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roonyjohnson · 5 years ago
Choose the safest and effective solution for your pain!!!
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While it has been known that the Bowen technique Surrey has a lot of great results to offer but at the same time, the results depend on the qualified Bowen therapist in Surrey. It helps you to get the desired results according to your preferences and choices.
Who can get help with Bowen therapy, Surrey?
It is a kind of therapy that helps everyone from infants to all aged people so that one can stay fit and body can function properly. Many patients had to get benefit from the Bowen therapy in Surrey, BC to get relief from pain. It helps in promoting well being and healing.  
Problems like low back pain, arthritis, muscle strain, knee pain, shoulder pain, and even body postures can be resolved with the help of Bowen therapy.
So, what Bowen therapy is?
It is a kind of bodywork system in which employs precise rolling cross-fiber muscle movements. In this therapy, a client has to lie on the table and the therapy is done for 45 to 60 minutes. The therapy helps one to feel relaxed while at the same time helps in relieving from pain.
What you can expect from your visit to Bowen therapy in Surrey, BC?
You can expect to get relief from pain once you get Bowen therapy for 50 to 60 minutes just at your first visit to a therapist. Your visit also includes the verbal interview in which you will feel comfortable with the therapist to talk about the problems you are facing now. The therapist will also discuss the suitable diagnostic workup that helps you to prevent the pain that you are feeling now. You will get a lot of recommendations from getting relief from pain but also helping in having a good posture that tends to make you stay fit.
You can also get naturopathic medicine from the therapist that helps you to get rid of the health problem. This is a kind of medicine that combines both the wisdom of ancient healing arts and modern science so that you can get the best benefits without the negative effects of it over your body. As you know certain medicines negatively affect your body while combating the real problem that you are suffering from.
The therapy is helpful in not just relieving from pain but as well as find out the real cause behind the problem and roots the real cause so that the underlying problem can be prevented.
A qualified Bowen therapist in Surrey offers you the desired results as per your preferences. To recover from a range of medical conditions, different therapies had been offered by the therapist. It also helps in infusing the right nutrients in your body so you can stay fit and healthy. Your body will feel the ultimate relaxation and health at the same time.
Considering these factors, we can say that no treatment is better than Bowen therapy in Surrey, BC as it is the safest and the most effective way of reducing pain.  
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roonyjohnson · 5 years ago
Bowen therapy surrey
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Whether you had a sports injury or suffering with some neurological issue, Bowen therapy surrey is the best treatment to try and enjoy the benefits.
Who can Bowen Therapy help?
Bowen technique or Bowen Therapy is a type of bodywork that can help everyone from infants, aged, disabled or fantastically fit. It re-educates the body to function more efficiently and promotes healing and well-being.
Can it really work for my pain?
Many our patients have benefited from the Bowen technique. It can help improve all types of pain including but not limited to arthritis, low back pain, shoulder pain, muscle strains, knee pain and even overall body posture and balance.
What is Bowen Therapy?
Bowen technique is a bodywork system that employs precise rolling cross-fiber muscle movements known a “moves” along muscles, tendons, and connective tissue. Clients lie on a treatment table and remain clothed as the moves are carried out over a period of about 45-60 minutes. The moves create a deep sense of relaxation, relieving the pain and stress from a multitude of physical ailments.The therapy’s distinctive features are the minimal nature of the physical intervention and pauses incorporated in the treatment. These short waiting periods are incorporated into the session to allow the brain time to assimilate, correlate and create a positive response, which is sent back to the area being treated.
Is Dr. Dhillon a Certified Bowen Therapist?
Yes Dr. Dhillon’s a certified Bowen practitioner in Surrey. He received his training in from 2002 from Bowen Therapy International and completed the beginner, intermediate and advanced courses.
Bowen Therapy Surrey, Delta, and White Rock, B.C.
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roonyjohnson · 5 years ago
Bowen Therapy Surrey - Surrey Naturopath
Exercise is a great stress reliever. Anything from playing sports, to walking can be enjoyable and improves your immunity and circulation.
Eat small well balanced meals, with adequate protein carbohydrates, and fat. Try to eat breakfast within an hour of getting up. Do not skip any meals. Don’t eat a late dinner.
Avoid caffeine. Since it will raise cortisol levels, and can keep you up at night and therefore upset your sleep pattern.
Avoid high sugar foods including starchy foods such as potatoes and white bread  sugary fruit like mangoes, and melons. Learn about glycemic index and glycemic load.
Avoid trans fat and greasy food which will slow your digestion and raise your bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol
Improve your energy, book a one on one appointment to discuss your personalized treatment plan.
Do you have any of the following symptoms?  
     abdominal weight gain
     low mood
     low blood pressure
     sugar cravings
     afternoon fatigue
     chronic inflammation
     panic attacks
     syndrome X
     chronic disease of CV system or GI system
     weakened immunity and recurrent infection
     subclinical hypothyroidism
Then you could benefit by improving your adrenal gland function!!!
What is the Adrenal Gland?
Your adrenal gland is a small gland that sits on top of each of your kidneys and helps your body deal with stress by releasing a stress hormone called cortisol.
What is the relationship of the adrenal gland with stress?
First of all, your body cannot tell the difference between mental, emotional, or physical stress.  In a practical sense, that means there is no difference between you working a long hard day at the office crunching numbers, or a struggling with a recent breakup with a partner, or working a physically taxing job that requires heavy lifting.   In other words, all of those stressors will receive an equivalent response from your adrenal gland. The response is to specifically increase your stress hormones, so you can better adapt to and deal with stress.  In essence it ensures your survival.
Survival of our species and your personal survival
You’ve probably heard of the “Fight of Flight” response. It is intimately connected with your adrenal glands.
This story takes us back thousands of years, when humans were struggling for survival.  At the time, the next meal required great effort and safety was paramount. So finding lunch was just as important as avoiding becoming someone else’s lunch!
For example, what if you were being attacked by a tiger in the jungle? There are two responses to that attack. Run and hide or attack. Both allow survival and this precisely is a fight or flight response. Humans have evolved and the environment has changed from a real jungle to an urban jungle. When you walk downtown you don’t expect to be attacked by a tiger on the street. But there are different “tigers” ready to pounce. One “tiger” may be your boss or co-worker that verbally attacks you.
When you respond, it’s very likely you won’t resort to fisticuffs or grab a spear, but instead say something back to them, run and hide or say nothing and just try to ignore them.  Another example of “fight or flight” response is being stuck in traffic when you are late for work or an appointment and emotions such as frustration, anger, and worry begin to surface. At an emotional level, you can be anxious or worried and fearful of your boss and being late or you can be agitated, frustrated and angry.
If this happens to you, then you are experiencing fight or flight and your stress hormones are released —you are in heightened survival mode; your body responds by increasing your heart rate, increasing your respiratory rate, dilating your pupils. Overtime, especially if you have these feelings on a daily basis, this chronic release of stress hormone begins to create unpleasant symptoms that you may be experiencing.
So that same feeling of being late for an appointment, tired after a long day at the office, or verbally attacked by your boss, having relationship issues with your partner or working a strenuous job that requires heavy lifting can lead to health problems.
What is your body’s response to stress?
You’ve probably heard of adrenalin; cortisol is a hormone that is similar to adrenalin. When adrenalin is released we may feel a rush of excitement, anger, frustration, burst of energy. Below is a description of Maladaptive Stress Syndrome that describes your body’s response to stress.
MSS-0 is a normal response to stress that is described as a healthy well-adapted range of alertness and an appropriate response to a perceived stress. The response is mediated by autonomic nervous system and the adrenal hormones (catecholamines).
MSS-1 is maladaptive stress syndrome stage 1 and is described as chronic excess of catecholamines and an increase in cortisol. When there is a perceived stress then a fight or flight response is activated but it is not appropriate—it is in excess. Hence it is associated with anger, irritability, aggression, anxiety, worry, fear and panic. After being in MSS-1 a person can progress to MSS-2 over a period of time.
MSS-2 is a maladaptive stress syndrome stage 2 and is described as chronic excess production of cortisol. There is immune suppression, Syndrome X, Chronic diseases (Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal), increased androgens. Progression of MSS-2 to MSS-3 is worsened by stress, history of steroid use, nutritional deficiencies, and functional hypoglycemia.
MSS-3 is a maladaptive stress syndrome stage 3 and is described as chronic decreased cortisol and episodic catecholamine production. It is associated with fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, hypotension, postural hypotension, environmental and food sensitivities, atypical depression, anxiety, poor stress resistance, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
TREATMENT:  So how do we prevent and treat these problems that are associated with maladaptive stress syndrome?
Each stage of MSS has its appropriate treatment. To determine which stage you’re in, lab testing and proper diagnosis is required by your naturopath.
Stage 0 –  lifestyle and stress management
Stage 1 – meditation, exercise, relaxation, B-complex vitamins, and nervines.
Stage 2 – cortisol lowering therapies such as DHA, vitamin C, sodium restriction, pyridoxine, avoiding sugar since it stimulates cortisol production, and DHEA.
·Stage 3 requires adaptogenic herbs, pantothenic acid, low glycemic diet, immune support, amino acids, and graduated moderate exercise.
Dr. Dhillon, ND
Better Health for a Better You
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roonyjohnson · 5 years ago
Bowen Therapy in Surrey, BC
Consult with an expert doctor at the best naturopathic clinics in Surrey and avail the treatment. A qualified naturopathic doctor can help you get rid of chronic diseases through naturopathy. 
Bowen technique or Bowen Therapy is a type of bodywork that can help everyone from infants, aged, disabled or fantastically fit. It re-educates the body to function more efficiently and promotes healing and well-being.
Bowen technique is a bodywork system that employs precise rolling cross-fiber muscle movements known as a “moves” along with muscles, tendons, and connective tissue. Clients lie on a treatment table and remain clothed as the moves are carried out over a period of about 45-60 minutes. The moves create a deep sense of relaxation, relieving the pain and stress from a multitude of physical ailments. The therapy’s distinctive features are the minimal nature of the physical intervention and the pause incorporated in the treatment. These short waiting periods are incorporated into the session to allow the brain time to assimilate, correlate and create a positive response, which is sent back to the area being treated.
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roonyjohnson · 5 years ago
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Qualified bowen therapist in surrey
While Bowen therapy has great results to offer, the effectiveness of the therapy depends upon the therapist. Only a qualified Bowen therapist in Surrey can offer you the desired results from the treatment.
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roonyjohnson · 5 years ago
Bowen technique in surrey
There are only a few qualified therapists practicing reliable and result-oriented Bowen technique in surrey. Make sure you connect with the best therapist to receive the treatment.
Who can Bowen Therapy help?
Bowen technique or Bowen Therapy is a type of bodywork that can help everyone from infants, aged, disabled or fantastically fit. It re-educates the body to function more efficiently and promotes healing and well-being.
Can it really work for my pain?
Many our patients have benefited from the Bowen technique. It can help improve all types of pain including but not limited to arthritis, low back pain, shoulder pain, muscle strains, knee pain and even overall body posture and balance.
What is Bowen Therapy?
Bowen technique is a bodywork system that employs precise rolling cross-fiber muscle movements known a “moves” along muscles, tendons, and connective tissue. Clients lie on a treatment table and remain clothed as the moves are carried out over a period of about 45-60 minutes. The moves create a deep sense of relaxation, relieving the pain and stress from a multitude of physical ailments.The therapy’s distinctive features are the minimal nature of the physical intervention and pauses incorporated in the treatment. These short waiting periods are incorporated into the session to allow the brain time to assimilate, correlate and create a positive response, which is sent back to the area being treated.
Is Dr. Dhillon a Certified Bowen Therapist?
Yes Dr. Dhillon’s a certified Bowen practitioner in Surrey. He received his training in from 2002 from Bowen Therapy International and completed the beginner, intermediate and advanced courses.
Bowen Therapy Surrey, Delta, and White Rock, B.C.
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roonyjohnson · 6 years ago
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Naturopathic Physician in South Surrey, BC
Dr. Dhillon, ND is a Naturopath in South Surrey. He is registered with the College of Naturopathic Physicians of B.C.
We treat a variety of health concerns at out South Surrey Naturopathic Clinic. The services that we provide integrate conventional and traditional medicine.
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is a system of medicine that combines the unique wisdom of ancient healing arts with modern science. Naturopathic doctors treat the underlying cause of a person’s disease. We place an emphasis on prevention by using your body’s inherent healing potential and treating the whole person. You deserve our personalized holistic approach.
Personalized Holistic Healthcare
Every patient receives comprehensive, one on one care so we can find the root cause of your illness and restore your health naturally. Also, we encourage you to ask questions and voice your concerns because we take the time to listen, better understand and assess your health.
Our holistic approach to wellness requires a thorough understanding of many of our patients unique lifestyle factors that contribute to your health.  This allows us to help you achieve better health for a better you.
Patient Centred Care
Make the right choice and take charge of your health and wellness. See how visiting a Naturopathic Doctor with a patient centred approach can empower you.
You can visit Dr. Dhillon, ND in South Surrey B.C. at Performance Integrated Health. Dr. Dhillon also provides naturopathic services for patients from nearby Surrey, Delta, Cloverdale and White Rock BC.
It is also much simpler for you to use your extended health insurance coverage because we now offer direct billing.
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roonyjohnson · 6 years ago
The safe and effective solution for your pain.
Bowen Therapy
Who can Bowen Therapy help?
Bowen technique is a type of bodywork that can help everyone from infants, aged, disabled or fantastically fit. It re-educates the body to function more efficiently and promotes healing and well-being.
Can it really work for my pain?
Many our patients have benefited from the Bowen technique. It can help improve all types of pain including but not limited to arthritis, low back pain, shoulder pain, muscle strains, knee pain and even overall body posture and balance.
What is Bowen Therapy?
Bowen technique is a bodywork system that employs precise rolling cross-fiber muscle movements known a “moves” along muscles, tendons, and connective tissue. Clients lie on a treatment table and remain clothed as the moves are carried out over a period of about 45-60 minutes. The moves create a deep sense of relaxation, relieving the pain and stress from a multitude of physical ailments.The therapy’s distinctive features are the minimal nature of the physical intervention and pauses incorporated in the treatment. These short waiting periods are incorporated into the session to allow the brain time to assimilate, correlate and create a positive response, which is sent back to the area being treated.
Is Dr. Dhillon a Certified Bowen Therapist?
Yes Dr. Dhillon’s a certified Bowen practitioner in Surrey. He received his training in from 2002 from Bowen Therapy International and completed the beginner, intermediate and advanced courses.
Bowen Therapy Surrey, Delta, and White Rock, B.C.
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roonyjohnson · 6 years ago
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Dr.Dhillon Naturopathic Physician
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roonyjohnson · 6 years ago
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Dr.Dhillon Naturopathic Physician
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roonyjohnson · 6 years ago
A complete guide to Vitamins in Nature
Nature is the great healer for all kind of diseases. In modern times, it’s sometimes difficult to have a decent meal. People are on their toes all the time, working and making a living. Therefore they get no time to take care of their health and gain the required nutrition they need. That negatively impacts their health. So instead patients take health supplements including vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, they don’t realize that vitamins and supplements alone can’t substitute a good healthy diet.  
Nature is full of essential nutrients and provides the exact type and form that our body needs. So you should include natural vitamins in your daily diet to boost your health. 
Following is a list of Vitamins readily found in nature:
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is essential for teeth, skin, soft tissues and bones health. It is a fat soluble vitamin. Vitamin A promotes eyes health and regulates immune system of the body. To have ample amount of Vitamin A you can rely upon orange-coloured fruits and green leafy vegetables. Carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, apricots, mango, papaya, and peach are some common natural products that will give you the required dosage of the vitamin A. Apart from these, there are certain animal products  which are also rich sources of Vitamin A like milk, cheese, and eggs, butter.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B can be further classified as Vitamin B6, B9 and B12. All these are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, formation of red blood cells and the synthesis of DNA. Vitamin B plays a vital role in enhancing the metabolism of the body and maintaining the functions of the brain. The natural foods that are full of Vitamin B are meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and milk. Seafood is also rich in Vitamin B6 and B12. Green leafy vegetables and poultry are full of Vitamin B9.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. It is a very important type of Vitamins as it improves your iron absorbing ability of your body, enhances the immune system and also responsible for the health of teeth and gums. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that maintains cell health. All citrus fruits are filled with Vitamin C. Intake of fruits like orange, lemon, kiwi, papaya, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli and green leafy vegetables in your diet will ensure recommended dose of Vitamin C.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a unique vitamin. It can be synthesized by your body, when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D boosts immune system, enhances calcium absorbing ability of your body and improves the health of the skeletal system as well. Vitamin D can be absorbed from seafood, eggs, milk, and mushrooms.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E keeps skin cells young and healthy.  It works wonders for skin and hair health. Vitamin E improves Vitamin K absorption ability of body. Some natural foods that contain Vitamin E are bell peppers, spinach, almonds, turnip greens, and asparagus and sunflower seeds. 
Vitamin K
Another very essential and significant Vitamin is Vitamin K.  It plays a vital role in the blood clotting process of the body. Vitamin K improves bone strength. To get an ample amount of Vitamin K, one can rely upon natural foods including broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, spinach, mustard leaves, turnip leaves, lettuce and parsley.
These are some of the vitamins from food that Dr. Dhillon, Naturopathic doctor Surrey recommends.
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roonyjohnson · 6 years ago
Naturopath Surrey can help you get rid of stubborn diseases. Get the most chronic diseases cured with the help of ancient healing secrets and modern medicine.
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roonyjohnson · 6 years ago
Surrey naturopath offers you the power of healing through a blend of modern medicine and ancient healing art. Naturopathy targets on the core of a disease and ensure complete revival.
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