197 posts
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
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bonus: she baby
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
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                         I am Hawks. The man who’s a bit too fast.
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
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gif request meme: most attractive male character + bnha
Chisaki Kai [ 治崎廻 ] ↪ requested by the wonderful Aki @tanchirou ♡
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
a whole ass daddy
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Happy Birthday Aizawa Shouta!
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
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heres a bunch of fangy katsukis i posted on twitter
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
My favorite thing about "Ok Boomer" is that, instead of arguing, the youth unconsiously and collectively decided to literally just verbally wave boomers off and treat them like children who won't shut up and i think that's beautiful
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
i just got a huge ass mood drop so the writing spree would be done at a later date. maybe tomorrow or over the weekend, i just need time to myself right now.
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
M'kay i have been struck with an amazing idea. Todoroki with a crackhead SO. They get drunk together and the SO goes from normal crackhead to e x t r e m e c r a c k h e a d
shoto todoroki x gender neutral! reader
warning: pure crackhead energy
a/n: this is my calling. also it’s a bit short.
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He made a terrible mistake to ask you if you wanted to come with him to meet his old classmates for drinks. But you had always asked him if you can meet them and he thought this was an opportunity. This was not in fact an opportunity.
You had a natural crackhead energy, and he thought he couldn’t get any worse. But he was wrong. He didn’t know that you could act like this when you’re drunk.
He had a look of disappointment as he saw you having screeching contest with Dark Shadow and somehow you’re winning. “Todoroki, you’re s/o is quite special.” Kirishima said with amusement lacing his voice as he looked at you with Dark Shadows and Tokoyami, the three of you were standing off to the side. He could hear low screeching coming from you over the loud music.
“They’re not usually like this, I apologize on their behalf.” Todoroki said, taking his eyes off you to face the manly man. He shook his head, “Don't be, because of them Bakugou is letting loose.” Kirishima pointed towards the angry blond. Todoroki looked at Bakugou and he was laughing while looking at (Y/n) and Dark Shadow going back and forth. Around him was the rest of the Bakusquad, also laughing at you two.
Todoroki looked back at Kirishima and was about to speak up when suddenly the music stopped. The heterochromia pro-hero immediately look towards where you were to find that you were gone. But he heard your laughter from the kitchen. “Oh god.” He said, drawing the attention.
He then heard your footsteps, running as he finally spotted you. You were holding a shiny objected. “(Y/n)” He said slowly. You stopped running and hid the object behind your back. The two of you were standing each end of the living room, his old classmates surrounding you.
“Shoto.” You said, backing up slowly as he stepped towards you. “What do you have?” Shoto asked, right when he said that you began to run again as you yelled out. “A knife!”
“No!” He yelled.
The group watched Shoto, the old that was always calm and stoic, jump over the couch and run after you. “They’re perfect for him.” Bakugou was the first one to speak up, taking a sip of his drink as he continues watching you two.
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
OMG SIS, i'm c r a v i n g some Shinsou hcs. I want it all, the first meeting, the awkward but cute first date, the general dating hcs. If possible can we have the reader be a total sass queen whos in class 1-A? If you do this imma cry. Thanks boo~
hitoshi shinsou x gender neutral! reader
warnings: fluff
a/n: 1) i hope you enjoy. 2) i suck at making sassy comments or reader, but i did make the reader a little outgoing
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it was a week before the sport festival, when basically all of year one was standing in front of class 1-a’s door.
you made eye contact with him during his little speech, you had a look of amusement all over your face.
the look on your face threw him off, made him think that you were mocking him. but in fact it was the opposite. you would be glad to see him take the place of a certain someone in class 1-a. or even see him in class 1-b.
he looked back at you after his speech and scanning the class, you were still looking at him with that look.
“that was a lovely speech pretty boy but instead of talking maybe you should be training.” you said, he was stunned that you called him pretty boy, along with his classmates but your classmates don’t look phase at all.
he thought you were throwing him off with your comment, like you did with the amusement look. but it was just because you found him attractive.
before he could say anything, you had managed to squeeze pass him and the crowd.
after that, you and your words were on his mind up unto the sport festival.
after the sport festival, you two somehow gotten close. so close to the point you told each other everything.
but a week before the exams, he grew distant, you were worried. if something that was wrong, he would have told you right away.
he didn’t look your way in the hallways. walked home with you. dropped you off to your class before going towards his. when he texted you, it was mostly dry and short response.
it broke your heart. but you gave him the space that he must have so desperately wanted.
you did tell him that after the summer camp that class 1-a and 1-b was going to, that the two of you need to talk. lucky for you, he agreed. after all he finally figured out his feelings.
when you were away for the summer camp, he spent the time figuring out ways to confess to you. he even practiced on his cat that ran away when he got to the last three words.
he decided to calm down his mind by turning on the tv, the news was on, he was about to skip it until he heard “U.A’s class 1-a and class 1-b was attacked..”
he heard nothing after that. it was all fuzzy as he felt emotions run through him and his blood grew cold.
questions about you was running through his mind. he was worried.
when the camera decided to zoom into the students, he saw you hugging a crying kirishima.
relief ran through him as he saw you were okay.
when you came back to town, you shot him a text, telling him to meet you at the cat cafe he secretly likes.
when he finally arrived, he saw you sitting there in front of two drinks and a cat on your lap. his heart warmed at the sight of you and a cat.
he sat down and before you had a chance to greet him, he blurted out his feelings.
he was looking everywhere but you, not noticing how your face was going red with each word he spoke. by the time he was done, he looked down. not wanting to look at you in the eye.
until you said those four words “i like you too.”
the first date was actually more awkward than cute at first.
you two always used to hang out, all the time.
but saying it was a date made it awkward.
he didn’t know how to act and neither did you. the two of you went out for ice cream and a walk. a simple and cute date.
but the tension was thick and awkward between you two.
the two of you would speak up every now and then to fill the silence with small conversation.
shinsou was looking at you while he was debating in his mind about the date.
he snapped out of his state when you had tripped over your untied shoelace and brought him down with you.
he had fallen on top of you and before he was about to get up and apologize, you spoke up.
“i didn't know you like to be on top.”
a smile on your face and suddenly the awkwardness was gone and the two of you were laying on the grass, joking around.
pet names is a must for the two of you, but it’s mostly in private. you mostly call him pretty boy, like the first time you two met. while he calls you baby or kitten when it comes to teasing you.
he isn’t that into PDA but when he’s jealous, oh boy. get ready for hand holding and kisses until the person gets the message and leaves.
since he doesn’t have that much friends, he’s welcomed into your friend group (you can pick whoever for your friend group)
he was a bit worried since it was class 1-a students and he didn’t exactly have the best first impression. but he relaxed when they said that they didn’t care about that.
the two of you love cuddling while watching funny videos on youtube, it’s most of your dates after you guys gotten comfortable in the relationship.
video games! he loves playing games with you. if you’re bad at them? he’s gonna teach you. if you’re a god at them? you gotta teach him.
oh you’re playing minecraft together? beds next to each other
oh one of you is playing a one person game? that’s ok. the other can just sit and watch, giving them tips.
it’s a very wholesome relationship.
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
Maybe some headcanons with bakugo and a male s/o?? Most of the x readers I see with bakugo have femme s/o's so itd be a nice change in pace
Ahhh yes :))
I usually try to make my headcanons gender neutral for everyone. When I do this, I usually throw in a girl joke (like in the body swap one I cross out the text for a girl reader as it’s not needed but I added it in anyways) if that makes any sense haha. But lemme see what I can whip up hmm? ;)
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— ok but him stretching makes me drool y’all see that slim ass waist
— first off
— congratulations on wriggling your way into bakugou’s mind (and not being midoriya)
— your constantly popping up in his head
— he thinks your a pretty cool boy
— props also cause to him your a really pretty boy you inconsiderate fuck
— like todoroki pretty
— second of all
— F in the chat for you cause this boy is in such denial it’s actually comical
— he is the literal definition of “if a boy messes with you it means they like you”
— he always tries to challenge you over the littlest things
— “HA, fuckin idiot! Bet you couldn’t finish all that shit!”
— “Your one to talk with all that spicy curry.”
— “Is that a challenge?!”
— “Dude I—“
— “ITS ON!”
— everytime you walk past him he just outstretches his leg and tries to trip you
— but you catch it and manage to step over it
— you can hear his teeth grinding
— he also tries to impress you
— which you find really weird because
— “I can do the same thing....”
— “Not with those whimpy noodle arms you fucking can’t.”
— “Shut the fuck up. My arms are not weak.”
— you casually flex and he feels his face heat up and that sight goes straight to his di—
— “Pick this shit up and I will, dipshit.”
— he is always rough on you with training
— he claims “You think villains will go easy on your stupid ass?! Toughen up, you dumbfuck.” y’all hear them bars
— he absolutely hates it whenever you hang out with Midoriya
— “Oi, quit hanging around that nerd.”
— “Who are you to tell me who I can hang out with?”
— “I don’t wanna hear both of you muttering later on, you fuck!”
— eventually you start to pick up on it
— the way he always cooks your favorite meal and makes sure your eating properly
— he always makes sure to make sure you don’t overdo yourself during training
— he even personally offered to train you and you ????
— “...Not with you yelling in my ear I can’t you fuck.”
— Since your boys you guys get away with breaking curfew
— this is how you’ve gotten closer tbh
— you besides the bakusquad are like the only people who have been in his room
— slowly yall get closer n closer
— you got invited to go to the movies once with the Bakusquad
— and it was a scary movie
— “Kaminari you’re a genius.”
— “I know. Wanna see me stick this metal fork in a socket?”
— “I take it back. Your a fucking idiot.”
— but anyways so they all plan it so you don’t have a choice but to sit next to bakugou
— and you have no problem with that
— y’all have been getting closer together
— so you sit together and the movie starts and it’s alright until one of the first jumpscares
— he looks over to you and you just ( 0-0 )
— “Oi, fucknut, you alright?”
— “Yeah man I’m fine.”
— “Oh.”
— so it’s quiet until another jumpscare comes on and you immediately grab his hand and he
— oop full on gay panic
— the squad isn’t even paying attention to the movie their just recording bakugou in his gay panic
— he’s arguing with his mind
— “holdinghandsholdinghandsholdinghands”
— “Doesnt holding hands lead to pregnancy?”
— “You idiot y/n has a dick. That’s for girls, and you made it clear you don’t like girls.”
— “So then what the hell does holding hands with a guy lead to???”
— his mind goes blank for a second and then
— “Gay se—“
— “LET GO OF MY FUCKING HAND IDIOT!” He starts annoyed
— the whole theatre just “SHHHHH”
— so you just whisper a sorry and continue
— and his gay panic is over with for now lol
— and then like thirty minutes later you grab his arm to cover your eyes
— and oh boy his mind just goes completely blank man
— you guys know that scene in spongebob where he makes the Krusty Krab look nice for squidward and then I think they ask for a name and Spongebob’s brain is scrambling for a name
— that’s an accurate representation of his mind right now
— eventually the movies over and you guys make your way back to the dorms.
— and you say goodbye to everyone as you guys make your way up to your rooms
— “You were holding my hand during the movie.” He blurts out. You just turn to him and “HMm?”
— he rolls his eyes. “You were holding my hand. Are you seriously that scared of horror movies?”
— “Actually the movie was pretty good, not gonna lie. I think the plot was pretty interesting.”
— “You were hiding behind my goddamn arm, fucknut?”
— “Oh yeah. Your hands are nice to hold, despite them being really sweaty. I’d like to do it again.”
— he kind of just pauses and ‘hUh’
— “Uh...yeah...I hope you don’t mind that. I had already seen the movie but when I heard you were going I wanted to go with you...I really like spending time with you.”
— well this explains you putting his hand over your eyes three seconds before that one horrifying scene
— hes gonna go into another gay panic
— you wanted to spend time with him??
— but he always teases you and beats you up??
— you... you like that ???
— he—I—whaa???
— “Y-You like spending time with me??” He croaks
— you keep rubbing your neck and chuckling nervously and oop your blushing in the dimly lit hallway “ fact I like you...a in that way...”
— man he is just all kinds of confused
— you like him???
— like that??
— like they way he’s been thinking about you for the past couple of weeks
— you can’t get him out of your head like him
— oh
— oh
— oh fuck you
— he’s confused when you get this hurt look over your face “If your not into guys you could just tell need to be harsh...”
— “No, fuck, it’s not that it’s just...”
— he takes a deep breath and grinds his teeth and he can smell the caramel in the air
— “I want to punch the face...with my lips...and strangle you gently...with my arms...”
— you stare at him and blink before saying
— “ wanna make out?”
— that
— that’s...
— not what he was going for but he’ll take it
— like hell hes gonna pass up the chance to kiss your handsome face
— he just stupidly “uh huh’s” and stands there
— you kind of just grin softly and cup his face in your hands
— “Katsuki Bakugou...I’m going to kiss you now...”
— “Uh hUh.”
— “Please do not blow me up.”
— he blinks cause whaa—
— oh shit your lips are on his
— oh shit your kissing him
— oh shit kISS BACK YOU DUMMY—
— all of a sudden he’s just kissing you and it’s great
— your lips are somewhere in between chapped and soft for and for a guy your a great kisser
— him uh not so much so he’s kind of lost as he grips your jacket face flustered
— eventually you pull away and then laugh
— “You are a terrible kisser.”
— he wants to blow up your flustered handsome face but instead he just
— “W-why don’t we go in my room and you teach me how to kiss better?”
— you blink at him
— “There is no way you are that smooth, dude.”
— he pulls the door open and yanks you inside
— poor kirishima can’t sleep cause he can legit hear all that nsfw ness going on cause we know those walls ain’t shit oop
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
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He would say shit like this tho lmaooo
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
Fluffvember || day 5 || hand holding || Bakugo
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Holding hands with Bakugo was… something different. Even though he would never admit, the tough and cool acting boyfriend of yours was afraid to hold your hand. Why, someone might ask?
Well it all leads back to his quirk, not only did it make is hand sweaty, but it also made Bakugo worry. What if he hurt you by accidentally using his quirk again? Seeing as it had happened before, on accident of course.
The two of you had been on your first date, and of course, Bakugo had been nervous, so his hands had been pretty sweaty. When you had kissed him it scared him so badly that his explosions went off and hurt you. 
When he saw you with teary eyes his heart broke right then and there. He knew that he would rather die than seeing you sad and hurt like that again.
But for you it was frustrating, of course you understood that he had his doubts about holding your hands. You saw the look in his eyes, a look that you never thought you would see on Bakugo. Seeing U.A’s infamous bad boy like that made you understand him more.
But the two of you had been dating for almost three months now and the lack of intimacy had been driving you mad. So you had thought of something that might solve your problems, telling Bakugo how you were feeling.
“Katsuki? Are you in here?” You knocked on his door. You knew that he was in there, it was 8 pm so he was getting ready for bed, but you knew better than to walk in his room unannounced. You heard some grumbling and took it as a ‘yeah come in’ because what else could it be?
As you walked in you saw him lying on his bed you sat next to him. “We need to talk.” And with that he shot up, a scared look passed his face. “No not like that. It’s just… whenever I go to grab your hand you pull it away. And I was wondering why?”
Katsuki huffs before answering ”Don’t laugh but I’m fucking scared. What if I hurt you? I already did it once, what if I do it again? What if I hurt you and you leave me? I can’t fucking have that. I don’t want to be alone again, (y/n).”
“I won’t leave you ‘suki.” You stroke his hair and he leans into your touch. “And I’m not afraid that you’ll hurt me. You know why?” Bakugo shakes his head. “Because I trust you. And I’m not afraid of you hurting me.”
“But what if I hurt you on accident? When you scare me and it goes on accident.” Bakugo look at you, this boy wanted the best for you.
“What if I tell you when I’m about to grab your hand? Is that a good compromise?” He nods his hands and a smile spread over your face.
“Hey ‘suki! I’m about to kiss you.” And with that you put your lips on his.
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
Congrats on 750!! I can't wait to see the prompts for these and hope you enjoy writing for them as much as we all enjoy reading them! :) 🔐 with Kirishima, sounds fun, if you have time and it's not a repeat.
thank you so much!!! I hope you enjoy reading this one as well!
🔐 “I bet the neighbors know my name by now.” 
The bed was shaking, room was filled with sinful sounds of skin slapping and moans. His hands were placed on your hips, squeezing the flesh as he kept pounding into you from behind in a rapid pace. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” He groaned as you clenched around him, fists grabbing the sheets roughly. “Eijirou!” You whined, feeling him hitting your g-spot again and again. “Yes baby, cum for me!” He grunted and went even faster, the floor vibrating and the bed slamming against the wall over and over again. “EIJIROU!” You cried out, legs shaking as your orgasm washed over you. He kept pumping into you, close to his own release as he groaned and grunted your name like a mantra. “Fuck.” He moaned, his seeds covering your walls in white. The roughness softened, pace becoming slower and more gentle as he rode out his high and helped you getting off yours as well. He pulled out, falling next to you on the mattress, immediately pulling you into his sweaty body. He chuckled and kissed your forehead. “I bet the neighbors know my name by now.” 
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
Fluffvember Day Five: Shopping Trip
Shota Aizawa x Fem!Reader
A/N: This my absolute first time writing for Aizawa, so it might not be the best, but I tried my hardest!
When Sunday rolls around, you always make sure that you go to the shopping district to stock up on any necessities as well as… other desirable items.
Most of the time, you opt to bring your husband, Shota, with you on these trips. Usually protesting because he has to get up, you’ve had to literally drag him out of the bed on multiple occasions and help him get dressed because of his pure stubbornness; he did not enjoy these trips at all. Who could blame him?
After all, you wanted to buy the whole store every single time you went.
“You told me that we would only be here for an hour. So far, we’ve been here for two hours and you still haven’t found what you’ve been looking for because you keep getting distracted.” The look on his face spelled out annoyance, which in all honesty was his usual expression.
“Well I’m sorry that everyone and their brother has been talking to me, Shota! We can get the stuff we need now and worry about the extra stuff- oh my gosh, is that a dress?!” Already, you were getting distracted again by something else that was not on your shopping list.
“Y/N…” Shota growled under his breath, putting his hand on your shoulder, “why don’t we go to the aisle that has what we need in it?”
“Oh! You’re right, we should probably go get the food-”
“-before you forget. You know I hate these shopping trips.”
“Lighten up, hon! We have the entire day to get home!” Shrugging his hand off of your shoulder, you went over to the dress and took it off of the hangar, pressing it against your front to show your husband. “Doesn’t it look good?”
“Mediocre. The colors are too… bright.” Shaking his head, he moved forward and took another another one off the racks, completely black. Giving you a toothy grin, he forcefully shoved it into your arms. “This one looks better.”
“Oh my gosh, do you want me to match with you?!”
“That’s not it… at least, it wasn’t my intention. I just wanted you to move on so we can get the hell out of here.”
“Well now I can match you when you’re in your hero costume! All I need is the same exact scarf that you have and I can be your twin! Isn’t that great?”
“...if it means that we can get out of here sooner, by all means it’s wonderful.” He helps you hang up the other dress and puts it back up, walking away and towards where you actually needed to be going.
“ know, you could at least lie a little and say that you’re really excited that I’m going to match with you.” You huffed, following him with a frown on your face.
“Lighten up, kitten. It’s only because I’m in this hellhole that I’m acting this way. As soon as we get out of here. I’ll be all ears for your ideas… and might even help you.”
“Oh my gosh, really?! I knew you would lighten up, babe! I should go get a new pair of-”
“Just get what we actually need first before you get too ahead of yourself, Y/N. I would hate to have to drag you out instead.” He chuckled ever so slightly before going back to his usual blank expression, hand slightly reaching over for yours. “Just kidding.”
“So then we can get the boots?”
“...only if I get to pick them out for you.”
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
Fluffvember⇾ Day Five
‧͙☾ Flower crowns ☽‧͙
♥ ♡ Pairing: Toga Himiko x Reader ♥ ♡
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»»————-                                                                                         ————-««
“Oh, Y/n!” a cheerful voice rang through the league of villains base of operations. Glancing at the bouncy blonde, you put down your drink, hand resting on your cheek as you watched her gleefully take a seat opposite you at the booth. You noted that she kept her hand hidden behind her back, an action that caused a sneaking suspicion to erupt within you.
“Hello to you too, Toga,” you hummed.
Her eyes widened in joy seeing that you were giving her your full attention. You were special like that. And even though her job was volatile and dangerous, being a criminal and all, she still couldn’t help that her heart ‘secretly’ (Not that it really was one. Everyone knew of her crush on you) yearned for your affection.
Remembering the little present she intended to gift you, Himiko exclaimed, “Look what I made you, Y/n!”
Nearly knocking your drink over, she held out a messily woven, but still lovely looking flower crown. Stems were haphazardly sticking out and some of the roses still had thorns, but the gesture made your heart warm.
“And I made one for me too. We can match!” Pulling out another, equally messy but still beautiful flower crown. The two crowns complemented each other, as one, yours, held bolder and vibrant colours, hers was much softer and more feminine. That didn’t particularly surprise you as Toga loved cute things.
It wasn’t really the gift that warmed your heart, it was her expression. A sincere look of desperate approval was plastered all over her face. She proudly, yet timidly, presented her creations to you in hopes of you finally understanding her feelings.
Leaning over the table, you pressed a small, barely there peck on her pale, round cheeks. A blush more intense than you’ve ever seen on her spread over her face. 
You then placed your respective flower crowns on your heads, giggling at how cute the other was, drink long forgotten. And not even Shigaraki’s complaints were enough to get the both of your moods down. Ignoring him, the pair of you continued on with your day, flower crowns still adorned atop your heads.
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
one more day until the writing spree uwu
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saintbakugou · 5 years ago
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Can we all agree that Kirishima is the prettiest boy ever??
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