ryansclassroom · 11 months
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Share images of what helps you draft essays - what helps you get into a writing mindset?
I get into the writing mindset by writing in a dark room with nothing but my thoughts. I can never listen to music or watch TV because I will get distracted and never finish. I never understood the people in school that listen to music while doing work. I could never. I have to sing along and when I sing along I am clocked out of my writing. I need literally a cold dark room, with just me and my thoughts.
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
How to Write Guide: what will be the easiest part of content creation?
the easiest part would be playing the game. I do this on my own time for fun. So making content for it would be a breeze. I think this is one of the best avenues for content creators because they love playing video games, especially ones that they love to play. (and makes money)
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
how do these data elements answer your research question?
these data elements answer my research question in many ways. First off, I get to analyze the videos in search for BE (beautiful editing) and SP (Skilled Play). These are very common among my content creators and I used these statistics to make my data to supports my question as well. All of this is to find out if BE or SP is responsible for viewer engagement.
What do you guys think?
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
How to Write Guide: how will your audience (content creators) influence the design of your HTWG? 
I think that with this topic and my content creators. I need to write for a sporty audience. maybe how the game affects real life football. Real life football also heavily affects how good the players ratings are in madden. So I need to write back to the sports community because the sports community relies so heavily on this game. (football sports community that is :))
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
what are your ideas/suggestions for graphing your data so it's reported in multiple, meaningful ways?
I would say to incorporate lots of detail in HOW you are collecting the data. I took a lot of time thinking about how I can show a lot of data in the least confusing way. I used a bar graph to measure 3 people and 6 videos each and I think it turned out great!!
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
Share images of your favorite Fall foods and drinks?
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This picture perfectly shows my favorite food and drink during the fall time. Hot chocolate or apple spice ANYTHING. I also very much enjoy pastries this time of year!
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
who is the audience your content creators are trying to reach? what do you know about them?
Sports players and gamers. Hopefully a mixed breed. I think the audience is important to know because some content only true fans will understand. IF you don't know football then you will not like this game.
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
what data graphs do you think will help you SHOW your content strategy conclusions?
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These are the graphs I am using to answer my research question!
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
what subheadings will you use in your Analysis project? #writ318mu 
In my project I will use the sub headings...
Research question
Background information
Content strategy for 1, 2 and 3
Graphs 1 and 2
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
What is your 'go-to' video content? 
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my go to video content is bob ross painting videos. These videos are not only soothing and calm but they are so so impressive. I think bob ross is one of the most talented artist to ever live. It's actually insane watching this man paint and he is such a jolly guy. This is my go to video content.
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
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Red is a perfect color for a spicy chilly pepper. Red in our culture especially means stop, halt, do not cross, scary, mean, mad, and I would think spicy. When a cartoon character eats something spicy what color do they turn? RED
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
what is your working definition of 'content strategy'?
My definition of Content Strategy is how a content creator gets their content out to the world. Some post once every week, some post 4 times a week. However it is not only about your schedule and time. Content strategy can also be how you produce your content. Meaning, how they prepare, produce and edit their content and the unique style that each creator has.
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
how will your research question help you collect data?
My question will help me collect data because now I know exactly what I need to collect. Without the question you could be collecting data that is irrelevant. I think having my research question and feedback from Dr.P early in the week was a great start.
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
research question
what is your research question? 
"Do videos with beautiful editing receive more interaction than videos with skillful playing?"
I am talking about video games more specifically Madden NFL 24. Is it more crucial for viewer engagement to be skilled at the game or to have your video be funny and edited well.
Is there anything I can add to this or can you guys come up with any other factors I could think about?
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
Data Notes
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Answering the questions and understanding the methods of content creation should help develop my data!
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
Data Notes
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Answering the questions and understanding the methods of content creation should help develop my data!
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ryansclassroom · 11 months
I agree. It saves the research part of this project because we already have done the research by just watching them for fun.
Why are you excited about this project?
I am excited because this gives me an opportunity to connect my knowledge from this class to something that I have watched for years. Now I get to analyze the 3 YouTube creators that I enjoy watching.
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