Minecraft for XBox 360
(I know I havent posted in a little while, but here goes and buckle in for some exciting news!!!) So as most of you, who are at all interested in Minecraft, know already, Minecraft has been officially released!!!! i wont really go over the stuff that is special to the XBox edition because there will be soo many tutorials an such out in no time at all but I will say that, though it is a downer that ONLY 8 people max is allowed to play together in one world, you can have a select few that you can play with most likely your best friends but also now you can play with siblings!!!!! You wont have to keep on switching off with your siblings because you only have one Minecraft account and/or one computer!!! Play eith up to 4 people on one XBox and then an additional 4 via XBox Live!!! How great is that??? That is ehat i think is the most rockin' feature so far. I know that the Minecraft starts out at version 1.6.6 (hilariously the last time i played the compiter edition) but it will continue updating, and hopefully add complete servers along with whatever else it needs to add to catch up with the more accomplished computer edition. I know it doesnt seem like the biggest thing ever, which it isnt, but it is pretty exciting after all this talk and other mayhem floating around bringing my curiosity greatly up. Ok, everybody. Thats all I wanted to say, so like, follow, reblog, whatever and talk to you guys tomorrow!!! ~Saint Squireen Gaming P.S.- Ever tried the Pocket Edition of Minecraft?;)
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This is a very nice example of the few new, intuitive ways games should be made. Like Extra Credits said, Firefall has a lot of potential just as long as they keep thier heads up, thier minds clear, and feet running. I would never have came up with the idea that Red Five Studios had no matter what. This is the type of thought process that should be bottled up in a game; not having no thought process at all and just taking an 'mmorpg starting kit' and cramming slices and tidbits of Black Ops, World of Warcraft, and other "top-Notch" shooting games into a 'whatever-you-can-find-in-the-kitchen-and-put-between-bread-slices' sandwich and trying to sell it to couch potatoes who stay home from school or work just so they can go pick up thier pre-release. Firefall is more of a threat than a game to the gaming world because it is challenging the rules and foundations and could potentially change the gaming community for the better. I hope more games (a different genre I suppose could be very interesting) are on thier way to spice this place up. Ok, well I think I am done for today, so farewell and may the gaming concepts be ever in your favor!!! ~Saint Squireen Gaming
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Blog Series: Gaming Post #: 1 My First blog post (or even just plain, old blog) Eva.
When I say eva, I mean it. I'm going to say that this is going to be a diverse blog, as this is my first blog but also because I'm going to cover a lot of topics I would like to cover over time. And I mean that too. Same with anything I say. I wish my little bro caught a wind of that because he definitely needs to hit enlightenment. Anyways, back to gaming. There are some pretty big games out there such as Blacks Ops, the GTA series, Halo, Minecraft (Personal Favourite;D), and many, many more. Its hard to come up with new ideas for games because everything is so tightly related to each other (at least in my perspective). Just on the top of my head I can tell you as a sure fact that there are hundreds if not a thousand or two FPS' (First Person Shooters) a couple examples of some are the ones I stated before, a couple hundred mmorpg's (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) such as WoW (World of Warcraft), etc., etc. Its hard to come up with new game types/ideas or likings for some outrageous, maybe exotic, games. The games not only could bring new waves of age groups together or to start the gaming world's 'Next Biggest Thing' but also change the programming style or programming languages or concepts, the way or style gamers play, change up thier settings, game reactions, game replayability, game diversity (I really like that word haha), multiplayer conectivity, gamers connectivity to other players, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I literally could go on forever on this topic but you guys would get pretty bored i presume. Short and to the point ( or in other words, To summarize my point), game ideas and concepts are hard to come by but we need the new spark to set off the great spark of wonder and awesomeness and also to burn ourselves clean of the same blandness that really can't go anywhere anymore. To me, gaming these days is kind of like a dying forrested area. We should control burn all of the dead, non-sprouting gaming concepts so that we can get new sprouts of randomness that can change the beige world of gaming into the bright and colorful forest that videogames started out in. I think this is where I shall end my Blog Numero Uno. I carried us through alot this blog but I think I got my semi-unstable point through to you and out of me. Thanks for reading through this and bearing with me through my tortured mess of literature above because all support is welcome no matter what(: I think i shall (my second favourite word lol) continue through a kind of series that entails only about gaming, as this was a sort of delight writing this. Any suggestions of gaming topics or questions of any type (as long as it is about Saint Squireen or gaming) is the most appreciated. I will probably make another type of blog that will post new updates on my checklist just so you guys can have a visual of what I, with full intent, try to accomplish. Remember: Any questions, comments, and suggestions are what I very much want. I think thats it, so I'll see you all later. ~Saint Squireen Gaming
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