don't get cocky, kid
survivor! that show where people go "huh, it's still going on?". the show where people get the line "you have been voted off this island"... which isn't what they actually say, at all. it's "the tribe has spoken". sometimes they're not even on an island! see: seasons australian outback, kenya, brazil, guatemala, china, gabon, nicaragua... anyway they're forever in fiji now
my friend got me into it and we watch it together in a discord call, and this season (s44) we get to watch it week-by-week as it airs. i was trying to eat my dinner at the dining hall and then i glimpse at the tv and i see kane giving a confessional saying "don't get cocky, kid" and i was like oh shit oh god don't spoil me aaaaaaa
anyway we watched the episode like three days later.
my pre-season winner pick is frannie and last episode her showmance partner, matt, got voted out and became the first member of the jury so i was afraid she'd get booted next! if she doesn't win immunity then it's going to get dicey
but then we see carson throwing up in the bushes because he got sick from eating the pb&j sandwiches from the reward last episode. this season has already had a medivac and a quit (due to medical reasons) which hasn't happened since micronesia (s16)!
depending on what the upcoming challenge was he could still be able to partake -- he's been a challenge beast because he's smart, strong, and has had tons of practice with previous iterations of puzzles which haven't been changed at all from past seasons. they're told to make pairs but aren't told whether they will be working together or against each other.
the pairs are carson and carolyn; frannie and heidi; jaime and yam yam; brandon and kane; danny and lauren.
we get to the challenge and oh god it's that stupid untwisting net tunnel in mud obstacle at the start! we saw this last season (s43) and two people got so stuck in them that they had to cut the rope to get them out of it.
so yeah guess what, carolyn gets stuck in the net. carolyn so far has been the most prominent character of the season-- the season even starts with a cold open of the making of a carolyn confessional. as she's stuck in the net, squawking like a bird, carson is trying to cheer her on but he does it in such a weak voice it makes the whole thing hilarious. needless to say, they are eliminated from the challenge.
honestly i didn't pay attention the second part but frannie and heidi & jaime and yamyam got eliminated at this step so that's not good for frannie. either she has to get two people to flip in order for the vote to go 5-4 on someone else or someone has to play an idol on her, or she's gone.
the last part of the challenge, the pairs are split and now it's a 1v1v1v1 where they have to balance their feet on little footholds. at certain intervals, they have to step down onto smaller holds - it's a live transition, so if they fall during it they're out. this obstacle has been seen plenty of times before but here, they're caked in mud.
the challenge favors smaller and lighter people. after stepping down two levels, kane drops soon after and everyone compliments kane's hair (which is tied up into a bun) as he walks over to sit with the others. later on, brandon also drops.
danny says jeff's name. jeff says danny's name. danny farts, and everyone laughs.
danny and lauren go down to the last level. they squirm for a couple of seconds, and finally danny drops. girls get it done, woo!
here are the tribal lines at the moment:
ratu (orange) is brandon, kane, lauren, and jaime. sotu (green) is danny, frannie, and heidi. tika (purple) is carson, carolyn, and yam yam.
as they head back to camp, danny admits in a confessional that he would've been gunning for lauren if she hadn't won, but regardless he's going to aim for a member of old ratu because they have the majority and have been running the game.
brandon and kane want to vote frannie. danny tells heidi that he has an idol and is going to play it for frannie. heidi tells yam yam and carson. we then actually see danny telling frannie his plan. carson tells danny then heidi spilled the beans.
so we get to tribal council. it's common for someone who's in trouble to be sitting closest to jeff and you bet frannie was in that seat. they make analogies as always and then they go to vote.
danny plays the idol on frannie. i cheer as the ratus look nervously at each other. frannie and matt are making lovey-dovey smileys at each other across the room.
jeff reads the votes.
frannie, does not count. frannie, does not count. frannie, does not count. frannie, does not count. frannie, does not count. frannie, does not count...
brandon. brandon, two votes brandon. ninth member voted out and the second member of our jury... brandon, that's three, that's enough!
as they head back to camp, danny tells jeff "good night" and frannie gives one last smile to matt.
my girl's still in! now that the tribes have even numbers, it should get the target off her back for a bit.
danny might have some heat on him but so does kane, given that he was very close with brandon. kane successfully diverted votes off him in the past but we'll just have to see next week.
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Aenean varius metus eu arcu eleifend, eget finibus urna aliquet. Vivamus blandit augue quis libero semper cursus. Mauris vel sodales tellus. Pellentesque ut tempor erat, at sagittis tortor. Donec fringilla efficitur tincidunt. Praesent facilisis nibh lobortis malesuada auctor. Vivamus nec metus pretium, mattis sapien ac, pellentesque lacus. Morbi dignissim tincidunt sem quis blandit. Nam consectetur lacinia ultrices. Vivamus ipsum urna, aliquet at felis vel, aliquam auctor lacus. Phasellus aliquam molestie aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus et libero risus.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse sed sapien condimentum, imperdiet sem a, egestas velit. Maecenas libero lacus, ultrices eu bibendum at, tempor quis dui. Donec vulputate sodales nibh vel vulputate. Morbi vel elit urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum rutrum tempor leo ac mollis. Vivamus vitae lacus a nibh laoreet egestas sit amet non nibh. Curabitur nec est ut odio finibus rhoncus.
Pellentesque porta, leo sit amet elementum condimentum, lorem ligula auctor metus, at dictum ligula arcu sit amet diam. Sed ut turpis nulla. Sed eget leo ultrices, efficitur orci ut, vestibulum risus. Quisque vitae erat fringilla ligula lacinia mollis at non arcu. Vivamus libero dolor, pulvinar at velit molestie, euismod facilisis dui. Pellentesque tincidunt interdum sapien ut venenatis. Fusce consequat ante diam, ut ultrices libero imperdiet vitae. Etiam in nisi sagittis, faucibus augue nec, ullamcorper ligula.
Etiam dictum erat eget urna finibus commodo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Phasellus fermentum dapibus nulla, vitae dictum dolor interdum nec. Cras eget ultricies sem, in pellentesque massa.
Ut vehicula, sapien vitae pulvinar cursus, massa mauris accumsan sem, ut tincidunt augue justo sed nibh.
Pellentesque non felis nec neque porttitor suscipit vel id dui. Ut euismod, ex eget facilisis tempus, felis lacus accumsan arcu, eget feugiat tellus dui ut quam.
Duis a est in quam pharetra ullamcorper ut eget magna. Curabitur et pellentesque sem, ac ornare eros. Sed scelerisque pretium interdum.
Nulla scelerisque porta feugiat. Pellentesque magna nulla, congue facilisis volutpat eget, commodo at ligula. In erat libero, efficitur eget rhoncus in, lacinia vitae dui.
Quisque a pellentesque lorem. Cras nec fringilla mi.
Cras condimentum, enim non maximus pulvinar, tortor mauris convallis tellus, eget tincidunt dolor justo at urna.
Proin id massa in ante commodo consectetur. Donec posuere ornare felis sit amet tincidunt. Sed sit amet rutrum purus.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Nullam auctor sem non imperdiet egestas. Sed mauris nulla, faucibus nec tortor id, pulvinar cursus augue. Mauris sit amet eleifend ex. Curabitur ut porta ipsum, a congue turpis.
Nam sollicitudin orci sit amet quam pulvinar, a suscipit mauris semper. Etiam orci quam, tincidunt sed tortor vel, scelerisque dapibus turpis.
Sed vitae leo iaculis, porttitor felis at, commodo lectus. Integer dapibus finibus ligula eget commodo.
Phasellus et erat et nunc congue facilisis eu id lorem. Donec elementum ligula a cursus aliquet. Mauris in ipsum leo.
Suspendisse facilisis orci non sapien mollis tincidunt. Phasellus rutrum, enim id accumsan posuere, ex libero euismod ipsum, ac egestas leo neque in dui. Cras fringilla orci urna. Praesent sed dictum neque. Vivamus pellentesque vestibulum purus, non faucibus nisl viverra eget. Aenean leo ex, pretium et elit vitae, semper egestas ex. Phasellus mi nunc, convallis eu efficitur quis, facilisis in elit. Fusce ac libero vitae turpis facilisis imperdiet eu a tellus. Suspendisse porta vitae velit non convallis. In quis iaculis elit, ac congue diam. Quisque lobortis mollis dui non tempus. Maecenas fermentum bibendum justo.
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