41 posts
 I've moved all posts from here to a new blog.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
Hello everyone! I am attempting to get some pride flags I've made big enough to be official, so please reblog, share, etc! Anyone who has bigger blogs or social media, please spread awareness!!!
I am aroacefluid. Meaning I am both acefluid and arofluid. I am on the aroace spec. Both my sexual desire and romantic identity changes. They are very similar to aroflux and aceflux. But while aro and aceflux people's sexual/romantic desires change, my actual identity changes. For example, sometimes I may be demisexual and other times I may be grey sexual, and other times I may be allosexual.
While there technically are flags for arofluid, acefluid, and aroacefluid, they are not (in my opinion) very attractive and the meanings of the colors are unknown.
So, I made flags, and will tell the meanings.
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First, acefluid.
Black, as all colors together, represents allosexuality and being interested in sexual activity. White, as no color, represents asexuality and being interested in sexual activity. The several shades of purple represent the different asexual identities within the asexual spectrum.
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The black, being all colors, represents alloromanticism and interest in romantic attraction and activities. White, being no color, represents aromanticism and being uninterested in romantic attraction and activities. The several shades of green represent the different aromantic identities within the aromantic communities, including aesthetic attraction, queer platonic attraction, etc.
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Black, being all colors, represents interest in romantic and sexual activities and attraction. White, being no color, represents being uninterested in romantic and sexual and romantic attraction and activities. Green represents all aromantic identities on the aromantic spectrum. Purple represents all asexual identities on the asexual spectrum.
Please reblog and share!
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
Okay, it's official! I'm moving all my blogs on this account:
To my new blog:
@heroes-die-smiling is my all around blog, where I will post about pretty much whatever, from art to theories about random shows. This is my main blog, but I don't really have any specific time I will be posting, but I'm aiming for once a day at least.
I also have a sanders sides side blog, @sanders-sides-sides
Here I will be posting all my theories, headcanons, fics, art, and other shit about sanders sides specifically. I'm currently still setting it up, but expect three posts a day for this one.
I'm keeping up these accounts for now, so that I can look back on them for inspiration, but eventually plan to delete them.
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
Yes! Currently on the blog that I am transferring these to, I am writing an AU and, after research on skin conditions, decided that the most believable would be segmental vitiligo, which happens on one side of the body.
Eczema would work, I have it, but it's mostly in joints. For example I have it in my elbow and knee corners and around my mouth.
What's a good way to portray Janus in a fanfiction AU where they're like... normal people?
Sure if it was a fantasy AU it makes sense, it could have to do with a power or kind of tribe he was from, possibilities are endless.
But in normal life, how do you explain that he has scales on his face?
The others all look normal. Obviously in a normal AU you would want to make them look different from each other, but I wouldn't want to remove Janus' scales.
I don't know if it's just me, but there's something about Janus' scales that feels wrong to pretend they don't exist.
Any ideas?
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
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I don't-
I don't like it.
He's scary.
@logan-exe take it back. I don't want it.
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
Meaningless Headcanons: 💙Logan💙
(first of all they need to make a dark blue so I can differentiate Logan and Patton's colors. For now Logan gets a blue heart)
• Logan agrees with Janus more than Patton a lot. He would never admit it, and he hates it
• Logan's desk and room is actually really messy. To anyone other than Logan, they would think it's Chaos, but he knows exactly where everything is
• Logan is always logical, but when Thomas falls in love with someone he literally stops working, which is one reason he didn't want Thomas to get too obsessed in Moving On
• Janus and Remus see a heavy potential in bringing Logan to the Dark Sides, which is why Janus added on to his being ignored in SvS and why Remus got him to get angry in WTIT
• One time when Thomas went shopping he didn't get Crofter's, and Logan was mildly upset (which is crazy for him) for the next few hours
• Pet bird
• Logan is deep into the Sherlock fandom. Like way too deep. Like tumblr users staying up until 5 am to make theories level deep. Like ships and fanart and fanfic deep
• The others love giving Logan these riddles or puzzles that are really easy to solve, but Logan thinks too much about them so it takes him hours. He's always so mad when he finds out Roman did it in like two minutes
• The others also buy Logan incredibly easy to solve puzzles that he does in seconds to make him mad. He feels it's an insult to his intelligence
• He always hid his deodorant and everyone made fun of him for it until they met Remus
• Logan is the only one that knows what to do when Thomas or Virgil have a panic attack because he doesn't touch people or make loud noises
That's about it for now! Any more ideas? Comment below or reblog!
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
How Each Side is Ignored: Roman
Unfortunately, every Side is ignored by the others in some way. Let me give you an example...
Roman is seen as always fantasizing. They don't take him seriously. Because, surely, all his hopes and dreams are silly. Improbable. Not ideal.
Sure, sometimes they are. Living in a huge castle off the side of a waterfall is probably not ideal.
But other things. He wants Thomas to be happy, to find the Prince of His Dreams™. He wants Thomas to go to the callback, because what if he got the part? That could be the break he's waiting for.
But it's always shit down.
"What if we make a fool of ourselves?" Virgil asks.
"We have to be there for them!" Patton scolds.
"It's simply non-sensical." Logan adds.
He's constantly shut down, because 'other things are more important'.
The only time he's gotten what he wanted, was in the Sanders Asides animatic video where Thomas met Nico.
But that entire episode was Virgil saying they shouldn't. Sure, he'd entertain watching him and trying to find clues he's queer. But talking to him? Out of the question!
In things like this, Roman is constantly being ignored like this. He's never really truly had his hopes and dreams fulfilled.
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
I'm switching my account so that I can have this is a primary blog. I'll provide a link in a minute
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's a take on the beginning music of the Stranger Things intro.
But I love it. It's totally perfect for Janus and him just getting the amazing "haha it was ME all along" villain music is wonderful.
He's the only one that has music straight up for him and I love it.
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
Dark vs Light: Patton and Janus
I know it's a little weird to consider both Patton and Janus as "Morality", but hear me out.
What three videos has Janus played a big part in?
Can Lying Be Good, Selfishness vs Selflessness, and Putting Others First - Selfishness vs Selflessness.
All three of these videos were about what?
Can Lying Be Good was about lying. Different types of lies, when it's okay, if it's ever okay, if there are exceptions.
So poses the question, Can Lying Be Good?
The two driving forces, Patton and Janus, have different answers.
Patton says, no, you need to be honest.
Janus says, yes, lying is necessary sometimes.
SvS pt 1 was about whether or not Thomas should go to the callback or the wedding. What are the pros to each situation? What are the cons?
This videos question was, "Where do we go?"
Patton's says, the wedding! It's the right thing to do, they asked for our support, and we need to give it!
Janus says, the callback. It's what everyone wants. It's what Thomas wants, and sometimes you need to be a bit selfish.
SvS pt 2 is about, shocker, Selfishness. Is it okay to be Selfish? Should you always be Selfless?
Patton says, always put others first. They need help, and they've been with you during your time of need, so you need to be with them during theirs.
Janus says, it's okay to be selfish. It's okay to not go help someone if, right now, you need to help yourself. You can't be Selfless if you're not Selfish sometimes.
All of these pose a big, moral question, asking what is right and what is wrong. And the two that most oppose each other in all of them are Patton and Janus.
Janus is Morality, he's just a different side of the argument.
Morality represents more than what is right. Morality is what each person believes is right or wrong. Morality is how you choose whether to save and buy a gift for your brother or spend it on a book you've wanted forever. Morality is that little voice telling you what's right, and what's wrong.
Patton is the Morality that, from an early age, is taught to people. Don't lie, do good for others, repay favors.
Janus is the Morality that questions these values. What if lying will save someone's life? What if doing good for others will cause you harm? What if you simply don't have the capability to be there for others as they were there for you?
Neither of them are wrong.
They're just different views, to the extreme. It's healthy to believe in both of these things. You should be honest, but it's okay to lie if, say, you wanted to keep a surprise hidden from someone. You should do good, but sometimes you need to take time and do stuff for yourself.
Neither of them are wrong, neither of them are right. They are two complex parts of Morality taken to the extreme. And together they are what you need to do. In what situations you do what is what each person needs to decide.
Dark vs Light: Basic Theory
(This was kind of far on my Queue, but I just had a huge breakthrou theory so I'm getting it out there. I'm going to add a new one each day)
So this is going to be a big theory to cover, so I'm letting it out in chunks.
The basic idea of this theory is that each Light Side has a Dark Side.
But unlike many theories, guessing that it's the opposite, my theory is based on the idea of each opposite being the 'evil' or 'good' version of one concept.
Roman and Remus, the 'good' and 'evil' creativity.
Patton and Janus, the 'good' and 'evil' morality.
Logan's opposite will be discussed.
Virgil doesn't have an opposite. He is not good, he is not bad.
I will have at least four more parts in this, going in-depth on why each character parallels another, as well as speculating what Logan's opposite will be.
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
Okay, okay.
So everyone is talking about how there's going to be one other Side, the orange side. Most people are thinking maybe Anger/Wrath or Procrastination or something.
The biggest reasoning behind this is a) rainbow and b) there was an empty spot on Putting Others First: SvS
So that would make sense, considering this is a rainbow:
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We got;
Red (Roman)
Orange (TBD)
Yellow (Janus)
Green (Remus)
Blue (Patton)
Indigo (Logan)
Purple (Virgil)
If it's like that, we have three Dark Sides, Janus, Remus, and Orange. And Three Light Sides, Logan, Roman, and Patton. And of course we have our Neutral Side, Virgil.
But think about this maybe instead of the other rainbow, we get...
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...this rainbow?
The original Pride Flag.
Patton isn't blue, he's light blue.
And if we're already going that way, maybe we get a pink, too?
More on this post later!
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
i kind want to more if these. What other ships should I do?
Thoughts on Sanders Sides Ships: Roman x Virgil
My thoughts on different SS ships. Want me to share opinions on a ship? Comment below or reblog!
Personally, I love prinxiety. Probably tied with a few other ships I love.
This is a pretty easy ship to find fanfic and other media for, since it's so popular. So if you're looking for an easy to find, wholesome read on fanfic, prinxiety is an easy way to go.
I find the playful banter they have rather cute. Before, especially pre Accepting Anxiety, Roman was kind of a dork, if you know what I mean, once he realized that Virgil wasn't necessarily a bad thing, at least not for Thomas, he really did seem to care.
So what do you think about prinxiety? Comment below!
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
Yes Janus ���get👏it👏
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Janus in gold ✨💛✨
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
Sleeping Sides: Remus
​​​​​​Remus actually sleeps a lot like Patton, but a lot less cute. 
He sleeps sprawled out, but all his limbs are contorted in weird positions. He falls asleep literally immediately if he wants to, and moves in his sleep. 
Everyone is terrified of it and decides not to bring it up, but they all discuss it when he's not around. No one knows how or why he sleeps like that except Janus, who refuses to tell anyone.
When he sleeps with someone else he literally doesn't give a shit. He sleeps the same way he would if no one else was with him, he doesn't care.
And he probably sleeps naked, or almost naked.
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
I wanted to be seen
Superheroes AU. Roman, Patton and Virgil are a team of good guys who fight against Evil (Janus and Remus). They get Logan to work for them with like hacking and getting important information from the villains. But Janus tries to convince Logan that he deserves better.
I wrote this in a bit of a hurry because I have schoolwork to do but I also want to procrastinate so I just translated this part of a daydream I've had for a while into words. So sorry if it's not great.
Title from Not What I Meant by dodie.
warnings: Even though he has no dialogues, i made roman (and patton and virgil) kinda mean to Logan again. i'm sorry (not) but i'm not creative and it's really the easiest way for me to make Logan suffer and want to move to the Dark Side lol
Read on AO3
words: 2,529
Logan walked inside the building as silently as he could, following close behind Anxiety. Prince was leading the group, with Morality by his side, Anxiety was just behind them and Logan was last, struggling to keep up with their pace while also staying quiet. He had a habit of bumping into things. 
They made it through the back entrance all the way to the stairs without crossing a single person, Logan had made sure they’d come at an hour when the way would be empty, and he also disabled the cameras with which they could be spotted. At this point, Prince decided it was time to split up. Each of them would search in one of the four floors of the building, Logan got the second one. He followed the instruction and began exploring the labyrinth of hallways on his own. 
He didn’t really want to participate in this. He did his best work from a safe distance, sitting down and staring into a wide computer screen. Alas, Prince said it was urgent that they found and retrieved the stolen relic before anything happened to it, and they needed Logan to cover the most distance in the least amount of time. 
To “look in every room for the small, golden crown” sounded easy enough. However, Logan struggled to move fast while keeping quiet. It was hard to tell if he was making any noise through the pounding of his heart in his ears. He had never done anything like this. All he hoped was to not get caught. He prioritized being quiet over velocity, walking slowly and carefully. 
He picked the lock of the third room in his second hallway and walked inside. The entire building was mostly empty and extremely clean in an uncanny way. The rooms in this floor seemed to be for offices, some bigger, with several desks and file organizers. This one was smaller; it was probably for storage. It had no windows, only illuminated by a yellow light bulb hanging from the ceiling. There was an empty shelf rack on one side and a few plastic containers of cleaning products on the floor. He crouched down to look for anything on the floor between the shelf and the wall. 
As he did so, he heard the door close behind him. He stood up, but before he could turn around he was shoved to the wall and his mouth was covered by a hand in a yellow glove. Logan didn’t have to look up from it to know who had caught him. The yellow gloves were his signature. Logan breathed deeply through his nose, as much as he could, as the pounding in his ears returned. “You had one job,” he heard Prince’s annoyed voice in his head say.
Once he gathered the courage, Logan looked up. 
He had read many descriptions of what Deceit looked like, his job was to research him and get inside his computer systems to allow the team to stop whatever he was planning. He had seen a few cryptic pictures of him, low quality camera footage. He knew he wore a black mask that covered the left half of his face, a bowler hat, a cape, and the famous yellow gloves. Still, all this knowledge wasn’t enough to prepare him to face the man in person so closely. 
He was smiling. His right eye was brown, appearing completely normal, while the left one, behind the mask, was a vibrant saturated green, slitted like a reptile’s. Logan was captivated by both of them, so different and yet both had the same hypnotizing effect. 
“You’re new,” Deceit said, with a low pitch that shook Logan to his core. 
Logan just swallowed. 
“You’re going to stay quiet, right, little mouse?” Deceit asked as he raised an eyebrow. 
He was too frightened to even consider moving a muscle, let  alone speak. He did his best to nod ever so slightly, never moving his stare from the criminal’s eyes. 
“I know who you are,” Deceit said as he pulled his hand away, without stepping backwards, staying too close to Logan for his comfort. “You’re the one that has been meddling in affairs that are not of your business.” His tone was calm, but Logan could feel the threat in his gaze. “I know they got someone else because none of those airheads could even get close to the information you’ve been trying to find. I might need to improve my security.”
Logan knew he was lying. He might have been able to find some information, but nowhere close to what could actually be useful. He had the suspicion, but now he was in this situation it was confirmed that all he could find had already been laid out intentionally by Deceit. It was better than nothing, though, he reminded himself of that. 
”Do they pay you?”
“No, sir,” came out of his mouth before he could think. Perhaps Logan’s brain had translated the intimidating demeanor of this man into an authority figure, and addressed him as such. 
There was a moment of silence. Logan had lowered his gaze but he could still feel Deceit studying him. Suddenly, the villain took Logan’s hands in his. 
“Strong fingers,” he muttered, rubbing his thumb over Logan’s knuckles, “do you play piano?” 
“I code.”
“Right.” Deceit hummed, still staring and Logan’s hands. “What a shame… I could teach you.” 
“What do you want from me?” 
“Oh, nothing at all,” he sounded almost offended by the accusation. “I just wanted to talk and get to know the new team member.” Deceit let go of his hands slowly. Logan pulled them up to cross his arms as soon as they were free. 
“You’re wasting your time.” Logan’s irritation was allowing him to become a little braver. 
“Ah, you mean because of your friends? Don’t worry about them, they won’t find anything.” He said with a smirk. 
Logan bit his lip, ignoring the urge to correct him about the others being his friends. Only Virgil talked to him sometimes. Prince wouldn’t even tell him his real name. Logan wished Virgil was here now, he always knew how to escape difficult situations. He looked towards the door, trying to figure out a way to get out of this. 
“Waiting for them?” Deceit asked with a mocking tone. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Maybe they forgot about you.”
“They didn’t.”
“How are you so sure?”
He wasn’t. He stayed quiet as Deceit grinned. His fangs were visible, and Logan couldn’t help but stare at them. He wondered if Deceit was venomous as some kind of unknown superpower. There were never civilians around to witness when he committed a crime, people only knew of his appearance through rumors. He never needed any supernatural ability to defeat Prince and the others, who all had their own, but maybe he kept it hidden, just like he did with everything else. 
“You know, if you worked with me I wouldn’t leave you behind.” He gently uncrossed Logan’s arms to hold his hand once again. “I would appreciate you for the brilliant gem that you are, unlike those ungrateful, egotistical attention-seekers.” 
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere.” Logan said. He couldn’t deny, however, that he had thought about leaving the team before. They needed him, though. And he needed them, they gave him a place to live and he had nowhere else to go. 
“How about some proof, then? Since you’re such a pragmatic guy.” 
Logan looked into the other’s eyes in confusion. 
“Here’s my proposal,” he said, lifting Logan’s hand from the wrist. Then he pulled out a pair of handcuffs, to which Logan reacted by trying to pull his arm back, but Deceit was too strong. He gave up before getting hurt. “I’ll leave, and give you three minutes to make a choice.” After closing the handcuff over his wrist, he leaned over Logan’s shoulder to cuff both hands behind his back. 
Logan had to make an effort to pay attention to what the man was saying over the panic growing in his chest. 
“I’m going to leave that door unlocked for three minutes. If you leave, then this never happened, but I will keep trying to show you you’re better off on my side of the equation, where your work would actually have an impact, instead of leading those losers to more humiliation.
“After that, though, the door will lock, and you’ll have a chance to prove me wrong. If your friends still look for you and find you here before the day ends, then it’s proved that they care, and I’ll leave you alone. I won’t even interfere with your attempts at breaching my digital storage.” He smirked again, as if reminiscing about having fun with that. “So,” he laid his hands on Logan’s shoulders and whispered in his ear, “do we have a deal?”
Logan wanted to ask what would happen if no one found him, but he felt like doing so would be admitting defeat, which the faint hint of pride he had left wouldn’t allow. He was already too embarrassed from how hot his face felt from Deceit’s touch. He simply closed his eyes and nodded slightly. As if he had any other option. 
“Wonderful!” Deceit’s smile showed his fangs off once more, as Logan tried to control his tachycardia. “I’ll see you later.” He finally said with a wink, before swiftly walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. 
The lock was electronic, Logan observed. 
His immediate impulse was to run out and get away as far as he could. He didn’t even have to go back to the team of heroes, he could find somewhere else to go. 
As he struggled to reach the door and turn around to try to hold the handle with his cuffed hands, anxious thoughts plagued his mind. 
Could he go somewhere else? Would he constantly be haunted by Deceit and other villains he had worked against? He didn’t have any powers, he wasn’t even strong or fast. Who knows what they would do to him if they found him. Would he survive out there on his own, without protection? 
Maybe he should just look for the others. But what if they had left already? From what he could hear, the hallways were dead quiet. Logan didn’t know how long it had been since he split up from the rest. They didn’t bring any electronic devices to avoid being tracked. What if they were still here but Logan got lost searching for them? People said it was best to stay in one place if you wanted someone to find you. But could he stay there doing nothing?
What if Deceit broke his promise and was waiting for him right outside the door? That wasn’t improbable given his name. Would he mock him for being a coward? Did Logan care about being a coward more than his own safety? What if he wanted to hurt Logan, not before playing mind games with him for a while? What would Logan do without help? Would he take Logan hostage and threaten his life to get away with whatever he was planning on doing today? 
He stopped for a moment to think, resting his forehead on the door. This was supposed to be easy. They promised him it would be. 
Maybe Prince, Morality and Anxiety would find him. They did need him. Even if they didn’t always voice their appreciation Logan knew he was a crucial part of the team now. Even if they didn’t care about him as a person they should at least care about what he could do for them. Perhaps they would save him just for appearances, so Prince could have his heroic act of the day, since they probably weren’t able to find the relic they were looking for. Maybe they were looking for him right now. 
Logan breathed deeply. 
Then he heard the click of the lock activating. 
There was nothing left to do now. So Logan waited. 
In a security room somewhere else inside the building, Janus was looking at the cameras’ footage with Remus sitting by his side. On their left side, Logan was now sitting on the floor, with his back rested against the door. On the right, the entrance to the building was empty. Prince and his teammates had left hours ago, showing no sign of planning to come back. 
“How long till we tell him?” Remus asked, propping up his feet on the desk and leaning his head back on the chair’s backrest. 
“I told him that he had until the end of the day, can’t break a promise.” 
“But you do that all the time!” Remus whined. “Last week you told me I could buy some arsenic with our booty and then you took it all!” 
“I simply saved it for later.”
“Yeah, right. And tomorrow there will be another golden snake statue of mysterious origins in your house.” 
“Listen,” Janus said, dismissing Remus with a wave of his hand. “I have to teach him a lesson.” 
Remus looked back into the camera, where Logan still sat in the same position as before. “What are we going to do with him after?”
Janus shrugged. “We’ll find him some use.”
Logan didn’t have any way of telling how much time had passed. There wasn’t even any natural light in the small room, it could have been night for hours already and he wouldn’t be able to see any difference. 
He estimated that an hour had passed when he began trying to escape. He tried everything, breaking the handcuffs, breaking the lock, sliding his hands free, tackling the door, looking for something to deactivate the lock, to dismantle it, or turn it off… Nothing worked. 
Eventually he grew tired, sat back down on the floor, in one of the room’s corners, and waited some more. His head hurted, there was a knot in his throat, his eyes stinged and his muscles were shaking. It wasn’t long before he drifted off, and was fast asleep before he could realize. 
Later, he felt he was being picked up slowly. With one arm on his back and the other below his knees, Logan could faintly see Deceit lifting him from the floor and pulling him close. He let his eyes close again, and rested his head against the other man’s chest, letting himself drift off once more as he was carried out of the storage room. 
He opened his eyes fully as they walked out through the main entrance. It was dark outside. 
Deceit put him down to allow him to sit in the back seat of an old car. Logan couldn’t see anything outside, he didn’t know if it was because of the darkness of the night or if the windows weren’t fully transparent. He counted his breaths as Deceit moved to the front seat. The driver’s seat was occupied by a man in a green suit covered in glitter. 
“Where are we going?” Logan whispered when the car began moving. 
Deceit made eye contact with him through the rearview mirror with a jarringly earnest expression. “Home.”
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
think the Sides (probably don't) but easily could have their own Sides!
We have Thomas' six main sides, Creativity, Morality, Logic, Anxiety, Intrusive Thoughts, and Deceit. 
There could easily be parts of each of those, because they're relatively broad terms.
For example, Remus could have a Side that's solely for annoying, but catchy, songs and commerical jingles. A Side that doesn't affect Thomas directly, but he affects Remus, which in turn affects Thomas.
We'll just call him frickin, I don't know, Jon, for this scenario.
So Jon is thinking of the O-Reily's jingle, screeching, "OH OH OH, O-REILY'S! AUTO PARTS!" in Remus' mind, which gets Remus thinking about it. Now Remus starts humming it, in turn making Thomas think about it.
So Jon doesn't affect Thomas as much as Remus does, but indirectly he does. While this would probably never be explored, it's a fun idea.
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
Sleeping Sides: Janus
Janus sleeps almost scarily.
He sleeps against a wall. He might have a few pillows and blankets stacked up, maybe not. He curls up against a corner of the wall with a huddle of blankets pillows and other soft things and sleeps like that. 
Some of them find it scary, because how is he not sore? and some of them find it kind of cute. Patton has actually compared it to a hibernating snake, especially when only his left half was showing.
 If he slept with someone else, he'd probably get in the bed, but once they fell asleep he'd grab all the unoccupied soft things and find a corner.
It actually is uncomfortable, but be doesn't like sleeping in a bed because it's too soft, and he doesn't really feel safe.
Honestly this is my favorite one.
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sanderssidessides · 3 years ago
Gender Headcanons: Logan
Please note that when I differentiate headcanons and theories. Theories are things a think will be/is canon, headcanons are things that I think makes sense or would be fun if it was canon, but I know it is not and will not be canon.
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(I made this myself. Please only share by rebloging)
I headcanon Logan as agender.
Agender people feel they do not have a gender. Some agender people use pronouns, others simply use whatever their name is as a pronoun.
Logan prefers no pronouns, but is fine with they/them or it/its. To Logan, as simply logic, gender doesn't matter, and doesn't make much sense, either. (Honestly, though, what's logical about gender?)
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