ganglymask · 26 days
Gangle said nothing to begin with she did still find it strange that someone could love her like this expecially someone like Jax. Rebellion was something that appealed to her at least now it did. Gangle would look around once more trying to make sure no one was watching before then trying to kiss the rabbitoid once more.
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"I honestly don't get what you see in me...it made sense to me in a way why you were mean to me...maybe I partly felt I deserved it..."
Gangle was someone who never valued herself in the slightest. She was and always had been someone with low self-esteem.
"I don't know...I might be thinking too much..."
Gangle turned her face away not wanting Jax to see her for a brief moment Her emotionas were something that came and went a lot. She rarely could keep the same emotion for too long safe for sad.
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Those cheeks had tinted in flush and eyes nervously peer away for a moment. “ No..it’s not strange at all..actually.” It felt kinda nice, and made his ear tips all warm.
It felt new. Exciting. With a small twitch, that tail was starting to wiggle a little and then Jax pulled back and blinked, and a small huff escapes. “When did I ever care about Caine’s dumb rules..?”
Jax mumbled and chuffed quietly rubbing chin against ceramic cheek, hand giving a ribbon stroke with thumb and index finger. “ If I wanna kiss ya and you..want me to kiss you, then I will..and I’ll do in front of the denture too.”
Even if it meant getting our mouth removed for 24 hours.. Which happened before but, due to an unrelated thing.
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ganglymask · 1 month
"Ahhh what what what? But why are we..."
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No, she knew better she followed his order despite raising objections she always went along with what the rabbitoid wanted. As soon as the display was damaged alarms began blaring out all over the place. Gangle tried to break another display herself however all she could do was make a flapping sound as her hands hit the glass. She was made of ribbons what did you expect? She also couldn't carry things well.
However, as with all things related to Gangle bad luck seemed to strike as while Gangle tried to break open the display she tripped on the carpet causing her to flop against the display case. It was then she saw that she could slip her ribbon hands under the glass. Upon seeing that she tried to move her hand under the glass to unlock it from inside. Sadly, this was way more time consuming.
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"Ahh, i'm trying! I think I almost got this one..."
She eventually did manage to get it open, but by then Jax likely got a huge headstart on her since she was so slow. The thing she ended up getting looked to be a fancy looking necklace though it was just an image more than anything. It looked fancy Gangle thought. Eitherway she soon picked it up and held it. Since it was simply a asset made from a picture she could pick it up easily enough. Small thingsl like this weren't a problem but bigger things would be.
They still weren't being interupted yet, then again they were meant to be the heroes. So who would becoming to stop them? The NPCs of this adventure were simply the theives and the quest giver which was a book person with big glasses. There was also a giant monster too. Cause Caine always included a giant monster of somekind. It was like a thing of his, that he did for no reason. it was very odd to Gabgle.
Another day, another boring adventure. Jax had yawned his way through the description of the game, half a mind to pull a Zooble and sit this one out. But, the Circus was pretty boring without his fellow members to torment, so through the portal he went, somehow ending up paired off with Gangle when Ragatha suggested splitting up to cover more ground.
So far, Jax had not seen any sign of an attempted heist, and the longer they searched, the more irritated he became. He was tired of always having to play the hero in these little games that Caine cooked up for them. He'd voiced his displeasure more than once already, but his protests always seemed to fall on deaf ears.
Which, admittedly, wasn't all that difficult when your host literally had no ears.
Would it be such a shame if he shook things up a bit? What's the worst that could happen? Caine was all about keeping the members of his Circus happy and, well, playing the bad guy from time to time would certainly make Jax happy.
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Jax wandered over to the display case, one of his ears twitching with interest. For a collection of pixels and data, the treasures looked pretty darn lifelike. Caine must have pulled inspiration directly from the World Wide Web for these, rather than resorting to the candy-colored, cartoony backdrops and objects he usually manifested for their adventures.
“We are changing up the plan.”
Jax raised his elbow, not even feeling the shards embedding themselves into his digital skin as he smashed it down through the top of the display.“Don’t just stand there, Ribbons. We’re robbin’ the joint this time!”
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ganglymask · 1 month
Continued from here.
Gangle nods, she was rather red or she would be if she could be. She had tried to kiss him before but this time actually seemed to create some form of contact between the two. Maybe, it had to do their entwined state that they had remained in for a while.
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"Sure...um...it wasn't strange was it? I know I'm...empty..."
She tilted her mask as he wanted the tried to do the motion yet her mouth still remain in a downward triangle which was common when she was in her current mask it tended to turn into an upwards triangle shape when she was in her happy mask.
"Should we though...I don't want you to get hurt because of me..."
She was still worried something would happen.
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ganglymask · 1 month
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Digitallocked. A very new indie RP and Ask Blog for Jax from the amazing digital circus.
NOTE: Blog is very new so everything is being worked on (Carrd / Rules / Muse.) Please understand and respect that i'm testing out my muse portrayal. Simple rules are listed in the pinned post. Please give this post a like and/or reblog ( reblogs are prefered and appreciated to help me enter a new fandom i'm shy to try? ) I hope to interact with whoever might be interested in the future! <3
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ganglymask · 1 month
Gangle didn't like the idea of her ribbons being cut. She was sure that act would hurt her very much. She didn't want to be hurt, but then again with how empty she felt was it better to feel nothing at all? She didn't like to think about that so she simply followed Jax's lead.
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Gangle felt herself crying with joy a little as he made contact with her. She felt so happy, happier than she ever felt in what felt like her entire life. She would work with him not against him not over him. If Jax was going to allow this they she would do her utmost to move as he moved. Act as he acted, if they were one then together neither had to be alone ever again. It was a idea she never thought would happen.
As he was jumping he actually had jumped much higher than he ever had before thanks to Gangle working in tandem with him. In that moment of perfect sync something unocked in Gangle's mind.
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"Stay with me! Together we're better!"
Her mask had changed she was in her happy mask now.
“ I am sure, Ribbons.”
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It felt normal really, natural. It been a few weeks now since they began doing this. Fur brushing with silk ribbon and the other leaned his head closer purring quietly to himself as he brushes with ceramic. “I know you ain't use to me being so cautious.. But, I just wanna go slow with this, you know..? Dont wanna rip a ribbon by mistake here.”
He still had questions, did she feel pain..? Was it like taking a limb? They never thought of it till now. And to think he was so quick at one point to try and cut her ribbons from time to time, but one could notice how he never actually went through with it. It was mostly to just.. scare Gangle.
Get a reaction.
But things just felt different now. For the better of course. Jax is all grin while lowering down onto all fours, tucking hind legs back in ready pouncing position. “But alright if ya think you can handle it..let me show you how its done.”
With a leap the other flies into the air a good feet before landing again.
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ganglymask · 1 month
Another day another crazy adventure designed by Caine. Still, Gangle supposed it was better than just losing yourself in a room like Kaufmo did like so many others have done. Best, not the think about that.
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So, the premise this time was that the group were supposed to act as "Police" to stop a group of thieves. Gangle already had an idea how this was going to go expecially when most of the group didn't end up coming and it was just her and Jax. She supposed they had played this adventure quite a few times. But, Gangle was goaded into coming by Jax so she couldn't say no. If Jax was left alone he would end up coming back well doing who knows what. Maybe, if she helped him have a good time it might help? Honestly, she didn't know. She just knew he couldn't be left alone it would be terrible.
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"So, what were we doing again? I know we've played this before but..."
The pair were in a Museum it looked like generic. The goal was to catch the theives and bring them to justice. Yet, knowing Jax he would likely try to subvert that somehow. Gangle hated that she knew that, or suspected he would do that. Oh, this would go badly wouldn't it? Her mask was already broken and not by Jax it seemed everything went out of their way to break it somehow.
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ganglymask · 1 month
Jax is a little fed up with Bubble ..
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ganglymask · 1 month
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Roof-Top Trio
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ganglymask · 1 month
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*speed drives into the candy corn frield*
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ganglymask · 2 months
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A cozy blanket
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ganglymask · 2 months
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I'm still doing it
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ganglymask · 2 months
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Two friendssss sitting in the voidddd
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ganglymask · 2 months
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"I do...not like I have much to do either..."
Gangle kept it simple she didn't want to have Jax push her away by appearing too excited at the prospect. Deep down though, she was happy she got to spend time with him in this kind of thing. But she knew Jax wouldn't like that if she showed that too openly so she acted in that passive way she tended to as best she could.
Once her choice was made she sat opposite from Jax not too close just the spot she thought she needed to be to play the game. She did think maybe it might be hard for her to play the game given she didn't have hands perse, yet she didn't mind if she made a fool of herself it might make Jax laugh and that would make her happy too.
"So...how do we play it? I only ever played...drawing games I think?"
Jax pondered for a moment, inspecting Gangle from head to toe as a hand brushed to rub at his chin to contemplate. He wasn't really expecting a yes out of her; all the more fun for him but oddly, his mood hadn't peaked for any shenanigans currently. So his demeanor shifted, lazing off a shrug in the end.
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⸺ ❝ Eh, not really. I don't have an agenda for any tomfoolery today, just bored and thought a game of jacks would sate that. Better than old people's games like chess, checkers or mini golf. Y'know, stuff like what Kinger likes, if ya can get him to concentrate long enough before he moseys back off into whatever hole he crawled out of. The game's simple, no violence or any scary business involved. Ya still wanna play? ❞
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ganglymask · 2 months
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Eepy bnnuy
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ganglymask · 2 months
Continued from here.
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"As long as you're ok with it..."
Gangle couldn't deny she was fond of this. But, she liked to think this was more symbiotic than just her doing all the work. Jax was allowing himself to follow her ribbons. In this way they were truly one. Gangle felt more like a real person than she ever had before and was close to the one she adored for better or worse. She knows now that she always loved him no matter how creul he was to her. Because he never left her alone which was what she feared all along.
Now, the idea of making him jump seemed harder than simply moving him they needed to work in tandem she thinks.
"It isn't just me you know...I like to think we're one and the same...I don't like the idea of taking control away from you...I want us to be equals...or at least together...and this is as close as we can get..."
To create height...maybe they needed to practice?
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ganglymask · 2 months
after 6 hours of drawing, i can finally eat
also sorry for bad quality
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ganglymask · 2 months
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Wrapped up Twitter sketch
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