sabikitsune · 5 months
Rey: "Isn't that what Sith do? Kill their master for their place?"
Kylo/Ben: "I didn't kill Snoke to take his place! I killed him for you! To protect you!"
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sabikitsune · 5 months
If Kylo Could Actually Flirt
During another force bond moment -
Rey: "Shouldn't you be tormenting cute creatures? Or whatever it is evil dictators do."
Kylo: "I thought that's what I was doing?"
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sabikitsune · 5 months
Kylo Ren Vs Ben Solo
We know what Kylo Ren is like in personality and temperament. He impulsive, emotional, temperamental, surprisingly full of fear. He's also arrogant to a degree.
But we don't know what Ben Solo is like as a person. Especially after the end of the war (because he totally survived).
What are your opinions?
I imagine him as being very quiet and withdrawn. He tends to be more on the serious side, not likely to make jokes or goof around. He often avoids large groups and is slow to make friends. Ben Solo feels as though he doesn't deserve to be happy after what he did as Kylo Ren.
(He's completely devoted to Rey. He feels as though she's his salvation, his lifeline to the light.)
But what does anyone else think?
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sabikitsune · 5 months
Introducing Old Friends
So, we all know Ben lives at the end of the sequel series. And spends the rest of his life atoning for his time on the dark side. Obviously he gets to know the rebel group.
But... how did Rey introduce him after the battle of Exegol?
Rey: *turns up with Ben*
Poe: "Why did you bring Kylo Ren here?!"
Rey: "Oh, yeah. This is Ben Solo, he's been held by the First Order for a while."
Poe: "No, I'm pretty sure that's Kylo Ren. You know, tall dude, wear a lot of black, tried to kill us loads of times?"
Rey: "Nope, it's Leia's kid, Ben."
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sabikitsune · 5 months
The Seeing Stone and Family
Fandom: Star Wars (Sequels)
Relationship: (Implied) Kylo Ren/Ben Solo X Rey
Prompt: In “The Last Jedi” Rey falls into a hole and finds some sort of seeing stone thing. She wants it to show her her family and sees nothing. What if, instead of seeing nothing, she sees Kylo/Ben and a child – their child.
What is her reaction to this?
Obviously she hides this from Kylo/Ben. How does he find out? And what is his reaction?
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sabikitsune · 6 months
Aboard Kylo’s Ship After A Skirmish With The Republic
When giving the report, one trooper boasts how he managed to injure the “annoying bitch scavenger.”
Kylo/Ben force pulls the man towards him and crushes his windpipe.
Although his voice sounds neutral through the mask, his anger his palpable.
“No one touches the girl, but me.”
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sabikitsune · 6 months
Another Meeting Between Kylo/Ben and Rey
Rey, Finn, and Poe are aboard a first order ship for some reason. As their leaving, Rey starts frantically leading them down different paths, sometimes even doubling back. What Finn and Poe don’t know is that she’s sensing Kylo/Ben and trying to avoid him.
Eventually it doesn’t work and they meet. Rey and Kylo/Ben begin fighting, moving farther away from the resistance group who tries to follow. They end up alone in a hanger bay, and at a point where they’re separated Kylo/Ben turns his lightsaber off and Rey stands with her is a relaxed position.
“Rey,” Kylo/Ben starts first. “The resistance is just using you, they only want your power. And when you become too powerful, they will try to kill you – just like me. You’re nothing but a tool to them, expendable.”
There’s a brief pause before he continues. “But not to me.”
Kylo/Ben reaches out his hand.
“Ben,” Rey shakes her head slightly, looking so torn and sad, “Don’t do this.”
“Please,” he says, a low and almost broken sounding plea.
Before anything else can happen, Finn is calling them from a ship that Poe has started that it’s time to go.
Rey turns to look at Finn, looks back at Kylo/Ben sadly, and then leaves with Finn and Poe.
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sabikitsune · 7 months
LotR and RoP Multiverse Prompt
Lets pretend the movie Lord of the Rings and the Rings of Power are two separate universes in a multiverse.
Now, lets imagine what might happen when these two universes collide.
The fellowship is used to serene Galadriel and evil eye Sauron.
What happens when they meet headstrong Galadriel and trying-to-be-good Sauron.
And any other changes that seem weird to the other group.
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sabikitsune · 1 year
Rings of Power Prompt
This one is not Haladriel themed, amazing lol
The story would range anywhere from bittersweet to flat out angst, depending on the writer.
Focusing on the relationship between Arondir and Bronwyn. Specifically, the issues between human and elf relationships, most glaringly, the aging.
It could follow parts of their lives, first in current time, than some point 10 years from now, 15, 25, ect.
Arondir would still be the same as he is now. But we would start seeing the changes in Bronwyn. As she starts to get wrinkles, her hair starts getting gray, her body ages.
Eventually the most insurmountable problem in such a relationship - Bronwyn would pass away (preferably peacefully), and Arondir would be left alone.
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sabikitsune · 1 year
Saur-brand Claimed He Wanted to Live in Numenor as a Smith's Aide
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sabikitsune · 1 year
Another Haladriel Prompt
An Arranged Marriage AU
As a way of bringing the war to an end, a political marriage is arranged between Halbrand/Mairon/Sauron and Galadriel.
You could have chapters dealing with her families feelings on this.
And his opinion.
The more angsty chapters where she is getting ready and not looking forward to it.
Preferably a happy ending, where they slowly learn about each other and fall in love.
But with lots of arguing and fighting throughout the process.
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sabikitsune · 1 year
9 Characters Tag Game
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sabikitsune · 1 year
Searching for World-Building Help
I'm trying to world-build an omega verse.
I have a general idea of how things work here, but no fine details.
I was hoping people could ask questions about what they would want to know about it to help me clarify things in my mind.
So, what would you want to know?
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sabikitsune · 1 year
Haladriel CNC Prompt
Porny Fanfic Prompt
The evil dark lord has captured his long time enemy, the commander of the northern armies. Instead of normal torture, he decides to have his way with her. She struggles but he overpowers her.
However, at the end this is revealed to be a role-play.
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sabikitsune · 1 year
Haladriel Prompt
Hopefully the author doesn't mind me putting this out there. But ophidion on Ao3 has an amazing Haladriel fic (well, they have several. But I'm talking about a specific one).
new, sharp, with many teeth
It's an A/B/O fic where an Omega Galadriel meets true mate Alpha Saur-brand on the raft. It's an explicit fic, so there is that warning for people. (Also, chapter two is a divergence from part one with non-con.)
Anyway, in the end notes the author mentions the idea of Saur-brand trying to brat tame his new mate in Numenor would be entertaining.
And I can't get that prompt out of my head. Except I have no idea how to write it. So if anyone wants to write it, or has ideas...
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sabikitsune · 1 year
Incorrect Haladriel Quote
Halbrand: "In 10 years, I will be Galadriel's second husband."
Celebrimbor (or whoever): "Second? What happened to her first?"
Halbrand: "Nothing anyone can prove."
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Has this one been done yet? I hope not lol
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sabikitsune · 1 year
RoP Prompt
Random idea I had today, hopefully it inspires someone.
Featuring a redeemed (if morally gray) Halbrand/Sauron.
Galadriel and Halbrand/Sauron have gotten together and are very happy, just chilling.
Celeborn comes back from wherever he's been for the past however many thousand years.
He does not believe Galadriel is with Halbrand/Sauron by choice. And tries to "rescue" her.
Bonus points if Halbrand/Sauron just starts screwing with him, just for fun.
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