in the middle of the room, the person who lives there is likely to struggle greatly. If the kitchen, stairs, or bathroom block the centre of the house, it is not a good situation for the people living in the house. When a house's centre is gone from the layout, the owner and his or her family are in for a lot of difficulty.
Click here, to know more.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Know the best colours to bring in peace!
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According to science, viewing colours can help you unwind. Colours greatly influence our psychological, emotional, and even physical well-being. For instance, red hues often cause your stress response to be triggered, which increases your level of anxiety, whereas lighter hues soothe you. To bring peace into one’s house it is always recommended to have lighter colours as opposed to bright and deep colours. Different colours have different effects on the human psyche and it is important to keep this in mind while selecting colours for your home. Blue has a great deal of power to control stress since it is calming, peaceful, and soothing. It is a highly calming colour that lowers blood pressure, slows heart rate, eases worry, and calms the mind. The colour blue is thought to offer cooling and astringent properties. On the other hand, white represents simplicity and newness. In times of stress, it is the ideal colour to surround yourself with in order to gain mental clarity. Additionally, grey is also a great colour to bring in peace at home. Thus, shades of blue, white and grey and their combinations are great to bring in peace at home. They can really help the mind to feel at ease and also help in calming our senses.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
How does travel help to fulfill oneself?
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Travel can end up being one of the best things to do for most people. It’s all about seeing what works for oneself, and then just going forward from there. First and foremost, travelling can provide for a massive boost of happiness and rather than drain one of energy, it can actually infuse the traveler with energy.
Second, the new experiences that one is sure to come across while travelling build character, and those experiences in themselves are new, making them an adventure. Travelling to a new country, or even to a new state, is an experience in itself. But the new culture and completely different backdrop of the place might take getting used to, and it is that challenge that makes travelling worth considering.
Third, by travelling and thus opening oneself up to new experiences, one learns to become a little tougher in terms of mental and emotional strength. When one faces problems in a foreign place with new individuals, one is forced to learn and adjust to a situation that is outside of their normal routine. This increases one's adaptability, patience, and emotional fortitude.
It is therefore that travel aids people in finding a different part of themselves, a part that was hidden away under the regular routine of their lives. Travel can even unlock parts of people that they didn’t know existed, but that first requires the tiniest bit of trust in one’s own capabilities. That’s the tough part, to gather the confidence to travel solo, or even with someone else. But doing so opens oneself up to a variety of paths.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Can numerology make sure that my child has a healthy life?
The numbers regarding our birth have a significant impact on our health. Every single one of these numbers are controlled by different planets, and can give an individual the attributes of that planet, thus having a significant impact on an individual's quality of life and especially the person's health. 
One should not undertake naming their child with the help of numerology without also taking the help of an experienced professional, since a person’s health is of utmost importance. The numerologist will tell the parents their child’s birth number and accordingly the parents, under the advice of the professional, will arrive at a name for the child which should and will keep the baby fairly disease-free and healthy throughout the course of its life. Of course, sometimes an illness is inevitable, but a name decided upon after a thorough numerological reading to clear a baby of health issues by an experienced professional will stop any long-term or critical diseases.
To know more about this or to book an appointment for a numerological reading, consulting is a great idea. They have experienced professionals at hand who can always help one out with almost any issue.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Can a horoscope determine someone’s whole life?
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A horoscope is meant to predict an individual’s future only for a short period, and usually changes every other day. Horoscopes are predicted for different astrological signs as per the position of certain celestial bodies like the Sun, on the date of your birth. Since this cannot be done for each individual person, people are grouped into different sun signs or zodiac signs as per the months of their birth. People belonging to a particular zodiac sign typically tend to possess most of the same characteristics.
While a horoscope cannot determine a person’s journey through life, it can predict daily occurrences or changes in behaviour or mood of the person according to the position of the Sun on that day. For example, it can predict that an Aries, like myself, will have a brilliant financial change that day or that week, or it could advise a Leo to be a little more empathetic towards their family for that week due to a change in their horoscope etc. Checking on one’s horoscope’s is pretty useful, especially if the horoscopes are obtained or checked up on from a professional and reliable source.
I actually found a great source from where I get my daily dose of horoscopes. It’s a website called, and it is pretty accurate when it comes to astrology and other related spiritual fields.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Can astrology help someone find a partner?
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No, astrology cannot help someone find a partner or get into a relationship. However, it can definitely help someone find out the kind of person they might be attracted to, or whether or not they will get into a relationship at all. Astrology will give indications of the sort of person that someone might be more inclined to want to be with. It cannot ensure that someone will date or marry or get into a relationship with someone that a person is interested in.
The 7th house is the house of relationships or partnerships, and is the main determinant or indicator of any potential changes in that aspect of one’s life. Essentially, an accurate reading and interpretation of the 7th house for a person’s beneficial planets can help that person get closer to finding their right partner. Astrology does not find their “fated” person for them; it doesn’t pinpoint a single individual but rather it provides for a personality or character that a person might be most likely to attracted to or end up with as a partner.
Astrology essentially assesses and matches someone’s compatibility to a personality to give the person a hint about their potential partner. I found this extremely interesting and I wanted to learn more about astrology so after looking for a bit I found this great website called that helped me with out with astrology and other similar questions that I had while learning about the topic.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Mind Body Dualism
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The concept that mental phenomena are non-physical or that the mind and body are distinct and separable is known as mind–body dualism. As a result, it comprises a variety of viewpoints on the link between mind and matter, as well as between subject and object, and is opposed with other stances in the mind–body problem.
It is an important concept in philosophy and has been touched upon by various philosophers. For anyone interested in philosophy and in the matters of mind and body, it is definitely a very interesting topic to read up on.
 In Indian philosophy, dualism refers to the concept held by some schools that reality is inherently divided into two components. This takes the shape of either mind-matter dualism in Buddhist philosophy or awareness-'nature' dualism in Hindu philosophy's Samkhya and Yoga schools. These can be compared to but also contrasted with mind-body dualism in Western philosophy of mind. The Dvaita ("dualism") Vedanta school, which considers God and the world as two realities with distinct essences, is another form of dualism in Hindu philosophy.
To know more , visit India's biggest Religious and Spiritual Platform ImAvatar. Get your qureies resolved right away!
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Positive effects of meditation
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Meditation in today’s fast world is not given much time or importance. But the positive effects of meditation are many and they tend to make quite an impact on your life. Meditating regularly tends to give people a new perspective during stressful situations. It helps you remain calm and collected during panic and look at the bigger picture. This does not comes easy however, and takes a while to master. But after a while of meditating, you can surely start to see the amazing effects within your life. Meditation leads a spiritual path. To walk on this godly good path, you must take guidance from your Guru / teacher. Tap into ImAvatar and get consulted with the best spiritual guides of India.  This one of the good place to learn about spirituality and meditation.  Not just on mental health, meditating daily also has benefits on your physical health. It helps you with chronic diseases like asthma, blood pressure and even sleeping problems.  Meditation is a hidden jewel which if utilised can bring great happiness and health to your life. 
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
What are Soul Numbers?
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Numerology is an ancient practice and can be traced back to many centuries. The oldest recordings of this practice have been found in ancient Egypt. Since then numerology has been in practice in some form or the other.
In numerology, different numbers have different meanings. The Soul Urge Number, also known as the Heart Desire Number, is one of these numbers and forms a very important part of numerology. Every numerologist will unmistakably talk about these numbers as they form a very important part of every person’s personality and being. You can also check out ImAvatar to get more clarity on your Soul Numbers.
A Soul Number or a Soul Urge Number is a number that indicates a person's intrinsic qualities from the heart. So, if you know a person's Soul Urge Number, you can better judge him or her before entering into any connection with him or dealing with him in your daily life.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
The temple with the hanging tower
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The Veedarbha or the Leepakshi temple in Andhra Pradesh is a source of architectural beauties and mysteries. It is visited by many every year to appreciate the architectural work, but more importantly to see the hanging tower!
There are seventy odd pillars in this temple, yet the one that attracts the most visitors, interest and attention is the one hanging pillar. Many people even pass things below the pillar to check its authenticity.
The mystery behind how this pillar remains hanging, however, is still intact. No one, till date, has been able to find out how this one pillar is hanging. The mystery stays with the builders of the temple! 
Checkout ImAvatar for other such interesting places of worship. 
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Thiruvanai kovil temple
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Thiruvanai kovil is a well-known Shiva temple in the Tamil Nadu district of Tiruchirapalli (Trichy). It is thought that Kocengannan (Kochengat Cholan), an Early Chola, erected this temple. It's on Srirangam Island, which is home to the renowned Ranganathaswamy Temple.
This temple is shrouded in mystery that has yet to be solved. In the garbhagriha, the idol is at the bottom of a flight of stairs. We can feel our legs getting wet as soon as we enter this dimly lit cave-like area. Throughout the year, this cloister is surrounded by water.
Lord Shiva is said to have sent Lord Parvati to penance in the Jambu forests for an apology after a debasing with him, and it is said that there the Devi  fashioned a Shiva Linga out of water, which is why the idol has water gushing out of it. 
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Marry the love of your life, with the help of Mantra Jaap.
Do you love someone in your life and even wants to get married to that person? Because we know that involving yourself into a relationship of love marriage is one of the most pleasant and the beautiful feeling. If you too want to get married to the desired person in your life whom you love. There is this Laxmi Narayan Mantra for love marriage.
Lakshmi Narayana is the divine couple in Hinduism. It is believed that the mantras dedicated to them will help in early marriage, in getting desired partner and solving marriage related problems in life.
ॐ धनाय नम: धनाय नमो नम: लक्ष्मी नम: लक्ष्मी नमो नम: लक्ष्मी नारायण नम: नारायण नमो नम: नारायण नम: प्राप्ताय नम: प्राप्ताय नमो नम: लक्ष्मी नारायण नमो नम:
You need to Chant this mantra for love marriage in front of Lord Vishnu and Mata Lakshmi idol for 3 months. This will create a strong bonding between you and your partner.
Or else you can also book your Pooja Path vidhi on India’s greatest platform – ImAvatar. Avail the facility by consulting India’s best Pandits.  To know more, visit the website or Download the app on Play store and Apple store.
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sanketh025 · 3 years ago
Soul on deck!
We aren't assigned to fix the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any little thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely.
We know that it does not take everyone on Earth to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale. One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul.
Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire.
To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these -- to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity.
Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.
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