samegar · 6 years
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samegar · 7 years
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by Didier Laurancy
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samegar · 7 years
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by Didier Laurancy
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samegar · 7 years
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samegar · 7 years
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The Bible says, it’s the Holy Spirit who helps us in times of weakness. “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness.” (Romans 8:26) If you are not able to overcome a habit, or control your anger or unable to perform well in your workplace ask the Holy Spirit to help you in that area. He is our Helper. All we have to do is ask. The more we abide in Jesus and the more we dwell on His word, God’s strength, which is in His Spirit, will flow into us like the sap from the vine flows in its branches. And when that happens, we will be able to bear fruit in our lives. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5 22-23) You don’t have to weary yourself by trying to do things in your own strength. You will surely fail, but with the help of the Holy Spirit you can. So the next time you fail, pick yourself up and run to your Saviour, you may not be there yet but you will be there, someday, if you don’t give up
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samegar · 7 years
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All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him (Jesus) the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6 How is your walk with God? Are you walking far away from Him? Some of us believe we have forever to get it together. We believe we have forever to live a holy life. Tomorrow we will start. Or next year. There is so much to do now, God will have to wait. And God does wait. Patiently. Standing right in front of us, holding His shepherd’s staff, saying, “Come.” Relentlessly calling to us, beckoning, desiring us to move towards Him, saying to us: “Turn around! Give up your sinful ways. Let go of your past.“ All we have to do is turn around and go back to Him, and He will restore completely.
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samegar · 7 years
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448 notes · View notes
samegar · 7 years
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equinoxl on Instagram
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samegar · 7 years
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samegar · 7 years
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Love inside, Life outside | andybachtiar_
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samegar · 7 years
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samegar · 7 years
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Eclipse 2017 by Bryan Minear
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samegar · 7 years
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fall silent
by Denny Bitte
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samegar · 7 years
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Johnston Canyon - Banff National Park - Canada (by Garen Meguerian) 
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samegar · 7 years
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Verdant earth - Vermont  by www.eyeofthepoet.com
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samegar · 7 years
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Loch Mudle, Ardnamurchan, Scotland by Seckington Images
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samegar · 7 years
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by Denny Bitte
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