saintsangel72 · 5 years
New Year - Better Me
New Year – Better Me
A New Year – Better Me is my 2020 motto. This year I am going to start focusing on myself and the steps I need to achieve to develop myself and become a better me. Developing oneself is a very hard goal to accomplish as one is never perfect. It is a huge monumental goal to achieve. However, if one starts off and lays out a good foundation (outline) that list a lot of small goals, one can…
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saintsangel72 · 6 years
In the world we live in today, we are always going so fast paced trying to get everything done. We never worry about how we may be emotionally or how things affect us emotionally. There are days that sometimes we may wonder “why on earth I am here?”.  We don’t always get the answers, but always still wonder why. We also wondered what it would be like when we are gone. Will anyone really miss us?.…
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saintsangel72 · 6 years
Pay it forward!
Around this time of year, we tend to be so caught up with sales and the upcoming holiday shopping that we tend to forget about what is truly important. We tend to overlook the little things in life and appreciate what we have right in front of us- our family.
Yes we argue, gripe, complain, but we also love unconditionally. The problem is that we overlook the unconditional love and support that we…
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saintsangel72 · 6 years
Does one ever think about what or where life will take them? I am looking at the this book right now, and it states on the cover, “Let the Adventures Begin!” I am just realizing to myself, What adventure am I on? Where do I go? Where will I land? I know the purpose of purchasing this book was for a new adventure on one aspect of my life, but is that one adventure, the only adventure of my life. Will there be others? Hmmm… I sit back and wondered, and then I realized that I have gone through many adventures in my life. I gone through the adventures of growing up and getting through high school, and then getting married and having children. Children is one big huge adventure in itself. It is an adventure that no one ever thinks of until it happens. Then I had the adventure of going back to school to get my bachelors degree, making new friends, and how that adventure has led me on to other adventures.
I am in the store looking for a little journal or a small notebook that is going to help me get organized for that next adventure in my life, and I just reflected back on all the adventures in my life. Did we ever appreciate the little aspects, different adventures in our lives? The different adventures that we go on. Yeah, one might be thinking of adventures as the vacations that they go on or where they are going to go next,  but look at it a little different. Look at it as different parts of one’s  life as different adventures, and be able to draw on things from each adventure of what one took from it. What does one remember? What does one remember in their adventures of growing up, and going through the years. Like for me, Camp, camp was probably the biggest adventure for me during that time frame of my life. Yes, one may say it was like a vacation, but to me, it was a place where I can go and see my friends every year in that one spot. When I mean friends, I mean friends from different parts of the United States and world who did not live close to me. It was where we had a week full of adventures, stories, games, learning, studying, having fun, letting go, and being carefree for that one week. Then we would leave and return to our hometowns and prepare for the upcoming school year, our next adventure in life.
High school is an adventure for most. What might seem like an eternity while going to school, we later on realize that it went by too fast. That was a time where one would enjoy friends, games, dances, and just being a teenager. It was a time that one usually did not stress about anything. One may be even considered it as being carefree. Then came the adventure of graduation and what happens after. Some went to college. Some got married and started a family. This is the next adventure in one’s life – becoming an adult. Each adventure that happened afterward was just like a continuation of the adventure before.
This little journal made me reflect about all the adventures that I had in my life. Hmmm…. LIFE! Adventure is not just one thing and let me go on vacation and have fun. Adventure, it was every little aspect of our life that we are able to remember upon. One piece that made it special or carefree where one did not have to worry.  Just in that one moment of time. So when one looks upon their adventures, one should also look at all the adventures that they have accomplished, and then appreciate those adventures. I hope instead of just letting one’s adventures begin, one will say that their adventure continues because it will always continue going on a different adventure, whether good or bad.
So look at your life’s adventures, and see how your adventure continues. Look to the future to see what adventures you are going to do next. Remember instead of letting them begin, continue on the adventures you have at hand, and look back at the one you have accomplished and appreciate them and appreciate what you are about to do.
Have fun, enjoy, be carefree, let go. LET GO and continue on your adventure.
Let the adventures continue… Does one ever think about what or where life will take them? I am looking at the this book right now, and it states on the cover, "Let the Adventures Begin!" I am just realizing to myself, What adventure am I on?
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saintsangel72 · 6 years
When life hands you Lemons???
When life hands you Lemons???
Oh the ever pertinent phrase of “when life hands you lemons…”! Do I really need to continue. I believe everyone knows the rest, but what about it. What about life? What is life?
Well life is what we make of it! Yep, we all look at it and wonder, but really, do we need to? Life is truly a gift given to us to shape, mold, grow, and nurture. It is not given to us with expectations already in place…
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saintsangel72 · 6 years
I know I haven’t written in quite some time. I guess life has gotten in the way. It is so funny that I even write this. Yes I have been busy, but don’t we always say this = ‘Life gets in the way’ or ‘Life Happens!’ Do you ever wonder what  life really is? Of course there is the “Webster Dictionary” definition, but what about our definition. What about our view? Do you ever wonder what your…
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saintsangel72 · 6 years
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saintsangel72 · 7 years
We all have been there at some point in our day, week,  or month, where we tell ourselves – “I Can’t”. It seems to come to us naturally to always say whenever we try to do something outside of our comfort zones. The last couple of weeks I have been known to say this when working out at Boot Camp. I also say to myself – “why on earth are you doing this to yourself?” I know it is such a silly question to ask oneself — WHY? Seriously though, why? Do we purposely try to set ourselves up for failure, or is it self-doubt because we do not like to try to do anything that pushes us or that is hard for us. Well here is my story – on self doubt and self-confidence.
The reason that I started this journey in life and signed up for a Boot Camp class was I was to incorporate a change within myself. Change for the better health wise and physical wise. Now to put at ease on the healthwise, I am pretty healthy on paper. I am only on two maintenance medications which one I can never come off of and the other as a precautionary due to family history. However, I needed to make the change regardless of my reasons. Doing so, I also realized that a change has to be made within myself (mentally) too. Some of you may wonder – “what in the world is she talking about?”. Well here is my thought process.
I had to change my outlook and tell myself that I need to get healthy – physically and emotionally (mentally). The physical aspect is trying to get into shape and losing weight, but it is also making the first step which is part mentally as well. How can I get into shape if I don’t get in the car, and drive to the playground for the boot camp class. Also, how can I get into car and physically go to the gym if I don’t tell myself mentally to get up and go. See they work hand in hand. However it may be, I took the first step and mentally and physically went to class.
Now I am class and starting to workout and what do I tell myself – I can’t do this or omg what did I do to myself, and why am I doing this? My daughter the whole time is saying, “Yes you can”. As you can see, I am putting up mental roadblocks for myself, but before you know 60 minutes done came and gone. Now I am sore, sore, and sore. I did this for like three classes. Do I stop there? NO, I return to torture myself more, but this time, I am learning to say I CAN do this. I CAN DO THIS. JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE. I CAN. I CAN. Before you know 60 minutes done came and gone, and yes I am sore, sore, and sore. However, I feel good mentally and little physically. Then days turn into weeks, and if you continue, it will turn into months, and then years. All because you told yourself – I CAN DO THIS. I CAN DO THIS.
The point of my story is that if we continue to tell ourselves that we can’t do something, we will eventually shut down and not do anything. But if we can just learn to tell ourselves – I CAN DO THIS and I CAN MAKE IT, before you know if you have completed the class, race, or any other goal/job that is put before you. By continually to tell yourself – I CAN, you will start to believe that you can, and start to change your mental attitude.  I leave you with a few quote/images below to reflect upon. These are so true in every aspect of our lives. Learn to be positive and start the change within yourself, and remember to INHALE Confidence and EXHALE Doubt.
Self Doubt & Self Confidence We all have been there at some point in our day, week,  or month, where we tell ourselves - "I Can't".
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saintsangel72 · 7 years
BREATHE! One step then maybe two....
BREATHE! One step then maybe two….
In today’s world, one often thinks how can I do this? Between everything going on, one often feels stressed, anxious, overworked, and overwhelmed. Let’s face it, life today is no picnic. We are constantly on the go, never looking back or taking the time to stop, breathe, reset, and move forward. We want to go from A to C with no stops in between, and stop B (ourselves) gets left out.
Is this how…
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saintsangel72 · 7 years
Do you ever get frustrated with people or just at plain things? I know I do. Do you ever just sit there and wondered why people expect the things that they feel they should have? I do! Do you ever get frustrated when others expect for you to bend over backwards to accommodate their needs and wants??? I DO!!!!!
What I don’t quite understand is where people think that they are above or more…
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saintsangel72 · 7 years
Now that Christmas is over and family has left to go back home, we are now in the process of cleaning up and thinking about the New Year.
That is what I’m doing. I’m focusing on the New Year. Let go of all past years and make a fresh start. We all talk about resolutions, but are we really resolving anything? The answer is NO! How about we take a different look at it and maybe call it a New Me for…
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saintsangel72 · 7 years
Christmas Spirit
I know I wrote about Christmas last year, but this year it is a little different thanks to a conversation I had with my son.
Last night driving to dinner, my son made a comment about how it doesn’t seem like people have the Christmas spirit anymore. After this comment, I look at the houses and thought about it, and I went on to state that it may be because people today are concerned about money…
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saintsangel72 · 7 years
Has anyone ever stated about how their experience was the most wonderful thing and when you tried it, it was the most horrible experience you ever encountered.
Well normally that would be me. Well I have tried essential oils. DoTerra, and trust me I was not a believer. So every time someone would say try this oil for that or this oil for this, I would think “yeah okay” and roll my eyes. However,…
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saintsangel72 · 7 years
Life Is Short and Goes On
The past couple of weeks have been trying. We always say that when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Easier said then done…
Sometimes life is so hectic that we don’t have time to stop and smell the roses or just to stop and watch/visit with the ones we hold dear, and before you know it like a blink of an eye they are gone.
I have lost someone that was very dear to me, our matriarch (the glue)…
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saintsangel72 · 7 years
The Unknown 
You ever wonder about wanting to do something but feel afraid that you just might fail. I do! I do all the time. 
The unknown or uncertainty keeps creeping up and causing you to doubt yourself. However you still have that nudge within yourself that says – ‘you can do this’. This is how I feel right now. I feel this uncertainty as I am embarking on something new and exciting. Yes there are…
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saintsangel72 · 7 years
As I write this, I’m sitting on my deck enjoying a nice glass of wine. It is peaceful. No noise. No distractions. Just peace. Everyone should have this. We all rush through life whether we are busy with work or if your spouse/kids are driving you crazy. We should all be able to have a time to ourselves. To help us restore back to a more serene and peaceful state. This time should be used as a…
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saintsangel72 · 8 years
Strength of my heart
Strength of my heart
I know I wrote about strength the other day, but this is something that can be related in a different manner.
As everyone has either experienced our bodies and health failing at time or knows someone who has experienced such, we come to question, why me? Or why are they going through this? It is always so easy to ask this questions and have doubts, but I believe that God does test us at times to…
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