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Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
nijiirorhyme · 2 years ago
For the last goddamn time...
"Kill your darlings" means "if something is holding you back, get rid of it, even if it sounds pretty."
That's it! That's all it means! It means if you're stuck and stalled out on your story and you could fix the whole block by removing something but you're avoiding removing that thing because it's good, you remove that thing. That's the darling.
It does NOT mean
That you have to get rid of your self-indulgent writing
That you should delete something just because you like it (?wtf?)
That you need to kill off characters (??? what)
That you have to pare your story down to the absolute bare bones
That you have to delete anything whatsoever if you don't want to
The POINT is that you STOP FEELING GUILTY for throwing out good writing that isn't SERVING THE STORY.
The POINT is that you don't get so HUNG UP on the details that you lose sight of the BIG PICTURE.
Good grief....
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nijiirorhyme · 2 years ago
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First of all, how dare you
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nijiirorhyme · 3 years ago
There’s fanfiction…. And then there’s FANFICTION. The kind of shit you happen upon at like 3am or some other ungodly time because you were trying to find a fix for ur fixation at the time and you are just SUCKED IN and every sentence feels like a line of cocaine and it has quotes and imagery that permeate your brain and it’s the shit that sticks around in your consciousness forever and it never goes away and it’s always going to be one of Those Fics.
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nijiirorhyme · 4 years ago
NaruMitsu/WrightWorth Fic: Lights, Camera, Action! Chapter 5
NaruMitsu/WrightWorth Fic: Lights, Camera, Action!
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning
No Archive Warnings Apply
逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright
Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma
Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth
Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright
Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey
Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma
Miyanagi Chinami | Dahlia Hawthorne
Godot (Gyakuten Saiban)
Description: Rookie actor Phoenix Wright can not believe his luck as he  scores his first major acting role in one of the most anticipated movies  of the year. But, what was better than starring in one of the most  anticipated films of the year? Starring in one of the most anticipated  films of this year with famous actor Miles Edgeworth.
A Wrightworth acting au where two dorks (eventually) fall in love!  
The whole thing can be read here (this goes to chapter 1)
 October 19th, 6:15AM
 Phoenix’s Apartment
The day they started filming was finally upon them. They needed Edgeworth and him at the studio by 7AM for makeup and wardrobe, meaning that he needed to be up early. Phoenix barely had any sleep the night before from the rush of excitement and nerves that shot through his body as the hours ticked on, but he made sure to get up bright and early this time, dozing as he sat on the couch in his small living room, waiting.
“When will Mr. Edgeworth be here? I’m getting all anxious from just waiting!” Maya’s legs bounced up and down in excitement beside him.
“Now now, Maya. I’m sure he’ll be here any moment.” Phoenix was also nervous, but he couldn’t seem to stop the smile that rose to his face when he mentioned the man. Ever since the two of them began to practice together, the other man began to let his guard down. He became friendly to Phoenix, much so that the two of them actually got along. Every single time the two could practice, if Edgeworth’s schedule allowed it, the two would walk down to Cafe Aroma and chat afterwards. At first, their coffee meetings would only last half an hour at most, stifled by an awkward atmosphere and small talk, but as the two got to know each other, their conversations stretched to an hour and half-- maybe over two. Before Phoenix even knew it, he and Edgeworth would talk for so long that the sun would start its slow, orangey, descent in the sky before going home was even a thought. He wanted to stay with Edgeworth longer-- to talk about all the mundane tasks they did the day before they met up or even more humorous ones such as how Phoenix’s auditions went before this-- he wanted to learn more about him.
A few things that Phoenix had learned about the man, however, was that he was a productive guy. He hated having free time on his hands because it felt as if he had too much time on his hands. That’s why if he wasn’t on set or at a photoshoot, if he wasn’t at an interview or on a talk show, he would spend his free time rehearsing lines for his next big work or spending some time with his pet dog he called Pess. Phoenix had only seen one photo of the lovely dog (though unintentionally as a photo of the dog was set as Edgeworth’s homescreen on his phone), but he could already deduce that he was a good boy. Phoenix made a mental note to himself that if he ever saw him in person, to give him lots of head pats.
He also learned that the man absolutely hated coffee and was particularly fond of Earl Grey tea. It was the thing he always seemed to get every time Phoenix offered to order and pay.  
And… There was also one thing that he learned, but it was something that he learned about himself instead. No matter what Phoenix did to shake it, he just couldn’t shake the inexplicably warm feeling that he held in his chest after the two decided to part ways.
This was something he hadn’t felt in ages.
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
Kagehina - Reunions
The last time that Hinata stood in front of this door was more than seven years ago. 
This place was full of memories, in fact, it was one of the biggest milestones in his life aside from making it onto the MSBY Black Jackals. It was the first apartment he had ever bought with his long-term boyfriend, Kageyama Tobio. 
He didn’t know why they kept it after all of these years since two of them were well established in their volleyball careers and were barely in the country anymore—let alone Miyagi. But after all this time, there was just something about it that the two of them could never really let go of. Perhaps it was because this place was their home, somewhere they could always return to together. 
The apartment was something that they mutually agreed to get right after they graduated. It was nothing out of the ordinary; a cheap place a short distance away from Karasuno High School with all the essentials an apartment came with, but what really was the biggest selling point for Hinata was not the apartment itself, rather the idea of being able to settle down—even if only temporarily—with the love of his life. 
The time they spent together in the apartment was limited— having only one year to spend with each other before having to part ways, but those memories were enough to help him push through the homesickness he felt in Brazil, to continue striving for the day he would meet his fated rival back on the court. 
He took a deep breath, psyching himself up as he shoved the key into the rusty keyhole. 
He remembered the first time he did this action when they first moved in, and how exhausting it was to move everything. But day by day, little by little, they slowly filled the formerly empty space with the things that were special to the two of them until it felt more homey. In fact, if Hinata could recall correctly, this apartment was the home in which they both retired their Karasuno jerseys to, framed above their shared bed right beside each other. 
He remembered their heated arguments over who did what chores on what day, and the days where they would yell at each other when one of them forgot to do what they were scheduled to do. But Hinata remembered how giddy he was when they finally got into the groove of it, especially the times when it was Hinata’s turn to wash the dishes. Tobio would always take advantage of their height difference to show a bit of his rare affectionate side. Hinata remembered the warmth of his firm arms slithering around his once thin waist, a pair of lips kissing the nape of his neck. 
He remembered the mundane days where the two of them would cuddle on the couch as they watched whatever came up on TV, drinking in the atmosphere of simply being beside each other while the clock continued ticking down to their respective departures. On those days, oftentimes they would play video games, and if Hinata could erase the cocky smirk his boyfriend gave him when he won, he would. 
He remembered the chaotic days, and how many times they had set off the fire alarm in their feeble attempts to learn how to cook, which always resulted in them ordering takeout. 
He remembered how every morning, he would wake up to his boyfriend’s sleeping face in close proximity to his. His facial features softened to the point he looked peaceful, and the difference between awake Tobio and sleeping Tobio was so great, he was still in disbelief that the man still chose to wake up with a sharp tongue and a scowl. 
He also remembered how every night, instead of saying “goodnight” to each other, it was more like “go the hell to sleep, dumbass” or they were so tired that they would just knock out before they could even bicker. 
He turned the handle, one he hadn’t touched in forever, its metallic feel still familiar to him. He couldn’t contain his excitement, his almost hands trembling from it. 
The most important thing of all that he remembered from their time together, was the warm feeling in his chest every time he heard that stupid idiot welcome him home.  
He pushed the door open, creaking from its lack of use. The lights were on, revealing the person who he now usually saw on the opposite side of the net, now finally standing right in front of him.
As always, wearing the same smirk he remembered, “Welcome home, dumbass.” 
And Hinata greeted him with a smile. 
“I’m home.” 
This time, he hoped he could fill his heart with memories like these once more.
SORRY if this is not really accurate or out of character but I REALLY wanted to do some domestic fluff for Kagahina ;u; I want to say their memories take place during the year before Hinata went off to Brazil and when the reunite again it’s when they’re on the Japan 2021 National team together! Anyways thanks for reading c: 
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
I think my favourite troupe (?) is when character A closes off their heart from the people around them, yet when character B comes around, their heart opens up to them and they finally find a person they feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable with
It just makes my heart swell 🥺
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
My two friends and I had a conversation about a Youtuber and his wife announcing to their son they’re having another baby by putting the pregnancy test in a box and wrapping it up as a present to give to him to open (which I thought was a little EHH). The convo spiralled from there.
Sorry it’s so long aFKSBSJSN
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
This happens a lot but the new chapter is going to be late :(
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
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wave studies feat miss korra and her gf
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
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narumitsu week day 7 - hurt/comfort
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
NaruMitsu/WrightWorth Fic: Lights, Camera, Action! Chapter 4
NaruMitsu/WrightWorth Fic: Lights, Camera, Action!
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning
No Archive Warnings Apply
逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright
Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma
Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth
Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright
Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey
Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma
Miyanagi Chinami | Dahlia Hawthorne
Godot (Gyakuten Saiban)
Description: Rookie actor Phoenix Wright can not believe his luck as he  scores his first major acting role in one of the most anticipated movies  of the year. But, what was better than starring in one of the most  anticipated films of the year? Starring in one of the most anticipated  films of this year with famous actor Miles Edgeworth.
A Wrightworth acting au where two dorks (eventually) fall in love!  
 (Sorry for the formatting, I’m tryin a different way!)
The whole thing can be read here (this link goes to chapter 1)
 October 12th, 9:15AM
Phoenix’s Apartment  
“Nick! Nick!” He felt someone jostle him from the side. “If you don’t get up, we're going to be late!”
He lazily cracked his eyes open, “Mm? Maya?” He rubbed the sleep out of them before lifting his arms above his body, tightly pulling his body into a full body stretch. It felt amazing. “What are we going to be late for?”
“What do you mean ‘what are we going to be late for’?! You and Edgeworth are practicing today, remember? If you don’t get up right now we’re going to be late!” She jostled his body once more, a groan of dissatisfaction emerging from the back of his throat until it finally clicked in his sleep hazed mind. Today was that day.
In an instant, Phoenix’s eyes opened, he was wide awake now. It was if his entire body had been doused in cold water. He sat up in bed, flinging his blankets off of him and scrambled to get ready. “Why didn’t you wake me up sooner?!” He asked in a panic, his words muffled from the frothed toothpaste foaming from his mouth.
“Because… I woke up late, too…”
 October 12th 9:45AM
Global Studios: Rehearsal Room #2
Miles tapped on his watch in irritation as he watched the second hand make its way around the small clock for the one thousandth time. Wright was fifteen minutes late to their planned rehearsal time. He should be grateful that if it weren’t for his manager, who was waiting for Ms. Fey, he would have left five minutes after nine-thirty. He was one for punctuality, which apparently was not something in the rookie actor’s dictionary.
Suddenly, a gust of wind brushed passed him from the doors being opened with such force. Finally, the man who originally asked him to do this had arrived.
He spent the first moments of his arrival bent over with his hands on his knees, panting as he tried to catch his breath. He had a bit of sweat dripping from his brow, his blue coat folded in his arms, hair disheveled, “Sorry I’m late...” He breathed out.
“I will not wait like this again, Wright,” he scolded. “Now about that uh… autograph...” His heart skipped a beat in excitement. Finally, he’d have in his grasp the Steel Samurai’s very own autograph. That would put the cherry on top of his Steel Samurai collection! Certainly, he could have asked his manager to fetch one for him, or to get one himself, but he rather not live with the embarrassment of Franziska teasing him, nor for word to get out to the public that he liked such a childish show. He could almost feel his mouth break into a small smile at the thought of receiving something he desired for far too long now-
“Oh uh, about that… I kind of… forgot it?” Phoenix awkwardly chuckled after admitting the fact.
And just like that, Edgeworth could feel his heart break into two.
Miles was ready to stroll out of the room right then and there, when a hand grabbed his arm. “Wait wait wait!” Phoenix begged in desperation. “I promise to bring it next time I see you! I’ll see you in a few days anyways since we’re going to start filming right? I swear, it’s at home!”
Miles paused. Though he was a bit upset at not receiving what he originally came here for to begin with, rationality shined through as Wright technically did get him the autograph, but it just wasn’t here right now. There would be many opportunities later to receive it, so he should at least uphold his end of the bargain.
He sighed, “Fine, but do not expect me to go easy on you after this.”
[read more]
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
NaruMitsu/WrightWorth Fic: Lights, Camera, Action! Chapter 3
NaruMitsu/WrightWorth Fic: Lights, Camera, Action!
Fandom: Ace Attorney
Ship: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma
Warnings: None
Tags:Alternate Universe - Actors, Other Additional Tags to be Added, More characters to be added
Description: Rookie actor Phoenix Wright can not believe his luck as he  scores his first major acting role in one of the most anticipated movies  of the year. But, what was better than starring in one of the most  anticipated films of the year? Starring in one of the most anticipated  films of this year with famous actor Miles Edgeworth.
A Wrightworth acting au where two dorks (eventually) fall in love!  
Chapter 3/?
Alternatively, it can be read here!
Text below cut!
 October 5th 1:05pm
Cafe Aroma  
It finally made sense to Phoenix. As he was staring at the two of them chatting in their own little world along with the light blush that appeared on Franziska’s face, the strings that Maya pulled were actually the heart strings of the young manager.
‘Who would have thought…’ Phoenix brought his hot cup of coffee to his mouth, gingerly taking a sip before setting it back down. Phoenix casted his gaze at the man that sat across from him. He wished that the two of them could talk as animatedly as the other pair did.
The cafe Maya chose for the four of them to meet at was one she often frequented, Cafe Aroma. In fact, she went there so often that the majority of the employees would recognize Maya’s vibrant voice the moment she walked through the door with the little jingle of the overhead bell. It was a short distance away from the studio-- about a ten minute walk from the front gate. And it was because of this distance that it would be no uncommon feat if one saw a celebrity here. The first thing one would notice when opening the door was the warm and rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. The entire cafe gave off a very intimate atmosphere, further accentuated by the warm, cozy array of colours that painted the entire place; the dark cocoa brown wooden panels that hugged the bottom portion of the walls paired with a lighter-- almost beige shade that filled in the space above it. Above each black stained table with the exception of the widow seats that faced outward towards the street, several abstract paintings aligned the walls, most of them too abstract for Phoenix to even tell what they were. From the dim lighting, to the warm comforting atmosphere, one could stay here for hours while listening to the soft piano they played over the speakers.
All of that was nice and all, but what really got Phoenix’s attention were their cinnamon sugar donuts. Seriously, paired with their signature blend, they were amazing.
Taking a bite of the fried pastry, Phoenix dusted his crumbs off on his pants before trying to engage in small talk with the man. “So,” he awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of his head like he usually did when he was nervous. “This cafe’s nice, isn’t it?”
“Quite.” Edgeworth responded in a deadpanned tone, taking a sip from his own mug, one filled with tea instead of coffee.
Phoenix took another sip in hopes that it would dispel the awkward atmosphere from the two before attempting to strike up a conversation once more, “So… How long have you been acting?” He asked, which he instantly regretted right after because he already knew the answer. He inwardly cringed at himself, ‘Nice going, Phoenix. You just had to ask.’
Edgeworth paused momentarily, giving his answer a thought before he spoke. “I can’t quite remember, but I started sometime when I was six.”
Phoenix was pleasantly surprised at the honest response. It seemed that Edgeworth truly had a passion for the art that he put the majority of his life into. He couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes softened as it looked like he was reminiscing upon the several memories he had created throughout his career. Phoenix made a mental note, talking about acting was the way to get Edgeworth to speak to him. After all, they both had it in common seeing how it was both of their livelihoods (though one was more successful than the other).
“Wow, you must’ve acted in a lot of movies, huh…” Phoenix trailed off, when suddenly another question popped into his head. He wanted to keep the conversation going as much as he could, even if it meant he sounded a little bit like an interviewer. “What was your favourite movie to work on?”
A pause once more, followed by an answer. “There are several movies that I’ve enjoyed working on, but the one I particularly liked working on was The School of Dreams.”
“Oh! That’s one of my favourite movies! An oldie, but a classic. But funny you should say that because…”  Phoenix stroked his chin. “I don’t remember you being in it…”
Edgeworth paused mid-motion as he was taking a sip from his mug. He set it down, pointing his eyes into one of the glares he had shot at Phoenix the moment they first met. Phoenix seemed to have offended him. “I was one of the main characters, Wright.”
Suddenly, it all came back to him. The grey hair, those stone grey eyes… How did he blank on such an important detail? It was one of the first movies he ever remembered watching. In fact, he could even recall the exact time in his life he watched it…
It was a Saturday afternoon in his sophomore year of high school. A sleepy Phoenix who had not a single clue what he was going to do after high school found himself alone at home that day. Sitting on the couch as he cradled a bowl of cereal and milk with one arm and held the TV remote in his other hand, he flipped it to any random channel he found, stopping when he saw the title of the movie pop up on the screen. Sure, he missed the opening of the movie, but there was at least the rest of the movie to enjoy-- and enjoy he did. As a young Phoenix continued to watch, he couldn’t help but notice how phenomenal the actor who looked to be the same age as him was. His eyes gravitated towards him, as if the young man on the screen shined the brightest in the movie. He knew nothing about acting and once it was done, all he could do was remain awestruck.
This movie revolved around a delinquent—played by the young Miles Edgeworth—who continues to get mixed up with the wrong crowds at school. Without telling his parents anything, he continues to live a life where he receives blow by blow and delivers blow by blow to those who seek to challenge him until he is the most feared high schooler among his peers. One day, he meets a boy who transfers into his class and changes his life for the better. By the end of the movie, the two of them are the best friends and plan on attending the same university together. Not only did the transfer student teach the delinquent boy how warm it was to have a friend that understands you, but more importantly, the feeling of belonging he had always dreamed of having with someone. It was a beautiful and touching story of how the two helped each other grow individually, as well as together.
Phoenix recalled trying to blink the tears that pricked his eyes away. He had never felt so moved by a movie before. At that moment, something in his soul had ignited, as if he had finally found what he truly wanted to do. So, he wanted to follow the footsteps of the young man portraying the delinquent and become an actor of the same caliber.
‘Who would have thought that same actor that inspired you would become your co-worker…’ He was a bit shocked at how fate had a funny way of playing tricks on people.
It took a moment for him to recollect his thoughts before he spoke again, “Oh… That’s right that’s right-- heh, no pun intended. How could I have forgotten?” He let out an awkward chuckle to mask the heat he felt creeping up onto his face, dusting his cheeks a rosy pink. It would feel a bit embarrassing to admit that watching a movie that Edgeworth starred in when he was younger was the reason as to why he became an actor after that blunder, so he decided it was best to stay quiet on the matter.
He saw Edgeworth roll his eyes at the pun he made with his own last name. Get it, “right”, “Wright”? It was the oldest joke in Phoenix’s book. Usually, this elicited two reactions from the people he told it to: they either chuckled a little bit because the realization dawned upon them that they sounded the same, or they awkwardly chuckled alongside him in order not to make him feel bad at such a lousy pun. This man surely was neither of those people.
“Though honestly, I don’t know how you do it,” Phoenix looked down at the table at his hands clasped together. He was about to say something sort of embarrassing, but he might as well. It wasn’t like he didn’t make himself look out to be a fool already or anything. “You’ve brought so many characters to life over the years, but I’m still having trouble trying to figure out what I should do to make Ruth Liss believable.”
Edgeworth cleared his throat, “Well, it certainly isn’t an easy task, Wright. After all, there are a lot of eyes on us to make sure we do it right.”
“Yeah, there are.” Phoenix agreed. In the end, that was the goal for all actors once they picked up a script. It was their job to bring a character to life. But that was something he definitely needed to work on. Just then, an idea popped into his mind. What Phoenix was about to say was indeed, a long shot, but at least he could say he tried. “So… since you know all the ropes… I was wondering if you could, you know… give me some advice maybe? Or maybe we could practice together some time?”
Ever so slightly, Edgeworth’s eyes widened. He seemed taken aback, which made Phoenix nervous. Would he decline? Accept? The man looked as if he had the response on the tip of his tongue, when an oddly familiar ringtone sounded from across the table.
Maya gasped, “Is that the Steel Samurai opening?!”
Then, the most unexpected thing happened. He witnessed Edgeworth fish his phone out from his pants pocket, then after checking the caller id with a tsk, set the phone on the table, completely disregarding the call he received on his personal cell phone a few seconds ago. The ringtone went silent, leaving Maya’s voice to be the only thing ringing in Phoenix’s ears.
“Mr. Edgeworth, you’re a Steel Samurai fan too?!” Maya’s eyes were practically sparkling. One glimpse at her could tell Phoenix that she was ecstatic.  
‘Here we go again…’ Every time Maya happened to meet another fellow Steel Samurai fan, she would lock them into conversing with her about it. This was not a hard task though, as Maya was the one who tended to carry the conversation when speaking about her favourite show. Usually when this occurred, Phoenix would be waiting for at least half an hour.
“Perhaps a little…” Edgeworth mumbled. Was it Phoenix, or did he look slightly embarrassed?
“A little?!” Maya scooted her chair closer to Phoenix, their shoulders touching as she reached over to point at the dangling charm that was attached to his cellphone. “You even have the limited edition steel Steel Samurai phone strap?! How did you even get one of those?! I tried to have Nick get me one, but they sold out just as he was about to get to the front of the line.” She looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed and cheeks puffed up.
“Hey, it wasn’t my fault someone couldn’t leave the house on time.” Phoenix retaliated.
“Yeah, it was you!” Maya accused. “You couldn’t find where you put your house keys!”
Phoenix paused, that was right. He was the one at fault. “... Oh, you’re right. Sorry, Maya.”
She crossed her arms, “When they release the steeler Steel Samurai limited edition keychain, you owe me one.”
‘... How could something be “steeler than steel”?!’
Phoenix sighed, “Alright, alright, I do. Next time, I’ll just ask Will instead.” Since he was close enough to the man at this point, he could at least ask him to do him a solid.
“So, Mr. Edgeworth, you like the Steel Samurai too?” Maya turned the conversation back to him with absolute delight evident on her face.
“It’s not like that-”
“Indeed he does.” Franziska interjected, cutting Edgeworth off. Her usual smug smirk remained plastered on her face as she rested her chin in her hand, the index finger on her other hand wagging pointedly. “Let’s not forget about the Steel Samurai statue that you have in your office-”
“Enough, Franziska.” Edgeworth snapped back, his face gradually turning redder and redder as the conversation continued.
Taking this new information into account, an idea popped into Phoenix’s mind. If he knew Will Powers, the man who played the Steel Samurai himself, then perhaps he could strike a deal… “Edgeworth, if I got you a Steel Samurai autograph, would you practice together with me?”
Not a single second passed when, “I don’t suppose I have a reason to refuse such an offer.” He answered, a bit too eagerly. “Franziska and Ms. Maya can work out the details later, but I believe I should have some time next week.”
“Great, I’ll see you then,” Phoenix couldn’t help the smile that seeped out onto his face from the satisfaction of success he felt on the inside. He outstretched his hand again. This was the ticket, the way he could finally get some hands-on experience. With Edgeworth’s guidance, he was going to make Ruth Liss the most nefarious man to exist.
Much to Phoenix’s surprise, he felt a warm, but firm hand grasp his own. “I, as well.”
As the conversation concluded, Franziska pushed herself up from her chair, “Well, our business here is done. Come now, we have a photoshoot to attend to. That foolish fool will be here any minute with the car.”
“Aw, leaving so soon, Franny?” Maya pouted.
“Unfortunately, I must. But next time, I will try to stay longer.” Franziska gave the girl a small, but gentle smile. “Oh, and Phoenix Wright…”
Phoenix’s ears picked up on his name being called. “Hm? Ow! Ouch! What was that for?!” A cool, leather whip thrashed at him, causing the skin underneath his suit to sting. He had just gotten a thrashing from Franziska’s whip and for no reason he could think of, at that.
“Just because you sport the face of a fool who deserves it. Now, the two of us will be off.” Grabbing her binder off the table, the two took their leave, leaving a satisfied Phoenix, and a satisfied Maya to their own devices.
“Well, what did you think, Nick? Isn’t Franny just the nicest person in the world?” She asked, her voice as sweet as honey. Phoenix could practically see the hearts in her eyes; she seemed quite smitten with one Franziska von Karma.
‘Nicest?! She just whipped me!’ “She was… something to say the least.” He opted to say instead. He downed the rest of his coffee, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. For some reason, this conversation renewed his spirits, his motivation to get better replenishing by the second.
 ‘A week from now. I have a week to show him what I’ve got!’
 October 5th, 11:00pm
 Edgeworth’s Penthouse
Miles Edgeworth was something of a busy man. No matter how many times his schedule had been packed to the brim, the tiredness he would feel after a day’s work was something that he would never get used to.
He unlocked the door to his place, greeted by the energetic dog he had meticulously raised since he had found the time to do so.
“Pess, it’s late. Why aren’t you asleep? Were you waiting for me?” Looking down at the dog with loving affection softening all of his facial features, a tender smile graced his face as he reached down to pet the pomeranian nuzzling against his leg. Edgeworth’s heart practically melted when he heard him bark back in response.
He set down his keys and scooped him up in his arms, to which he took the opportunity to lap at his face. He chuckled, “What did I do to deserve such a loyal dog?”
Miles gently set Pess back onto the floor, who darted from the front door to the slightly ajar bedroom door. He turned to look back at Miles, which Miles perceived to be his dog’s own way of telling him, “come here”.
Miles’ smile widened, “Alright, alright. I guess it’s time to get ready for bed.”
Miles slipped off his slippers and settled into bed, pulling the covers up over his entire body. At night right before he fell asleep, this was the time his brain was the most alert. Most of the nights where he had trouble falling asleep, for he was afraid of the nightmares that would plague his dreams, he would reflect on the day’s events, this one being no exception. All in all, talking to the man wasn’t such a bad experience in itself. Surely, he was a bit clumsy and awkward and just a little bit of an idiot, but what today’s conversation showed Miles was how dedicated he was. It truly seemed as if Wright wanted to improve and it made him feel a bit guilty for treating him so coldly the first time he met him. It had been a while since he had interacted with someone as inexperienced as Phoenix. After all, he had been taught that people of his stature shouldn’t interact with people like him.
“You don’t need to talk to any of these nobodies; you are leagues above them. Friends? Forget about such a notion. In this industry, you can never trust a single soul.” The words of his late mentor echoed in his mind.
He exhaled at the memory. Hopefully in a week from now, Miles could bestow upon him the advice he had been given throughout his years of being an actor. Would Wright succeed with his help? Miles wasn’t so sure, but did he want that Steel Samurai autograph?
Of course.
Hopefully, just hopefully, next week will be a good one.
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
please NEVER EVER do this to an artists’ original work!! I’m not going to slam you like the rest of the comments, but it’s very disrespectful to the original artist and for their sake please delete it!
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when I am with you there’s no place i’d rather be 
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
Waah I don’t know if I’ll finish the next chapter by tomorrow, but I want to get it out before the weekend’s over! Sorry that my posting schedule is really inconsistent, words are hard 😔
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
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nijiirorhyme · 5 years ago
idk who needs to hear this but when your english teacher asks you to explain why an author chose to use a specific metaphor or literary device, it’s not because you won’t be able to function in real-world society without the essential knowledge of gatsby’s green light or whatever, it’s because that process develops your abilities to parse a text for meaning and fill in gaps in information by yourself, and if you’re wondering what happens when you DON’T develop an adult level of reading comprehension, look no further than the dizzying array of examples right here on tumblr dot com
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