sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
Nora nodded in understanding– LA and the lifestyles it offered weren’t for everyone and she was glad Mrs. Cassidy wasn’t willing to settle and went looking for a life which would suit her better. However, the blonde was left wondering how Sabrina felt about leaving the big exciting city. “… Was it something you wanted as well?” she asked, carefully before offering a small, apologetic smile. “I didn’t know I’d stay here either, trust me.” A soft chuckle could be heard then and the woman pulled back her hands, letting them drop to her sides. “Do you still keep in touch with anyone from our LA squad?”
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Nora couldn’t understand the complexity of the question she had ask. Sabrina hadn’t wanted to abandon her career, but given the circumstances, she hadn’t wanted to stay in LA either. “It was the right choice for me,” she said, diplomatically. “I’m not a celebrity stylist, but I’m doing okay. That’s all we can ask for, right?” She shook her head at the blondes other question, tucking a stray curl behind her ears. “No. It’s on me, I haven’t tried to keep up with everyone’s lives. Do you still see anybody?”
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things we lost in the fire II sabrina & nora
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
With a bag of groceries in his arms, his toddler held a very light bag in her own, Sebastian was on his way back to the truck when he heard something shattered on the pavement of the parking lot. .He paused, mostly because he’d assumed that he’d done it, but when he saw it was someone else, he piled his groceries into the bed of the truck and then, with his daughter’s hand in his, he walked over to attempt to help. “Now that we have to pack our own bags, I’m always afraid I’ll wind up doing the same thing.” He admitted as he tried to grab anything that wasn’t completely ruined. He realized then that his daughter still had her bag and instead, fished out the paper towels to pull one out of the wrapping, handing her some of the towels. “For your shoes.”
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Sabrina hadn’t expected help from anybody, but she was grateful that he had taken pity on her and came to her aid, shooting him an appreciative smile. “The worst thing about it is I used to bag groceries in high school. I should know better,” she chuckled, taking the paper from his hand, resting her intact bags on the floor and wiping the gloop from her shoes. “Thank you so much. I’m sure you have better things to do than try and salvage the disaster that is my life, but I appreciate it a lot.” 
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
Nora blinked twice to convince herself the person before her was real. It was the beautiful Sabrina, of all people. The brunette was the last person she’d expected to see at the beach in Hermosa. Without Nora being aware of it, her face broke into a bright smile as she approached her old friend, taking her hands in hers– would a hug be too much? The two of them had worked together and even become good friends but it’d been months, if not years since they last had a decent conversation. It was mostly Nora’s fault– saying goodbye was easier if one didn’t look back afterwards. Wasn’t it ironic she ran into her at a bonfire event too, where memories were meant to vanish and new ones to be made? Swallowing a lump in her throat, Nora realized it was her time to talk. “– It’s good to see you too! How have you been? What brings you to Hermosa?”
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Memories of LA could be difficult to deal with at times, out of a sense of what could have been, but that didn’t mean Sabrina wasn’t happy to see Nora. Despite the length of time that separated them from their last meeting, they had still been friends, and good ones at that, and that was not something Sabrina would dismiss so easily. “Actually, I live here now,” she informed her, squeezing the blonde’s hands gently in affectionate greeting. “My mom wanted to get out of the city, so here I am,” she dropped the hands of the other, spreading her arms in gesture to emphasize her words. “What about you? I didn’t even know you were in town.”
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things we lost in the fire II sabrina & nora
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
“No problem, I’ve been in this situation too. The bags they give you are just not good enough to hold what they put inside them,” she said with a warm smile. Olivia helped her get some of the stuff, making sure she didn’t get herself stained with sauce. “Yeah, although I feel kinda bad for you because you lost the sauce.” She said, looking at the pavement covered in red. “Are you sure you don’t want to get another jar of sauce? Here, I can give you an extra bag.” She switched the box of cookies to another bag before handing it out to her.
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“I should probably invest in a canvas bag,” she admitted, fighting the urge to push her tight curls back from her face. Knowing her luck, she would just get pasta sauce all over it. “I’ll improvise something. Worse comes to worst, we’re getting spaghetti carbonara instead of meatballs tonight,” Sabrina brushed off the incident. She took the bag from the other. If she wasn’t already grateful for her help, it had doubled now. “Thanks for coming to my rescue,” she blurted out, shooting her a grin of appreciation. 
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
“Fina-fucking-lly”, Ace rolled her eyes and then lead the other to the elevator, where they would go up. There wasn’t a living sould on their path and now they were heading to the roof. “Oh hun, where have you been? Witches are everywhere”, that wasn’t even her words, it was her grandma all over her memory. “Anyway, welcome to a artsy party”, the doors opened and now she could see at least fifty people, all with glasses filled with liquids of doubtful colors, smiling, speaking loudly and making large gestures. A large circus ball jumped in front of them and someone hurried to pick it up. “Want something to drink?”
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Sabrina bit her tongue, trying not to respond to Ace’s question. She had been in the real world, which was perhaps more than could be said by the other girl. The “artsy” party was, again, something else. Either it had been too long since she had been to any kind of party, or the LA scene she had hit up in her youth was vastly different to the kind of gig Ace was playing. “Just a coke would be great, thanks.” she smiled, her hands in her pockets. How did people even act in these situations these days? 
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
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Honestly 😍😍😍😍
@lavitabella87 @offbeatcorncob
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
Olivia was getting ready for a weekend in bed, she had no plans and she had decided to have a marathon of her favorite films. Of course, it couldn’t be a marathon without her treats and before locking herself in her room she took a quick trip to the grocery store. She had bought everything from ice cream to chips. She was about to stop a cab when heard the noise of a jar hitting the pavement, her gaze quickly landed on the girl that struggled to keep the rest of the stuff from falling. Olivia ran towards the woman and kneeled to help her pick up some of her stuff that had managed to survive. “Here you go,” she said with a small sympathetic smile as she handed her the packages of pasta. “That stain is never gonna go away,” she blurted out before realizing how negative her comment had sounded. “But hey, the parmesan cheese also made it alive!” she exclaimed as she picked up the item.
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Sabrina offered her saviour a small smile, struggling to gather up her things without ruining the rest of her outfit. “Thank you so much,” she said, gratefully. “Careful you don’t get sauce all over yourself. Or pick up glass,” she winced, the mere thought of the girl pricking her skin making her feel guilty. She retrieved the items being held out to them, sticking them haphazardly inside some of the other bags she had with her. “It’s just as well I suppose. They give me blisters anyway,” she tried to make light of the situation. “I really appreciate you helping me.” 
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
“And I love that about you, but right now won’t you just take my hand and have this night with me?”, she tried one last time, even offering her hand for real. “Period parties are a thing for at least three hundred years now. Witch stuff you know? They they your cicle is linked to the moon so you have to celebrate and all that stuff”, her grandma’s words passed in her brain as she shared them. “So, yeah or no?” she asked, with a smile. 
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“I guess I can stay for a few hours,” Sabrina conceded, retrieving her phone from her pocket and sending a quick text to her sister to let her know she would be home later than planned. She hadn’t been the type to stay out all night since her LA days, not now her mother needed help with a cocktail of medication before bed. “I don’t know who you’ve been hanging around with, but I don’t think there’s a high population of witches on the west coast,” she pointed out, taking a few steps towards the direction of the party. 
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
Sabrina hadn’t even thought about attending the bonfire. Social events hadn’t been high on her list of priorities since moving to Hermosa Beach. Taking care of her mother and sister was far more important, and she had dedicated almost the entirety of her time to making sure they were okay. She was only here at Brianna’s insistence. Her little sister had read about the event on Facebook, and pressured Sabrina into taking the time to go, pointing out it had been years since she had done anything for herself. And so, armed with a access pass from a movie set she had worked on years prior to throw into the flames, she had attended. It felt odd, and she didn’t feel as relieved as  Brianna probably thought she would. Rather, she couldn’t stop worrying about what was going on at home. The call of her name broke her from her reverie, and although it was clearly Nora in front of her, she could scarcely believe what she was seeing. “Nora? Oh my god,” she exclaimed, taking a few steps towards her old friend. “It’s so good to see you.” 
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things we lost in the fire II sabrina & nora
Nora stood so close to the fire that its light illuminated her features. Her gaze was directed downwards– eyes glued to the piece of jewellery in her hand. Bonfire events were mostly organized so people could get rid of unwanted objects nad have fun while at it. However, for most people throwing objects at a bonfire also had a deeper meaning. Putting something in represented all the things gone, some even believed it allowed them to move on with their life. And Nora herself had seen people tossing in pictures, books, old clothes– and, fun fact, they all had one thing in common: a sigh of relief which had followed. The blonde was twirling around the bracelet her acting coach had given her, debating what to do. If she thew it in, would it mean she would also forget all about Sawyer? Gasping for air, Nora lifted her gaze. Through flames, however, she spotted a familiar face– another ghost from her Hollywood past. “Sabrina?”
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
“Really?” Drizella’s eyes blinked wide at that. Online she could do. That was easier than trying to figure something out in person. She smiled uncomfortably at the question, cursing her background for the thousandth time. “Well, I just never really had to and I didn’t see reason to learn, so..”
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Sabrina blinked. She wasn’t trying to be condescending towards the blonde, but she was a little jealous that she had never had to think about grocery shopping. She tried not to let it show on her face as she continued the conversation. “Then online is definitely the way to go. The website I use is split into categories so it’s easy to kind of work your way through and make sure you don’t miss anything, plus it saves your list for next time so you can just rebuy all the same stuff. Couldn’t be simpler.” 
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
Talon took a deep breath and tried to calm down a bit, he knew she was right, if he was calm, the baby would calm faster, but he was so overwhelmed in the moment he’d let that obvious piece of knowledge slip past him.  Deciding she was right, he set the baby’s carrier down in a booth and picked her up, finally getting her to calm down a little before his drink was ready.  He set it on the table and glanced down at the baby, who was now whimpering against his chest instead of flat out screaming.  “Thanks,” he said to the woman at the other table, “I’ve been doing this for a while, but when I get overwhelmed sometimes I forget the basics.”
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She offered him a kind smile, feeling a certain amount of sympathy- and kinship- for him. She knew herself how overwhelming it could be when others depended on you, and no matter how used to it you were, sometimes it crept up on you. “It happens to the best of us, I think,” she pointed out, leaning back in her seat. “I’m sorry for butting it, it really wasn’t my business. You just looked like you needed to take a breath and press reset.” 
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
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Logan Browning for Mod magazine
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
Stress wasn’t a feeling Sabrina paid much attention to these days. Rather than being something that got in the way, it just seemed to be her regular state of being. However, there were times when stress threatened to overwhelm her, and this was one of them. Having paid a quick visit to the store after work, stocking up on essential supplies, she had been about to return home when the bag she carried her groceries in split. jars of pasta sauce and instant coffee shattered against the pavement, a carton of milk following suit, covering the ground, the rest of the contents of her bag, and her shoes, in a pink milky tomato slop. “Perfect,” she sighed, trying not to lose her temper. “Exactly what I needed.”
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
“We order our groceries online, usually,” Sabrina explained to the blonde. “I don’t have the time to go to the store and it’s easier for my mom that way. The extent of the others words hit her, and she regarded her again. “Honey, have you never been grocery shopping?” 
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“So, are there like…people I can hire t get groceries? Or how do I get those?” Drizella felt at a loss, and she had to ask as much as she hated to ask anyone for anything. There were too many stupid little things she just didn’t know how to do and she was getting frustrated with her lack of abilities. 
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sabrinacassidy-blog · 7 years
Sabrina’s brows furrowed. If she had been staring, it wasn’t intentional. The crying of the child didn’t bother her too much- kids cried, and that was all there was to it. Her attention had only been drawn by the loudness of the sound in the otherwise tranquil cafe. However, the words from the child’s father startled her far more than the wails from the little girl. “You don’t have to apologise. There’s nothing to be sorry for,” she pointed out, closing her book and fixing him with a look of concern. “Maybe instead of rushing out of the door you should sit down and enjoy your coffee. I’m sure she’ll be a lot happier knowing you aren’t so tense, yeah?” 
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It was only 8 AM, but Talon had already been up for about 4 hours and he was exhausted, but he was awake and decided to take his normal morning trip to the beach with his daughter, who was asleep in her carrier, on his arm.  Before he got there, he decided to stop in and get some coffee to perk himself up, and while he was waiting for his drink, someone dropped something in the kitchen, startling his daughter and causing her to start crying.  He sighed and tried to calm her, very much aware of the stares he was getting in the quiet cafe. 
“I’m sorry, there’s not much I can do about it, we’ll be out of your hair in a minute,” he half snapped at the person closest to him without looking up.
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