rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
‘For the last time, I don’t know anything. Why are you so curious?” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
[he grins, and shakes his head at her suggestion] Pfft, babes, I don’t wanna be doing that with you. You’d fall so in love with me, and then it would be really fucking awkward, ‘cause I like blondes. [he gasps at her, offended and pouts a little] You don’t need to be so fucking direct about it, when we allknow the reason you hang around Joan is to get close to me.
“Yea okay sure. I’ll let you pretend you aren’t head over arse in love with me...Clay, dearest, since when are you imposing standards, and why of all silly things is it blondes? Redheads are far superior.” She giggled and took another swig of her drink. “I’ve been debunked! All that time spent befriending Joan and it was all in vain because I’m not a blonde. However will I go on?” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
“What the fuck does it look like? Watch your language and keep your voice down! I’ve been planning this prank for nearly a week now and I don’t want some dumbass telling every professor down the hall...” 
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[hearing a crash and a loud yell, he turns to the door of a classroom and peers inside] Uh– what the fuck are you doing in there?
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
“Not as bad as James. However, I don’t think James’ can even falter at his point, if anyone is bringing that ego of his to the ground it would be Alice.” he shrugged and fought of a yawn threatening to escape his mouth. “I’ve dealt with Potters since first year, you pick up a few things; but i’m assuming you already know that” he pointed it out. Scorpius raised his eyebrow at Rose going off on one about which girls her family member should bring home “Just because they aren’t geniuses it doesn’t mean that they might not bring other qualities to the table.” He explained with reason. Not that Scorpius wouldn’t agree with Rose that a large number of females that walked the halls of Hogwarts were not the brightest bunch but he would never admit that to her; he couldn’t let her know that he agreed with her, ho’d never hear the end of it.
“That’s you Potter and Weasley’s in a nutshell; sugar and Quidditch” he shook his head with a sleepy smirk showing at the corner of his mouth. “I’m mainly going to pick up some books and some music. I’ll probably stop by some other stores to kill some time so I may pick up other things” he shrugged once again. Scorpius gave a brief smile at the mention of Albus at The Three Broomsticks “Merlin no, Albus at The Three Broomsticks is a tragic display of attempted affection for anyone with anything above a C cup” he laughed unexpectedly.  
Rose didn’t hold back the snort that bubbled up and her hand immediately shot up to cover laughter. “If Alice even so much as breathed wrong near James’s ego it’d go tumbling to the ground quicker than you could say ‘flobbeerworm’. Of course they both ignore whatever’s going on there, but that’s something a few of us have been placing bets on now for years. I’m only hoping the dolts hold out past Christmas because then Freddie owes me a month’s worth of Honeydukes visits.” Rose could feel herself relaxing more and more in her chair and realized that her essay revision probably wasn’t happening any time soon. “There is something to be said about Weasley-Potter attitudes. Though I do believe outside maybe the Longbottoms and Scamanders, and Joan of course, you are the only one thats ever bothered to really dissect any of our more peculiar habits.” Her eyes nearly disappeared when they rolled as he tried to reason out one of her cousins dating some loon. “I doubt it. If they spend more time giggling and fluttering their eyelashes in a conversation more than contributing, they are indefinitely veto’d. My official ruling, and therefore, it is law.” She grinned roguishly. 
“Nothing wrong with quidditch. As I seem to recall you make a decent beater, you know behind the Gryffindors of course. And sugar is always good, I still think you’re odd that that you don’t like it.” She said her grin arching into a playful sort of smile. His own laughter caused her to break into a fit of giggles. “You know usually I’d smack someone for saying that about Al, but it’s a little more than pathetic...The whole lot of you boys and your wands...” 
More Brewing Than Just the Potions {Rose & Scorpius}
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
Oh dear, I’m not that old am I? [he smiles at her and shrugs gently] I’m not sure that’s entirely true, you know. They’re in love and I’m sure there’s nobody she’d rather dance with than him – regardless of his actual talent. [he chuckles] Well, yes, nobody is denying that he certainly has hisgrumpy moments. [he pauses, looking a little nervous] But, don’t tell him I said that.
“The oldest, therefore you’re practically ancient in my eyes. A relic, as they say..” Rose drawled with a sophisticated accent to her voice. A laugh bubbled up. “Oh, I’m sure there isn’t but occasionally she’s mentioned not wanting her toes stepped on quite as much, but I guess we can’t all be perfect..” Her lips curled into a perfect grin and she arched a brow. “Scared of a little Weasley temper, Teddison?” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
Fuck you. [he says it with affection, and leans to gently elbow her in the side] And you’re so fucking right, but then I make anything look good. [he gives a little spin, and then moves to adjust his ascot a little] Whatever you say, babes, you know I look good.
Rose didn’t even attempt to hide the rolling of her eyes this time and scoffed. “Give me a time and a place Rudino. I’d be so grateful for a good shag.” She sighed dramatically batting her eyes at him, in what she hoped was a mocking display of most of the girls at the dance currently. “I’m convinced you were hexed with a warped vision spell as a child. I find you far more ridiculous than good-looking, but I mean who am I to judge?” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
“We’d have to talk with the heads of houses. If it’s going to be a real school event.”
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“Well, I mean it doesn’t have to be official. It’d be fun either way, but there’d probably be less chance of anything horrible happening if the school sort of knew what was happening...”
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
“Maybe assaulting a prefect counts but they where being a complete and utter child.”
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“Assaulting a prefect? Merlin’s balls, when you go out you go all out! Who’d  you turn into a newt?”
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
“That isn’t the worst idea I’ve ever heard.”
“Course it isn’t! I came up with it didn’t I? Its actually a splendid idea. We should have a Night Quidditch tournament for kicks before the season actually starts. It’d be a great pre-holiday event!” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
“The booths are going alright, I’ve got someone covering them so I can get out and stretch my legs before i get into more trouble.”
“What trouble are you already getting into? Anything really wild and worthwhile? Being a couple minutes late to a booth doesn’t count as real trouble-making Vic, don’t get my hopes up here that all our bad behavior finally wore off on you...” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
[he waited until the teacher was out of sight and then turned back to her, his face cracking into a large grin as he twisted the bottle cap off] Pfft, who the fuck do you think you’re kidding, Weasley? [he pocketed the half empty bottle and moved to spoon out a cupful of the drink, offering it to her] I was the one who snuck it in, who paid for it in the first place, and now I’m even serving it for you.
“Oh such a gent, a class act! Where’s my mum to personally hand you an Order of Merlin when I need her?” Rose said dramatically looking around before taking the cup with a chuckle. “You know the ascot really works for you, buddy. Really brings out the ridiculousness in your eyes. Definitely a repeat fashion statement you have there.” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
“And I thought you were the sensible one out of the Weasely/Potter brood.”
“Aw, now that’s not fair. Of course I am, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like a little fun. It’s probably even better if you put glo charms on all the balls and broom tails.”
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
I’d rather you didn’t speak at all but we don’t always get what we want.
“Always such a charmer, Malfoy. A real Casanova. Why don’t you go dance with some sorry sucker rather than moping about then?” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
They are an entertaining bunch when they have a few drinks, i’ll definitely give them that. I guess just have fun is the only advice I can really give
“I’m sure after the booths calm down and pack up, I’ll have a decent time. Clay’s probably already spiked any liquid around here so I have no doubt it’ll get exciting soon enough. Since you aren’t here with anyone, you eyeing out potential dance partners? You know, scoping the field?” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
“Not hammered, just– just having a good time already.” She promised, though it was obviously a lie. She laughed, hooking her arm throat Rose’s with a bright grin. “’Atta girl. Proud of you, Rosie Posie.”
“Yea, yea, yea...You’re always a good time.” Rose countered with a wry smile. “I’m loving the go-go boots by the way. I’m sure dancing is a breeze in those things. And where’s your uglier half? I know I saw some git with an ascot running around somewhere...” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
The booths have been a big distraction and the cause of a lot of internal struggles of some of the more intoxicated students at the dance. Oh come on, I’m sure you’re not bad at all. Everyone things they are a crap dancer.
“That is very true. However, it has provided me with a decent amount of entertainment, so it’s not all shoddy. See everyone may think it, but I know it. Dancing is the one thing I’ve never been too up on.” 
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rxseinthorns-blog · 9 years
I’m wounded by that accusation, young Weasley! [he grins at her though, and steps closer to her, still dancing wildly to the music] Your father was quite a dancer, I’ve heard, when he finallymanaged to actually ask your mother to dance, so I’m taking that as a compliment.
“Well then it did it’s job, old Lupin.” Rose fired back grinning. “Mum still mocks him for not showing more of that Gryffindor bravery, but I still think she only says he dances well to inflate his ego. Gets a little moody when he’s not fluffed.” 
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