saints-prayer · 2 years
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saints-prayer · 2 years
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Chapters of the Chosen
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saints-prayer · 2 years
Some older assorted dragon quest sketches
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saints-prayer · 2 years
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For my first Cult of the Lamb playthrough, I’ve played the game Rping as Cristo. Thus, Cristo’s Lambsona was born. 🐏 💀
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saints-prayer · 2 years
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saints-prayer · 2 years
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Gentle Heart
Originally posted on November 22, 2019
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saints-prayer · 2 years
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It’s Spring Time
Originally posted on April 2, 2019.
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saints-prayer · 2 years
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Hey, it’s mun over here (do we still use that term?). I know I haven’t been using this account for a long time, but I’m still alive. For the last couple of years, a lot of things happened in my personal life such as, moving out, going through my transitioning, focusing on my mental health, ect. Not only that, but my interest drifted from Dragon Quest to Saint Seiya. Don’t get me wrong, I still love Cristo and DQ IV, however, I spend a lot of time making Seiya/Shiryu fan content now.
That being said, I don’t plan on deactivating this account. This account was really important to me because it allowed me to express my love for a character that barely gets any attention outside of Japanese Fandom spaces. Also, my experience with RPing as Cristo helped me improved my writing by a lot. I enjoyed my time writing with Rpers, and answering Rp asked as Cristo. I do feel pretty sad that the RP community on Tumblr has become obsolete. I didn’t really picked up Rping on Twitter because a lot of that community centres around Lewd Rping... Which is the kind of Rping that I’m not interested in (neither is Cristo, lmao). 
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I might Sign-In to re blog some Cristo related stuff, and I might write some in-character blog posts if I get the motivation for it. If any of you want to see any of my other content or want to connect, here are my socials:
Art Tumblr: https://amabilis-art.tumblr.com/
Fanfiction (they’re some Cristo fics if you want to read them): https://archiveofourown.org/users/Mx_Amabilis/pseuds/Mx_Amabilis
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@amabilis1687/videos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mx_Amabilis
Discord:  Amabilis#4867
If you have any questions, just send an ask, and I’ll try my best to respond.
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I hope you folks have a nice day, stay safe and look after yourself!
Mun Amabilis.
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saints-prayer · 2 years
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saints-prayer · 2 years
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:3
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saints-prayer · 3 years
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Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary, anyone?
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saints-prayer · 3 years
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Galatians 5:25 (via abibleverseforeachday)
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saints-prayer · 4 years
Pain is real. But so is hope.
TheDailyPositive.com (via thedailypositive)
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saints-prayer · 4 years
“From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭61:2‬
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saints-prayer · 4 years
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Hello friends, how are you? Life has been treating me quite well as of late. I’ve been going on various adventures with Princess Alena. We been meeting new friends as well as reuniting with old companions during our travels.
I hope life is treating you well too.
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saints-prayer · 4 years
                                      because i have known despair                                                   i value hope
                                      because i have tasted frustration                                                i value fulfillment 
                                        because i have been lonely                                                   i value love
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saints-prayer · 4 years
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Everyone jumps out of the wagon!
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