sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
though people do claim it “hurts” them, e.g jealousy or whatever. if it’s your own problem, your own self doubts or your lack of self esteem that is not them hurting you you hurt yourself, and in expression of that, you hurt them. don’t do it. constructive is fine, questions are fine. hate is not.
Listen. Not every character is for everyone. Heck, you might find OCs or characters you IRRATIONALLY HATE for no real reason! Or your reasons for disliking them might be perfectly valid and grounded in fact.
That’s right! you heard me! Don’t like something? Don’t follow! Block them! Blacklist them! Post block them! You never have to see or hear about them ever again if you don’t want to!
I realise this is a radical concept. Just unfollowing and blocking someone from your life rather than being petty and sending anon hate to make them know just how objectionable you find their character and everything about them.
But remember. We’re all here to have a good time. 
this has a been a psa. thank you.
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
Enki - Promotional
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In the midst of a new and foreign place a lone man walks, his feet aimed and pointed though taking him in nowhere in particular. At the outskirts of a City he lets the cool breeze push him along. Without much thought a grin slides across his face as he quietly enters a setting that is both completely familiar and utterly new to him.
“I wonder what these steady winds will bring me today.”
Note :: This is intended to be a light RP blog and mainly an ask blog.
home | ask | submit
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
“Oh? But I can be cruel and I can be selfish. I have never stated other-wise. I have good and bad traits, just like everyone else.” A giggle escaped her lips. “Yes, we have something in common, not something pleasant in common.” Well, ironically Ishtar cared for nature, she was the Goddess of fertility as well. 
sacreddecree replied to your post:Ishtar is the goddess of Bitches?
“Considering how you are a rather cruel and selfish person yourself…calling the kettle black much.” Huffs.
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“Now we have a common here my dear.”
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
When Ishtar lowkey hates the fake Enkidu.
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When Ishtar hates anyone who pretends to be one of her people.
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
I always find it a shame that people always speak about positive energy being spread around tumblr. About every topic, respecting each other e.c.t. Yet, if someone says I really like ____, but someone else personally hates/dislikes ____. They’re seen as negative or hateful for their view? As fn suggesting if you have a different view such as a notp in terms of shipping, you should keep quiet. Silencing someone’s right to an opinion, even if you view it as negative, is not a positive message. At all. Positivity means being respectful. For example, I cannot and will not ship Kiritsugu x Irisviel. For many reasons, it is my notp. When seeing people RP it, I feel I need to silence myself, or I will be viewed badly. Just as Rin x Emiya Archer is my notp, but very popular. Even when it comes to portrayals, you can give constructive criticism, with respect. Just because someone disagrees with you, or your portrayal or your ship, or in general does not make them a “hater” or a “bully”, it makes them an individual who has their own views. Just as you might not like what they like. The concept of “positive” is not positive if it lacks respect. 
This is a  blog where, even if we disagree, your views shall be respected, so long as the sentiment is returned. You ship my notp? Cool. Don’t force me to like it, don’t force me to RP it, don’t force me to compliment it. And I wont force you to dislike it, I wont force you to not RP it, and I wont force you to insult it. Being positive means being respectful, and it is not respectful to silence someone just because you don’t like what they have to say. Maybe I’m old fashioned, I don’t know. I like to believe my blog is a safe haven, for anyone and their opinions to be shared, RP’d e.c.t without being resented for their view, be it “positive” or “negative” on a topic, because everyone has something they love, like, dislike and hate. 
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
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  Queen of Avalon, high Fairy & sorceress of Legend
                        “You shall pay for my father’s blood, for my mother deceived by lies.”
Please re-blog if you would wish to role-play with Morgan le Fay of the Arthurian Legend. Be warned, she is of the Legend, not the Fate variant. As such, please read her information before inter-acting! 
                                                                    Penned by Ruby!
                                      About & Rules
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
The King sits down in a huff and rests his head upon her lap.
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Feeling his head upon her lap, his huff was clearly obvious. “Miss me, I presume?” A content smile, eyes closed before reaching down and placing a gentle kiss upon his lips. “Sorry I was away, was sent on a mission I could care less about.” Hand trailing up his neck tenderly, she stroked his right cheek with her thumb. “I missed you, you know. Perhaps you shall forgive me?” She knew he was pouty.
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
reblog this if you want anonymous opinions of you
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
“....Did you just call Ninsun a whore? How dare you call yourself a King, mongrel!? You are a disgrace to everything a King embodies! When your father is nothing but a rapist and a fake!” Her eyes turned the creepy orange from when she is angered, her bow revealing itself, a ball of energy equating to a planet forming. “You uneducated filth! Ninsun is not a literal cow!” 
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“I shall kill you and make your blood and offering to Ninsun, but thou is unworthy even for that!” If people thought Shirou, Cu, Archer or Gilgamesh were angry when they disliked someone....pheeeeeew, try combining all of the above and it still wont even come close.
“I fail to see how my other self over-reacted. The cow or bull is a sacred animal, even Gilgamesh’s mother is affiliated with the animal. To offer a scared animal, is disgusting, ignorant and uneducated to do, towards a Goddess.” Really, Ishtar was disgusted. 
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“Ignorance is no excuse.”
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
"I fail to see how my other self over-reacted. The cow or bull is a sacred animal, even Gilgamesh’s mother is affiliated with the animal. To offer a scared animal, is disgusting, ignorant and uneducated to do, towards a Goddess.” Really, Ishtar was disgusted. 
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“Ignorance is no excuse.”
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
Dear People I have Threads with;
Just because I start another thread with someone playing the same character as you, doesn’t mean that I hate you, I’m getting annoyed by you, or I’m bored with you; I’m most likely in a different scene, and nothing I send you both will be the same.
Just because I take a while to reply to you, but not others, doesn’t mean I’m ignoring you; My muse is picky, and I can only write what I’m drawn to. I want my replies to be well written and fun, not forced and horrible
Just because I shorten a reply doesn’t mean I’m bored with the thread; I’m probably tired, thinking of something else to continue with, or giving you the chance to set up our next situation.
Just because I drop a thread doesn’t mean I will never come back to start another; When I drop threads, I’m usually overwhelmed, without a muse for that particular piece, or bored with it, and I’ll ask to start another.
Don’t assume because I’m picky/tired/museless, I’m not happy with you. 
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
Dear People I  ship with;
Even if the blog is multi ship, (which mine is). 
If you are uncomfortable with the Mun shipping with someone who does role-play the same character, simply ask. 
If we are close enough, then we can likely plan something! Nothing is worse than feeling replaced! 
Less will not be thought of you, we all have our comfort zones and while role-playing with the same character by different mun’s is normal and common, shipping can make one feel in competition and that is normal.
For example, my s/o role-plays Lancelot, and if Lancelot and Morgan become a ship, she will not be shipped with another Lancelot. That is his comfort zone.
It is important to not hide when you are upset or uncomfortable with something, especially if it is not mentioned on the blogs rule page.
No one should be shamed for asking, because when you are a multi ship blog there can be various rules and varying styles of planning it.
In regards to the Fate fandom:
Sometimes prototypes are different to the future character’s, e.g Prototype Arthur compared to Arturia are vastly different.
Or an Alter is very different to the “normal” character, which in such cases, the same character is likely to be shipped with unless discussed prior.
This is a blog where, if we do ship and you wish to be the only *insert character here* to be shipped with my muse for example, the only Lancelot, provided we’re close enough in some regard, there shall be no issue discussing it.
Shipping with someone else who role-plays the same muse is not an insult to your portrayal. However, asking to be the only *insert character* shipped with, is not an insult to the multi ship blog. Both muns are equal, and deserve to feel respected and capable of being honest.
It is unfair for followers to feel as if they have to fear they will be a burden on you, or drama for you.
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
“are you really fine this way? Aren’t you afraid that he will leave? This is possibly if you can’t keep up to your emotions. You might be a God, but still share the same emotions.” he nods as he looked at her. Her expression can tell alot about it and this was true fact indeed. Even Gilgamesh tried to hide but he couldn’t.
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“If he is happy, then I am happy. I hold too much pride, to be afraid of that. Of course, it is possible and I would be sad. However, I would have to handle it when and if it occurs, correct?” A giggle, she slightly sighed. “Depends, fate is a funny topic no?”
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
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“Ishtar your words sounds like this is a “game so let’s be the players”. A marriage itself is serious so how could you easily say “next time better”. You can not play with humans emotions the way you feel.” he elbowed on the table and looked away. Pretending being married, how does that even work? He had no idea at all. So at this way impossible for him to act like he loves or likes her.
“Fine.” he sighs. “Cook whatever you feel like I accept everything.”
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“I am a full God, thus the mindset of humans does not impact me. Perhaps, in a way this is a game to me, in another way...I was truly curious.” Well, this was a fake marriage, so of course he could easily get another. “As you said, this is a fake marriage, I am sure you are capable of finding someone, in a genuine manner, no?” She had no idea either, yet it made her curious. In a sense, it was a touch of innocence she would not admit she held. “Really? Great!” She almost sounded happy, but she would deny that. Of course, she began searching and combining different meats and salads, thankfully she was a good cook. “
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
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                           Queen of Avalon, high Fairy & sorceress of Legend.
                         The innocent fairy, the warrior maiden and powerful witch.                  Viewed by King Arthur as a Nymph, a divine soul, a mini Goddess.                               She is, the famous and powerful Morgan le Fay.
                        “You shall pay for my father’s blood, for my mother deceived by lies.”
Here is your neighbourhood angst princess Ruby! Please re-blog, like or follow if you would be interested in role-playing with Morgan le Fay of the Arthurian Legend. Be warned, she is of the Legend, not the Fate variant. Independent and mutuals only. Please read her information before interacting! Thank you!~
Penned by Ruby!
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
I ship you with ______!
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