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Fandom Trash. Hakuōki, Touken Ranbu, Yuri on Ice, and others. Also includes snippets of my writings.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sabinasanfanfic · 5 years ago
Thank you for the tag!
@impracticaldemon @eliz1369 @iba-hime @kondo-hijikata @csilla-nocturine @hakuyamazakisensei @nalufever @hakuouki-or-hakuoki
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It’s the hols, y’all!
I’m feeling very much in the giving spirit lately, so I decided this would be a fun time to run a giveaway! The winner will receive a custom bust portrait of the character of their choice.
But wait, there’s a catch…
You can’t win this for yourself. 
In order to enter, you must reblog and tag someone else you wish to nominate for an entry. Maybe there’s that mutual who’s always liking and reblogging your work with super sweet tags, or maybe someone surprised you with a fic or a piece of art recently and you’d like to do something kind in return. Or maybe you just know of someone who could use a little extra cheer this month. This is your chance to share some fandom love with them!
1 reblog = 1 entry. For the purposes of this giveaway, likes will not count as entries. (Because you can’t tag someone in a like.)
Tag as many folks as you like! Each tag will enter that person into the drawing.
Reblogs without any tags don’t count, as you can’t win for yourself.
Subsequent tags won’t enter someone twice. It’s gonna be hard enough to type all these names into a spreadsheet once! (But even if you think someone might have already been tagged, you can still do it–it’s always nice to know someone was thinking of you!)
The winner will be chosen and announced on December 26th. They will receive a digital piece of art featuring a bust illustration of the character of their choice on a transparent or solid background.
What I will draw: 
Original and canon characters - I’m most familiar with the Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Harry Potter fandoms, but I can also draw your D&D Character or an OC from another fandom, as long as they’re mostly humanoid and you can give me plenty of info and references! (Piercings and tattoos are welcome as long as they aren’t super intricate.)
Humans, elves, qunari, dwarves, goblins, tieflings, etc. are all on the table!
What I won’t draw this time:
Mech and/or furry characters. I’m just not great at them, TBH.
Complicated outfits/armor. The finished piece will be a bust, so I’ll do whatever is visible from the shoulders up if you want clothing and jewelry included, but it should be fairly simple.
Animals. They take more time, and I need more practice at them to really feel good about doing them for other people.
Happy holidays and good luck to everyone!
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sabinasanfanfic · 5 years ago
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sabinasanfanfic · 5 years ago
Fictober Day 2: Nightmare
Edo era, around Edo Blossoms. I really love writing these two so much >< I am self-indulging…
“Hacchi, how could you!?”
He could hear how scared, how horrified and disgusted she was with him. He stared at the blood on his hands, splattered on his sword, his face, his uniform. The stench of it was overwhelming, but sickeningly sweet. His white hair danced with the wind. His ruby red eyes flickered to her. “There was no other choice.”
She shook her head, her wide light brown eyes staring at him with fear as tears streaked down her cheeks. “This isn’t like you!”
He let the tip of the sword drag as he walked towards her. “Sometimes one has to change in order to gain. The power given to me by this arm,” He lifted his bandaged arm. “I’ve unlocked its full potential.”
Etsu slowly backed away from him. “You’re beginning to sound like Takeda! Hacchi, please!”
“I am superior to that joke of a creature.” He licked the blood off his fingers and he loomed over her as she tripped and fell down. “Come,” He held his hand out to her.
“N-no!” She scrambled to her feet and let out a shriek when he grabbed her wrist in a tight grip. Her body was trembling as she tried to pry her hand away from his strong grip. “Stop it, Hacchi!”
Iba’s soft green eyes flew open as he sat up in a panic. His heart rammed in his chest as he realized he was still in the inn room he and Etsu were staying at.
His eyes darted to her and his breathing slowed as he watched her blink sleepily and sit up. So, it had been a nightmare then. He fell back on the futon and covered his eyes. He felt Etsu come closer and he opened his arms. As she drew closer to him, he wrapped an arm around her and buried his face in her hair. She smelled sweet, like red bean buns.
“Did you have a nightmare again?”
He merely nodded and he continued on focusing on her breathing. It was a dream. It was a dream, he continued to chant internally. If he had done something unforgivable, Etsu would not be by his side.  
Her fingers found his chestnut brown hair and she started running them through it. He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh as he felt and focused on every movement of her fingers. They remained like this for a while until Etsu felt Iba’s body relax against hers. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Just let me apologize.” Iba’s lips met hers in a slow kiss. “Please, if I ever show signs of changing, stop me.”
She tilted her head in confusion and blinked. “Ah…Is it talking to you again?”
“Through my dreams, I believe…” He sighed and started to pepper kisses on her face. “I will not succumb to it. Not while I have you by my side.”
Etsu gave him a soft smile and she brushed their noses together. “I know you won’t because I love you.”
“And I, you, my love.”  
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sabinasanfanfic · 5 years ago
Pairings: Iba Hachiro/OC Rating: G
Ever since I saw the new CGs, I couldn’t get this scene out of my head. Miura Etsu belongs to @iba-hime
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.*The Kiss*.
White blossoms drifted along the whisper of a warm spring breeze, flitted through rays of high noon sunshine raining down and sparkling gold on this day of days. It was all perfect, so perfect: every beautiful childhood daydream, every expectation, combined—and somehow more yet. She’d imagined this moment more times than memory could have possibly served…before there was talk of bonding or a lace ivory dress or even a groom himself. Still, nothing could ever have braced Etsu for the reality of Iba’s gentle hands now reaching for her veil and ever so carefully pushing it back.
His eyes were soft and glassy from the pricking of tears, so rife with bliss that she felt the elation they held coursing through her body—felt her heart beat faster, felt her breath drawn just a bit quicker.
“My lady…” The tenderness in Iba’s voice was insurmountable, while deft fingertips released the dainty shroud now framing the beauty of Etsu’s face. He cupped her cheeks with his palms and leaned in. “I hold the entire world between my hands.”
“Hachiro…” His name was barely audible as Etsu bit the inner edge of her lip to stop it from trembling, and a choppy exhale left her chest. The will of emotion won over at last, however, when diamond droplets suddenly broke free from between her lashes and began a slow trail down her features.
A thumb on each cheek caught her stray tears and wiped them away. “I promise to always be at your side, to love and protect you, to always…” Iba smiled a little further. “…dry your tears. I give myself to you, Etsu, as your devoted husband, now and forever.”
Etsu’s lashes fell as she cried, as Iba leaned in and sealed the promise of marriage with a kiss, their fingers entwining tightly and holding, holding, holding—like life itself depended on the embracing of these two hands.
And maybe, in some way, it did. Because after all the hardships and all the suffering this merciless world had thrust upon them both, all Etsu could see now when she opened her eyes again was a future of happiness.
“Now and forever,” she whispered, her lips still against his.
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sabinasanfanfic · 5 years ago
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Referring to The Life and times of Yukimura the Page.
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
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Thank you to whoever made this :) I felt like posting some writing tips.
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
What to Expect When You’re Expecting (Sengoku version)
Ikesen fanfiction by impracticaldemon
Author’s Note: a sequel to Impurely Political (both take place after Masamune’s Romantic Route); slice of life, fluff, banter, and sexy times ^^
Also:  Happy Birthday Masamune! ♥ September 5
Words: ~ 2000  |   Rating:  M   |  Read Also on  AO3
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What to Expect When You’re Expecting (Sengoku Version) (Impurely Political, Part II)
“About this trip to Azuchi we had planned…”
Masamune’s tone was light—nonchalant, even—but he couldn’t fool me.  I’d been wondering how and when he was going to broach the subject.  I looked up from the letter I was writing, and turned so that I was facing him.  He’d just finished changing for bed, and his sleeping yukata draped nicely over his lean, athletic form.  I paused to enjoy the view, taking in broad shoulders, a glimpse of muscular chest, and narrow hips defined by a neatly-tied obi.
“Oi!”  There was a hint of laughter in my lover’s voice.  “My face is up here, lass.”
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
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Happy Birthday Masamune! ♥
♥ makes a great tablet/phone background ♥ *updated
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
I wish that there wasn’t this feeling of “Haha, I suck.” Among fan fiction writers. Don’t apologize for not being able to update regularly. Don’t apologize for what happens in your life. Enjoy taking your time with things. Update when you want. Consume other works when (and while) you’re stuck. You’re not a word generating machine. You’re a person, and I am grateful that you’ve chosen to share your stories with us. Thank you.
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
For HijiChiWeekend 2019: Rebirth Day
Prompts: Birthday/ Surprise
(Following the event during Hijikata's epilogue)
A year had passed since the war, when Hijikata had very nearly lost his life during the battle of Hakodate and the subsequent duel with Kazama. Alone, Chizuru had carried the barely alive Hijikata to a safe, hidden place where he remained unconscious for an extended period of time. While he was hovering between life and death, it was announced to the outside world that he had been killed during the war, and so there was no longer a place for him in society.
Looking back at the past events, the quiet life Hijikata and Chizuru were currently leading felt both like a blessing and a dream came true. Time passed by peacefully and seasons changed, and then it was the time for sakura to bloom again.
"Here is a good spot, Toshizo-san," Chizuru laid open a picnic blanket under a pink sakura tree and beckoned him to come sit next to her.
"So, you've been busy the whole morning preparing all of this?" Hijikata eyed the food as his wife laid them out neatly one by one, remembering how he woke up alone at the crack of dawn feeling cold, with no Chizuru to cover him up with the blanket that he usually kicked aside in his sleep. When he found her busy in the kitchen, she had chased him out and closed the door in his face, while apologetically reiterated that she wanted it to be a surprise for him.
"I made you a birthday meal, Toshizo-san. I hope you like it," Chizuru smiled, alternating between looking pleased and hopeful.
"Thank you, I've never really celebrated my birthday... And I always thought that birthdays are at the beginning of the year?" Hijikata asked curiously.
"I heard from Otori-san that people in the West celebrated their birthdays on the date that they were born. It's unlike here where everyone grows a year older together at the new year, and that most people don't even remember their exact birthdates," Chizuru explained to a thoughtful looking Hijikata.
"Hmm, it doesn't really matter what day we're born in, as long as we lead meaningful lives, so when the time comes, we die without regrets having celebrated life itself," Hijikata said with a faraway look in his face, but quickly apologised as he turned to look at his quiet wife, "ah, sorry, I shouldn't be talking about death when you've specially prepared a nice birthday meal for me."
Chizuru shook her head and assured him, "actually, that's my point, Toshizo-san. Do you remember today's date?"
Hijikata frowned, "is it...your birthday? Perhaps now that we're married, you want to celebrate our birthdays together on the same day?"
"No, no..." Chizuru giggled and shook her head. Then she twiddled her thumbs and continued tentatively, "today last year, they declared your death, Toshizo-san."
"Oh..." Hijikata raised an eyebrow questioningly, while quietly urging her to continue.
"You may be dead to the world, but to me, that day was the day when you were reborn. So, I wanted to celebrate your new life-"
"Our new life," Hijikata corrected with a gentle smile.
Chizuru beamed at her husband, "yes, I'm looking forward to celebrating our new life together, and I want it to be a long one."
She then brought their attention towards the food spread on the picnic blanket, "so, I made you these after a lady in the marketplace told me that eating long noodles and egg symbolise longevity and a new life. I also baked you a castella for your birthday cake and made hanami dango too."
"Thank you, Chizuru," Hijikata pulled her body closer into a hug and whispered tenderly into her ear, "we have our whole lives ahead of us, and I promise to cherish you and bring you happiness."
Chizuru ran her hands comfortably over her husband's broad back and shoulders, thinking of how much responsibilities and hopes they had been carrying for so long. She hugged him a little tighter, as if transferring her warmth and strength into him to soothe his unseen burden. "Umm, Toshizo-san? I have a birthday present for you. Would you like to have it now or after we ate?"
"How many more surprises are you still hiding inside your sleeves, Chizuru?" Hijikata chuckled and loosened his embrace, "I'd love to see it now if you don't mind, please?"
"Alright... But... Promise me not to laugh or lose your appetite over it?" Chizuru hesitated and blushed as she pulled out a small scroll of paper out of her kimono sleeve.
Hijikata accepted and promptly unrolled the scroll to see three short lines written on it. A grin spread on his face as he exclaimed excitedly, "you wrote me a haiku?"
"Sshh! Sshh!" Chizuru covered Hijikata's mouth to quiet him down, half expecting that someone might just jumped out of nowhere to snatch her haiku and laughed at it. "It's inspired by our very first meeting on that fateful night in Kyoto. I hope you like it, Toshizo-san."
Flowers bloom and fall
Sakura out of season
Petals flying free
"Hmm, it's not a bad first attempt. I'd say it's commendable," Hijikata nodded, appraising her work seriously. "Then, I'll be looking forward to us writing haikus together, Chizuru," he continued huskily as their foreheads touched, and his lips moved closer and closer towards hers.
"Ah!" Chizuru gasped, "I forgot to tell you about making a wish and blowing a candle on your birthday cake!"
"What? There are more birthday rituals?" Hijikata wondered aloud while concealing a quiet sigh. He was growing hungry, both for her food and also her lips.
"Yes! Here, let me put this small candle on top of the castella," Chizuru trilled as she carefully light up the candle so that the tiny flame would not be immediately snuffed out in the wind, and offered it to him, "now close your eyes and make a silent wish, then blow out the candle when you're done!"
Hijikata smiled at her adorable, radiant face, and dutifully followed her instructions. As he reopened his eyes and blew out the tiny flame, Chizuru clapped and merrily hummed a little tune that he had never heard before.
"Is that the ceremonial music?" Hijikata asked as he enjoyed the light, happy melody. "Shall I tell you now about my birthday wish?"
"No, don't!" Chizuru replied hastily, her expression turning grave all of a sudden, "Otori-san said that if you tell other people then the birthday wish won't come true!"
Hijikata blinked at how earnest she was and burst out laughing. "There's nothing to be worried about, my dear wife," he cradled her head between his hands and gazed tenderly into her eyes, "because my wish has already come true." And then he kissed her, deeply and hungrily.
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
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I don’t think people talk enough of Chizuru’s letter delivery event.
For HIjiChi Weekend: August 25.
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
HijiChi Weekend 2019
Prompt: Birthday
One day, as Hijikata sat on the engawa with a cup of tea in his hands watching the sun rise, he realized that he had no idea when Chizuru’s birthday was.
What had prompted this train of thought was the discovery of a small package simply wrapped sitting on the table. Every year, Chizuru gave him a little something—it was always a thoughtful, useful gift. Even when he would proclaim that he didn’t want or need anything, she would simply smile and say, “but I want to get you something.”
And yet...she’d never said when her birthday was. He often tried to find out without asking her directly as the very idea of doing so incited embarrassment. He wanted to acknowledge that day the way she did his, but he’d been unsuccessful.
He sighed, his shoulders rising toward his ears before sinking down once more. Even if he did know, he wasn’t sure what to purchase for her. She never asked him for material things—she was always happy with spending time with him or reading the haiku he wrote for her. He wanted her to absolutely love the gifts he gave just as he loved the ones she gave to him.
His eyes closed, upset with himself for waking her up. He heard the soft fall of her feet on the wood before the rustle of fabric was followed by the feel of her body brushing his as she settled beside him.
“Why are you up so early?”
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”
She shook her head. “Is something bothering you?”
He opened his eyes once more and glanced at Chizuru’s wide dark brown eyes. She was concerned, and it made him smile softly at her.
“I’ve been reflecting on...some of the inequities in our relationship.”
Chizuru started. “W-what? What do you mean?”
He looked out toward the horizon as he sipped his tea. “You’ve given me another gift.”
A short pause. “Y-yes...”
Hijikata’s eyes slid toward her. “But I...” he cleared his throat as heat suffused his cheeks. “I...have never given you something for your birthday.”
Chizuru’s body was stiff as she offered a tentative “Noo...”
“I would like to, but...I don’t know...when that is.”
“Oh.” Chizuru looked away, her cheeks turning pink. Her teeth worried her lower lip for a moment or two before she faced him once more. “I...actually don’t know when. My memories of my childhood are vague...and my father never told me.”
It hadn’t occurred to Hijikata that she didn’t know. “I...see.”
“I’m sorry! I never knew not knowing upset you.”
“I’m not angry, Chizuru. I just...wanted to make sure you weren’t feeling...taken advantage of.”
Chizuru’s mouth dropped slightly open. She then smiled. “Oh, Toshi...I don’t get you gifts because I expect something in return. I do it...because it’s just one more way for me to show much you.”
Hijikata smiled in return, wondering how he became so lucky to be with a woman like her. “I want the same have one more thing to show you my feelings.” He took a deep breath. “Choose.”
“Pick a day that you wish to be celebrated. And I’ll be sure to make it happen.”
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
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You can read Hijikata’s full letter here.
This is for HIjiChi Weekend: August 24.
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
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It has been a while since this page has been active, but as you know, just like our dear Vice Commander, we have been busy.
I know this is super last minute, but as a birthday surprise for our mod HijiMama, I think it would be fun to make content for her!
Here are the prompts:
Saturday, August 24
Sunday, August 25
Feel free to make art, fics, headcanons, or whatever your heart wants to make! (NSFW is always welcomed, but please tag appropriately)
We understand that this was spur of the moment, so don’t feel obligated or pressured. This is all for fun! We look forward to all the HijiChi work soon!
Thank you,
Mod HijiPapa
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
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It has been a while since this page has been active, but as you know, just like our dear Vice Commander, we have been busy.
I know this is super last minute, but as a birthday surprise for our mod HijiMama, I think it would be fun to make content for her!
Here are the prompts:
Saturday, August 24
Sunday, August 25
Feel free to make art, fics, headcanons, or whatever your heart wants to make! (NSFW is always welcomed, but please tag appropriately)
We understand that this was spur of the moment, so don’t feel obligated or pressured. This is all for fun! We look forward to all the HijiChi work soon!
Thank you,
Mod HijiPapa
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sabinasanfanfic · 6 years ago
Nobunaga’s Picnic
This is dedicated to @impracticaldemon ~ A (small) gift, as a thank you for all your wonderful support. It’s your fault ;) I became entranced with Otome games, Sengoku Warlords/ Ikemen Sengoku in particular.
This runs about 4300 words and is meant for adult readers - yes, here be smut.
I stifled a sigh after another long day dancing attendance on Lord Nobunaga. I was beginning to think of him as Lord No-Having-Fun. Mitsunari, that dedicated man, had never flagged once. He was still taking notes and offering erudite strategies for planned battles and potential ones. All with a calm smile and pleasant demeanour.
Myself? Bored was becoming my middle name. We handled pleading requests from far-flung daimyos, not-so-subtle offers of dynastic union, and various issues of state. Lord Nobunaga dealt with a lot, and I mean, a lot of bureaucratic nonsense. Only here for a few weeks, and I was done up to the nth degree with the political scheming of this time-period. Why so many letters mentioning young, nubile and obedient daughters?
Clasping my hands, I settled further into my kneeling position beside Nobunaga. I stole glances at him, much like I had from the first. This man was attractive. Not only in looks but with his commanding attitude - which I was beginning to accept was something of a kink for me.
Cool and assessing eyes met mine - Nobunaga always knew when my attention wandered. I’d be upset, but that was always when he’d call the unending meetings to a halt.
“Lady Sugar,” his voice was silky smooth and lilted with a smidge of amusement, “have we exhausted your attention for the day?”
Mitsunari smiled. He collected the mountain of letters, bowed and exited. Who knew what happened inside his brain? But he always left in a good mood.
The door shut and I lost my crafted smile. “I’d be more excited to work if I knew I had something fun planned for my free time.”
“Our games of Go are not to your liking?” He lifted one elegant brow and waited for me to speak.
“Yes and no,” I admitted. “I’ve made some good progress on my tactics, but it’s your forte - and something you can relax with. I’m a more simple girl who likes simple pleasures.”
“I will allow you to show me. Tomorrow, I am at your mercy.” Nobunaga smiled.
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