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second scene
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Filming with physical props in the foreground and a projected image in the back, This is the final shot that we will be using for our presentation the first week back from uni break
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Helmet design
This helmet is made to help the people transfer their consciousness into Corvi bodies so that they can interact or in this case, perform the play, Romeo and Juliet  
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Good showcase of how we are dealing with the leak... 
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Bring Helva to life
This was a good fun process (lazy prototyping), Using materials that were lying around the workshop and going out to buy the barbie we set out to make a model that showcased Helva in her iconic incubator tube (this was made in our vision and is now what is described in the story.)
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This is the layout of shots with each row showing how we will be using a tracking shot for the first scene, Panning shot for the second and a zoom on the 3rd screen, this will be made up with multiple mediums such as digital models projected in for a background supported by physical models for the foreground.
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Helva hologram  
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Sketches of Ships Based on 60′s 70′s Futurism Architecture
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Here, are some ship designs based on feedback from Lyn. He proposed that we take the approach for the ship to perhaps embody the aspects of futurism or 60′s and 70′s architecture. I did a lot of studies analysing buildings and then trying to adapt their form into a ship design for Helva.  
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thursdays planning for final project, mood board and what not 
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Chappie - Research
The film chappie also explores human and robot relationships, ‘Chappie’ and his creator ‘Dion Wilson’. Dion raises Chappie as he is the first robot in the film to be built with feelings and emotions within him.
From the moment Chappie has awoken, Dion finds a strong almost father-like attachment to him. Throughout the film, Dion mentors and raises Chappie, tutoring him on reading and becoming almost human, however, the antagonists of the film aim to direct Chappie toward a path of violence.
Anne McCaffrey’s approach differs to this, however, another approach we could take with our narrative work is alter the influence that characters have on Brainships, negative influences could have an interesting impact on their personalities and behaviour.
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Halo - ‘Synthetic’ and ‘Human’ Relationship Research
Halo is a science fiction based videogame that had its first release of the series arrive in 2001 on the original Xbox. Although, the story is more or less about great wars that occur within the universe among alien species. There is a greater narrative beneath the surface that explores the relationship between both main character, ‘Master Chief’ and artificially intelligent companion ‘Cortana’. Cortana is partially embedded within a chip which ‘Master Chief’ inserts into his helmet.   
A repetitive element of Halo 3, is the consistent visions that ‘Chief’ has of ‘Cortana’, these are fragmented throughout the game and add another layer of depth to the relationship between both ‘Cyborg/Human’ and ‘AI’. The game directors have taken a similar approach to that of Honeymoon by Anne McCaffrey in the sense that ‘Master Chief’ seems to symbolise brawn, whereas ‘Cortana’ symbolises brain. 
Cortana is highly knowledgeable and tends to inform ‘Chief’ throughout the games of things he is unaware of and various tactics he can take, whereas, ‘Chief’ chooses to fight as that is what he designed to do. 
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(Bungie’s Halo 3) Screenshot Source:
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Blade Runner - Research
After watching Blade Runner directed by Ridley Scott, I noticed an underpinning part of Blade Runner’s narrative is the relationship between both the androids/synths and humans. This is similar in some sense to Honeymoon by Anne McCaffrey, who implemented consciousness within the ships of the novel, whilst people have the ability to fly them. Within the book, Helva (human-ship consciousness) and Niall (her pilot/co-pilot) possess a strong bond unlike some of the other characters who exist within the story.    
Throughout Bladerunner, replicants are quite looked down upon by human society within the film as they are used as tools rather than as equals within society. Deckard, the main character is tasked with finding and eliminating these replicants, however, he develops a strong unbreakable bond with a ‘female’ replicant, which is against the norms of society. 
Now, referring back to Anne McCaffrey’s Honeymoon, there is a play with terminology. Helva, is labelled as a ‘brain-ship’, whereas, Niall is labelled as the ‘brawn’, this leaves a space for us to possibly interfere with these labels McCaffrey has created. I have learned from watching Blade Runner, that these labels can cause segregation between characters and society. We could take the approach to change the narrative so that the ships such as Helva are in a greater divide with than the people within the text. 
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Image Link: 
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