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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
QUESTION 1: Determine main point: The main point of this article is to introduce us about the bike that is the fastest powered vehicle. At the very beginning of the article the author says "the strange-looking, bullet-shaped bike broke the record for fastest person-powered vehicle on Earth." So, as we go along the article, the author talks about the team aerovelo, which is a group of Canadian who built the bike, and also features and descriptions of the bike, how you ride it, and the reason to why it was built like that. Then we come to the end, Cameron a member of the team tells us about his feelings towards the success of the eta.
QUESTION 2: How the article is structured: The purpose of this article is to inform us about the new invention which has hatched on our planet. The author did it in a rather different way that made me picture myself on the bike competing against the speed of light. She included speeches of the members of the team, which made me get the idea of the bike better, because those who invent things are the ones who draw the attention of the people, since they are the ones who invented. The articles organisation is done in the right way, its introduction directly starts by saying the fastest bike which is catchy, the paragraphs with sub headings on top made it more clear and are well detailed and supported with the members quotes. The picture at the top of the article just completes the article. The author’s weakness is her ending, she could have had an exciting conclusion to end the article.
QUESTION 3: Questions and why are you asking them? -Is the article talking in a first persons view? This well show if the author is writing the article in her own point of view, which if it is then it will mostly be opinions, not facts.
-Is the article biast? Does the article provide the reader to argue, in other word does it allow us to agree or disagree, if it is not reliable we will be able to argue, but if it is then we will have no side to argue.
QUESTION 4: Reliable or not? This article is reliable, three reasons that support my answer. First, the article's date is still fresh, meaning it was posted recently, which means that the information was recently discovered. Second reason, is that it includes the inventors quotes about the inventions which shows that the information is true. Lastly, the article is not written in the first person's view, which means that the information are facts not opinions.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
-expressing contempt or disapproval.
-to torment;trouble;distress;plague;worry.
-proceeding from or showing a revengeful spirit.
-high sounding but with little meaning;inflated
-the quality of being cheerful and full of energy;exuberance.
1- The best thing that I get to do, since I'm the youngest is vexing my older sister.
2-Don't you agree that teachers are vindictive when students are careless with their studies, so what they do is play with the marks.
P.S: Please teachers don't be offended by this, I just couldn't find any other sentence.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
The word is pejorative.
You shall find it at 0:15.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
I think this song will link best after the scene when Christopher has left his father's house and decided to go to his mother. What Christopher is doing is what is called Running, because he's trust with his father was broken by lies. The song sums that up, it's lyrics says that no matter how much you try to make me stay I'm running away. That's is exactly what Christopher is doing, and it is obvious that if his father caught him doing that, he will try his best to convince him to stay. The song is kind of explaining to us Christopher's situation but rather indirectly. And I think it will give the scene a twist, and make it exciting at one point, because some people understand a situation better when there is a song after it.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
I actually forgot to talk about my feelings towards social media. My  Opinion of social media has not changed. I still take social media as a useful thing to human beings, because it mostly teaches me time managment, which is needed to maintain our lives.
Oh my GOD!! I seriously enjoyed tumblr, it motivated me to write differently than writing in school, it just does. I really want to convince the teacher to use this kind of project again next Term, that’s how much I enjoyed, but I know that she won’t. Social media has two faces, a bad one and a good one, similar like any other thing on this planet. The aim of the creation of social media is for people to communicate and mainly educational. When it comes to education, social media is the one to do the job, I know that people will argue with me about it being a time waster, but time is never wasted when it comes to education. Social media provides information about the planet we are living on, discoveries of other planets in space, how far has technology reached, and the worlds population. All these are hard to know if it wasn’t for social media,I mean seriously how would news reach to you, okay you will say television, but television also uses social media. Without social media, I would be a total stranger, knowing nothing about the world I’m living in. I myself am not a fan of it, but when it comes to education, you’ve got to fight through fire if necessary.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
Oh my GOD!! I seriously enjoyed tumblr, it motivated me to write differently than writing in school, it just does. I really want to convince the teacher to use this kind of project again next Term, that's how much I enjoyed, but I know that she won't. Social media has two faces, a bad one and a good one, similar like any other thing on this planet. The aim of the creation of social media is for people to communicate and mainly educational. When it comes to education, social media is the one to do the job, I know that people will argue with me about it being a time waster, but time is never wasted when it comes to education. Social media provides information about the planet we are living on, discoveries of other planets in space, how far has technology reached, and the worlds population. All these are hard to know if it wasn't for social media,I mean seriously how would news reach to you, okay you will say television, but television also uses social media. Without social media, I would be a total stranger, knowing nothing about the world I'm living in. I myself am not a fan of it, but when it comes to education, you've got to fight through fire if necessary.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
As a reader myself, I like Christopher, when he says something and I don't get it, I usually find the explanation directly on the next page, plus his description of people helps me imagine the character he is talking about much better. Christopher writes about everything that has happened, is happening and, shall happen, which also gives me a brief explanation of his character. In addition, yes I also like both, his mother and his father, because they both are involved in bringing Christopher up, and because they both did what is good for him. Let's start with his mother, Judy is a high tempered person, she couldn't handle her son's syndrome and she saw that he went along better with his father, so she was no use to him, made a decision to leave, she thought it was better for everyone. Ed on the other hand did his best at taking care of Christopher, he did everything on his son's list of likes and dislikes, he was both a mother and a father to him.
When it comes to sympathise,I do feel it towards Christopher's parents. Their son is trying to overcome his adversity, it shows as we go along the book, his murder investigation of the dog, him using the toilet on the train, talking to a strangers like the policeman, the lady in the information desk. Those are evidence showing overcoming adversity., but his parents don't motivate him to do more.When his parents act unskillfully, its a pity, because they are the ones who should act strong towards Christopher, in order to encourage what their son is doing to overcome his adversity. And no I don't blame them for their faults, because we are human beings, we experience once, we were not created knowing everything. In short, Ed and Judy's son turned out to have Asperger's Syndrome, yah that's god’'so creation you can't change that, they didn't expect that, so they don't have experience since it's their first child. No matter what they did wrong, it's part of learning, that's how we get experience in life by making mistakes.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
Tumblr media
25 posts!
Congrats to George. Wohoaaaaa!
Back to reality.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
I totally and utterly disagree with this quote. When I'm arguing with my sister, I tell her at the end, fight fire with fire. I only use it when it comes to fighting with her, but really when you are having an argument and you use violence to end it, let me tell you my dear fellows there will no full spot to the argument. Why? Because if your both just shouting and using bad language, you are both alike and repulsion will occur. They say raise your words not your voice. In an argument there is always a person who agrees and one who opposes that, yah that's normal, it's an argument. One will try to convince the other that their point of view is better. How will you do that? By talking politely, but at the same time strengthen your words, and then the other person will think about it.
As my sister once told me, when there are two people in an argument, one hard as a rock and the other one soft as a mother's love, the soft one will argue in a way which will make the hard one reduce it's toughness. So let me get to my point here, using violence in an unreasonable situation can be accepted if and only if you have tried other methods and wasn't successful, then you could use violence but rather in a good way. Otherwise if the person against you is not capable of fighting with words but rather with fists then that would be the reason why I disagree with this quote.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
1-“ I decided to leave home alone, because when I'm sad I’d like to be left alone.”
This shows Christopher  feeling isolated, okay when you are sad you’d want to be left alone, but for his age, that is just isolating himself from people. Children are the first ones who need someone when they are sad.
2- “ to be a good also have to be somone who like being on their own in a tiny spacecraft thousands and thousands of mile away from the surface of Earth.”
Seriously this is such an obvious example of isolation, who would want to be so far away from Earth into space ALONE Christopher isolates himself from the world.
3- I'm not sure if this is an example but I want to say it as an example of isolation. The book Christopher is writing in proves that he is an isolated child, he writes everything in this book, his daily life, what he wants to be in the future, what is going on at home, at school, he talks about himself what he likes and dislike, talks about the world. Seriously he takes the book as if it's a person to him, because usually human being tell other human beings about their lives but Christopher doesn't do that, instead he writes in his book. 
There is a contradiction because he wants to be alone but what is stopping him is, his incapability of taking care of himself. In the book he said he will get married and have a wife who will take care of her, so this shows that he can't take care of himself by his own. So it's not a win win situation he has to choose one.
Christopher’s adversity which is Asperger's Syndrome is preventing him from having a human touch, and he finds humans confusing due to their facial expressions and emotions. However, touching animals to him is okay because firstly animals can't talk , don't have emotions and they are not confusing.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
I totally respect your agreement, in fact I'm with you when you said that portraying people as in inspiring others, and showing them that it's okay to be who you are (disabled). But I will have to be honest here, almost all entertainments portray disabled people as the main theme, they show them in a way that is not hurtful nor offensive.  In my opinion  disabled people in an entertainment is what keeps it moving meaning exciting in a GOOD way. Usually those who are disabled as you said are insecure, so when there is an entertainment that includes disabled people, those who are disabled feel secure  and it motivates them to continue life the way they are with pride and courage. Entertainments which portray disabled people teaches us about life, how life looks like, how will you react when you see a disabled people, what should you say..........all that is a lesson that prepares you for life in the future. We shouldn't act with disabled people as if they are disabled, in fact we should treat them the way we treat normal people because at the end they are just like us with just more or less characteristics.
Portraying people with disabilities in entertainment media is unfair
This is 100 percent true. Making fun of people’s disability shouldn’t be considered as an “entertainment,” that’s one. Two, people with those disabilities are already insecure about what they have to go through, and people are adding humiliation. This is just making them feel worst. In any sort of entertainment, if it will hurt the person’s feelings in the end, then this is where the unfairness comes. Those people never chose to be like this, It is how they were born. Doing such thing like using people with disabilities as a side of entertainment is called being lifeless, and childish. A child will even understand better. Doing that, is also meaning you being rude to that person. 
Though, portraying people as in inspiring others, and showing them that its okay to be disabled, then you are being useful and spreading positivity. Instead of just wasting time by being rude, you can show people that being disabled dosent mean anything. You can always achieve your goals, dosent matter in which situation you stand. 
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
Wow!! This is the best agreement i’veread so far. Good job girl.
Violence can be a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation.
I believe that the situation changes due to the person that is recieving violence. In the world there are people that talk with there fists since words are hard for them to use to express their expressions. However if the violence is to someone that doesnt like physical contact then that is where I disagree.
People should respect the ones that respect them. Treat a person the way you would wanted to be treated. I agree with this statement as long as the person who is recieving the violence is comfortable with it. However if the person that recieves the violence is not comfortable with it then I disagree with this statement.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
That is your point of view, and I totally respect that, but I will have to disagree with your disagreement of the quote. When the word normal comes to your head, what do you think of it? What does it mean to you? To me this is what it means NOTHING. The only way that normal can be defined is by judging behaviour, which is not possible because we all have different behaviours. If we were all the same, then we would all think in the same way, which cause life to be boring, but because we all are normal in our own ways, life is full of life.I see you added 'life won't be controlled properly' How do you know that it is being controlled properly? I know, we assume that because it's being controlled by normal people, so of course it's the proper way. Those people might be normal to you, but definitely not normal to me, because the word normal does not exist in the human world. It's just there with no meaning behind it.
P.S: I hope that this is not taken as a derogatory disagreement. We are humans, as I mentioned in my other post, we all think differently, that's why we have different point of views, because there is no such thing as normal when it comes to human beings. That’s the reason why we are having arguments with this quote, if there was a word such as normal then we will all either agree or disagree together.
Prompt Two
I picked “There is no such thing as “normal” when it comes to human beings.” I disagree with these idea. As a human myself I happen to believe that humans are the most intelligent and “normal” people or things on the planet. Because if we weren’t “normal” then life wouldn’t be controlled properly and so it wouldn’t be balanced. We wouldn’t be living in a proper environment if we weren’t ‘normal’. Not only that but we wouldn’t even be able to communicate properly or nothing would be “well managed”.
In the story Christopher says this because he views humans as “not normal” because he has Asperger’s Syndrome. He finds them complicated to understand and since he doesn’t understand emotions he thinks of humans “as abnormal” people.  For example, Cristopher mentions how he doesn’t like to talk to people except Siobhan. And he says he doesn’t understand the emotions of people. This is an example of how he views us as abnormal because of the Syndrome.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
lol, warda almayita!! im lazy to write it in arabic.
Reblog if your mom is beautiful.
Day, my mom is beautiful because I’m beautiful so of course I inherited it from her, I didn’t inherit it from my dad, cuz my dad is handsome, and that word is used to describe men, not women. God that is one long sentence, Christopher’s disease of making long sentences is spreading faster than I thought.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
Day, my mom is beautiful because I'm beautiful so of course I inherited it from her, I didn't inherit it from my dad, cuz my dad is handsome, and that word is used to describe men, not women. God that is one long sentence, Christopher’s disease of making long sentences is spreading faster than I thought.
Reblog if your mom is beautiful.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
Thanks hamda, it's an honor to be given such a compliment.
"There is no such thing as ‘normal’ when it comes to human beings.”
I strongly agree with this quote, in fact I’ve been waiting for this word ‘NORMAL’ to come to me one day, in order for me to show the world it’s true color. What is normal? Someone define it for me. What will you say, normal means behaving in a certain way. You can’t define it, because it has no definition, it’s just a word consisting of letters. Every human being is created with different personalities, different characters, and different behaviors, in short we are all unique. Each one of us acts in their own way. So WHO on this planet has the right to use the word normal as a description of humans? NO ONE. 
Let’s take Christopher as an example from the story. Christopher’s character is full of weirdness, that i agree, but it doesn’t mean that he is not normal. He is normal in his own way. Everyone is normal in their own way, so how could you call someone not normal just because his/her  behavior doesn’t clash with yours? The word NORMAL does not exist in the human world. If it did then we would all think, act,and behave in the same way, and my dear fellows we wouldn’t have had a developed world.
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sal7a45-blog · 9 years ago
"There is no such thing as ‘normal’ when it comes to human beings.”
I strongly agree with this quote, in fact I’ve been waiting for this word ‘NORMAL’ to come to me one day, in order for me to show the world it’s true color. What is normal? Someone define it for me. What will you say, normal means behaving in a certain way. You can’t define it, because it has no definition, it’s just a word consisting of letters. Every human being is created with different personalities, different characters, and different behaviors, in short we are all unique. Each one of us acts in their own way. So WHO on this planet has the right to use the word normal as a description of humans? NO ONE. 
Let’s take Christopher as an example from the story. Christopher’s character is full of weirdness, that i agree, but it doesn’t mean that he is not normal. He is normal in his own way. Everyone is normal in their own way, so how could you call someone not normal just because his/her  behavior doesn’t clash with yours? The word NORMAL does not exist in the human world. If it did then we would all think, act,and behave in the same way, and my dear fellows we wouldn’t have had a developed world.
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