rustymusic · 10 years
This recording is available to download at: https://boilerroom.tv/recording/ocitrop/
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rustymusic · 10 years
Tomorrow's Modern Boxes has been released exclusively through BitTorrent.
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rustymusic · 10 years
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rustymusic · 10 years
Pocahaunted - Island Diamonds
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Meditation. That's how I do it. To achieve perfect, mental thought processes. It's important to try to create this zone in which we transport our minds to another existence, one which isn't so heavily interferred by our extreme desire for maximum comfort. Pocahaunted is here to create that new environment.
The music is filled with chanting and repetive rythyms that lock you into your headspace. The songs then build off of this slowly and at a steady pace. A fire starts to build as the villagers come back with bundles of wood ready to be thrown into the fire. It's dark out and the community wants to come toghether before resting into the night. The music seems to come from nowhere, flowing freely between each person as each begin to sway to the groove of the beat.
Everyone should listen to this album, drone lovers and newcomers to the genre. It's a perfect record that helps to get us reaching back at our inner roots. The stuff the really makes us human.
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rustymusic · 11 years
Taken fron the forthcoming album Chance Of Rain - Due out on Hyperdub on 28/10/2013 on CD, LP and Digital
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rustymusic · 11 years
Oneohtrix Point Never: R Plus Seven, read my review at rustymusic
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rustymusic · 11 years
Oneohtrix Point Never - R Plus Seven
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Meticulously crafted and beautifully presented Daniel Lopatin (aka Oneohtrix Point Never) delivers his newest record with a tighter concept around it then most may think.
Everything about this record is mysterious. The weird website over at pointnever.com, the deceptive name of the album and the odd artwork featured above. Lopatin though knows exactly what he is doing and if the listener of the record immerses themselves to his genius then they will too.
R Plus Seven is aimed straight at our seemingly perfect consumer based culture. Lopatin understands just how large of a disconnect the human race has with its environment. He is highlighting just how inhuman we have become with the world we live in today. Every song on here is built out of many different loops constantly interchanging with each other. With these loops he imitates our highly stimulated lives with the songs he creates. As a result the songs can be frustrating, ethereal and and absolutely chaotic. The song Americans starts out with this dreamy atmosphere, recreating someone waking up at the crack of dawn. Quickly though before the 20 second mark the song is interrupted by these pummeling glitches and stretched out vocal samples. The track then sorts itself out by the support of a repeated kalimba sample. More and more things are thrown onto the track until it slowly fades and your left with nothing. Of course though the main track returns shortly after and then abruptly ends as soon as it starts to get going.
See, Daniel Lopatin could have made that track go on and on if he wanted to but instead he ended it. Every one of these tracks was created to make you want more yet feel like there is too much going on to wrap your head around. He wants to mirror our lives with an album just as meaningless. There are no vocals trying to get you to understand a message. There is no hope buried deep beneath the artists way of playing an instrument. The only thing here is a bunch of noises left behind from the lives we live.
Now I could keep discussing the music and how much I personally liked the songs and how they affected me but for a record like R Plus Seven I don't think that pertains. What does though is just how chaotic our lives are as consumers and how we easily overlook this. I suggest getting this right away so you can question your life a little bit more that the usual.
SCORE: Concept wise - 10/10
               Musically - 8/10
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rustymusic · 11 years
Killer Mike & El-P - Run The Jewels
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I know that I'm a little late with this one but I just couldn't pass it up. Killer Mike and El-P (long time friends and collaborators) are now together again to bring us a new (and free) project. This album contains El-P's signature production and the combination of both of them rapping. Both of them really do seamlessly work together and deliver some of the best flows, lyrics and bravado that this year has yet to offer. Mike has a strong and raspy voice that attracts most listeners because of it's sense of reason. I know it's hard to believe but it almost sounds like Killer Mike actually wants you to listen to him. But in all seriousness this brings up a serious point in which people should always be critical in what rappers have to bring and not tolerate half-ass performances. El-P on the other hand is not as in your face but instead raps many verses that can take you a couple moments to decipher in your head. With both of them combined you get a perfect supervillain combo that is reminiscent to the older days of him hop.
The first track, Run The Jewels, is an absolute murderer of a track. It kicks off with these blaring deep synths and lightening fast flows that come quick and end fast. The album progresses track after track without losing any steam along the way. The cohesiveness of the album is almost scary. 36'' chain is one of my favorite tracks with a hilarious hook about someone walking around with said chain. DDFH has one of the stronger chorus's on the album (second after Job Well Done). Of course though if Killer Mike & El-P just continued following the same recipe song after song then this project could get very monotonous very quickly. Sea legs is a pivotal track in this respect because of how Mike and El-P take the same topics as they did in their last songs (keeping the cohesiveness throughout) while also slowing the track down and attacking from a different angle. The next tracks after this one get more experimental and odd with story topics like A Christmas Fucking Miracle and a spoken ending on Twin Hype Back. I have got to say though that every single track on this album is rock solid. I can't usually say this about an album (especially one that comes free).
SCORE: 8-9/10  
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rustymusic · 11 years
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If you guys haven't heard Faust IV then you are missing out on a classic...
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rustymusic · 11 years
A$AP Ferg - Trap Lord
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A$AP Ferg is by far the most eccentric of the A$AP Mob. He's tough yet extremely goofy, playing with different persona's as his album plays out. Sometimes A$AP Ferg is doing your average southern style trap rap but scattered throughout this you will find odd and hilarious parts. On Hood Pope, he actually takes a whole track to sing (and it actually sounds quite good). Hood Pope kinda reminds me of some kind of gospel trap (definetly has a classic hip hop vibe going for it). No matter what he's doing though he tries to keep a homage to the classics, taking something thats new but putting an original hip hop twist on it. What I also enjoy about this album is that Ferg isn't surrounding himself with too many features. He really lets his own personality shine through as he kicks ass with track after track. Murda Something was surprisingly one of my favorite parts on the album. With an awesome hook yelled by Waka Flocka Flame. Speaking of hooks thought this is where the album falls short. Too many times do I just feel like I'm listening to a mindless beat that goes on forever. The lyrics might entice me creatively but the beats don't seem to play any specific role in adding quality to the track other than providing a base for Ferg to rap over. Tunes like Shabba and Werk REMIX are extremely similar with there chorus's and once I made this connection I just started to see more and more similarities between tracks. There isn't really a hight point on this album because of this. Trap Lord just sort of stabilizes right from the beginning and keeps the album like that all the way through. Personally for me this makes an album have a low replay ability to it even if single tracks are strong. I mean, it's all about the album as a whole not the tracks right? 
SCORE: 6/10
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rustymusic · 11 years
King Krule, what a smooth guy
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rustymusic · 11 years
King Krule - 6 Feet Beneath The Moon
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To be honest here I don't know much about the background on Archy Marshall, aka King Krule. I only found out about him recently from a conversation with a friend when I was discussing Mac DeMarco and how I enjoyed that lo-fi, singer-songwriter sound so much. He mentioned King Krule's sound to be similar in the lo fi scheme of things. 
And so my listening experience began. From the first song I knew that this was going to be a good listen. One thing that King Krule will always have on his side is that voiceeeeeee. It can be soft (but at most times loud and harsh) yet always deep. His voice has this attitude that is practically seeping from his music. It captivates you and makes you tilt your head a little in curiosity. For some reason I get this itching feeling that I want to meet this guy, maybe have a cup of tea and talk about our shitty past love affairs.
I have been listening to this album for about two weeks now and have made a couple conclusions. The first five tracks are all great. They have exceptional lyrics, smooth chords and that endlessly admirable croon from King Krule. A problem though starts to become prevalent at around the mid point of this album. From Baby Blue all the way to Neptune Estate the music starts to sound too similar and un-inspired. The same sound sounds like it was stretched throughout far too many tracks and after my first listen I got very tired of it. This could also be attributed to the fact that this album is far too long for this kind of sound that he was going for (at over 50 minutes and 14 tracks). There are definitely phenomenal tracks on here but as an album 6 Feet Beneath The Moon is far from being perfect.
SCORE: 7/10
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rustymusic · 11 years
Forest Swords- “Irby Tremor”-  After a three year absence, Matthew Barnes returns with his signature style of eerie, loop and sample based, dub. This record is totally worth the wait. 
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rustymusic · 11 years
Dean Blunt - Stone Island
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And out of no-where a new Dean Blunt album appeared. Dean Blunt's newest album, Stone Island, was released for free on a Russian site after a rare interview. I don't understand what Blunt is playing with here but he really seems to like being missed. Everything about the man is mysterious, especially his past work as Hype Williams. (I personally think that he just likes to noodle around and avoid making what many would call a solid album)
Stone Island reminds me of what the b-sides of The Redeemer would sound like. The two albums each borrow sounds from one another and follow the same theme. Blunt's lyrics are still about someone leaving him and how he can't/won't care for them anymore. One big difference though is that Stone Island is significantly shorter. The ideas seem thinner and more lost than his debut. I can't do anything but get frustrated with many of these songs mainly because I see ideas forming but then seemingly getting lost in the process. It's like Dean Blunt got sidetracked half way through the album or something. The fifth track had the most thought provoking sample in it and finally got me excited (even though I was already half way through...). It turned out though that this song was only around one minute long and just sort of faded out quickly and without a point.
The rest of the album continues meandering within Blunt's realm (forcing me to listen to his monotone and off-key voice) as I try to decipher what the meaning is of Stone Island. All of sudden though the album stops and I'm filled with a disappointed feeling in my stomach. Not a single song really pulled me like the 5th track did. I decided to listen to the whole album again with a different mind set. I laid down, closed my eyes and listened while having my window open while it rained. Nothing changed though. As the tracks played from one to ten I could only think about the wasted potential that was on this album. It actually saddened me much to think this so instead I remembered that this shit was free and released without a label.
Dean Blunt it either a man who is filled with too many ideas to express at one moment of time or he is someone who finds joy in making people enjoy the crap that he makes when he knows he can be making something way better.
SCORE: 1/10
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rustymusic · 11 years
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Merzbow behind any music sounds amazing..
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rustymusic · 11 years
Forest Swords - Engravings
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One of the major things I look at when I review an album is the general ambiance and atmosphere that I get from the album. This is one of those albums that does one hell of a killer job with that. Engravings has a feel to it that I can describe as what feels like taking a long journey trough some foreign place where it is always night time. As you continue on your journey you encounter twisted trees, deceased spirits and the hovering moon guiding you towards your unknown destination.
I had heard the singles from this release previously, one of them being Thor's Stone. This track caught my eye because of its much louder and immediate approach than what I remembered on his debut. I liked the track but I thought that this new sound would permeate into other tracks thus killing the overall atmosphere. Luckily though this track fit in nicely with the others and Forest Swords still maintained its original quality sound that I heard on Dagger Paths.
As for the other tracks, some feel subterranean almost like they are coming from the depths of somewhere else (Ljoss, Irby Tremor) while others have a more human quality to them (Gathering, Anneka's Battle). I have got to say though that this is definetly one of my favorite albums of the year. I also advise you to look into how this album was made (it's quite fascinating to say the least).
SCORE: 9/10
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rustymusic · 11 years
Listen/download: ひどく翻訳日本語の文字 by ░▒▓【ALL CAPS AND αւτ kεÿ CΘᕸEᔕ™】░▒▓
if you guys want an update on broporwave and the vaporwar that has been breaking out than check out this album...
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