sandysdraft · 2 months
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{None has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah), Glorified (and Exalted) are You. Truly, I have been of the wrong-doers.} Quran (21,87)
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sandysdraft · 2 months
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Israeli soldiers have executed disabled Palestinian youth Mohammed Salah Bahar in cold blood after confining him in his family home for a week.
Source: Mintpress
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sandysdraft · 2 months
Caption on post -
Thousands of Palestinians are being forcibly displaced from the eastern areas of Gaza city under heavy Israeli bombardment and gunfire.
By @eye.on.palestine on Instagram.
Link to post.
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sandysdraft · 2 months
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The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society says while some of the children have been released, at least 240 others remain in Israeli detention. “Many have been subjected to torture,” the group said in a statement. Children in detention are “exposed to all kinds of retaliatory measures, including abuse, torture, as well as medical negligence”, the group added. According to the group, some children currently held in Israel’s Megiddo prison have been detained from the besieged and bombarded Gaza Strip.
-- "At least 640 children detained in West Bank since October 7: Prisoners’ group" from Al Jazeera, 17 Jun 2024 15:55 GMT
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sandysdraft · 2 months
إنّ أكثر ما قد يهزمك، هي نفسك!
كلّ ما اشتَهَت أمرًا أعطيتها ولَبّيتها وركضت خلف شَهوتها كأنّها أنفاسك الأخيرة، وكلّما أرخَيتَ حبلًا ازدَدتَ حِم��ًا وتضاعَفَت أثقال قلبك حتى ينطفئ! انتبه عليك، الجُم شهوتك، راقب خلوتك، قاتل هواك، ولا تكونَنَّ أسهل صَيد الشّيطان، ولا تجعلَنَّ من روحك خيطًا يلعب فيه.
عالج عثرات روحك بالصّلاة، رَمّم جراح نبضك بالدّعاء، أطِل قليلًا، تأمّل المعاني، تذوّق الكلمات، فرّغ مكنون صدرك، واستَعِد همّتك.
• «اتَّقِ اللَّهَ حَيْثُمَا كُنْتَ وأَتْبِعِ السَّيِّئَةَ الْحسنةَ تَمْحُهَا، وخَالقِ النَّاسَ بخُلُقٍ حَسَن»
• «احفَظِ اللهَ يحفَظْك، احفَظِ اللهَ تجِدْه تُجاهَك، إذا سألتَ فاسألِ اللهَ، وإذا استعنْتَ فاستعِنْ باللهِ»
إلى الله.
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sandysdraft · 2 months
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sandysdraft · 2 months
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sandysdraft · 2 months
There are currently ZERO functioning hospitals in Gaza City.
If you get injured: You die.
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sandysdraft · 2 months
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sandysdraft · 2 months
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2023 -> 2024!
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sandysdraft · 2 months
Every picture has a story and a story that is not familiar to the scene
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sandysdraft · 2 months
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“You ˹alone˺ we worship and You ˹alone˺ we ask for help.” (Qur'an 1 : 5)
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sandysdraft · 2 months
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you're being tested to be brought closer not to be depressed
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sandysdraft · 2 months
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Allahummaj’al khaira zamani aakhirahu wa khaira a’mali khawatimahu wa khaira ayyami yauma alqaka
O Allah , let the best of my life time be it’s ending , and let the best deed be that which I seal (my life with ) and the best of my days the day I meet you .
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sandysdraft · 2 months
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sandysdraft · 2 months
gaziianaliifatmaah/fatuma ali/Ali Fatuma is a documented scammer profiting off of the genocide. they are not diabetic and they are not palestinian. search the other names they go by on here: leila rajab, remmy cheptau, tasneem r'm, leila mohammed rajab, tasneem remmy rajaab, valentine rajaab, wafula valentine, salima abdallah, tasneem abdalah, Tasneem Majuma, Magandalina Auma, taheera abdallah, Dorine nanjala, dorine rajaab, Jastus Kimanzi, daisy akinyi, daisy rahaab, taheera mohammed, Mutsui Martin Mohamed, merrine sussy rahah, merrine atieno, Marystella Majuma, emmily kimesis, nakhumicha Ruth, Florence Khaid, Beatrice Akoth Oduor, Lavender Namisi, Florence Khakasa, Florence Hamid, Mwanasiti Heri
here’s the source of one of the images they’re using as proof of their condition https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Sample-chart-for-recording-blood-sugar-values-the-chart-title-is-inappropriate-and_fig1_338131147
would you mind deleting their scam from your blog, or clearly labeling it as a scam so it doesn't spread to others? in the future, please remember to search the username/paypal account name/text used by the people asking for money in your inbox
please familiarize yourself with the posts of some current scammers while they are still under these usernames: bettermentgiver, scentedsublimenightmare, deepestheartcreator, freebelieverobservation, casualmusicbird, happydefendorhologram, furiouslystarmark, choppedstrawberryglitter, lovelytoogladiator, gloriousdestinycollector, furiousinternetenemy, gaziianaliifatmaah, sopostreview, omahe, yusufzalka
i really recommend looking at their pinned posts in order to better recognize scams, not just using this list as a blocklist, because once they are terminated they each will immediately remake their scams under a new username
Unfortunately I didn't know so thank you so much
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sandysdraft · 3 months
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Glory be to You, my Lord, there is no god but You alone. Indeed, I have been among the wrongdoers. My God! I complain to You of the weakness of my strength and the dominance of desires. So do not take us to task for the whispers of our souls, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
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