rxtten-girl · 2 years
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rxtten-girl · 2 years
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The Vampire’s Lair.
© Nona Limmen {Webshop / Instagram}
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rxtten-girl · 2 years
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Has this been done yet?
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rxtten-girl · 2 years
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rxtten-girl · 2 years
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Based on your likes!
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rxtten-girl · 2 years
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rxtten-girl · 2 years
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My darling choir boy took an unplanned, fully clothed trip into Strahd’s bath.. With Strahd in it. Had dip, had sip, had a chat, and a homoerotic neck touch. And it’s been consistently downhill since then.
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rxtten-girl · 4 years
Densha Soul (Traducción al español)
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Creado por: mightydarkchocolate
Traducido al español por mi (Cat)
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SINOPSIS: Izumi Momo estaba ayudando a su mejor amiga que se había mudado a su nuevo hogar en la Ciudad Kuro. Después, ella recibe una llamada de emergencia de su hermano, pidiéndole que vaya a casa inmediatamente porque su madre se había enfermado de repente. Yumi lleva a Momo a la estación de tren de Kuro a las afueras de la ciudad. Es la luna llena roja esa noche y Momo no sabe que no es el momento para que ningún humano ponga un pie en la estación. Como sea, ya que Momo no es de la ciudad, ella no está consciente del horror que esconde esa estación, así como de cierto tren que aparece en la luna llena roja. Sintiéndose muy preocupada por la condición de su madre, todo lo que Momo quiere ahora es irse a casa y parece que el único tren disponible es el tren H-666.
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Descarga: MEGA Finales: (Hay sólo 2 finales, el normal (A) y el malo (B) que consisten en tu decisión final. El/la creador/a no terminó la ruta verdadera, y al parecer, no estará pronto. El juego se considera completo.) Cualquier error que encuentren por favor díganmelo.
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rxtten-girl · 5 years
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New page. 🌹
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rxtten-girl · 5 years
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rxtten-girl · 5 years
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a moment by the water
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rxtten-girl · 5 years
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rxtten-girl · 5 years
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rxtten-girl · 5 years
Progress Update
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My internship will finish on a couple of weeks, so I can fully work on Claroscuro once I finish. Here’s the progress on the game for now.
Maps 100% ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 
Portraits 100% ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Music 0% ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪
Programming 100% ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Sprites 0% ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪
CG 25% ⚫ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪
Also, I’ve been thinking and I can start reworking on Expiatora after I publish the demo for Claroscuro. Then I can work on the completed Claroscuro once I publish the Expiatora demo. It’s kinda frustrating how it’s been 3 years working on it and still no demo…U_U
Btw, there’s another place where I post doodles and dev updates of Expiatora and Claroscuro. You can also find things that weren’t posted in the dev blogs!
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rxtten-girl · 5 years
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Progress report:
Story\Dialogues: 90%
Maps: 80%
Sprites: 60%
Coding: 50%
Animations: 40%
Cutscenes: 30%
I’m going to work on this full time until July 2 so I’m expecting to finish almost everything in this list except:
“Coding” (putting it all together, testing, adding new mechanics) and “Cutscenes” (I want to do something special. It will take more time and human resources)
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rxtten-girl · 5 years
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Cute Bunny ~ 🖤 [Original]
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rxtten-girl · 5 years
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I’m working on the Aria’s Story update again! I added new crying portratis for Aria, they will be used in the new endings. She seems very sad, maybe she’s remembering something very painful? I’ve already updated the maps and added all the new extra scenes! Only the endings left! Both endings will be longer than the true ending, but hopefully I can finish that soon. I’ll also open VA auditions for the new character I added in the new update soon!
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