Sambalatte Torrefazione
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The power of coffee
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sambalatte · 5 years ago
Coffee for a Cause
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
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Are you ready? Slight delay for few days but things are moving along. Another beautiful space for you to enjoy soon at Smith Center. #design #coffeeart #coffeeshop #coffeegram #coffee #coffeelover #coffeeculture #coffeecup #coffeeholic #dtlv #local #lasvegas #downtown #butfirstcoffee #discovery (at Sambalatte Smith Center)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
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MONDAY. - Delicious Coffee - Positive Thoughts - Hustle we go!!!! #monday #coffee #coffeelover #coffeeshop #coffeetime #caffeine #coffeebreak #positivevibes #positivequotes #vibes #goodvibes #lovesambalatte #coffeeart #coffeegram #colorful #unicorn #lasvegas #sambalattesj (at Sambalatte at Molasky)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
We learn a lot visiting our producers. We truly want to make an experience for all of us. Apas is located at Mantigueira Mountains ⛰ an area of Origin Denomination (DO). Our producers are like us very passionate about their coffee. From Farm to Cup. #sustainable #fairtrade #rainforestalliance #coffeeculture #cafe #coffee #coffeegram #coffeeoftheday #coffeetime #caffeine #coffehouse #coffeeshop #coffeelover #lovesambalatte #water #beautiful #lasvegas (at São Gonçalo do Sapucaí)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
Fazenda Santa Alina located at Alta Mogiana which has Origin Denomination due to geography location and terroir. The beans produced at this region has some unique citrus notes. Tuca Dias the producer, Tuca is an amazing person very committed to quality, sustainability, and social programs to all her Team. Parabéns Tuca! #cups #coffetable #needcoffee #love #work #life #food #butfirstcoffee #coffeeculture #producer #cafe #origin #social #roastery #coffeetime #coffeeshop #fresh #delicious #sustainability (at Fazenda Santa Alina)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
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Flavor and Aroma that’s all you need. #flavor #aroma #fresh #delicious #local #espresso #coffeeculture #lovesambalatte #lasvegas #vegas #coffee #sambalattesc #sambalattemolasky #colorful #unicorn #latteart #latte #fridaymood #fridayvibes (at Sambalatte Torrefazione)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
The water fall sound is music 🎶 to the soul. #water #waterfall #cachoeira #nature #nature #green #sustainability #rainforest #agua #natureza #naturezaperfeita #springs #minasgerais #cafe #coffee #producer #local #fairtrade #roastery (at Cambuquira)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
Alta Mogiana os located north São Paulo with border of South Minas Gerais produce some delicious coffee due to microclimate, elevation, terroir, mountains, and many other factors. The coffee from this region has some citrus notes which make a very interesting coffee. We love to visit our producers and learn more about their initiatives. Some areas in this region could grow Geisha varietal in the near future. Please note we mentioned 11 meters but it’s 1100 meters. From Farm to Cup. #farmtocup #farmtocupcoffee #producer #origin #altamogiana #cafeespecial #specialtiescoffees #cafesespeciais #coffee #cafe #microclimate #traceability #green #organic #fairtrade #rainforestalliance #roastery #roaster #lasvegas #vegas #local #fresh (at São Sebastião da Grama)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
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Sambalatte at Downtown Las Vegas. A beautiful space located at Molasky Corporate Building. It a Green Leed Certified Building. Our store has some great reclaimed elements to make the space make you feel welcome. We offer complimentary 1 hour parking and free WiFi. #downtown #lasvegas #vegas #dtlv #localbusiness #leed #green #reclaimedwood #lovesambalatte #smithcenter #coffee #cafe #latte #espresso #coffeeshop #coffeeculture #lovesambalatte #sambalattesj #sambalattesc (at Sambalatte at Molasky)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
Be your own kind a beautiful. Incredible view of rolling hills with an incredible microclimate that produce some delicious coffee to be served. #beautiful #beauty #mountains #hills #hillside #rollinghills #farm #producer #microclimate #coffee #cafe #roastery #roaster #lasvegas #vegas #bestofthebest #lovesambalatte dtlv #farmtocup (at Minas Gerais)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
We hear rumors that we will have a shortage of coffee in the future. Shortage of labor in the field is a major issue for the producers. Mechanized harvest saves time, and improves the producer margins, hand pick harvest adds 60%+ at harvest cost. If we add several variables to be a producer the margin is completely diluted and not worth. #rainforestalliance #traceability #sustainable #green #bsca #brasil #minasgerais #cooperative #harvest #colheita #fairtrade #mechanized #roaster #roastery #educational #coffeeculture #local #lasvegas (at Fazendas Caxambu e Aracacu)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
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What’s would be your coffee ☕️ mood this Friday? #fridaymood #fridayvibes #friday #tgif #tgifridays #mood #coffee #coffeeculture #cafe #coffeetime #coffeebreak #coffeeshop #coffeehouse #local #lasvegas #vegas #fresh #roastery #roaster #sambalattemolasky #dtlv (at Sambalatte Torrefazione)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
A beautiful day at Carmo de Minas one the top coffee producers region in Brazil. #rainforestalliance #traceability #coffee #producer #serradamantiqueira #mantiqueira #cafe #sustainable #sustainability #fairtrade #roaster #roastery #lasvegas #vegas #lovesambalatte #sambalattesc #sambalattemolasky #sambalattesj (at Carmo de Minas)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
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Coffee with the Cops. A great community turnout at Jones. #coffeetime #coffeeculture #cafe #conmunity #local #lvmpd #laavegas #vegas #springvalley (at Sambalatte Torrefazione)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
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Heat Wave in the South. Fresh brewed and delicious iced tea always a great 👍 idea. #icedcoffee #iced #tea #cold #coldbrew #coffee #sambarock #nitrocoffee #delicious #delicioso #delicia #dtlv #sambalattesc #sambalattemolasky #sambalattesj (at Sambalatte Boca Park)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
There is about 100 coffee tree varieties but only few are comercialize. This tree is yellow catucai and red catucai are so similar but have a slight different flavors. There is so many variables for Coffee such microclimate, elevation, terroir, location facing east or west, and many other things. It’s simple fascinating to learn about all of that. We try to bring the best flavors when we Roast profiling each beans. #variety #coffee #tree #traceability #rainforestalliance #sustainable #sustainability #farmtocupcoffee #harvest #roaster #local #fairtrade #profile #lasvegas #lovesambalatte #sambalattesj #sambalattesc #sambalattemolasky (at São Gonçalo do Sapucaí)
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sambalatte · 7 years ago
Drying Patio. This step after harvesting is extremely important to avoid a bad coffee fermentation and allow the coffee the dry even. Several producers are choosing lift beds because slow the beans to get air from the bottom and top. From Farm to Cup. #traceability #rainforestalliance #green #sustainable #fairtrade #process #coffee #cafe #educational #education #producers #farmtocupcoffee #farmtocup #farmtotable #local #roastery #roaster (at Minas Gerais)
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