The first time we met
When I first met Justin I was 14 and he was 16, so we have known each other for about 7 years now, heading into 8. We met online through a mutual friend that we had gamed together with, and yes Justin and I big gaming nerds and enjoy gaming with each other in our free time. 
So, we met online through a game and became really good friends, playing late into the night, doing stupid shit online and being as we would call ourselves “little shits”. All of this would lead to late night skype calls that would end up with both of us falling asleep in the call and continuing with our shenanigans the next day. 
After a while of this I started to really like this kid, I was myself around him and he wouldnt judge me one bit, but there was one issue; I had already had a boyfriend before I met Justin, but here is the kicker, that boyfriend and I werent together when I met Justin so I was on the market but once that boyfriend found out about Justin he asked to be with my again, this went on for the majority of Justin and I’s friendship and I was off and on with that guy for 6 years. It caused a lot of tears in Justin and I’s friendship because Justin would try to make a move and I was always stupidly with the other guy.
Finally, Justin had enough of it and it led to a big argument which led to us not speaking to each other for two years. I’ve never told him how much those two years sucked without him, the one person I knew I could talk to and be myself around was gone and those two years were really really really rough. I cried a lot in those two years, I missed him so much but I was too prideful to admit it back then, and I hated that he didnt reach out to me like I thought he was because I knew that I meant a lot to him but he didnt reach out and neither did I.
In those two years, the guy that made us tear apart came back into my life again ( at this point I had so much resentment for this dude that I really didnt want to be with him but I also didnt want to be alone ) When he had come back into my life he dropped a bomb on me that I didnt think he would, he was joining the Army, it shocked me mainly because I didnt think he would ever do it but he did. He went off to basic and AIT and then got stationed in Ft. Bliss TX. He and I started to date again and eventually he talked about us getting married, when he started to talk about getting married this is around the time when he learned that he was going to JRTC and eventually would deploy after that. He went off and whatnot, he came back and started to pack for the deployment, he again started to talk about getting married and whatnot and I stupidly thought it was a good idea, I said yes to him and started to plan my move to El Passo but thankfully that got put on hold because of the deployment. 
Now, you guys know I am not married to someone who is stationed in Ft. Bliss, so obviously I didnt marry that guy.I had found out he had been cheating on me and I called it quits, that story is so long and stupid that I will give the run down. He had been cheating on me for some time and I had zero clue, of course it was with someone he worked with and that sucked even more. Anyways, I had to find out while he was deployed from one of our FRIENDS!! Yeah that was a good time, I had to end our relationship for good and I knew it. 
But back to Justin, the amazing man who I am so luck to be married to. After two years of no contact I caved, I added him back on everything and once he accepted I sent a message faster than Ive ever sent any message in my whole life. I sent something stupid because I knew he would answer that lol. 
After a few messages back and forth I had asked him how he had been doing and what he had been up to, ironically he had also join the Army and was stationed here in Kentucky. Instantly I was like “FUCK”  why did you have to join the Army lol, we talked for a while, caught up and talked about what had happened in the two years we didnt speak. He had asked me about the other guy and I had told him that he and I werent together and I had asked him about his love life, he was trying to get with this girl that he had been after for a few months, but never got with her. 
The few months that we talked I saw him spiral with that girl, he was so down on himself and eventually just said “fuck it” and didnt try to go after her again and just deleted her off of everything, kinda like he did me lol. I didnt rush into trying to be with him, but once I found that out boy I was quick to start flirting. Now there is something you need to know about this man, he was OBLIVIOUS to me flirting with him, eventually I just had to come out and say it lol.
Some time went on before we decided to do anything dating wise, one night we had the bright idea to play games together and drink... A few hours in, Im completely gone, and he is right behind me, hes able to hold his alcohol better than I can lol. Eventually it led to him asking me to be his girlfriend and lots and lots and lots of confessions of love and whatnot. 
Now, we have been together a year and it has been the best year of my freaking life. This man treated me in ways I didst think I would ever be treated. He respects me, he loves me and he cares for me. He makes me fee on top of the world ever freaking day and I cannot thank him enough for being the man that he is and the loving husband that he is.
Meeting for the first time
We had been dating for about 6ish months Im not sure, when we had decided that it was finally time to meet each other. There were so many complications with the first date that two months went by before I finally go to meet him.
It was July when we finally got everything squared away. I finally got time off from work and finally knew that I could book my flight and have no issues now!! That night he had facetimed me and we looked at flights, I found the perfect one. What sucked was that I still had to go to work that morning, so I would be going to work, getting off and packing the rest of my things and heading to Austin to make my FIRST FLIGHT EVER. 
Now, I have never flown before up until this and I was SCARED SHITLESS. Justin on the other hand has traveled and is seasoned with flying and told me over and over it wasnt that bad, and it wasnt! I actually really miss flying, and wish I had a reason to do it more often. But my first flight was that day, I left work really early because my nerves were kicking my ass, I was nervous as hell, I didnt know how I would do going through TSA, and getting to my gate, but lucky for me it was easy and when I had gotten through TSA all of my gates were right there. 
It was late as heck when I got on my flight, like 9PM or something like that. I had gotten done with my frist flight and my last flight was out of Houston and from there I would finally be in Nashville and finally with my man. I got into Nashville at 11:30PM and instantly called Justin and told him I was there. He was outside waiting for me!!!!!!! I rushed past everyone and made my way outside to see my boyfriend stading there with the biggest smile on his face. He greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the forehead and then we got in the car and drove back to Ft. Campbell. That night I was quietly let into his barracks room LOL.
We just stood there for a while, hugging and looking at each other and saying “im here!!” over and over and over again. That night we squeezed ourselves onto his bed and tried to fall asleep, but there was too much excitement. He still had to go to PT in the morning and had work as well, I tried to sleep and so did he but we just couldnt. Once we did start falling asleep his alarm went off and it was time for him to get dressed and head out for PT.
He came back later that morning with some breakfast for me and then it was time for him to get dressed and leave for the day :( Let me tell you the barracks are depressing as hell. But I LITERALLY slept all the day while he was at work. He would text me every time he could to check on me and make sure I was okay and whatnot. Later that night he got him and we crashed again, we really messed up our sleeping schedules lol. 
From there it was the weekend so we went to visit my aunt, and then we went up to Ohio to meet a friend, those few days that we had together were so good and will forever have a special place in my heart. 
And that is the first time we met <3 
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5 years down the road
I love this question because as I get older I look back to what I said in previous years and think “lol, what was I thinking when I said these things?” in all fairness I was always very out there with these questions when I was in school, I had big plans for my life but I’ve only reached a handful of them.
I was really trying to think of something to write, but nothing came to mind. I finally asked one of my friends what they thought I should write about and this is what she came up with and I love it! 
So lets get started, let me first say when I was younger I would say things like “in 5 years I see myself sitting with friends, working at a hospital with kids, adopting another dog even though I already probably have 4″ Now these things have changed so drastically, in 5 years I will be 26 (holy shit) in 5 years my husband and I will be in a new state hopefully staying there till he retires, or in 5 years my husband and I could be moving again. In 5 years I see myself with hopefully one child maybe two, two dogs, my husband on a plot of land in a house that has a wrap around porch, tons of space for our little ones to run around and play maybe some livestock. 
But also in 5 years, my husband and I could be living our best lives. No kids just us enjoying each other still, enjoying it just being him and I in our home in our bed in our space. In a house that is big enough for us to still have our office but also to host friends and family. With two dogs, some land and hopefully a view. The more I think about 5 years ahead the more I think to myself that I really have no clue where I will be, but I do know that I will have my husband by my side.
In 5 years I hope to see myself a better woman that I am today, a more caring a more passionate a more mature woman that I am today. I hope to see myself grow and learn from life I hope to see myself step out of my comfort zone, I hope to see myself be more social. 
In conclusion, in 5 years this is what I see; I see my husband and I getting put at his next duty station, I see me with kids and dogs, I see a house that we call home for many years to come, I see myself a better person, I see my husband a better person I see happiness and growth, I see struggles and pain, I see a future I cannot wait for. 
As for the things that I have reached so far, I am married, I live in a new state, I am more confident in myself as a woman as a wife as a person, I’ve overcome a lot of my fears that I have had for a long time, I have matured in ways I needed to. 5 years ago I was not the person I am today, and for the things I have done I am proud of myself for striving to accomplish these things.
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even though mine HATES his he still is a h o t t i e
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 I guess this is where I introduce myself! Hi! I am Samantha Pickler, this is my first time doing something like this so bear with me as I go through this whole “blog” thing! LOL.
I guess I will start off by telling you a little about me, I am born and raised in the Lone Star State, Texas. I spent 21 years of my life there and have recently JUST left the state. I have since moved to Kentucky where my husband is stationed. So far this state isnt too bad, just miss the food from back home right now ;) I am married to my friend of 8+ years, Justin. We met when I was around 14 and hit it off, we became the best of friend and still are to this day! 
Justin and I got married on December 28th 2018, I will never forget that day. He woke up that morning and said “oh my god, in a few hours youll be my wife and I will be your husband” and kissed me, it was by far the cutest thing hes done and I dont know why I loved it so much, it could be because he had the BIGGEST smile on his face while he said it and the kiss was so sweet and soft and full of love I just melt thinking about it still. 
We didnt have the whole traditional wedding, we got married at the courthouse but eventually we have a little party more than likely closer to the year mark of our wedding! even though we didnt have something traditional that day will forever be my favorite day!
When Justin left to come back to Kentucky I started my journey of getting ready to move. I had a full month before I was supposed to move, I slowly packed all of my things getting somewhat emotional that I was leaving home, I was scared, happy and sad all at the same time. My last day home hit me hard, I cried that night as I took the remaining things off my walls, sitting on my bed thinking of all the good times I had in my childhood home, but I didnt just think of the good times I thought of the bad, the nights where I cried myself to sleep because I was miserable with life and the path that I had taken. I sat there and thought to myself about how thankful I was to have had this home to call my childhood home and thought about how thankful I was for my mom, and the relationship that she and I had. I was sad that I was leaving but I was happy that I was starting my own life. It was one of the last nights that Justin and I were going to have to FaceTime while in bed to be “together” that next night I was going to be by my husband in our home and in our bed.
That next day I woke up with Justin like normal we talked for a bit and then before he went to work he said “well babe, I will see you in a few hours” and that is when it REALLY hit me, I was going to be making this 12 hour drive to be with my husband!!! I was so excited. That morning my aunt came over to tell me goodbye, I hugged my littlest sister goodbye as my mom took her to school. That morning I was supposed to be on the road at 8AM sharp but I decided that I didnt want to rush out so I stayed back and had breakfast with my mom and sister for the last time before I got in the road. My mom called me to tell me that she had gotten breakfast tacos, she told me “you have to have breakfast tacos one last time before you leave” and she was right, those were the best tacos I had ever put in my mouth LOL. After we had gotten done, I got up and it was time for me to hit the road I hugged my mom goodbye and my sister goodbye and got in the car, got my gps ready and then drove out of the driveway one last time.
Making that 12 hour drive wasnt too bad, before I knew it was in Texarkana which is pretty much Arkansas. I stopped to fill up and then hit the road again, I drove straight through Arkansas and finally mad it to Tennessee, I stopped one more time and then I was going to make my way to my new home! Of course it wouldnt be me if I didnt get lost trying to get back on the highway, which added a bit of time to my travel time but it was okay. I drove through Tennessee and was an hour away from where our apartment is, I started to feel butterflies in my stomach, I knew I was so close to finally seeing my husband again, I had a sudden burst of energy my last leg of the drive, I guess that sudden burst of energy also came with an iron foot because I made it to our apartment well before the arive time that i was given by my gps LOL.I told my husband Id beat him home and guess what, I did by 20 minutes! 
My husband got home and literally jumped out of his car and gave me the biggest hug and kiss and opened the door to our home and said “welcome home babe” I also forgot the mention the day I moved was valentines day, which I had COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN ABOUT, but he didnt. He made me close my eyes and stick my hands out, he got me a stuffed bear with some chocolates, i CRIED LOL. That night I upacked all of my things and when I say unpacked I mean I put them all into my living room, went straight to our room, curled up next to my husband and passed out.
Now we are here almost a month later and I still cannot believe I am here, getting to see my husband walk through the door every day, cooking dinner every day, spending time with my husband ever day still feels so unreal to me but its very real, and I am very happy.            
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