sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
( ` / plops himself onto his dormmate's bed in a casual manner, his hands busy fumbling with one of his many cameras ) sangbae, do you have any extra film i could borrow? ( ` / asks earnestly though his eyes are still fixated on his charmed nikon film camera ) i ran out.
( ` / a book is crowding his face when his bed dips with a new weight. he barely looks up to know who it is. ) hmm. ( ` / he’s quiet for a moment, finishing the paragraph he is on before setting it down with bored eyes. ) I might... ( ` / he begins to dig through the one drawer in his night stand closest to his bed. )
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sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
[Sangbae thought about it for a moment, the temptation was great to do a dance for the boy. But the blush was heavy on his cheeks and he was frozen. Until he took back his words- Sang smiled a bit.] “Ah- Thanks... I’m Sangbae...” [He took the book, pressing it to his chest.] “I-I’ve been wanting this book for a while..”
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“You should do a little dance for me.” {Minseok was only being silly but began to notice that he was making the other boy uncomfortable.} “I’m just kidding, you can have it. I’m Minseok by the way.” {He said as he handed over the book.}
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sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
Take Care || Luhan & Sangbae ||
His boots were heavy as he walked down the crowded halls of hogwarts in search of the beautiful library doors. He found himself there... probably far to often on normal wizard standards but Sangbae didn’t really consider himself a normal wizard. He didn’t fit into those perimeters, in fact he was sure that not many wizards and witches from Hogwarts fit into what some people thought normal meant. Normal was a relative term. This is something that Sangbae had been told many times in his life, by parents, teachers, friends. It was that obvious that he was not normal. 
He didn’t care about being normal- at least that’s what he told himself. He tried his best not to care, it wasn’t important when he needed to study. When he needed to figure out what, exactly, he was going to do with his life. He didn’t know what would come after Hogwarts, though, he was always a fan of the unknown. Some days, much like today, it didn’t bother him. He was excited for the adventure that would come after hogwarts. Somedays it scared the living hell out of him, he worked hard to be where he was now, and he would only need to work that much harder to get somewhere in the coming years. 
Sangbae’s brain was currently flooded, at it’s max capacity. He was exhausted but still gathered enough strength to at least show up to his classes. Now that his day was practically over, instead of skipping dinner and going to straight to bed he found himself huddled in the library, waiting for the great hall to be filled with students and food. He was going to feed himself like a responsible adult today... as soon as he got a couple chapters in of the newest book he’d found. He just needed the break, that’s all his brain kept telling him. 
 He was sure somewhere in the back of his mind he’d be able to remember that Luhan was somewhere in Hogwarts if he weren’t so exhausted. But that wasn’t the case, no, he’d forgotten all about the exciting news- and soon enough he would be cursing himself for it. He had been looking forward to meeting Luhan for a really long time. They had a lot in common, sure somewhere at the beginning of the silly pen pal project he’d gotten assigned too he hated the idea of talking to someone from the Ministry... but Luhan turned out a lot different than what he’d been expecting. He was younger, he’s smart and seemed to be far more like Sangbae than he’d thought anyone from the Ministry could be. 
He was pouring over his book now, leaning against a far bookshelf, the turning of his pages the only thing breaking his concentration and silence. He didn’t even look up when other students neared his position on the floor, or anyone of the sort walking towards him-
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sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
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Hii! I’m Kali and I play Sangbae here. I finally managed to finish his about page and his thought blog!! I’m really excited to do some more plotting and threading with you guys <3 You can hmu here or on aim @ superkaliii.  Love me and Sang.
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sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
[Sangbae blushes when Minseok picks the book back up. He rubs the back of his neck, blinking involuntarily at the boy] “U-Uh... I don’t know?”
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{Looking beside himself at the book, Minseok smiles and picks it up.} “Yeah, I was but what are you gonna give me for it?” {It was rare that Minnie felt like teasing or being really playful but he was bored of the other book in his hands.}
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sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
Why does that word make everyone uncomfortable? Moist. Most. Moist- say it with me, moist, moist. {'she absentmindedly shoots another student walking by, minding their own business-} Yeah now it's lost all meaning. {'jack sighs and sprays his cheek with water-} Okay- ready. Set. Go! {'she launches herself back down the corridor}
[`Sang rolls his eyes, frown deeply and playfully at her as she shoots another student walk away. He muffles his laugh behind his hands before looking at her with daggers, water dripping down his face.] How dare y- [`He grumbles and runs off after her, shooting the water wildly at her.]
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sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
{'produces yet another water gun from her back pocket, and points them both at him-} I challenge you to a watery duel. {'jack slings an arm across his shoulders and whispers-} Are you ready to get very very moist?
[`He blinks at her a couple times, before cracking a smile. He crings when she throws an arm around his shoulders. Snickering he reaches for the water gun] Can you not say moist please…
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sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
{`stealthily follows him down a corridor or two, cheap plastic water gun concealed behind her until she's within distance. She closes one eye and aims, squirting his back with water-}
[`He has no idea she’s following him, humming under his breath as he walks back to the common room. He just barely notices water being squirted at his back but when he does he jumps, and looks around with wide eyes. He laughs when he sees Jack behind him, wielding water guns.]
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sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
“Um-U-m are you... reading that?” [Sanbae chews on his lip as he looks directly at the book laying beside the student. He needs it for some reason or anything, mainly a distraction. But he doesn’t want to just take it.]
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sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
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sangbaerav-blog · 9 years
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Meet [ KIM, SANGBAE ], a [ 16 ] year old [ HALFBLOOD ] wizard/witch. Born as a [ KOREAN ],  [ SANGBAE ] is currently attending as a [ 6TH ] year in the [ RAVENCLAW ] house.
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