to my black followers,
i love you, you are important, your life matters. and i’m so sorry for how america, and the world treats you.
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I don’t think men should be allowed to exercise the profession of gynecologist. Die mad about it idc
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tips for what to do after a really long cry because you’re probably feeling all kinds of exhausted and drained and i don’t want that for you in the slightest:
take a shower and change all of your clothes even your socks and underwear. this is the first step to everything. 
pour yourself a big, cold glass of water and drink it. all of it. once you’re done, get yourself a refill. this will boost u physically and emotionally instantly please trust me.
grab a snack, something light that you don’t have to wait to prepare. i recommend a pudding cup, a piece of fruit, yogurt, a popsicle, or some crackers. 
get under the covers. turn on something - tv, a movie, music, anything distracting. or consider calling a friend or talking to anyone nearby, even your sibling the next room over!!
know that you are loved. you are important. you mean more than you know right now, more than you will maybe ever know. you are worth all the stars in the sky. you deserve to feel good. 
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“I fucking love this photo. Where stood the statue of a slaver, stands the raised fist of a proud black man. Share it wide.
Bristol isn't erasing history. They are making it.
How shameful it would be to have to tell your kids and grandkids that - when this happened - when the greatest movement for civil rights swept the world and tore down idols to slavery and inequality and made Western society a better place at last - you stood against it.
Finding #AllLivesMatter on someone's old facebook wall will be like finding Nazi memorabilia in a dead relatives attic.”
- Taken in Bristol, United Kingdom
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If you fall into any of these categories, please unfollow me
- the "all lives matter" crowd
- the “i don’t care about politics” crowd
- "blue lives matter" people
- "violence is never the answer” people
- "i don't see race/colour" people
- the "white people experience racism too" crowd
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Reblog if you're black tumblr.
You don’t have to be black, it just means you support us, you stand by us and your for us.
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seattle police fired tens of canisters of tear gas indiscriminately into a crowd, they flanked us, they fired fucking flash bangs directly into the crowd, if you are downtown right now please get out they are not fucking around and they are going for everyone, they maced a fucking ten year old little girl
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black people, please take care of yourselves. please take care of your health. please take care of your mind. please take care of your spirit.
i understand if your soul is not at peace. i understand if you are exhausted. just, please take care of yourselves in these dark, hateful times and surround yourself with people who understand why.
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here’s the link to donate to george floyd’s official memorial fund if you are able to contribute. if you can’t donate, please share. being black shouldn’t be a death sentence.
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the best part about change your ticket is they say ‘let ME change your ticket home’ which i assume means that they will handle the organising+payment while i lounge sensually in bed
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magical girl shows really did snap when they assigned personality traits based off the members colors
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No offense but.... golden.... golden... golden as I open my eyes hold it, focus, hoping take me back to the light i know you were way too bright for me im hopeless broken so you wait for me in the sky browns my skin just right you’re so golden!
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Schrödinger’s teenager- a person between the ages of 13 and 18 is simultaneously “just a child” and “a grown adult”, depending on how mad an adult is at them
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Frame this
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